Please Help I Am Sick!

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  1. LVM profile image58
    LVMposted 14 years ago

    Lately I got inflicted with hubophilia, and it's turning into hubophilitis.  What shall I do?

    1. atomswifey profile image57
      atomswifeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ok, ok, now lets all remain calm, we don't yet if shes contagious.

      Now, here's what you do:
      sit quietly in front of your computer
      Look at the screen and for goodness sake

      Are you looking? Ok, now keep calm and slowly, very slowly move your hands towards the keyboard.....

      Ok, now take your hands and quickly, very quickly! move them away from the keyboard!

      Repeat again

      Oh forget it you're a lost cause!
      Just write some more Hubs

    2. profile image0
      Pacal Votanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Can you identify the source of the infection?

    3. profile image0
      mtsi1098posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      just be glad you do not have hub is a killer on the fingers

    4. Daniel Carter profile image62
      Daniel Carterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Find someone to enable your sickness. That's what most people do. (LOL)

    5. anjalichugh profile image69
      anjalichughposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It's incurable dear. You've got to live with it like the rest of us. smile

  2. jabyrd82 profile image61
    jabyrd82posted 14 years ago

    write on another site :-)

  3. Angel Of Love profile image62
    Angel Of Loveposted 14 years ago

    see a psychiatrist, quick!

  4. Dangazzm profile image75
    Dangazzmposted 14 years ago

    Well if it starts to itch, wear the shampoo for two weeks.

  5. Kent Merritt profile image69
    Kent Merrittposted 14 years ago

    If you start to develop a fever, it could develop into Hubinator-itis.  Without proper medication, there's a 50% chance you'll become a full-blown Hubinator.

  6. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    Encourage your only source of electrical power to break down, then commit  to a building project well beyond anything else you've ever done before, and which will require at least a year of your time.

    Well, it  worked for me!  big_smile

    Oh, and kill a couple of diamondback rattlesnakes in Arizona, too.

  7. webismine profile image58
    webismineposted 14 years ago

    Isn't it like blind leading blinds now? wink

  8. earnestshub profile image79
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    it's the crew at hubpages I tells ya! The put subliminal messages behind the white space! smile

  9. viryabo profile image94
    viryaboposted 14 years ago

    Caught the bug myself a couple of weeks ago.
    Remedy? I took 30 husbcules (also come in liquid form if you hate taking pills!)
    It worked..
    Then the condition took a bad turn sad

  10. profile image0
    ryankettposted 14 years ago

    Get 4 Amazon capsules, 4 Ebay capsules, mix with text about water, and...... no, sorry, that wont help at all.

  11. webismine profile image58
    webismineposted 14 years ago

    Being a hubaholic the thread starter must have posted atleast one reply here, what happened?

    1. LVM profile image58
      LVMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am still alive.  I was gone for a while because I was so desperate I took the first advice I got - to write on another site.

      Now, instead of just having hubophilia, I also got inflicted with blogpostophilia.sad

  12. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    she died

    1. awsydney profile image59
      awsydneyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. manlypoetryman profile image80
        manlypoetrymanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        lol lol lol lol "tantrum...did it again!" thought MPM lol lol lol lol

        1. tantrum profile image61
          tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Do you want an autograph ? big_smile

          1. manlypoetryman profile image80
            manlypoetrymanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            cool Oh Yes...Pleeeeaaaaasssssse...just sign one in the "Post a Reply" section...that way we can all have one!

  13. profile image0
    annvansposted 14 years ago

    Put your feet up and rest and stay off hubpages before you are completely addicted to signing on and writing hubs. 

    You should know better than to let yourself get this way.  You should have learned from others who are addicted to hubpages.  Please don't make us think that you are not a responisble hubber.  lol.

    I forgot to add that when you feel you are cured, run and don't look back or you may relapse.

  14. fortunerep profile image67
    fortunerepposted 14 years ago

    Darn, I thought someone had the swine flu!

  15. wrenfrost56 profile image54
    wrenfrost56posted 14 years ago

    No, it's so much worse! No known cure and I think it's spreading pretty rapidly.

  16. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

    Are you saying that she could be contagious? oh graet lol Run for cover!...if you can big_smile

  17. wrenfrost56 profile image54
    wrenfrost56posted 14 years ago

    Yes, seems to be a pretty common problem too! It's a little too late for me.....but go, save yourselves!

  18. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

    I think it's too late for me too...oh well shall we party then? lmao

  19. wrenfrost56 profile image54
    wrenfrost56posted 14 years ago

    Totally! Rock out hubbers everywhere!

  20. LVM profile image58
    LVMposted 14 years ago

    For those who are not aware of the disease, here are some of the symptoms:

    loss of appetite
    red swollen eyes
    stiff neck
    pain in the upper extremities
    loss of social activities with the household
    hydrophobia (not wanting to take a bath)

    1. profile image0
      Crazdwriterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I only have sleelessness lol if i have one symptom do I still have it?

      1. LVM profile image58
        LVMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It has a six-week hibernation stage, and since you're only 5 weeks...

  21. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

    Great so once I hit 6 weeks I'm screwed? lol


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