My traffic is hitting 450 views for 2 straight days now hehehe...

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  1. GeneralHowitzer profile image49
    GeneralHowitzerposted 14 years ago

    I consider this a milestone already I keep on posting my views high for two straight days already...

    I have an overall 6 cents in 459 views hehehe yesterday...

    But it is okay nyahahaha since this is my highest page impressions in a day... never mind the earnings...

    and now a day later I already have $1.13 with 473 page impressions hehehehe, with about five more hours to go weeeeee... I think my pinging is working, one of my hub being featured is serving me good and at the same time the HubChallenge is helping me a lot. Thanks Hubpages weeee....

    I have 450+ page views for two straight days already wakikik...

    1. aj's profile image60
      aj'sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's great... i mean really cool... more than 400 page views per day!!!... really inspiring.... im new here and just started getting 2 or 3 page views... But people like you inspires very much... thanks for sharing...

  2. thranax profile image71
    thranaxposted 14 years ago

    Wow, if I could get that many page views a day I would be well into making over $150 a week I think...

    Now that I think about it, more like $75 a week lol.


  3. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    Good for you, General.  I've yet to get to the 400 mark.

  4. loveofnight profile image76
    loveofnightposted 14 years ago

    i can only hope that i will be as fortunate

  5. .Ninna. profile image60
    .Ninna.posted 14 years ago

    Wow! That's really great! I'm trying my best not to get obsessed over page views. I need to bring them up. I'm seriously thinking of joining the HubChallenge.

  6. fastfreta profile image76
    fastfretaposted 14 years ago

    I was moving in that direction with over 200 per day until the system went haywire.  I hope that the momentum continues after the system is up and running again.  I dream of 400 plus, hope it comes true.

  7. pageantgirl31413 profile image74
    pageantgirl31413posted 14 years ago

    That's awesome. Congrats. I was getting about 100 but recently, I'm not getting a single one. However, after the last post, I have a question. Is the system actually down?

  8. Ronaldos profile image61
    Ronaldosposted 14 years ago

    And is this making you any money? Any clicks?

  9. profile image50
    BadCoposted 14 years ago

    On my personal website i get 100 impressions and easily make a dollar a day, great impressions but the ctr sucks !

  10. GeneralHowitzer profile image49
    GeneralHowitzerposted 14 years ago

    @ Badco --- my ctr wasnt that good either my previous hubs weren't built to get nice ctr it's for giving advice, about research and somehow helping other people hehehe...

    But now I'm targetting those hubs with great ctr...

    @ Ronaldos - got 11 clicks yesterday from 520 page overall impressions... and netted me 1.30... The key here Ronaldos is safety in numbers make a lot of useful and informative hubs and for sure you'll be earning much. Those with 150 hubs above (most of them) are performing well with nice clicks...

    @ pageantgirl -yeah the system is down... but you can view your page impression by opening your adsense account...

    @fast freta - yeah your performing well and come to think of it you have just 38 hubs how much more if you have plenty of hubs...

    @ Ninna - yeah you can newbie, just keep on hubbing, mingling and reading other hubs as well, this will certainly improve your hubbing activity...

    @aj - at that stage just socialize hehehe read other hubs and for sure they will also read yours thats one way of getting noticed... and besides it takes one month before google and other search engines recognizes your hubs and to have a niche...

    @loveofnight - yeah you can hehehe you just have 6 hubs hehehehe... I am not yet fortunate hehehe just have many views more than ten thousand already in 3 months and then overall 95 clicks worth $11.30 hehehe, I applied for the Google Adsense one month late...

    @ghost--- thanks there good ol' buddy yeah I wish you'll reach a thousand views a day hehehehe for you're one of the best in HP hehehe...

    @thranax - hehehe hmmm how I wish your computation is correct...

    Thank you all for posting hehehe...

  11. profile image50
    BadCoposted 14 years ago

    Good luck, if you succeed you will do really well !

  12. Ronaldos profile image61
    Ronaldosposted 14 years ago

    I reckon that is really good !!!!

  13. sunforged profile image76
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Congrats! thats great traffic and potential earnings...if i was in your position i would play with the keywords that are triggering my ads.

    For some perspective, 100 clicks would average me approx 30.00 in earnings this week

    I would def try and get rid of those .10 cent keywords

    1. GeneralHowitzer profile image49
      GeneralHowitzerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hayz so far I don't know how to do that hehehehe... but how...

      @ronaldos and Badco --- thanks for the encouragement I really appreciate it...

      1. sunforged profile image76
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Do you know the adwords keyword tool?

        When i glanced over your hub topics it seemed like their was alot of pinoy and filipino topics

        the keyword that you prob use anyway - is "philippines" which is 1.07 (you get around 65-70%) of that....otherwise a lot of your topics just happen to be low looks like you can def make that up in volume!

  14. emievil profile image64
    emievilposted 14 years ago

    Congrats GH. My page views are still down yet but I don't think I'm near to your 450 views smile.

  15. wrenfrost56 profile image54
    wrenfrost56posted 14 years ago

    Your really working those hubs their general, good job! smile

    1. profile image77
      psychicdog.netposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Whooaaagh!!! Go the long as you're enjoying yourself.But how could you not on these great hubpages!

  16. GeneralHowitzer profile image49
    GeneralHowitzerposted 14 years ago

    Thank you guys weee... love you all for the reply you really added joy to me already hehehe...

    and sunforged weeee thanks for the cool tips I'll be using that hehehe... with gusto...

  17. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Well You Are Really Lucky....... I have had ZERO views now for 3 Straight Days... Thanks to this ongoing glitch I hope hmm

  18. Charia Samher profile image62
    Charia Samherposted 14 years ago

    Congratulations General!


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