How do you stay motivated to keep writing on HubPages?

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  1. Modern Lady profile image71
    Modern Ladyposted 12 years ago

    How do you stay motivated to keep writing on HubPages?

    How do you deal with burnout?

  2. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 12 years ago

    Sometimes I think I've run out of ideas for hubs, then I write three in a row.  The motivation for me is going a week without a comment.  I'm addicted to the interaction. 

    I wrote a hub called Hubbing is Like Being Promiscuous.  You might relate.

  3. profile image0
    Jade0215posted 12 years ago

    Not having an actual job motivates me. I feel productive on here because I'm learning a little extra income that my family needs. Building up the income and trying to think about topics to write about it challenging but I'm staying hopeful that It'll pay off in the long run.

    1. bn9900 profile image76
      bn9900posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Jade, I am in the same boat (although 3 hours a week at sears helps...maybe.  Anyway look me up and read mu hub on making money online, could help you out.  Best of luck.

  4. sethpowers profile image60
    sethpowersposted 12 years ago

    I just watch all those sweet, sweet pennies roll in daily, and know that I am just a few hubs away from hitting the big time.

  5. yeagerinvestments profile image72
    yeagerinvestmentsposted 12 years ago

    I read the success stories about once per week and then envision myself achieving those results and mimic how it would feel. I also enjoy checking everyday to see how much I made the day before.

    Burnout can happen quickly on here so I MUST take at least one day off per week where I don't even think about HP. I usually have a routine I follow M-F and then Sat I take off and Sun. I research articles I will write for the next week.

  6. profile image55
    kumar24894posted 12 years ago

    I read hubs of the people who write better than me and challenge myself that I will do better than this. This motivates me.

  7. profile image0
    Ghaelachposted 12 years ago

    Just think of a favourite hobby or pastime and put it in the middle of an A4 sheet of paper. Then make it like a clock with twelve lines going from your word. and at the end put another word there. So now you have thirteen possible themes from the twelve themes draw two more lines and put a word relating to your second theme on the clock.  Now you have 37 possible hubs.
    Good luck.
    LOL Ghaelach

  8. M. T. Dremer profile image81
    M. T. Dremerposted 12 years ago

    It's particularly hard to stay motivated when revenue goes down for no reason. One would hope that with each successive hub, the numbers would only go up, but it's easy to forget that the internet is dynamic. The same hub that earned you a dollar today, could earn you nothing tomorrow. I would say to put the money aspect out of your head, but I think we all know that isn't possible. Rather, if you can't find any new ideas, try to hang out on the answers section or the forum section. Or if you're burnt out of the site entirely, take a few days off. The last thing you want to do is start hating this place because you feel obligated to come here.

  9. ChristyWrites profile image66
    ChristyWritesposted 12 years ago

    While it can be strong some days, motivation likely is not at a high level every day. Writing for HubPages is no exception. Here are ways to stay motivated to keep writing hubs! read more

  10. pagesvoice profile image72
    pagesvoiceposted 12 years ago

    Having followers who leave well thought out and constructive comments is a huge motivating factor for me to keep writing here. Also, I love expressing myself and HubPages is the venue I have chosen because of quality writers and the range of topics covered. With a short summer season (I live in the northeastern United States) I don't publish as much content as I do during the other three seasons. However, my ideas are put into an MS Word document so when my writing resumes I will remember a host of subject matters.

  11. myownlife profile image39
    myownlifeposted 12 years ago

    It has been my best friend so there is no point of being apart from it.

  12. Lot Rillera profile image57
    Lot Rilleraposted 12 years ago

    If I got lots of beautiful comments and my family. that's keep me on writing and be motivated.

  13. CassyLu1981 profile image69
    CassyLu1981posted 12 years ago

    Right now my motivation is the Apprenticeship Program.  It is incredible to be a part of this program and has made me strive for bigger and better hubs!  Without the program, my motivation is I get "me" time, away from the stress of life, when I'm writing my hubs!  Couldn't as for more then that!

  14. ChitrangadaSharan profile image92
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 12 years ago

    Good encouraging comments from fellow members, keeps you going. And there is so much to read on any and every topic.

  15. cheetah786 profile image52
    cheetah786posted 12 years ago

    to increase my knowledge, writing skills and money are my few motives on hp...


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