How much time should you give before rendering the 'best answer' to a Hubber?

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  1. CloudExplorer profile image75
    CloudExplorerposted 12 years ago

    How much time should you give before rendering the 'best answer'  to a Hubber?

    Us Hubbers now have the option to award fellow Hubbers who are very helpful at answering questions here in the Q&A section, what do you think is a fair time to give many other potential answers you may receive after asking such a question here, before rendering that 'Best Answer' award to that Hubber who scored so brilliantly (So to avoid from giving someone it, but then receiving an even better answer after), by providing the actual best answer you were indeed looking for. (All answers are acceptable for this question, be honest please)

  2. M. T. Dremer profile image84
    M. T. Dremerposted 12 years ago

    Usually I wait until the answers have died down. The average life span of question is really only a few days, unless it is a particularly popular subject. After a while, however, it will drop off and answers will cease to come in. This is around the time I select a best answer, so I'm sure everyone who might respond already has. However, some people might take the opposite approach and use the best answer feature to silence the chatter. For example, if a controversial question gets out of hand, selecting the best answer could be the author's way of saying 'this is the answer, thank you all but we're done now.'

  3. bankscottage profile image88
    bankscottageposted 12 years ago

    I have been waiting a month after I post the question to award the "Best Answer".  Occasionally, even after I select the best answer someone will still answer the question.  It is frustrating when the new answer is better than the one I selected.

  4. MarleneB profile image93
    MarleneBposted 12 years ago

    This is a very significant question. I have noticed that once someone has selected the "Best Answer", I tend not to answer unless I have an answer that is more fulfilling than the one already accepted. The selection of the Best Answer is irreversible, so, it's a moot point when answering questions after the best answer has been selected. If people are like me, they will read the question and then go straight to the Best Answer.

    This week, I selected a Best Answer from a question I asked way back in May of this year (2012). It was an amazing answer. The answerer answered the question with details, which made it a valuable answer. So, anyone needing the answer to that particular question will receive a well developed answer which will be beneficial to their life. I couldn't see anyone coming along answering the question better than that answer, so I selected it as the best answer.

    My personal time frame is to wait six months. But, this person came and gave an amazing answer in five months. So, I selected it.

    I take responsibility for the questions I ask, because I know that some people who ask questions are truly looking for an answer. I look at Q & A's as a "public service". I won't select an answer unless it is a full answer. If someone gives an honest and diligent answer, then, and only then will I select it as a Best Answer.

    1. CloudExplorer profile image75
      CloudExplorerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Marlene, your answer here is pretty thorough indeed, I will use much of these techniques for sure, cool beans.

  5. profile image0
    mjkearnposted 12 years ago

    Hi Cloud

    I would hope you would wait for at least 10 minutes before giving me "Best Answer" so as not to put anyone's nose out of joint. Of course I will reciprocate.

    Seriously. This is a real bugbear of mine. I've noticed that questions you ask slip into obscurity very quickly and I think a lot of hubbers forget that they even asked a question.

    I normally close all my questions within a week whether or not they receive any answer.

    I've actually closed and deleted all my questions for a completely different reason.

    I happily close and choose "best answer" if I feel that I got "best answer".

    I also happily close questions without selecting "best answer" if I feel that was the case.

    I hate such hubbers who answer with "I don't know the answer to this question but I'm so happy you asked".

    This one really annoys me as such hubbers just want the recognition that they answered a question when they didn't.

    It may just be me but I seemed to get a lot of the above.

    I think it only fair to award "best answer" to a hubber who has given the best answer. If you as the author feel that you have received the best answer then I would suggest giving the award and closing the question.

    If you honestly feel that the question hasn't been answered then I wouldn't give the award and I'd let the question run.

    I find that if I've asked a serious question, one that I want an honest informative answer for and I haven't got one I close the question and ask it anew perhaps in a different way.

    I've found that due to the speed of Q's falling into obscurity that the time of day for asking Q's can have a large influence on the amount of answers.

    Then again I'm Irish and could just be tilting at windmills.


    1. bankscottage profile image88
      bankscottageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      CloudExplorer and MJ, when selecting "best answer", do you take into consideration if the answer was made into a Hub?

    2. CloudExplorer profile image75
      CloudExplorerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome informative, and well explained answer here MJ
      - @Bankscottage yes indeed I look to see if a hub is generated as an answer, but give it equal weight as to whether or not they answered the question sufficiently with the verifiable best answer.

    3. profile image0
      mjkearnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Banks
      Very good point that I confess I missed. Top marks to both yourself and Cloud for thinking of this one. I must revisit the LC and get a handle on this.

      Thanks for the interject Banks. I've still got the boat pics and I'm still wishing.

  6. SidKemp profile image74
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for asking - and I've been thinking about this ever since I saw the best answer selected on questions that have only two answers posted, and then a lot more come in.

    Here's what makes sense to me: All questions have a natural life cycle that starts when the question is first answered. There will be a rush of answers, and then it tapers off. Of course, if the rush never happens, then select the best from the answers there. If not, watch, and as the rush tapers off, make a selection.

    I would include all answers, both those made into hubs, and others, in selecting the best answer.

    One exception: If someone answers a tricky math question with the right answer, well stated, it makes sense to give best answer to the first right answer, well-stated. The first to get a puzzle right is a "winner."

    Now, all I have to do is write questions that excite some great answers!

  7. howlermunkey profile image71
    howlermunkeyposted 12 years ago

    I've wondered this myself. I still have one question that's open that I don't think I'll ever close simply because I like them all. I agree with SidKemp, some have lasted longer than others, and when I see interest drop, then I'll select a best answer.

    Actually, once or twice, I have waited until interest drops, answered the question myself (not for the best answer award but just to get my opinion out), and then I'll get a few more answers.

  8. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 12 years ago

    I tend to agree with the points MJ has expressed. All of this has given me insight. I closed a question and chose a best answer because no one was responding for a week and the question got the "blue arrow" for decreased traffic! So I thought that meant I needed to choose and close. I also just answered a question that had two other responses. Five minutes later, the author chose the best answer. I was kinda looking forward to reading more answers! Anyway, I think a week is long enough because as MJ said, they become obscure unless it's a stimulating question that generates a lot of traffic. Great question, CloudExplorer.


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