If you could have a superpower

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  1. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 15 years ago

    The forum on changing the world got me thinking.. if you could have a superpower what would it be and why?  I think i would like the ability to read minds. that way I would be able to be more effective in my attempts to help people...

    1. profile image0
      rednckwmnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      that would be if people knew what they wanted.  smile

      1. Ms Chievous profile image68
        Ms Chievousposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        True.. But leave it to my motherly instinct superpower to tell them what they really want!

    2. loveofnight profile image76
      loveofnightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      that is a dangerous power because you would also know what people think of you....sometimes it's better to be in the dark

      1. Ms Chievous profile image68
        Ms Chievousposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Nah!  I 'm used to people not liking me.. won't hurt my feelings abit!

    3. profile image0
      Ghost32posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'd like the power of deception.

      No, I didn't say dishonesty.  What I'm getting at is the extreme power of being able to fool others "at need" as a survival tool.  Let's say some dude decides to off me  (a situation which has occasionally been threatened, though I couldn't say how serious each threat was or was not).  With a deception superpower I could easily fool him into thinking I was already dead, or moved to Venus, or was too dangerous for him to comtemplate action against me.

      You still think deception is a bad thing?  Well, maybe it is.  After all, it's the most important thing in all  of war:  Make the enemy army think you're going to THIS, then do THAT and wipe 'em all out.  It's the basis of all fishing:  Make the poor fishie think he's getting a snack, and instead he BECOMES a snack.  It's the basis of most competitive sports--a boxing head fake, a football or basketball play the other side  never saw coming.  And the basis of poker, chess, etc. 

      Yup.  I want the superpower of deception. lol

  2. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    I'd like to bend time please. I like the idea of bending anything to be honest so messing with time would be great.

    Add that to my Christmas gift list guys big_smile

  3. shamelabboush profile image55
    shamelabboushposted 15 years ago

    I'd like to have the flying ability so I can avoid traffic everyday and reduce pollution... smile ...

  4. GeneralHowitzer profile image52
    GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years ago

    I would be like that one that can morph or transform into an animal like snake to prey on you froggy hehehe mouthwatering treat smile

    1. profile image0
      LEWJposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      What a funny picture GH--the little fella with the helmet! big_smile big_smile big_smile

  5. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 15 years ago

    Ohh bendding time is a tricky buisness frogdropping! Shamelaboush.. Do you think you could get a tax rebate for flying to work.. just like the ones we get for buying hybrids smile

    1. shamelabboush profile image55
      shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Let them catch me first and we will discuss taxes smile

  6. profile image48
    BadCoposted 15 years ago

    X-Ray Vision - Go Figure smile

    1. GeneralHowitzer profile image52
      GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know where you're up to colored bikinis of Ms chievous  nyahahahaha...

      1. GeneralHowitzer profile image52
        GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        and of green toad too nyahahaha...

      2. Ms Chievous profile image68
        Ms Chievousposted 15 years agoin reply to this


    2. shamelabboush profile image55
      shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's too much noisy BC...

    3. loveofnight profile image76
      loveofnightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      i see you're being yourself again

  7. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    BC x-ray vision would leave you viewing bones though. You like that kind of thing? wink

    1. profile image48
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Ya always gotta go spoil my fun, DONCHA smile

  8. profile image48
    BadCoposted 15 years ago

    Ok Invisible Man, go on Frogger try spoiling that one smile

    1. frogdropping profile image75
      frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Bit late but I'll try smile

      You couldn't actually do anything other than stare, lasciviously. Touching would involve lots of freaked out wimmin and shrieking I'd imagine big_smile

      Why not just go for the power of Selective Attraction? That way you could switch on your super power when you spot the wimmin you want ...

  9. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 15 years ago

    So are we using our powers for the good of mankind or just self gratification here?

    1. shamelabboush profile image55
      shamelabboushposted 15 years agoin reply to this


    2. profile image48
      BadCoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Self gratification, jeeeez what a sily question smile

  10. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 15 years ago


  11. shai77 profile image78
    shai77posted 15 years ago

    The super power i would like most
    is the ability to actually understand how women thinks.
    Understand the women brain.
    Guys i beat you this time! it is absolutely the ultimate super power.No one can beat this ,i mean x-rays are cool ,but it is kid stuff compared to this.

    1. Wisdom_Lover27 profile image56
      Wisdom_Lover27posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      As former VP Quayle stated, "A woman's mid is a dangerous place to be!"

  12. zadrobi profile image60
    zadrobiposted 15 years ago

    The ability to create Turkish Delight.

  13. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 15 years ago

    The ability to know what my wife is really thinking.

    1. profile image0
      rednckwmnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol you dont want that!!!!

      1. profile image0
        sneakorocksolidposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I was affraid of that.sad

        1. profile image0
          rednckwmnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          see, you kinda did know what she was thinking...how long you been married?

          1. profile image0
            sneakorocksolidposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            33yrs wonderful years! I should of clarified, when we go out to eat I allways ask,"Where would you like to go?" She allways says," I don't mind you pick." This has been going on for years mind you. I'll sugest something and she'll say, "I not in the mood for that." This process goes on until I guess the right place, HELP!smile

            1. profile image0
              rednckwmnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              oh, sorry. congrats on the 33 years! hubby does the same to me. i end up so hungry i could eat my arm, and we go to burger king.

  14. tantrum profile image60
    tantrumposted 15 years ago

    It would be the ability to move on to another planet. I need something new.

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      But we love you Super Tantrum!smile

      1. tantrum profile image60
        tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You can come with me then lol

        1. profile image0
          sneakorocksolidposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You're on!

  15. starme77 profile image77
    starme77posted 15 years ago

    I would like to be a fly on a wall LOL

    1. tantrum profile image60
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No you don't! I'm around with my swatter ! big_smile

  16. profile image0
    rednckwmnposted 15 years ago

    i want to be able to type effortlessly, with no mistakes. and to be able to shit money!

  17. loveofnight profile image76
    loveofnightposted 15 years ago

    i would like to be able to transport from place to place like the white-lighters in charmed

  18. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    On a serious note, I would like to have or for someone to have the power to heal all manner of sickness and lameness and such for all.

    1. tantrum profile image60
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You should be God And I will believe smile

  19. wesleycox profile image68
    wesleycoxposted 15 years ago

    Super strength, super hearing, super vision, super speed, and flight.  Laser vision would be cool also.

  20. Gemsong profile image63
    Gemsongposted 15 years ago

    *putting in request*

    I would like the ability to move things with my mind so I can multi-task better. It would work perfectly with my multiple personalities.

    Thank you in advance.

  21. Simply Redd profile image74
    Simply Reddposted 15 years ago

    Hmmm... I'd like to have the ability to make things bigger.

    (No, not that!) wink

  22. Valerie F profile image61
    Valerie Fposted 15 years ago

    To be several places at once. That way, I can work, go to the kids soccer games, get the shopping done, clean up the house, teach a dance lesson, practice my music, and attend the school meeting all while hanging out at the comic book shop!

  23. elisabethkcmo profile image81
    elisabethkcmoposted 15 years ago

    go back in time and do things better

  24. profile image0
    cosetteposted 15 years ago
  25. geminimoon profile image59
    geminimoonposted 15 years ago

    My super power would bring peace and happiness to everyone on our earth.

  26. GoldiString profile image60
    GoldiStringposted 15 years ago

    The power to know what would be the next winning numbers for mega-million lotto. Ahem... Gimme!

  27. GoldiString profile image60
    GoldiStringposted 15 years ago


    The power to absorb all your powers.

  28. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 15 years ago

    then i own google

  29. Zsuzsy Bee profile image84
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    slow down time

  30. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    Troll Zapping

  31. hubtivist profile image56
    hubtivistposted 15 years ago

    I'd like to grow some hair. Will never happen. sad

    1. profile image0
      ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Why? I wish I was bald. I was a few times and it keeps coming back.

    2. GoldiString profile image60
      GoldiStringposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have the power to make wigs. Tell me the details.

  32. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    x-ray vision ... too many benefits to go through them all ... smile

  33. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 15 years ago

    Today I wish I had the ability for total mind control.  I could just make a person do my bidding by just thinking about it.  It would make my Friday go by so much better..


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