Why can't I ever reach a hubber score of 100?

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  1. AshleyRB profile image60
    AshleyRBposted 14 years ago

    Why can't I ever reach a hubber score of 100?

  2. Pcunix profile image82
    Pcunixposted 14 years ago

    You have been here 4 weeks?

    I think I was at least 3 months the first time I hit 100.

    Have a little patience smile

  3. BaliMermaid profile image59
    BaliMermaidposted 14 years ago

    You ask a good question Ashley.  Many of us would like to know the answer to this question.

    If there is a formula it seems only a select few discover it. I can say that even those with Hub scores of 100 seem to easily lose them. Some never gain them back while others do.

    Evidently, and I could be incorrect, the main goal you need is to have your author hub score over 75. That allows your links to be do follow and worth more to the search engine visits.

    There is a hub by DonnaWallace that purports to explain how to increase the personal hub score.

    How to Increase Your Personal Hub Score (aka Hubber Score)
    by DonnaWallace

    good luck

  4. W. K. Hayes profile image66
    W. K. Hayesposted 14 years ago

    Teh Hubber score comes froma  variety of key factors. Article content, tags, comments you've recieved and how long you've been on Hubpages. I believe views also has soemthing to do with it but honestly, only Hubpages Staff truly udnerstand the scoring system. Antoher thing that seems to influence hubber score is Karma; adding links to other hubbers hubs. Personally, I kind of ignore it. I've read 94 and watched it plummet back down to 89 in a single day so, why bother? Just keep writing and bear these things in mind without actually letting it bother you, any.

  5. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 14 years ago

    I've been at it for a year.  I had one hub hit 95. . . .for a few hours, but I've had a few in the 90's, and guess what?  You've not a clue what the score of any of them might be tomorrow.

  6. garyyoungberg profile image60
    garyyoungbergposted 14 years ago

    I'm glad I stopped by.  Donna Wallace's article about Hub scores is one of the best explanations I have come across.  Personally my goal is to stay over 75 with a desire to be in the 90s.

  7. Rochelle Frank profile image93
    Rochelle Frankposted 14 years ago

    You can, and you will if you stick with it and learn from everyone.
    It's nice to  reach 100-- took me a looong time, but after you do it doesn't seem so important or elusive. I actually like 97.

  8. Masata profile image59
    Masataposted 14 years ago

    I have never reached 100 yet but I am surely working on it. I don't know how to get there but I won't stop trying. I would encourage you to never give up just keep writing and reading hubs. I think the more you interact with other hubbers the easier it will be to boost your score. I notice the more I write and submit my articles the higher my score gets. I am not sure on the system used to score the hubs and the over score either but I know that even after I reach the 100 mark I won't stop writing it is something I love to do. So just stick with it and you will get there. I promise you that. I know and I am still new to hubpages I only been a member for three weeks now.

  9. Vaiebhav profile image75
    Vaiebhavposted 14 years ago

    I think the best thing to do is focus on the content; answer questions, link to other hubbers. It's not much use playing the tennis with an eye on the scoreboard. It keeps changing randomly. And there are Help Topics that discuss this. But I would rather spend that time creating a hub than worry about the numbers.

  10. FrankSB profile image60
    FrankSBposted 14 years ago

    Only time will tell!  Haha, yea just wait a little longer and keep writing!

  11. christoss1959 profile image60
    christoss1959posted 14 years ago

    The highest score I've reached was 98, but then I had a break for a few weeks and dropped to 90. At that point I was posting 1-2 hubs a day and answering a few questions every now and then. I am sure that if I continued at that point I could probably reach 100

  12. Dolores Monet profile image91
    Dolores Monetposted 13 years ago

    Ashley - have some patience, my dear. You have not been here that long and these things do take time. Instead of beating up on yourself for not reaching the highest score right away, set smaller goals. Decide that you want a score that is maybe 5 points higher than whatever you have now and go for that. Then keep increasing your goal.

    However! A 100 score does not mean the person is a high earner. Some of the highest earners have scores in the mid to low 90's. They are too busy making money to fiddle around with the score. Good luck!


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