by Rebecca Graf 15 years ago
Of all our wonderful hubbers, who would crown as the funniest?
by Andria 15 years ago
I always liked to wash mine by dangling them in a bucket of soapy water. I find it's easiest to do it straight away, right after using them. Makes the grass come off a lot easier.Nothing like dried grass stuck to them.
by Glenn Stok 9 years ago
I read in today's blog about the Automated Grammar and Spelling Checker coming in September.I like the idea of correcting errors in comments. Many times I had to delete comments that were written with terrible misspellings and very bad grammar so as not to lose search engine ranking, But I'm...
by mandybeau 15 years ago
I do, I am a New Zealand Artist, and we sit around debating or having what we call chin wags, Unfortunately I have French, and Latina blood, which is not always countered by the pragmatism of my German, ancestory. So I do go to far. But last nmight I read a post from someone called Whitney, and she...
by Andria 13 years ago
Those who did one - where are you with yours?I did one, four months ago. Yesterday it made $4.85 on it's own. That's not a lot but were it doing just over double per day, I'd be really happy. I haven't back linked, I didn't do anything other than find a highly searched for low paying keyword, and...
by sid_candid 13 years ago
I understand it difficult times but what good will deleting hubs do? I see some of the most prolific hubbers deleting heaps of hubs. Have we lost the hope of a hubpages bounce back?