Do people really read the hubs of people they follow?
Is it just me but I tend not to follow too many hubbers because I would never have time to write if I read all the hubs they submit. Perhaps I’m being naive here … but it seems disrespectful to follow them and then not read their work.
Do people elect to ‘follow’ a hubber and then really not read their work? If you follow over 1000+ folks how to find the time for a life if you read all their hubs?
Maybe not all of their hubs...
I, personally, follow people because of how they write and the way their mind works, rather than what they write about. Of course interesting topics will keep me reading, but I really like to see what makes people tick, and I will read things that don't particularly interest me just to find out.
Sometimes following people is more about inspiration, but I do agree with you, you should read some of their work every once in a while. I try to do that because thats the curtosy I would like extended to me.
Thank you Jesse … I could not read things that do not interest me as I would have no life at all. I read books … a great many books and I analyse them to see how they are written. I would not be able to do that if I read hubs all the time.
I see following people as a reciprocal thing, if someone follows me, I will usually follow them back unless they have very poor content or are mass following people. I also try to follow anyone who writes good hubs as a way of encouraging them and in hopes they will be interested in following me back. It is always encouraging for me when I get a new follower.
I don't read every hub the people I am following write, but I try to interact as much as possible. I think its better to follow someone and not visit their hubs, than never follow or visit.
I sometimes don't follow people who have a large following, but only follow a few people. Unless they have very interesting content, It just makes me not want to follow someone who doesn't interact with their following.
In the end, we each get to choose who we follow and why we follow them.
I tend to be more selective than reciprocal as that is what many people expect you to do and it does look good to have a great many followers but is it honest? I hope the people I follow understand that it was not merely a reciprocal follow.
I don't hope that people I follow see it as more than a reciprocal follow, I visit, read and comment to show that it isn't. I don't expect all of my followers to read every new hub I write. I tend to have a wide variety.
No, I don’t expect them to read everything I write either, internpete … all that worries me is that I do not have the time to do justice to the work of the people that I follow.
Ah, I guess I see it differently. When someone leaves a comment on one of my hubs, and then follows me, it makes me smile, so I try to do that to others who seem to be writing good hubs to help make them smile.
I think we are both saying the same thing here, internpete … I always reply to comments. It is only basic manners … and I am very grateful to have comments. My question has in fact arisen because I respect people and their work ...
I have seen many times where a person "follows" me and I check out their page, click on (their activity) where I see they have signed up to follow 30 or 40+ people all (within an hour) or so. Other times their list includes everyone who is following me.
This leads me to believe the individual clicked on my list of followers and begin to "follow" as many people as possible in hopes that they would (automatically) follow them in return. Very often a week or two passes and then they unfollow you especially if you did not opt to follow them. (These are "fake" followers) They are not reading many if any hubs.
Sometimes I think it would be nice if you received a notification of people that "unfollowed" you. LOL!
On a personal note (I tend to follow subjects rather than writers). If someone does follow men I would rather it be because they want to follow what I have to say. The vast majority of my hubs as well as my book are about relationships, dating, love, marriage, divorce/breakups...etc More often than not these are the types of hubs I also read. However I will answer questions under other categories from time to time.
I think there may be a great many ‘fake’ followers out there, Scorpio and that is what worries me. Let’s face it the real readers we want should have come organically from Google searches anyway ...
I read the hubs of those I follow from time to time but confess I could read more! I like to read about subjects I'm interested in and which have quality content - sometimes the two run together and that's always a bonus. Got to admit I did follow several hubbers when I first started without really knowing why - well just to get friendly with people and start the ball rolling. I'm a little more picky now and tend to interact with hubbers whose subjects and quality interest me.
Like others I try to do my bit - answering questions, joining forum threads and adding comments that have some meat to them. Time is always against us though! It's nigh on impossible to satisfy everyone you follow but I guess it's a question of balance - trying to interact as much as possible whilst still hanging on to your sanity.
I just loved this answer, chef … this is my dilemma in a nutshell. The rate I’m going my second novel will still be unfinished when I fall off the twig … other people’s work is such a welcome distraction
I generally only follow people whose hubs I have read, so I'm fairly sure I want to read more of them. I just don't usually have much time to do that. ...
My point precisely, wm … I suppose we have to be selective about which hubs to read from the hubbers we follow. It just has to be the ones that really grab you ...
At the risk of sounding like a snob, I only tend to "follow" people who write hubs about my general areas of interest, and who exhibit some basic writing ability... which, as it turns out, is a fairly small group. So yes, when they publish new stuff, I do read it.
I never got into the game of "following" random people in the hopes that they'd follow me back. If I did that, my Hub feed would be clogged with tons of stuff that I'd never bother with.
I really don’t think this is snobbishness on your part, FFC, more like robust honesty and common sense and I think this is what we should all do. The trouble is many of us don’t and I think that skews the stats ...
I'm glad you agree. I thought I was sounding a little harsh but maybe it needed to be said!!
Sometimes blunt honesty can be taken for harshness … but I believe it is always the best answer. Too many people pussyfoot about and that leads to misapprehensions. I can see why your authorscore is 100.
As others have said, I follow those Hubbers whose topics and writing I enjoy. Do I read all of their hubs all of the time? No. As you, yourself have pointed out, who has time for that?
However, since the Hubbers you follow show up in your news feed, it is pretty easy to do a daily skim-through to catch their new hubs, and read those of interest.
And, since Hubbers you do not know or follow may show up in your news feed via the share function, that is a good way to spot new folks whose topics and writing may interest you.
However, when I do read the hubs of folks in my follow list, I almost always comment (unless the topic turns out to be something that puts me off, in which case, I follow my Mother's training on manners and the old "If you can't say something nice, keep quiet," rule. When I leave comments, though, I truly appreciate those Hubbers who take the time to acknowledge said comments with a response. If I've commented on their hubs a couple or few times, though, and never recieve any acknowledgment at all--even in the form of a mass, "thanks, everyone for your comments," I won't bother commenting on their work again.
Someone I follow (I regret that I follow a few too many to recall her name at the moment) has an entire Hub titled, "How Do You Feel If Your Comments Are Not Replied To?" Overwhelmingly, the comments run to the side of disappointment.
Oh--sorry for the sideways rant--your question was not about comments....
No problem, Liz … I just feel guilty when I cannot read everyone’s work. I guess I was just looking for some words of comforting agreement.
I really like to read the hubs of the people I follow. Sometimes there are a lot, but they way I manage it is when I get the daily "recent notifications" email. I won't delete until I have read/looked at the hubs of the people I follow. I usually do it when I have a block of time. I confess that sometimes there are hubs that just don't interest me and I will skim them, but I do try and take a look. Most of the time I enjoy the hubs and read them through.
Once I have read through the new hubs on the list I delete the email and move on to the next day's email.
Yes, this seems like the ideal way to deal with this situation … but I try to have a disciplined schedule for actually writing my own work. If I have to read a huge number of hubs every other day it really messes that up and I am foremost a writer.
I don't follow a ton of people either because I too like to read the hubs of the people I follow. So since I have a limited amount of time to read them. But I also follow some people because of their forum activity. I like hearing their thoughts or answering their questions.
I tend to follow forum threads on things to which I need answers … such as why our view stats constantly fluctuate …lol.
I agree wholeheartedly. I try to answer and to read everything that is sent me, but, as you know, Angie, I am a slow writer and reader, and I find it almost impossible to read as much as is presented, and also, by the time I have read what is offered, I find I have very little time to do any writing for myself.
And think about it... How many times have you read a comment about some of your work, and you have said to yourself, "This person (follower) has obviously not read what I have written. They have just had a quick look at the pretty pictures or perhaps skimmed it to get an idea what it may be about and then said something like, "Loved this Awesome. What lovely writing... Blah! Blah! Blah!"
Many thanks for this considered answer, TL … that does happen to me quite often …
I always go back and read the hubs of those who follow me. Sometimes not right away, but eventually in time I'll read all of their wonderful work. Keep on hubbing
If I am following someone, it's because I've either read and liked at least one of their hubs, or because they followed me. I think for most of us it would be impractical to actually read the hubs of every single person we follow, though. I don't expect all my followers to read everything I've written, although there are some people who consistently read and comment on my hubs, and I certainly appreciate those folks.
I tend to read hubs that show up in my feed if they look interesting. Since hubs of those I follow show up there, I do read them if the title/subject is appealing to me. Sometimes, if things are slow, I go to the list of people I follow and look for hubs I may have missed. Certainly I do not read all of the hubs of those I follow. Judging from the number of pageviews I get from HubPages, most of my "followers" do not usually read my hubs.
I only follow hubbers who spark my interest with their hubs. When I get a notification that someone has submitted a new hub, if the title sounds interesting, I will read. Unfortunately, sometimes I get bogged down with many. I value the writings of all that I follow. I apologize if I do not get to all of the hubs I should be reading.
I do not read every hub of every person I follow, but I do glance at the ten most recent, and if one catches my eye, I will read it. Only a few of the people I am currently follow, actually write articles. I am always seeing the same authors, so even though I have a lot of those I'm following, many have stopped writing over the years.
I feel exactly like you. Following someone means tracking his progress. I too confess (like chef-de-jour) that it's not easy reading everyone's hub. But I do read at least one before deciding to follow. Then when I have time I go back a month later and read one more, etc. I try to behave towards others the way I feel they should reciprocate.
I think you are right here. But i tend to follow ones who follow me to respect the effort and the fact that they thinking me worth to follow. I read as many hubs as possible depending on the time available to me.
Thank you.
Well I have just started here, and only this morning has the number of people i follow caught up to the people who follow me. I try to read a couple of the hubbers hubs before following to ensure i'll enjoy their items in my feeds. I currently stand at 6 followers, which may be okay for 2 days of Hubbing but I want more!
Sometimes they read it and enjoy it. We should read other's hub also, that is a good habit.
For me very one thing , very surely . I spent 3 hours on hubpage per day to read , answer and question . Follow or not follow I not sure myself but I really like the hubpage , I had to think for it , I like thinking , in addition , I learned something new from other hubber . I more prefer than facebook.
We're hear to be noticed and read, aren't we? We hope that our hubs will be interesting and our answers answered, so I guess that's the point, we share and hope for good fedback and we also give fedback and read what others want to share with us. But of course you can't read them all, only the ones that interest you.
I personally have absolutely all the time in the world on my hands, so, I do actually read hubs, not only because it's respectful, but also because the only hubs I read are the ones I am interested in. I see absolutely no value in reading something i'm not interested in. So no, I don't follow 1000+ people just because. If I actually were to follow 1000+ hubbers, then I would actually have to be interested in their work. I hope that answers your question.
When i first joined i followed all the options presented to me.I soon learned however, that i did not have the time to write my own hubs let alone follow others.When i rejoined Hub pages after along hiatus, i just followed almost everybody.
Nowadays i just surf for the topics that interest me without looking for the names of the writers because it just makes more sense to do so.
I also prefer looking through Hot questions because i find them more interesting than anything else to be honest.It is amazing how many things i can learn via this platform.
Interesting comment, matama … I now tend to scan the email digests that I receive showing the new hubs submitted by the hubbers I follow and, like you, I pick out only the subjects that interest me. On the ones I do read I will leave a comment .
Angie, its good to know that i am not alone in how i do things.I guess to each their own, as long as it works.
Yes I do, though not on a regular basis. I do make it a point to go through the list of those I follow and read a hub or two for each person from time to time. I do, however, respond to the people who respond and leave comments to my hubs by returning to read one of theirs, whether I follow them or not. I find the writing on Hub Pages to be interesting and well done, so I am usually not disappointed when I visit someone's profile to look for a hub to read. I do find I spend more time writing my own hubs than commenting on others - I could stand to find a better balance there, I guess.
Or perhaps not, suzette … if you are anything like me it’s case of write or wither away inside
I think many do. The thing is it doesn't matter how many hubbers you follow. You can still write hubs. Just read the latest ones they post. There's not gonna be a hundred they'll publish in a day. There's always time to write your hubs.
Not if you are writing a novel, a blog, running a home and garden and feeding a family … lol, Annemari. I must get my priorities in better order
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