Is "redneck" one of the few racist terms that are still accepted to say in today

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  1. Stickypony profile image66
    Stickyponyposted 11 years ago

    Is "redneck" one of the few racist terms that are still accepted to say in todays society?

  2. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image81
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years ago

    Redneck would not qualify as a racist term - it does not refer to a certain ethnic group or to a race of people. It's one of those terms used interchangeably by people who think of themselves (often humorously) as rednecks and by others, to refer to someone as being a redneck.

    This is similar to terms such as frat boy, yuppie, geek, etc. - each of those words brings to mind a type of lifestyle or various qualities most people recognize, but the words don't refer to any particular racial group and are not considered slurs.

    1. Stickypony profile image66
      Stickyponyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Most of the time when people talk about rednecks it's somebody that's white, I think it's silly to talk about the term redneck and say it's not about ethnicity when it clearly is. And in my experience the redneck term is used as something negative.

  3. Li Galo profile image77
    Li Galoposted 11 years ago

    I have to agree with Marcy on this one.  I don't think this is a racist term.  I lived part of my life in the South and redneck was always a term used with a bit of humor thrown in... like, "He thinks he's a redneck!" of those jokes that start with "You must be a redneck if... "  Those jokes are funny because we do those things, even though we might not call ourselves rednecks.  If we don't do those things, we can usually think of someone we know who does and that's funny, too.  Maybe in days past, it was meant with a racial connotation but these days it means anyone who subscribes to a certain lifestyle.

  4. profile image57
    j w adamsposted 11 years ago

    Well now here"s one to puzzle !
    In the UK it is ok to call/write/publish of a person from Pakistan as  "Pak" but racist to add an "i" and form "Paki" ! Thus the difference here is just "i " Confirmation of this is on TV whenever Pakistan is playing Cricket as their scores are shortened to PAK everytime.
    As kids we were taught that "sticks and stones may break my bones but calling will not hurt me". Today that is not at all "politically correct". More fools us all.

  5. LauraGT profile image83
    LauraGTposted 11 years ago

    Interesting question.  I agree with those who have posted in that I don't think it's a racist term because it's not describing a particular race. However, that does not mean that it's not harmful.  The term has its origins in describing poor, white workers and now is generally used in a derogatory manner to refer to people who are thought to be uneducated, uncultured, and racist.  I think the term may have been "reclaimed" by self-described "rednecks" but I don't think that necessarily means that it should be used or that it can't be harmful. In any case, it is something to consider.

  6. Miller2232 profile image59
    Miller2232posted 11 years ago

    "Redneck" has never been a term that has been viewed as racist ever because anyone could live in the country. "Redneck" is the same as a hippie, dork, a frat or any other term that involves subculture. That is how I view "Redneck" as, just a part of a subculture and being no different from a hipster.

  7. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    As a 'redneck' growing up and maturing in our strange society , I 've come to realize that all prejudices  didn't ONLY come from white males as I had been origionally taught  .  Heres an experiment for you ........think about  the reversing of  prejudiced !   Go anywhere in our country and there are little hidden  terms used against even us rednecks , I'm sure it started LONG ago but became much more noticeable in the last 50 years or so .  "Honky" comes to mind , 'whitebread ",  "gringo " ,  "paleface "  . One thing I've noticed in the last few years is how Native Americans [indians ] tribal regions , each have thier own little nick name for us pale faces !   And even more noticable to me is the actual avoidance of eye contact in places like Mexico , Canada ,.........Ahh whatever , my point :everyone has there own prejudism's .  And yet in America's new  culture , we think that it only comes from white middlle class .crew cut , pick up driving rednecks !  There's plenty of blame to go around ............

  8. ienjoythis profile image69
    ienjoythisposted 11 years ago

    "Redneck" is more of a derogatory term. And the reason saying the word "redneck" doesn't result in silent gasps or "did he just say the R-word" reactions is because those who are considered "rednecks" usually laugh along and know the humor in it.

    1. Miller2232 profile image59
      Miller2232posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think you nailed it right there as to why its not viewed as a racist term. Its how some react to be called a certain term.

  9. Doc Snow profile image84
    Doc Snowposted 11 years ago

    "Redneck" isn't racial, really--more sociological.  It's based upon class and behavior, not upon race (though it's true that the literal meaning reveals that it was coined with 'whites' in mind.)

    1. LauraGT profile image83
      LauraGTposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well said, Doc Snow. It still begs the question of whether or not it's acceptable to use this term.  It's interesting how some words like "yuppie" or "geek" seem a little more acceptable, but it would be interesting to tease this apart.

  10. flacoinohio profile image76
    flacoinohioposted 11 years ago

    Yes it is, especially since people such as Jeff Foxworthy, Larry The Cable Guy, Ron White, and Bill Engvall make the term "Redneck" and their perceived notions about that particular group of people as something to laugh about.  Their claim to be part of the "redneck" culture and make fun of themselves, their families,and others they consider to be rednecks is still little more than promoting racism.  Their acts encourage people to view others as ignorant, inbred morons who drink continuously, do stupid crazy activities for fun, and haphazardly rig everyday use items to make them work "redneck" style.  I sometimes label people a redneck based on what they are driving (usually a pickup truck), how they are driving, how people are dressed, and how they act based on what I have heard for these and other people's descriptions of what a redneck is.   I may even think what I have said about a person being a redneck as being funny.  So I am guilty of being racist for having those thoughts which to be honest are not generally though of being racist.  Maybe it is because there is no one advocating to get people understand that "redneck" is a hateful word just like other words used to label or describe other ethnic groups.  In this case rednecks refer to low income, uneducated, gun toting Caucasians that are considered to be a substandard group of people who should be feared on some level for their stupidity.

  11. Jeff Berndt profile image70
    Jeff Berndtposted 11 years ago

    I dunno about "racist." It's mainly used by affluent urban and suburban white people  to describe rural poor white people who the affluent ones perceive to be unsophisticated, under-educated, and, yes, racist.

    Perhaps "classist" might be a better word for it?

    It's certainly a prejudicial term, but since it was coined (and is still mainly used) by white people to describe other white people, I don't think it can be called racist.

  12. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Maybe I just live in a dfferent area than some of the others here, but redneck IS about race here.  I have often heard black people use it in a bad way toward white people. I have never once heard someone call a black person a redneck no matter how much beer they drink, nascar they watch, or how far out in the country they live. Redneck here means an ignorant white person.  While I am not personally bothered by the term I don't see how a person using it toward a white person is any different than using bean or wetback toward a mexican.

  13. Seeker7 profile image76
    Seeker7posted 11 years ago

    Being from Scotland I've heard the term 'redneck' but not entirely sure what it refers to.

    In the UK we also have terms that might be kind of similar. For example, if, like me, you're from Scotland you'll often get folks from the other countries in the UK - England, Wales and Northern Ireland - calling us 'Jocks'. In turn the term 'Geordie' is often used for folks from the Newcastle area in northern England. My great grandfather was Irish and called Michael, but his workmates often called him 'Paddy'. These tems are not usually used to offend, but it would depend on what way it was said and how the person receives it. So perhaps most words/names are not racist unless it's spoken in an offensive manner? Just a thought!

  14. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 11 years ago

    No, not " racist"..........per se............though you never see anyone other than a " white" person, being protrayed as " redneck"...............or for that matter, as " racist".

    I, do think, ( and I am of Southern Heritage) that it is disrespectful, and dismissive.

    I can not understand how my fellow southerners, can take pride in it, as it is SO far removed from its original meaning.

    If you are " white", you are either redneck or racist.......................if you are any other race in the are either forward, deserving,  or a victim.

    Yeah, I see the " racism".


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