Ryan I Need You

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  1. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    i am so worried about all this theft of peooples hubs.  My writing is just getting better by the minute, and i am afraid someone may start stealing my work.  I am in a purple world at the moment, by the way, could you be my manager, and police my hubs for me....... you are so good at computers and things, and i am not....

       A very helpless female........ hiya

  2. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    are you ignoring me, or are you busy doing another hub, will you be my manager then,,,,,, i might earn big bucks for you///

    1. frogdropping profile image75
      frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol Brenda ... give him time to spot you. Men always appear, sooner or later. He'll be here smile

      1. profile image0
        ralwusposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        We are like bad pennies huh? smile

        1. profile image0
          poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          keep turning up eh, we are destined to always be together, as we bounce ideas of each other, isn't that right?????

  3. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    YOU reckon who is Brenda?????

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image76
      Eaglekiwiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You said it was you silly lol

      1. profile image0
        poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        i know but now i am not me anymore........

  4. Eaglekiwi profile image76
    Eaglekiwiposted 14 years ago

    So our stuff is not protected at all ???

    I remember asking about this once in the forum and was shot down , for Hubpages this and Hubpages that , your work is automatically copywrited etc...

    Now it seems it seems it amounts to diddly squat!!

    ...If its illegal to steal ,I hope they get fined too

    I hate thieves grrrr!!!

  5. Eaglekiwi profile image76
    Eaglekiwiposted 14 years ago

    Ohok ,hey that be a cool nic , 'notmeanymore'

    Well whoever ya is is cool too smile

    1. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      that would be a good name..... eventually only the people who have been around a while will know i am not p.l my daughter turned up on one of my hubs this morning, as i put my new hubs on face book, have to start behaving, she is probably reading this now

  6. Eaglekiwi profile image76
    Eaglekiwiposted 14 years ago

    Yea was thinking about something similar myself .
    My sons might have joined up to see what mummy's up too lol

    Well ya know what they say about people who eavesdrop though wink

    1. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      we are two of the best behaved peopele on here, so why would it matter, they can read what they like eh?????

      1. Eaglekiwi profile image76
        Eaglekiwiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, but hey kids always find something to be embarassed about, I know I did (once) lol , its all good,shows they care big_smile what were' up too hehe.
        Im glad I dont know what they all do online lol

  7. profile image0
    Poppa Bluesposted 14 years ago

    There are sites such as writing.com where you can post and secure copyright protection then you can go after those that steal your hubs.

  8. emievil profile image65
    emievilposted 14 years ago

    Hey EK, Brenda 'sup? I've been reading your posts, can't say I can relate to them lol

  9. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    read Ryans post in forums today.... eveyone been getting their work stolen, mine is just a joke to be honest to have a bit of banter with Ryan, but he has not noticed it yet?????

    1. emievil profile image65
      emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe he's asleep???? Not sure about his time zone though. He'll notice, Ryan always does smile

      1. profile image0
        poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        it should be p.m. where he is now, we will see, maybe he knows i am acting the fool, so is ignoring me,,,,,,, he is busy these days you know

        1. emievil profile image65
          emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe he's tracking down and reporting those that stole his hubs. I just tracked down one today (for my hub) and got it removed. It was in flixya.

  10. profile image0
    ryankettposted 14 years ago

    Hello Brenda.... do you want my phone number or something lol

    Or I could rig an alarm system up in my house, and you can press it whenever you need me?

    The answer is..... I dont know what the answer is. Deal with it when it happens, I have enough of my bleedin own that have been copied!

    Although apparently this man reckons that you should do this: http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Deal-With-Plagiarism

    No idea if he is right or not wink

    1. emievil profile image65
      emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ryan, may I ask something? Is Flixya also known for stolen articles / hubs / blogs? Found one of my own there today. And the thing was the user's name is elime, which is the opposite spelling of one of my nicknames. Weird.

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Flixya is no more well know for stolen articles than hubpages (although hubpages does restrict copiers), anywhere that adsense is involved will have stolen content.... I havent had anything on Flixya yet, but apparently they remove if you submit a DMCA.

        1. emievil profile image65
          emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Okay, that's good to know. I did email a DMCA to them and they immediately addressed it. Within one or two hours, the duplicate was removed smile.

    2. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ryan it is a bit of a joke, no one would ever steal mine...... yep be there exactly when i need you, were you allowed to swear like that when you were a child it really makes me laugh

    3. deartfuldodger profile image59
      deartfuldodgerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well written ryan, once it gets a little nasty (final steps) I like to include a social site search for related emails and ste names (as these fellas tend to promote their sites from personal locations) use my pretty girl f and myspace accounts to get into their network, get those digits - and proceed to inform that I will bust down there doors and eat their freekin babies alive

      ah ya

      all kidding aside, well explained - i meant to write one just like that -now i dont need to

  11. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

    wow not in a good mood is he??????????????

    1. profile image0
      ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Im just officially trying to get a few things finished in real life, lol... I wasnt allowed to swear, but my dad was foul mouthed. So.... well, there you go wink

      1. profile image0
        poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        like father like son eh.... go on get on with your work....


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