I apologize, but it seems a "Best" answer was chosen on my question when I did not choose it. I hope the HP Team can help me or someone can inform me why that happened! I noticed it via my phone and I knew that I did not choose an answer and I was not going to do so any time soon. I just asked the person to repost her answer as I had to delete it, as I did not choose it as "Best" and I want her answer to remain. Again, I'm sorry, but I do not know what happened here. Thank you for understanding.
It is extremely an awkward position for you as well as for the person whose answer you might have deleted. But, very offensive on the part of that person who might have done that indecent act. He/she must open up and submit the reason for committing such heinous act.
I can understand your position and am with you. I hope HP team will be doing something for it.
Yes, Ven, it most certainly is awkward to say the least! After arriving home last evening from work, I noticed I had email notifications of answers and comments. Once I signed in and checked, I immediately noticed the big yellow box around someone's answer and it indicating it as "Best" when I had not even read the answer and did not choose a "Best" answer. I have no clue how this could have happened and I am hoping the HP Team can undo the "Best" as I did not choose it.
Wonder if I need to reset my password on HP?
You can reset the password even now, without waiting for the reply from HP Team (if you think so).
OK, Ven, I guess that wouldn't hurt to just be safe. Thank you again.
I did send the HP Team an email, and hopefully they can help. What's so bad is that I had not even read that person's answer and would not have chosen it as "Best" but I do want the answer to remain of course. As I stated, I had not planned on choosing a "Best" answer any time soon.
Here we go again! Another BEST answer was chosen on this very question once again, when I did NOT choose it? Why does this keep happening on this particular question. I appreciate the HP Team for correcting it the last time it happened by removing the BEST answer that was chosen when I did not chose it, but just today, I noticed another BEST answer was chosen?
I am at a loss because I certainly have NOT chosen a BEST answer and had not planned on doing such anytime soon! I would not have chosen that answer as BEST, not that there is anything wrong with that answer, but I just would not have chosen it as BEST. It's like someone is putting words in my mouth, and it is not FAIR to all those who have participated in the question.
I have sent the HP Team another email and hope they will correct it once again. This is very frustrating to say the least!!!
Faith, Did you change your password after the last time as we discussed? I remember also asking - Did you have HubPages confirm the IP address of whomever it was who selected it as best answer? Is it the same IP address this time? From that they can track who it is. Ask them to block that IP address.
Hi Glenn,
Yes, I changed my password. HP removed the last BEST answer chosen and I don't see that person on HP any longer. I didn't ask HP, as I was just so relieved that BEST answer was removed. Now, here we go again, as I know I did not choose that answer as BEST and would not have, although there is nothing wrong with the answer, I would not have chosen it as BEST. Again, I had not planned on choosing a BEST answer anytime soon!
OK; I will do so. The difference between this hubber is that his/her answer was posted six weeks ago, whereas the other one had just joined HP and right away her answer was chosen as BEST.
I'm glad that it can be undone and hope the HP Team will once again undo that BEST.
Now the question has 179 answers and 2,986 views and hundreds of comments on the 179 answers!
Thanks, Glenn.
I think you missed the point. The only person who can select the best answer is you. So since you didn't do it, that would mean that someone else has access to your account. If they track the IP address they might match it to another Hubber.
It's good you changed you password. But maybe you have malware that is reading everything you type on your keyboard. So if you change your password, the hacker will have gotten the new one. This is still something to be investigated, especially since this happened to you after changing your password.
Oh, I understand! Yikes, that is a scary thought. Well, I hope they do track whoever keeps doing this, and why is it so important for them to do such?
However, having said that, when one does click on the up or down arrow and/or make a comment on a question, the option to choose Best answer is right below it and it would be easy to inadvertently click on Best answer if one is not careful, but then again, it has that option that pops up, "Are you sure you want to choose this answer as Best" and, of course, I would have stated, NO!
Well, I'm not sure how to check for Malware as I have a Norton Antivirus on my computer, but I can contact the service and have them do a long check?
If you have Windows, Norton can miss things. Some malware "hides" under windows and the only way to catch it is to run a virus check outside of windows (before it boots up). Norton doesn't do that.
Oh, really! Okay. I will certainly do that then. Thank you so much, Glenn. You are always a huge help in these types of issues! I appreciate you. Just any one or is there a good one to use?
My pleasure.
There are two good ones and they are both free for individuals to download. Malwarebytes and Avast.
Avast is the one that has a feature you set to run before Windows boots up on the next restart of your computer. It's really powerful since nothing can hide form that.
You can Google both to find them. Make sure you download from their own sites.
Oh, that is good to know, Glenn. I think I like the one that nothing can hide from : ).
I used to have Windows Defender, but not sure what happened to it.
When you download Avast, select the free version. No need for anything more.
To run the scan outside of Windows, click the scan icon, select "Scan for viruses", change the drop down menu from "full system scan" to "Boot-time scan" and then click "start." It will run the next time you boot your computer. Windows will load after it completes.
That's great, Glenn! I will follow your instructions and afterwards change my password again ...
Hi Glenn and All,
Team HubPages removed "Best" answer that I did not choose from my hot topic question once again! I'm so relieved. It was so obvious that I would have never chosen that particular answer as Best because of my comment of six weeks ago to that answer stating he did not really answer the question posed.
I'm still baffled how Best answer was chosen when I did not choose it.
I appreciate everyone's help. Thank you Team HubPages for looking into it and removing it.
I see you keep repeating the same problem. Did you run the malware scan yet? And did you change your password? And did you ask HubPages to verity that it was not someone using your account who selected it? These are the things I mentioned to do when you first had the problem.
Hi Glenn,
I did change my password. However, I have not been able to run the scan yet because I've been working late into the evenings in the city and arrive home late and then have other family matters to tend to, but I will run the scan as you have suggested. I just thanked the HP Team after they sent me the email informing they removed the Best answer choice that I did not choose. I am grateful they did so. They did not indicate if they discovered if there was some foul play or just a glitch and I did not ask.
I appreciate your concern and I do realize I need to be more vigilant in taking proactive steps to thwart such happenings in the future.
Thank you for all your help.
Hi Again, Genn,
I went to Avast and did as you instructed and realized I already have Norton anti-virus, so I don't think I need to have two anti-viruses on there. However, I would like something to get rid of any malware, or does an anti-virus already take care of that problem?
On another issue, my tablet keeps having pop-ups endlessly. How do I stop the pop-ups? My grands have a lot of games on my tablet and it seems that is why I am having pop-ups.
You forgot what I said about Avast. It's the only one that will scan outside of Windows, so nothing can hide from it.
As for the pop-ups on your tablet, that might also indicate a problem with viruses or malware. I know a lot of friends who have problems because their kids, who don't care or don't understand about that, download games from scrupulous websites that install malware. Your hp password might have been hacked from your tablet.
Hi Glenn,
No, I didn't forget what you said. So, are you saying that I should uninstall Norton or does that matter? I did the Malwarebytes one though.
My grandchildren are small children and I let them download free games only on my tablet. Should I remove all the games? I never thought about the tablet as far as anyone hacking via it. Since it is an Android, do you use the same anti-virus protection, etc. on it?
Thank you for your help.
It's usually not a good idea to run two anti-virus programs at the same time. So, yes, you should uninstall Norton before installing Avast. And besides, once you start using Avast I think you'll decide never to buy Norton again.
As for your Android tablet, I use an iPad and I'm not familiar with programs for the Android. But one thing I can say, if they downloaded a virus or malware from one of those sites, uninstalling the games probably won't get ride of the virus.
I just did a Google search for you and found this article on PC World (a trusted magazine) about keeping malware off your Android...
http://www.pcworld.com/article/221213/k … lware.html
Yes, I am clueless about the Android, so thank you for the link!
The malewarebytes found something on my laptop and removed it from a minecraft game.
Oh, meant to add that Norton is part of my service plan.
I'm glad you found one and got it removed. Now remember to change your password again.
Malwarebytes is a powerful tool for finding a lot of malware. However, it's not perfect since it runs under Windows and can't find everything. After you run Avast on the boot before Windows (see my prior instructions), you should be completely clean.
Once you clean up all the malware, you should be a lot safer with hackers interfering with your HubPages account.
The worst thing I hear from friends of mine is how their bank accounts got hacked because their kids downloaded malware from scrupulous game sites. You really need to maintain control of this situation.
You're right about monitoring the games. How would you know if one is okay though to download?
So, you're only recommending A vast because it runs outside of Windows and Norton doesn't?
The safest thing is to download only from trusted websites. Before you download anything you're not sure about, do a Google search to research what others are saying. See if anyone has posted about problems or discoveries about hacking attempts such as malware or viruses.
I'm recommending Avast because it has found things on my own computer that were missed by Norton, but only with the boot-up scan. Norton can't scan on boot-up, so it misses things.
Now that I'm using a Mac, I'm safer. But I still am running Avast anyway. That's how much I trust it. Yes, they have a Mac version too.
Hi Glenn,
Yes, one can never be too safe these days with all of this technology at our fingertips.
Well, I thought of my cell phone too as there are games on it ...it's never ending hahaha
That's a lot of trust you have for A vast. My daughter has a Mac.
Is there a way someone can mimic your IP address? I seem to have had this problem on FB and I know I wasn't alone. Hopefully that's not happening here. Good luck Faith. I hope everything gets cleared up soon!
Thanks, Natalie, Yes, HP undid the "Best" that l did not choose. I was relieved. It happened twice. Don't know what or who was the reason though, but glad it is remedied.
Hope they figure out how it happened and prevent it from happening in the future. Great questions and great discussion by the way!
Thank you, Natalie. I think HP can track IP addresses to see who may have logged into my account possibly? The first person whose answer was voted on as best, had just posted the answer and then that person's answer was chosen as best. HP removed her answer and I don't see that person any more on HP, so ...not sure what happened. Then another one was chosen and they removed it after looking into it. So, maybe they can tell I did not choose it myself.
However, I do have a suggestion for HP and that is to not have the "Best" button so close to the submit button on an answer, as one can inadvertently click that, especially when on a cell phone or tablet it seems. However, I know that did not happen because it will give you a prompt and ask are you sure you want to choose that answer as "Best" and one has to confirm.
I was thinking Moore in terms of someone seeming to be writing from your IPHONE address when it wasn't you to hide theirs. I had that on Facebook and even had them send emails and comment on friends pages in my name which was a big problem. Hopefully that won't happen here. Best
Oh! That would put one in a bad predicament! I've known that to happen on email accounts where it will say you have an email from one of your friends and it's not really them.
Quick, this is an emergency! Someone please call 911!
Hahaha ...Yes, too much drama.
I was concerned being it is a hot topic question with views over 3,000 and hundreds of answers, and for someone to choose an answer that I did not choose nor would have chosen is wrong and misrepresents me. If it were a nothing question, no big deal ...
Faith, I've noticed that sometimes "Best Answers" are chosen within a day or two when there are only one or two answers to a question. I usually don't comment on a question when this happens and was of the opinion that the person who posted the question was "jumpin' the gun". I didn't realize that this not always the case. Thanks for posting this question. Did somebody do it or did an HP computer go off half cocked? Maybe we will get an answer from HP.
Hi MizB, Something went half cocked alright! I'm so upset over this and just don't know what to think or do, other than what I've already done ...to no avail as of yet! I'm popping on here on my lunch break via my phone, so I hope nothing more goes whacky. I wanted this question to continue on for a good long while, especially being so many people have been expressing their views on this particular issue of defending our country and so I think it is important to allow as many people as there are who wish to answer. However, with "Best" somehow already being selected may stop people from even answering, possibly. More to the point though, the fact that I did not pick the answer as "best" is disturbing to me. There is nothing at all wrong with her answer, it's just I did not choose it! I tried to delete it and apologized and asked her to repost her answer, but it looks like it is still showing up as "Best"!
Hahaha, Will, Well, I needed a good laugh about now, so thank you for at least providing tension relief here for me!
Faith, I would suggest that you change your password and make it a complicated one. Don't make it easy to guess. The only thing I can imagine is that somebody logged into your account. As far as I know you are the only one who can select the best answer.
Hi Glenn, Yes, that's all I can come up with as well. Exactly, we should be the only one to be able to choose Best on our own questions! Surely, HP can undo the pick and the question can continue along as I had wanted it to do to allow as many people to express how they feel on the important issue!
I had something strange happen the other day when I answered a question. As I hit the button I noticed that there was a blue thumb up. Quite honestly there simply was not enough time for anyone to thumb up my answer. It seemed to have been done automatically. I was told that comments have been outsourced but no-one seems to want to admit this publicly.
Hi Sally, that is odd for sure. Oh, wow, about the comments being outsourced possibly! Hmm, well, that may explain a few things if that is the case.
I guess I'm not going to hear back from the HP Team to address my problem any time soon, so I am debating whether I need to just delete the entire question being it reflects a "Best" answer that I did not choose? The only problem about doing that is that so many ( into the hundreds) have answered the question and have taken time to participate. I hope the powers that be can undo the choice of best and leave the answer ... as that is the only way it will be okay in my mind. I guess, for me, it boils down to principle, being that it should be up to me to make the choice and if I didn't make it, it should be removed.
Sally, what you read about comments being outsourced had nothing to do with Q&A. It has to do with comments on hubs, which are being screened so that poor quality comments (bad grammar, no substance, self promotional links, etc) are placed in the Low Quality section of your moderation filter. They don't show up in hubs until you moderate your low quality comments filter and approve them.
But as I said, this has nothing to do with Q&A.
Hi again, Glenn,
Where do I go to change my password? It's been forever since I've had to change it. Thank you for helping. You are kind to do so.
Hi Faith,
Go to your profile
Click edit profile
Click account settings
Enter the security question you once created
There you will see the option to change your password.
Make sure you don't have malware on your computer that might be monitoring your keyboard activity before changing your password or all this will be in vain. I still think someone accessed your account since no one else can select a best answer in the Q&A. Good luck.
Thank you, Glenn.
You may be very well right. I will check about the malware, and that is a bit disturbing to think about the monitoring of my keyboard! But what if I use different devices such as a tablet at times or my smart phone, and then my laptop? Would that be an issue on all electronics or just my laptop? I'm sorry, but I am not too tech savvy, obviously.
Another thing that's not fair is that after I tried to delete the comment that someone chose as best, my score dropped just that quick. I did so in thinking that the person could repost her answer and then I would be free to choose best answer when I felt the time is right. The only thing is, is that it is still visible to everyone although it states "undelete" answer? Obviously, once best answer is chosen, it can't be deleted all the way being it is still visible. So, that means when the person saw the prompt asking ...are you sure you want to chose best answer, they had to click yes, unless there was a huge glitch in the system?
Or another possibility is when I was on my phone last evening it froze up and it had taken me awhile to get out of making a comment, and so I switched to my laptop. Do you think that when my account was open on my phone is when someone could have gotten in? However, that happened long after the comment was chosen.
How about you post a link to the question, and we can have a look and confirm whether we can see it or not.
I suspect only you can see it, but it will set your mind at rest if others can check
Hi Marisa, Yes, that would certainly set my mind to rest if others cannot see it. And that is the reason I tried to delete it and asked the person to repost her answer. I apologized too. I was thinking it shouldn't still be visible to others just like when we hide a comment ...for example, when two of the same comment appears and we hide one but only we can still see it. However, I had a fellow hubber and friend check and he sent me a screenshot and it was still visible as far as I could tell, even though it states "undelete" answer. Is it okay to post a link to my own question here? Well, it is the last question I asked with hundreds of answers, which is why I am so upset about it. If that were not the case, I would just delete it.
I looked at your list of your Q&A and found one where you selected best answer of someone who simply said they guess that someone else knows. It's the one asking about IP addresses in comments. I answered that just now with the correct answer. Go take a look.
I also looked at your last Q&A question, the one you are concerned about with hundreds of answers. Yes, I do see the best answer. Strange indeed. And it's posted by a new user who signed up 44 hours ago, never completely set up her account, has no hubs and no profile.
My conclusion: maybe answers that are already selected a best cannot be deleted. I suspect there might be a bug that displays the undelete option even though it is still visible due to the "best answer" status. But that's only a guess I'm making based on my computer programming background. I suspect the code was written to always display best answers and that overrides the fact that you deleted it. But as I said, it's only my assumption of what's happening here.
Hi Glenn, my problem is with my last question that has over 150 answers. If it weren't for that, I'd just delete the entire question. Thank you for checking the other question though in an effort to help.
Sorry, I added more to that comment. You're too quick! LOL. Go read the extra I just added.
I want to put a spanner in the works now. If the whole question is deleted do you lose all the earnings made from it> As I understand it, you get paid for questions and answers!
Sally, We do indeed get paid for Q&A, the same with hubs. And just as with hubs, you still get what had accumulated up to the point where you delete it.
Thanks, Glen, good to have that confirmed and I think that would be sufficient for me to keep a question here. Heaven knows it is hard enough to earn a crumb here:)
Q&A really does not earn much of anything. When I examine my Google Analytics reports, I never even see my questions getting Google traffic. Search traffic is where the money is.
Thanks Sally and Glenn. I sure do not want to delete the entire question, but I don't want a best answer showing right there at the top that I did not choose either. If it is not visible to others, then I'm fine with it, but it seems to still be visible.
Faith, did you try undeleting the answer as I suggested, so we can see if it reverts back to being non-best?
Oh, I didn't see where you said to undelete it but that is worth a try! Thank you so much for trying to help me with this issue. I will go now and try to undelete it and see what happen.
OK; I just undeleted it, but it is still showing as "Best" as far as I can tell ...
Yes, I see that too. It is still showing as best. Well, we got our answer... Once something is selected as "best" it can no longer be deleted or changed back. I am sure that there is no way it can be reverted back manually by staff either, because it's the way it was programmed.
You may as well just write it off to experience and just leave the entire series of answers there. Being that you got over 100 answers, this one may be worth something. Do you monitor your Google Analytics? You can watch to see if you are getting organic traffic to it.
Thank you, Glenn,
Yes, apparently that is the case. There should be a way for the HP Team to undo it, especially if I did not select it, and you know the person did it intentionally because it asks that additional prompt, "Are you sure you want to select this answer as best?" or something along those lines. I think there is something suspicious about that particular "hubber" being, as you pointed out, "she" just joined HP and answered my question, and then her answer is selected as "Best"! I did put an alert to HP about that fact.
No, I haven't checked Google Analytics, but I'm sure I am because I have over 2,000 views! The question is so relevant at this point in time for obvious reasons at this time of the upcoming election.
Well, actually, I just checked the views on that question, and to be exact, it has 2,378 views!
Hi Glenn,
I just went back and clicked delete answer again, and it asked if I was sure I wanted to delete it and I said, yes, of course, and it does look faded out now more than it did before. I wonder if it is truly deleted now?
I still see it. So we know by now that best answers cannot be deleted. The bug makes it look like it worked on your end.
Yes, Glenn, that does seem to be the case, unfortunately ...
Hi Glenn,
Matt and Team HubPages fixed the problem on my question as the "Best" answer has been removed, and so I am free to choose my own "Best" answer when I see fit!
Thank you for all of your help too, Glenn.
And thank you Matt and Team HubPages for looking into my problem and correcting the problem.
Y'all are the best!
What wonderful news! Aren't those guys and gals on staff absolutely great?
Hi Glenn,
Yes, they are these best! I feel so relieved now, especially being that particular question is such a popular question with over 150 answers, plus all the extra comments, and with views into the thousands that I am free to choose "Best" answer when I see fit to do so. Obviously, it bothered me so much that somehow "Best" answer was chosen when I did not choose it. It is a matter of principle in not allowing someone to put words in my mouth so-to-speak.
Again, thank you, too, Glenn, for taking time to help with this problem. I appreciate you.
Hi Sally, Yes, that is a good point to consider. This particular question of mine is a hot topic one and everyone is passionate about their answers, so that is why I am so concerned.
Thank you, Glenn. Yes, I believe your assumptions are correct in that best answers cannot be deleted. Well, that is interesting about the person just joining with no profile and no hubs as the one "someone" chose as best! Hmm, I wonder if that person were to be banned, her activity disappears from others' pages?
Hi Faith, In response to your various questions...
Malware can be on any device if you're not careful about avoiding clicking links in emails that can cause auto installation of viruses.
I dought that your score dropping has anything to do with deleting the comment. Scores always go up and down.
How do you know the deleted comment is still visible by everyone. Did you actually log out and look at it? If you are logged into your account you will always see it - and you'll have the option of undeleting it. Which brings up an interesting point I just thought of as I type this - if you go ahead an undelete it, will it revert to a regular comment without having the "best answer" status? Try it!
As for your last question, you say you left it open on your phone. Did someone in your house have access to your phone? If you leave any device logged in and if it's available to another person, they can do anything. They may have clicked the option to select best answer.
I found a link to an old thread written by Paul which may help with regards to the actual question you posed.
Oh, thank you so much, Sally! You are so kind to continue to try to help. As I stated to Glenn, if I had not received over 150 answers on the questions and 2,378 views, I would just delete my entire question, but so many have taken the time to express their views on the serious topic, which is obviously relevant at this time here in the US, I just don't feel good about deleting it. On the other hand, I don't feel good at all that someone was allowed to chose "Best" answer. Glenn pointed out the hubber whose answer was chosen as "Best" not be me, had just joined with no profile or anything else, but answered my question and then "her" answer was chosen "Best" and I have a feeling by that same person!
I would not delete it. You are earning money from it, more so with this debate going on:) I know it goes against the grain but perhaps staff will address your question after the weekend. Let us hope so.
She is not talking about deleting the entire question. She is only concerned about trying to delete that one single answer we have been discussing.
As for staff deleting it, I mentioned earlier that I bet the code is written so that it may not be possible once the answer is selected as best. Maybe the only thing they can do is to look at the log and see if the person selecting "best" was from her IP address or from the person who posted the answer. If it's that person, then they had access to Faith's account and that would be bad news.
That's true, Glenn. I don't want to delete the entire question, just the answer that was chosen "Best" when I did not choose it because so many people have taken time to answer the question, I would not want to ever delete the entire question, but I sure don't want everyone thinking I chose an answer that I did not choose!
Yes, hopefully, they can look at her IP address and tell if that action was from her IP address. Good thinking.
Well, maybe all of our detective work will eventually reveal the truth to this mystery!
Right. Just send staff a note about that, include a link to this forum thread, and wait till Monday or Tuesday. Nothing else to do here right now.
OK; I've already sent them an e-mail the day it happened, but maybe will send another one with this link.
I appreciate all of your help here, Glenn. You're great!
Thank you to all others who have provided insight into this unfortunate incident.
Sally, I just checked that link, which is helpful as far as answering the IP address question, and I just noticed that the IP addresses are not showing up on that question, which is interesting too, if they are supposed to be there for at least me to be able to view?
Hi Sally,
Matt and the HP Team fixed my problem, as the "Best" answer was removed as "Best! I'm so thrilled for it felt like someone was putting words in my mouth.
Now, I'm free to choose a "Best" answer when I so desire.
Thank you Team HubPages and Matt!
Faith, it could be that more readers voted that answer up than any of the other answers, so it was automatically highlighted as 'Best Answer'. Was there a notice in the feed the "Faith Reaper has chosen a best answer to ........"? , if not then it could very well be what I said, that more people voted that answer up.
Hi Phyllis,
Oh, really! Wow, I did not know that, but I do know that when readers vote an answer up, the one with the most will move to the top of the page, but has never been actually chosen as "Best" as that should be decided by the one who posted the question. I wasn't planning on choosing a "Best" answer any time soon, as the answers continued coming in, but now ...
I know what you are saying, as the black part of "Best" will be bolded and be moved to the top of the page, but this woman just joined HP and posted an answer and right away, her answer is actually chosen Best? I've never had that happen before on an answer. I don't think her answer was voted as best by others even, as it had just been posted and didn't have time for that to happen.
I wish I could edit my question to state to all those who read the question and all the answers that I did not choose that answer as Best! It just burns me up that it happened.
Is there some kind of limit on answers to questions or something?
I will go back and check my notifications if it was ever stated that I, "Faith Reaper" chose Best answer. That is a good idea and would confirm that I did not pick the answer!
That information was wrong. See my reply.
As for limiting answers, you can shut off further answers by closing the question.
Thank you, Glenn. I see that ...hmm. She joined HP right about the same time she answered the question and then her question is chosen as Best? Something is amiss, at least in my mind.
Oh, I don't want to limit any answers at all, and all I want to do is figure out how to let everyone know I did not choose that answer as Best.
Maybe, as you've stated, HP will check everything out after the weekend, because I know they can check into that person's activity to see if something is amiss, I'm assuming.
Phyllis, Good point. I looked at Faith's activity log. It shows that she selected that answer as best 46 hours ago. But that doesn't mean anything if someone else had access to her account and did it.
As for automatically becoming "best" based on many votes, it doesn't work that way.
That's funny (strange), because I checked that person's activity and that is about the time she joined HP too!!!
Hi Phyllis,
Matt and Team HubPages addressed my issue and corrected the problem, and removed the "Best" answer from my hot question that I did not choose, so now I am free to choose "Best" answer as I see fit!
Well done, your persistence was rewarded in the end. Glad it worked out. Staff generally do their best for all of us.
Thanks, Sally. Yes, I thought they would not be able to address the problem for a long time due to all the changes going on, so I am pleased, especially that they were able to remove that answer as "Best"!
by Faith Reaper 8 years ago
Would you delete a question you posed if it had 156 answers and 2, 404 views so far when ...?I need feedback as I had recently posed a question which, apparently, is a "hot" topic question, and I am thrilled so many answered the question and it has so far produced views into the...
by Faith Reaper 12 years ago
Why would one choose a "best" answer, when the question posed would not make sense to do so?Concerning questions of one's personal reasons or unique to that person, why would one choose a "best" answer, as it seems to me, with such a question one cannot choose a "best"...
by kallini2010 12 years ago
How do you feel when someone has chosen the Best Answer to his own question?Before the option of choosing the best answer was introduced, I felt that all answers are important and interesting because the mystery of what author of the question thought made it open for thought. Now, every time...
by MomsTreasureChest 12 years ago
I think once the "best answer" is chosen a question should automatically be closed. Your thoughts?
by Stacie L 9 years ago
Do you ever answer a question even after the Best Answer has been chosen?I enjoy providing an answer to questions at times but sometimes there are already many answers, and decide not to. Have you ever given an answer to a question with many answers or even though the Best Answer was already picked?
by Peeples 12 years ago
Do you think being able to choose a best answer will change the Answers section?So it has now been said that soon we will be able to pick a best answer. Do you think this will have any impact on the answers section?
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