What is your single most-visited hub? Why do you think it's so popular?

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  1. vespawoolf profile image92
    vespawoolfposted 12 years ago

    What is your single most-visited hub? Why do you think it's so popular?

    Mine is "The Best Homemade Mexican Salsa". It doesn't have polls, videos or any other features that are supposed to drive more traffic and yet it consistently gets more views.

  2. nochance profile image83
    nochanceposted 12 years ago

    My hub with the most views is called "Moving Forward" and it's a poem about moving on with your life after a breakup. It makes sense that it's something people would type into google "poem about moving forward."

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting. I'll check it out! Thank you for responding.

  3. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 12 years ago

    one of mine is the one on april fool day....it gets 3000 views every day....I think it's because everyone loves to be pranked!

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There's no end to the possibilities! Thank you for your response.

  4. gabgirl12 profile image60
    gabgirl12posted 12 years ago

    Mine is 'The Girl who Got Kicked out of Church'.

    It's popular because for one, it's controversial. It happened to me on Mother's Day (And I'm a mom too). You don't hear or see people talk much about getting kicked out. Many folks just disappear into the night and don't say anything because of the level of control used in churches.

    Usually churches pose a proper defense or claim the person left of their own volition. Mine is detailed and I am still dealing with it, because no one from there chose to work with me.

    I think it is also popular because there is information I included about another woman who made headlines in Oregon who was shunned by her church, even at the local store. She has great advice for anyone going through this. In her case the Pastor is suing her for a serious amount of money which is sad.

    Spiritual Abuse is rarely talked about in church circles because every church is at risk for being accused of it. But I have never heard of one church admit their own mistakes and choose the path of humility. You have to read books and websites on the subject. It's proof that it does exist. And not only that, it happened to me! So I know it for what it is. And I hope at some point I can heal from it. Some people would rather argue with me and get me all jittery and afraid of whatever consequences like fire and brimstone and I'm an apparent opposition when I'm not. This is a very terrible thing to happen...to anyone.

    1. Marsei profile image94
      Marseiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am going right now to read your hub.  Kicked out of church?  I cannot even begin to say how furious that makes me.  My insides are churning.

    2. JamaGenee profile image77
      JamaGeneeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm right behind Marsei! Hafta read that hub!

    3. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Kicked out of church? That's a topic I'd never even considered. Fascinating!

  5. Marsei profile image94
    Marseiposted 12 years ago

    My hub with the most views is Depression:  The Bell Jar.  I believe it's because so many people are depressed or have depressed relatives and friends.  It has none of the bells and whistles that supposedly drive traffic, just one photo.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'll check it out. I'm not surprised depression is a popular subject.

  6. JamaGenee profile image77
    JamaGeneeposted 12 years ago

    My most popular hub was/is "How NOT To Cook Christmas Dinner", which I wrote as a "throwaway" seasonal hub.  It didn't really take off till around Easter, though, and much to my surprise continued to get tons of traffic throughout the following summer.  Only reason I can figure it's so popular is it's not so much about Christmas as it's a humorous look at growing up with a mother who was a horrible cook.  (REALLY horrible!)

    The second-best, btw, was another "throwaway" called "Gay Guys Are A Girl's Best Friend". 

    So much for the hubs I spend hours and days researching and writing! ;D

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Funny you should mention "throwaway" hubs...my popular hub was only an afterthought. The hubs I research the most don't get much traffic!

    2. JamaGenee profile image77
      JamaGeneeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      vespawoolf, I don't know where I first heard the term "throwaway hub", but for anyone wondering what it means, it's a hub written just to publish something new. Anything. ;D

    3. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, I didn't really know the definition of a "throwaway hub". I'll have to look for a glossary of online terms. Maybe that would be a popular hub!

  7. FatFreddysCat profile image85
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    Mine is "My Nissan Cube Experience." I have no idea why it's my most-visited Hub. It's totally different from most of my other hubs (i.e. it has nothing to do with bad movies or hard rock/heavy metal music) but it definitely seems to have struck a chord among fans of that particular car.

    Its success has shown me that it doesn't hurt to try writing something outside of my usual "comfort zone" every once in a while.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's a good lesson. Maybe I need to loosen up a bit!

  8. vespawoolf profile image92
    vespawoolfposted 12 years ago

    After reading all your hubs I see one common trait: honesty. Whether it's outrage, sadness or humor, you shared your true feelings or perceptions. Maybe that's the key to popular hubs. What do you think?

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I want to thank everyone who answered this question. I've learned so much from reading your popular hubs. I'm going to relax, write what I'm passionate about and take more chances!

  9. Sherry Hewins profile image87
    Sherry Hewinsposted 12 years ago

    My most consistently visited hub is about my dog "Dachshund-Pug Mix |also known as Pugsund or Daug | Mutt or Designer Dog?" (who would have thought?)

    My hub with highest all-time views is "How to Craft Beautiful Easter Egg Ornaments You Can Keep Forever" but they mostly came from being Hub-of-the-Day, and have fallen off since Easter is over, but still not doing too bad.

    I'll have to check your Salsa hub, I make a mean salsa too, and have thought about writing a hub about it. I wonder how similar they are.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love your Pugsund hub and the photos are adorable. Definitely write your salsa hub. There are some big-time salsa fans out there!

  10. flashmakeit profile image60
    flashmakeitposted 12 years ago

    My most visited hub is Butterfly the little fairy - a short poem and I believe it is popular because some people are searching for short butterfly poem and the image I used comes up in quickly in Google images.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork and poem!

  11. eric2112 profile image67
    eric2112posted 12 years ago

    My Hub on What to look for when buying a classic VW Beetle has traditionally been my most popular Hub. My overall traffic has dropped tremendously over the past few months, but it still gets readers which I am grateful for.

    I believe that the reason the hub got as much traffic as it did, was because it filled a very specific niche and people found it to be useful. Even JC Whittney gave me some very nice recognition on Facebook about it.

    Since then, other Hubs have been written in the same topic matter and my views have naturally dropped.

    All in all, it had a very good run and I hold it near and dear to my heart.

    Eric Hartman

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your VW Beetle hub is so detailed and useful. I can see why it's so popular.

  12. LetitiaFT profile image67
    LetitiaFTposted 12 years ago

    My most popular hub is on decorating provence style. I think it is because: 1.) Provence is inspiring in general; 2.) The decorating tips and ideas are easy to implement (I did a part two on remodeling provence style which hasn't had anywhere near the success); and 3.) the photos are original and not to shabby, despite the shabby chic decor they highlight.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No wonder it's a popular hub...I'm inspired to redecorate!

  13. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 12 years ago

    one of my most popular was a very simple "throw away" so to speak hub I did on how to heal a wart naturally - it went viral for whatever reason and has consistently maintained decent traffic - mostly through shares and not as much through search engines.   I find it funny, because it was a good hub, but certainly not one I worked overly hard on lol.  Perhaps warts were going around when it hit the social circles because "poof" off it went

    Proof you just never know what's going to take off smile

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, you never know what people want to read until you write it! I think I'm realizing we don't have to keep to just one niche, but can widen out into several areas of expertise.

  14. Seek-n-Find profile image73
    Seek-n-Findposted 12 years ago

    Mine is "What Women REALLY Want: Ten Things a Man Can Do To Improve His Relationship."  I'm actually surprised by this because I think I have other articles that are more interesting and better written--but I guess relationships is something most people have in common--and men trying to understand women must be a popular topic too.  I try to give some practical advice on how a man doesn't have to necessarily understand his woman (he is a man after-all and can't totally relate!) but that he can learn how to respond in a way that makes his woman feel loved.  It was kind of a hard hub to write because I'm focusing on such a small part of what makes relationships work--and of course I'm only one perspective among many.  People seem to love what I wrote or get mad and leave disagreeable comments.  Either way, people keep reading it!

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Causing controversy is a sign of a good writer. It means your writing elicits an emotional response in your readers!

  15. Judah's Daughter profile image80
    Judah's Daughterposted 12 years ago

    My most read hub is entitled "GOD: Let Us Make Man in Our Image?".  Because Genesis 1:26 is from the first book of the Old Testament and, prior to the New Testament, all those who lived by faith were monotheistic, while the doctrine of the 'Triunity' of God came about since the writings of the New Testament, it goes into the Hebrew wording and translation of the verse, which results in critical interpretation of this passage.  The two main views of theology since the time of Christ are 1) Was God speaking to the other 'persons' of the 'Trinity', or was God speaking to His angels, magistrates, and ultimately to those who are His children (prophetic)?  It was a fascinating study and has proven to be just as fascinating to readers. This hub was endorsed by Messianic Jews and embraced by Christians alike.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your hub is a fascinating and well-researched. Thank you for your answer!

  16. profile image0
    chrisinhawaiiposted 12 years ago

    My most-visited hub is called, "Kaizen!  Small Improvements Can Increase HubPages Earnings".

    Kaizen is a Japanese principle used by businesses around the world to increase productivity and quality by consistently making small improvements to products and methods.

    We all want our hubs to earn as much as possible, so I guess that's why this one is my most popular hub.

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love it! Kaizen makes improvement seem manageable. Leave it to the Japanese to come up with such a great concept. :  )

  17. talfonso profile image81
    talfonsoposted 12 years ago

    Mine's about which months and times of each month is ideal to visit Walt Disney World. The resort is a four-season one (it includes theme parks, which are open year-round), and the peak times are all days when kids are out of school. People are always planning their Disney vacations, so that's why it's popular!

    1. vespawoolf profile image92
      vespawoolfposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've marked your hub for next time we take a trip to Walt Disney World!

  18. Cynthia Hoover profile image91
    Cynthia Hooverposted 9 years ago

    My hub "Doomsday prepping, a beginners guide to food preservation and sustainability." Mind you I have only been here for 2 months. Yet, I sent out 5 messages to Facebook "prepping" pages asking if they would share my hub. One agreed within hours, gave me a prime slot at 7 pm too. Another with over 100k followers has it scheduled for 8am tomorrow. I doubled my all time views already from the first share! Prepping is pretty popular I suppose, I am not really a full on prepper, just a southers farm girl who knows A LOT about food, survival and sustainable living.


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