Well, are you? Let us all know. If you are, At least have the minerals to own up to it. If not let, let us know as well. And please, none of the phony remarks like, "I love black people." even if you mean it. otherwise, I'll just puke my guts out. And one thing, this involves all forms of racism. Black against white. White against Black. Yellow against black, etc. White supremacy. Nazis. Rednecks. KKKs. You name it. Let all the animals come out! Let not timidity beset thee! Reveal thyself!
Nah. I'm not.
I'm a very open-minded person. I've read through this thread and some people have written about problems with relationships.
The world is changing now. In the UK there are so many mixed relationships. African's marrying English, English marrying Asians etc. My brother will be marrying an English Lady and my parents have no problems with it. They have always said to us "if you are happy, we are happy".
At the end of the day, we are all HUMAN BEINGS. We all have red blood flowing through our veins. If anyone's got green, yellow blood let me know.
Edit: My advise to people - don't see yourself as a colour. Just be you and stay positive.
Have a lovely weekend, Oh Dearest.
lol Actually, I was gonna post the same forum question. You beat me to it.
On the racist question, do any of us ever have the right to be racist? Are any of us "pure" breeds? I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure that every human alive right now has mixed blood lines. So in theory, racism shouldn't exist if everyone is mixed race.
Totally agree with you there...no one is "lily white" anymore.
Would you think that "most" racist think they are "pure" in their ignorant thoughts?
You've not seen my skin tone, takes me two weeks in the sun to surn from blue to lily white (-:
No i'm not a racist. we all breath the same air, we dont hold any advantage over the other regardless of color, race, age, sex, work and the likes.
Anyone who fails to think universally is prone to show some kind of racism or inclination to any particular ideas/race.I am glad that I am not one of them.
Universal thinking ,now thats an intelligent attitude !!!,sadly some people just dont know any other culture but their own and it makes them prone only learning via the media, just not reality at all.
Very true... some folks don't wanna learn or open there minds for other beliefs.... My God/My religion is the best or only way has often been the cause of so many wars in the past.
I agree with you.Now we should start to change my god/my religious type of attitude.The key is awareness building among the people and we are in the strongest position in the history to do so through electronic media and Internet.
I agree with you.It seems that those people just don't believe in what they learn,.
Well, I must admit I don't cotton to Nigerians too much. ;-)
Okay just may just be me, but this thread is crossing the line. I believe the majority of people on Hubpages are not racists, and who would own up to this anyway? Also, what kind of comments would you get if a real racist came along and posted some sort of mantra.
It would be entertaining, if not offensive, to see I must say. Hey, as for anyone owning up - stranger things have been known to happen within the virtual walls of Hubpages.
I agree with you there. I guess if they do show up you can tell them what is what!
Racists come in all races. I try not to judge people, even those who are judging me. That is the hardest. To me, a racist is someone who believes their race is the best. That is an ignorant notion.
Rednecks? lol, lmao, rednecks got that name from working in the fields and having a red neck I do believe. what does redneck have to do with racism?
lol. I was thinking..."huh? You mean are people racist and do not like rednecks?
Redneck is prejudice term... Poor rednecks.
I mean what is being asked? Is it being asked if you don't like rednecks? Oh, maybe by saying redneck that may be racist?
Seriously, no I do not believe I am racist. It is not that I am not 'owning up to it' either. I like to treat everyone the same.
I am white and I am not offended when people don't like white people, because they assume all white people are racists. I like to prove them wrong. I have a friend who says, "You're the only white person I like." I find this hysterical because it is soooo strange.
Hey Fierycj, I'll tell you the truth my friend, I'm not a racist, in fact most of my partners have been Asian, but for some reason I do feel awkward around Black people (see I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to say 'Black' people), now I'm getting worried.
In my heart I see no difference between anybody based on the color of their skin or any other physical attribute, if you're white an you're a dick then you're a dick, if you're black and you're a dick then you're a dick.
I live in a small seaside town in England and there aren't a whole lot of black people about to mix with, and when I do meet and chat I get so concerned that I might cause offense that I don't act naturally, say we're chatting about how you like your coffee, and I answer 'yeah I like mine black', and then I'm like, shit, can I say that, is that bad?!? Being so worried about not being a racist has kind of made me a racist in a weird kind of way, although I don't mean to be.
I get what you mean. And I sympathize, really. I get a kick out of watching white people acting all weird and awkward around me, trying to be polite as hell and all. But sometimes I just wanna yell into their ears, STOP THAT ALREADY! You're an okay guy, Mr V.
Viryabo, I can't see this comment on the thread. I have a feeling Mr Voodoo deleted it. Anyhow, Mr Voodoo I'd just say Chill. I live in London, its completely different. Its very mixed. Pay a visit sometime - maybe that would help you Chill out a bit and enjoy interacting with people from various nationalities - that is if you want to.
Hey Lady_E
No I didn't delete it, it's on the front page, I am chilled, and was exaggerating the story a little to make a point, I lived in Bristol for awhile which is very multicultural and have spent a fair while traveling in Thailand so I'm not as sheltered as I made out.
Do you remember the girl that got booted off of Big Brother a few years back for saying the 'N' word, now she never meant anything racist by it, she'd just been listening to too many hip-hop CDs and thought everybody called everybody else that these days, but she was humiliated on national TV and I'd put money on the fact that even today, a good few years later, people call her a racist.
That was my point, not really anything to do with skin color, but I can't act naturally, when a wrong word might blow up in my face. I meant no offense.
I thought the same about that Big Brother incident. If she'd called a Scotsman Jock, an Irishman Paddy, or a Welshman Taffy, there would have been no fuss at all. There's just a hypersensitivity about this issue. I have friends from all nationalities, and I'm aware of tiptoeing around certain issues for fear of causing offence.
Hiya Mr Voodoo, no offence taken
Yes, I saw that girl on BB and felt sorry for her. That was a pity. I think what happened there was that channel 4 were trying to cover their tracks. (If i'm right, it was after the Shilpa Shetty Racism scandal, for which they got a lot of stick for) They could have just given her a warning.
On a lighter note, I notice you live in a small seaside Town, that's the best place to be this time of the year. Lucky you.
For some words I understand. However, no one should "accidentally" use the N word. It is too loaded with history. If anyone does not think there is anything wrong with using it then they need a history lesson. And I'm talking about hip-hop artists too. People like Bill Cosby and Oprah are trying to put a stop to that.
But, the people chosen for Big Brother are not usually the smarted bananas in the bunch anyway..
That's the thing, I don't believe it was 'accidentally' used, just the definition of it has become confused, like the word 'pimp' that people were discussing a month or so ago.
Most white kids today will have a few Hip-Hop Cd's in their collection, and to them that word has nothing to do with the atrocities of the past or racism, it simply means 'brother' or 'friend'.
I used to argue with my mother who would say 'don't say shit say sugar, it's much nicer'. but to me if you meant shit and said sugar, then it was the same thing anyway. Not the word itself, but the intention with which it's used.
Hi. I understand the voodoo that you do Mr. Voodoo. Where I grew up I never seen racism. Skin color is just that pink, creme, caramel, cocoa.
I can understand your problem. A few of my white friends don't know whether the term 'Black' is an acceptable term. But think of it this way, if I can call you white then you can call me black. If you can't describe someone as black then how else are you supposed to? As for the 'coffee' issue, anyone who gets offended at you mentioning 'black coffee' or a 'black cab' is an idiot and hardly worth your time.
A handful of very loud and very stupid people tend to cry 'racism' at every opportunity. But I assure you this is a misrepresentation of most black people, who call themselves black and expect other people to refer to them as black too. I pity you if you have ever come across one of the imbeciles who play the race card for no damn reason.
Try and relax a bit more around black people. As a whole they are no more defensive than any other type of more. If they are defensive it will be down to the individual's personality, not a trait defined by their race. And for the record, I don't believe you are a racist. You just don't know many black people to dispel the myth.
Get settled in, kiddies. I'm going to tell you a story you won't forget...
I grew up with parents who were supposedly super-Catholic, but conveniently forgot the Bible passage that says "love thy brother". The city I grew up in had very distinct ethnic populations in very distinct geographic areas. There was the Polish/Lithuanian neighborhood, the Irish neighborhood, Italian, Jewish, etc. My parents were fine socializing with all of those groups. But in the privacy of our home, I was taught to call them "Polacks", "Guineas", "Spics", etc. That's how it went.
When I was in elementary school, a small black neighborhood began forming in the city. In front of my parents, I could not call them "black" or "African-American". I was forced to use the word "Nigger". If I didn't, I got slapped.
All kids are pretty sharp, and I caught on to the hypocrisy at a young age.
When I was around 20 years old, one of my closest college friends was of mixed race. My parents for years had owned a summer home on the shore, and I invited Mary to join us for a weekend. She and I drove up to the house. My father came outside to greet us and you could literally see his blood pressure rise. He called me aside and told me to "get that nigger off of his property". Needless to say, I was ashamed and embarassed, and Mary and I left.
What did that upbringing teach me? The exact opposite from what my parents wanted me to learn.
Touchy tell. Nice parents you got there. A lot of kids aren't as fortunate as you, though.
Touchy, maybe. True, yes. What they did shaped a lot of who I am, though, and I think I turned out OK and I am a fierce critic of racism. The really sad thing is that my Dad passed away in his 70's and my Mom passed away in her mid-80's. My Dad eventually got the message before his passing, but my Mom never did. Really, really sad.
Great story. You should be proud of your survival. Many would have just become the same. Good for you!
And as an addendum to my previous post, I am proud to say that I have managed to successfully raise three wonderful children without a racist bone in their bodies!
If you ever check out the cityforum.com there was an entire thread about a lady who thought white people should only marry white people. I was surprised to hear so many people felt that way these days.
LOL! I am 100% Irish-American. My parents didn't speak to me for two years because I married someone who was 75% Irish, 25% German! Now that's racism at its best!
I am so mixed up ethnically that people's heads spin. Some think I am making it up too!
OMG...that's crazy. That's like stuff from the beginning of the last century. Unless you lived in an older city (I love them for the diversity and ethnic neighborhoods, but...) like Chicago or New York?
New Haven, Connecticut -- about 45 mins from NYC. You're not too far off with the turn of the century thing though. My Mom was born in 1919 and my Dad was born in 1910. My Mom was 40 was I was born, so it was pretty weird for me because things were SOOOO vastly different between the 1910's and 1950's.
Yes. My parents talk about things like that. Like it was sort of a big deal for my dad, who is Danish, to marry my mom, who is Czech... And I guess Danish people weren't even supposed to marry anyone coming from across the fjord in Sweden. Just weird.
I was once forced into getting dumped by a girl in high school because her parents didn't approve of us going out. However, when we were friends, her mom had no problem with me. I still think about her from time to time but I've learn to let go. One of the most difficult things in life is to forgive people for their short comings. I guess your mind matures in addition to your body with the passing of time...
Well, once you spend time around different kinds of people, it really doesn't take much to realize that people are just people. Race/color doesn't mean a great deal. There is more difference between individuals in the ways that count than there are between different racial groups. Skin color and ethnic appearance. Wow. It's a very outdated superficial way to look at one another.
People coming from radically different cultures...that is something else all together.
I should add that I dated a black guy when I was 18-19, and his mother could not stand me because I was a white girl with her son. It was kinda bad and hard when you are that young to take.
Well to some degree I agree with you. Here in California we have a very diverse population, but some people take pride in remembering parts of their ethnic heritage. Many Mexican-Americans love to have celebrations on Cinco de Mayo and eat ethnic good. Having an interest in your ethnic heritage is not outdated, so long as you do not put others down or make people feel bad. I am part Syrian and I enjoyed talking with my grandpa about the food who ate, and the stories from when he was young. Yes people are all people, but being proud of your ethnic heritage can be a very modern thing too. I am some what of a hobby genealogist and love to do research about my family.
I've traveled the US extensively, and lived in south Florida for a while which is largely Hispanic. One thing that always struck me was that folks from New England can tell you their heritage down to the nth percent, but folks from other a lot of other areas in the U.S. have no clue, or are kind of fuzzy on it.
It's funny to hear Eagle say her hubby is American. Because in the Northeast, everyone considers themselves from somewhere else, and you will never hear the term "American" used when they talk about their heritage! When I lived in Florida, people thought I was nuts saying I was Irish, and they all insisted I was American!
When we lived in New Zealand ,if someone asked where he was from ,hed just say the states,Pennsylvania.
But here in SC he is definately a yank.
Kinda cute though because my neighbour has that lovely southern twang and thinks I sound like the Queen :
We're all Yanks up here, Eagle! (And none of these are taken as derogatory up here...) We're JAPS (Jewish American Princesses) or WASPS (white anglo-saxon protestants) or MICKS (just means you're Irish -- and we're proud of it!) New Englander's are a very strange breed...
wow so much history , I can just imagine some of the stories!!
Micks ,yes I remember that term growing up,funny how so many terms are um ,frowned upon now ,but actually wasnt racist back then.
Yep south of the mason dixie line , everything changes
a few of my offenders think I am...but my living room wall with lots of pictures of colorful loved ones say otherwise...(wink)
Yes...and my family does that kind of celebration stuff, and recognition of ethnicities. That's fine...
But I've actually gone a step further here. My ex is from Georgia--former Soviet Union. A very old culture, and one where there is a lot of political unrest and strife between ethnic groups so minutely undifferentiated that most diverse-background Americans (almost all of us) would have a very hard time understanding these long standing feuds. Or why they have a need to differentiate between Georgian 'Mingrellians' and Georgian 'Kartvelians,' etc., in a country smaller than our state of Georgia.
These Old World prejudice things do exist...one of the reasons he 'gave' for our breaking up. I didn't understand this stuff, and I was American.
I know about many of these things because I studied history, but yes some people probably have not heard about this situation. You are right about how in Georgia and other locations there are still minute differentations between ethnic groups. All the turbulence in Rwanda actually had to do with a similar situation.
Nope ,
kinda hard to be my father was New Zealand born Maori (ancestors from Tahiti and Hawaii) and my mum New Zealand born ,Scottish heritage, and English.
Hubby is Amercian from up north (Pa) and were livin in the South (cradle of the civil war)...wow Ive met some very interesting characters already!
I love different cultures and so many Id love to meet for real.
I'd like to love different cultures with my meat, for real.
lol, sorry about that, was feeling immature earlier, and just wanted somebody to say they wanted one. Nobody fell for it though, grrrrr
I did say I wanted, but maybe you were lying in wait for someone else, and missed it , which was good for me in the end,cuz doh me really thought it was a just a pretty tub...
( I lived a sheltered life)
lol, I've been and checked, you were alright you opted for the bath, it was the shower you needed to be wary about.
you doubted moi
the other guy hack? kinda hinted it was fetish like
naughty wasnt he to say that
Doubted you, never, OK, maybe a little.
Yeah he was a bit naughty, I got the feeling he wanted to choose the shower, and he already knew what it was, bad boy Hack. lol
Urghhh 03:18 in the morning here, and gotta be up early, time to crash, take good care.
I read somewhere we are all prejudice, because of ignorance, and I think that is true..... Knowledge is what is needed to break it...... I don't think I am racists, but my daughter in law thinks I am.... so there you go.
Am I a racist? Nah, I'm not into fast cars and motorcycles.
Oh wait...
hell no.... let all brothers, black, white, yellow, green walk united. Have never been racist...
Do you think Australians and Americans have different concepts of racism? Our history is different than American history. And Australians do tend to be labelled with the racist tag.
Just a thought.
Hi Aqua I am really not sure I wish I knew more how both feel, but yes I know there are racist people here in Oz, you hear it in the news, and generally in talking to some people, believe it or not the most I know here in my town exists towards Australian people themselves (the aboriginals)
I'm not a racist....I hate everybody equally......just kidding. There are good and bad people in every race. I have a policy to treat everyone as well as they treat me. When I meet someone it's a blank slate.....shake my hand and I'll shake yours. Pull a gun on me and you'd better get the first shot off.
I guess every country ,every community has a measure of Racism ,even if its not noticable.
The only time it becomes an issue is when one group blames the other ,then it can get pretty heated and all of the stored up junk comes spewing out.
In New Zealand , some groups blamed the English settlers for years ,they in turn blame the native or small-minded colonists.
Then the shift turned on the Asians,more recently would be middle-eastern people.
I believe its a mixture of all the reasons posted, no matter where youre from, however change begins first with the individual.
Walk a mile in someone elses shoes etc....better than putting a cap in someones ass anytime , dont ya think.
The way I see it is, the human race is mixed ,has been for quite some time, yet some races are seen to more worthy( if thats the right word) no wait ...more civilised...
and usually the people who have that attitude ,often are in denial about their own history etc ( explorers raping, or keeping a lil native girl on the side ,so obviously ok to bleep (and breed) just dont marry it...
Division and prejudice is perhaps no more obvious than in a forum and also absent if we so chose it to be.
I've gotten in trouble a few times for using the word "black" in a conversation. People tend to jump down my throat and tell me the term is "African-American". However, I've got tons of black friends that are from Haiti, Jamaica, etc. and not from Africa, so it doesn't feel right to say that they're African-American. I know the obvious answer is never to refer to it at all, but to me it's just a descriptor like "that tall guy over there", "the guy with the mustache", "the blonde chick" or "the white guy in the blue shirt". What's the right term, and is using it offensive?
I love yellow people with a fierce passion.
Black people that i don't know tend to intimidate me more than if they were Caucasian. Nothing personal, just a sub-conscious thing i guess.
I'm not a racist.
What was the point of this thread again? Does anyone else get the sense this is a "My aren't we wonderful and open minded and everyone else is ignorant?" thread?
Boy Tk, did you just show me a new level of dumbness. And there I was thinking you are cool. Poor me.
Well, I tried to get into NASCAR and Offroad and other racing but it was just too boring.
Just been reading this thread, do you mean to tell me that some people even THINK that ENGLISH people are not the best in the world, come on I am not racist but it is a well known fact they are the best....
Not drunk exactly but me and Sufi know the truth dont we????
Looking forward to visiting Nigeria for the filming in a couple of years!
Yeah I am coming too, only kidding .... You will get an oscar
I dont know the wise ass remarks you and Sufi are trying to pull. But I dont like it. You're fast turning into pissers.
We are both from the same place in England, so it must be the best place!
Totally serious about the filming, though - there won't be much time for sightseeing, but a few weeks in Nigeria will be great
Nothing less amusing than being the one sober person watching stoned people giggling for no reason.
I'm not. Haha
Racism will always be around. I guess history only makes it worse at times. Most of us are just profiling and classifying but we don't really "hate" other races. Some are just pure racists. Hating a person of another color just because they are born with that particular color. It's very unfortunate.
by Jonas 12 years ago
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by Onusonus 6 years ago
I hate racism, I hate racist people, I think the Civil War was over slavery. I've seen this country embrace the self evident truth that all men are created equal, and the doctrine of Martin Luther King, until now.People get fired from their jobs and shunned from society (rightfully so) for spouting...
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