Are hubs monitored for proper use of the English language?

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  1. liftandsoar profile image60
    liftandsoarposted 11 years ago

    Are hubs monitored for proper use of the English language?

    I have been reading some very awkwardly worded hubs lately.  Syntax is weird and grammar is horrible. I know we have some hubbers whose first language is not English. I accept that and admire them for writing on HubPages. The hubs I refer to are written English speakers.

  2. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    Who is going to determine what is 'proper' English.  Not only does spelling differ in the  various parts of the English speaking world, so does grammar and syntax.  For me the only proper English is that which is spoken and written in the UK, and even here there are regional variations.  I would set the grammar/spell cheker to English, English so that it would strike through and alter any variations, Someone living in the USA would do the same but using N American English.
    You are right though, there are often many garbled sentances where the question is the wrong way around and looks like a set of instructions, too many or inapropiate use of 'is', statements with question marks tagged at the end , instead of using questioning words - does, what, etc.  And worst of all, that abomination that comes with the title, text language.

    1. tussin profile image57
      tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      liftandsoar he is meaning to this english style.  is not the speling diferances in us and uk talking about. it put sentance wrong to gether and grammer and sintacks and puntutaiion verb congujaion he is to mean at this question. ok please and thanks.

  3. dailytop10 profile image80
    dailytop10posted 11 years ago

    Hubpages is not really strict about the proper use of the English Language. I honestly confess that my English is not even close to perfection. However, I've already encountered countless hubs that display obvious grammar and spelling errors yet they were accepted by the system.

  4. profile image0
    april hollandposted 11 years ago

    I agree.  If writers are going to write hubs they need to at least double check their grammar and use correct spelling.  I seriously question if people should be writing if they can't spell words right, or they need to get their work edited by someone who knows how to spell!  I find that a big turn off when reading hubs if there are a ton of grammatical errors.

    1. duffsmom profile image60
      duffsmomposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed and what bothers me is that it reflects on the site, and all of us as writers.

    2. Ericdierker profile image48
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Here is what I do not get about your comment; The question itself is wrong and very clearly so.
      "The hubs I refer to are written English speakers." Do you criticize liftandsoar?

  5. Ericdierker profile image48
    Ericdierkerposted 11 years ago

    "Clearly I write the only kind of appropriate English" hihihihi ;-)

    A poem? Samuel Clemens? Spike Lee? Technical Manuals? Biblical? Humor? Legal briefs? I wonder which is the correct way in which to write a hub.

    When I first started international writing I took a course for pilots/controllers. The course taught us how to write and speak English for folks who barely knew it. Nowadays many see my writing as ESL, because of that habit, I developed in order to be understood rather than looking good. Along that line we developed shortcuts in order to limit bandwidth running to regions with limited connectivity.

    I worry not so much about "bad" grammar and spelling errors as I do the wholesale rejection of beautiful passionate writing because of a machine determining propriety in language skills. The best poetry I ever read was written in crayon by a five year old and ended in "I love you to", meaning both parents. That would have been rejected by spell check and ruined in the name of grammar. No thank you.

    Reject a writing because the author is too poor and too disadvantaged to learn the Queens English?  Reject the poem because the child could not finish school and learn to spell. The Rap artists phraseology and vulgarity is to be rejected because it offends someone who graduated Oxford?

    Read rcrumple, he is glorious in his abuse of the English language.

    1. tussin profile image57
      tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      yes i to enjoys to reading the hubbs writen to the style as this. is brain challenge to be not clear sentances and meaning is very clear to us all when reading the hubbs of such style.  good to esl writers to share bounteous hubbs of reading for you.

  6. profile image0
    paxwillposted 11 years ago

    This has been an ongoing problem, and one of the main reasons hubpages was hit so hard during Google's various algorithm updates.  Currently, a very badly written hub can only be removed if it is flagged enough times.  If you skim the author's other hubs and notice a pattern of deficient writing you can just flag the entire profile.  It may or may not get taken down.

    By the way, you should not hesitate to flag badly written hubs by non-native speakers as well.  They are just as much a part of the problem as supposed native speakers who can't write well.  If a person's English skills are sorely lacking, they should not be writing on an English-language site. Such people are better off getting their own blog to practice English, or taking classes where they can get real feedback and corrections from an instructor.

    1. Ericdierker profile image48
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So did you flag this question? "The hubs I refer to are written English speakers."  Glass houses are so darned hard to live in.

  7. tussin profile image57
    tussinposted 11 years ago

    liftandsoar is vary good point but esl my writing why is called bad.  the hubpage is to learn at writing in the english and my hubpage give practice me. please and thanks you to this very imported question.

  8. samadaslam profile image60
    samadaslamposted 11 years ago

    Yes! Every Hub is reviewed by at least 2 Real Humans and then they check each and every mistake whether it's grammatical or spelling mistake. I'm a professional writer but even then Hubpages refused to publish few of my hubs. It was terrible and in anger I mailed them. When they replied, I was shocked to see that they notice even minor mistakes in language use. You won't believe but I succeeded in getting approved one of my article after 6 months.


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