by Claudia Porter 39 hours ago
Wow! I can't believe I hit 10 million views on my articles. Thank you so much HubPages and to everyone that has checked out my articles these last 12 years! I learned so much about online writing when I was part of the apprenticeship program years ago. Thanks also to Robin &...
by Mary Wickison 11 years ago
I have reached 1,000 comments. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible. A great start to my week.
by Maria Cecilia 13 years ago
I started November 11 and completed today at this hour...I just want to share that I enjoyed this challenge a lot and I know I learned and developed something in me while working on it...Thanks to all of those fellow hubbers who showed thier concerns...
by Leon Moyer 10 years ago
I just want to thank all of you for supporting new writers such as myself by reading and interacting with our hubs. It's very inspiring having so many experienced users leaving insightful comments and advice to support their fellow hubbers. So thank you!
by Sondra Rochelle 4 years ago
Even with the lower CPMs these days, I was able to get another 100,000 views. I'm guessing that by this summer I ought to hit 6 million the way things are going. Since I've been doing so poorly on YT, this has really bolstered me. Thanks HP and thanks Hubbers!
by Chitrangada Sharan 5 months ago
It feels good to find my article on Holidappy in the HubPages Weekly, ‘Featured Articles of the Week.’Sharing a screenshot.Thank you HubPages for the mention.