Is Hub Pages a place for humor?

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  1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
    MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years ago

    Is Hub Pages a place for humor?

    Besides my obvious love for video games, I don't really have a specific niche...I write about pretty much everything and anything, there is no method to my madness. I know I have an off-the-wall sense of humor which isn't for everyone, but I was just wondering if there's a place for someone like me here on Hub Pages. Are Hub Pages as serious as they people here like to crack a smile...or for the most part, is it all seriousness all the time?

  2. TToombs08 profile image78
    TToombs08posted 11 years ago

    I write mostly humor stuff and seem to be doing ok. Most of my followers have a wicked sense of humor and are funny in their own right. So, yes, there is a place here at HubPages for you and your sense of humor. big_smile

    1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you very much for your response...I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now...and no, it's not diarrhea.

    2. fpherj48 profile image59
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It may not be diarrhea...but if you read terrye's stuff, you WILL at least pee your pants.

    3. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @fpherj48 that sounds hot...really it does.

    4. fpherj48 profile image59
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      YOU, Michael, are one sick dude! smile

    5. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      He's my kinda sicko! big_smile

    6. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @TToombs08 thanks for having my back playa.

    7. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! You'll do well here, Michael. big_smile

    8. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @TToombs08 thanks...that means a lot coming from you.

    9. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Join some hubpages facebook groups, share your works on SnipIt and Chime. You'll start getting the views you hoped for. And a blog helps. wink I love my blog, and my blog loves me! big_smile

    10. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @TToombs08 where would one find these said Hub Pages Facebook groups? I never heard of Snipit and Chime...I will have to look into them...thanks for the heads up.

  3. innerspin profile image89
    innerspinposted 11 years ago

    There are some very funny hubs about, maybe you've not come across them yet - or maybe your humour really is off the wall and doesn't register some of them! I'm intrigued now by what you may write. Browse hubs by topic, under entertainment there is a humour section. People's idea of what's funny will naturally vary. Hope you find something that tickles you.

    1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the information...I really appreciate it and I'm going to look into it. If you do get the chance to read any of my work please let me know what you think.

    2. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      MJM, I just read your crap on Bathroom Wall News. *chuckle*

    3. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @TToombs08 thank you...glad you liked it.

  4. sweetzara profile image74
    sweetzaraposted 11 years ago

    I try to write hubs with a bit of humor and don't take them too seriously. But to answer your question, hub pages is a place for writing content that google will rate highly.

    1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh man...then I'm screwed...because Google hates me...I cheated on it with Bing.

    2. fpherj48 profile image59
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Michael...You're in good company.

    3. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Google is my pimp and I'm it's ho. big_smile

    4. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm the bottom bitch...I called it first.

    5. fpherj48 profile image59
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this


  5. fpherj48 profile image59
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    MJM....If my opinion counts for anything much, I'm afraid I'm over the edge...."Every where" is a place for humor......except, of course, needless to say....a tragic situation or scenario........I said, "over the edge"...not plain stupid.
    If you haven't seen tons of humor on HP, you've merely not come upon it yet...and believe me, you don't know what you're missing!
    I have met some of the funniest people EVER, here on HP.  Just off the top of my head....."Thoughtsandwiches" and "Mark Ewbie,"  (HILARIOUS)....."TToombs", who has commented here, "imkarn" many, I hate to overlook them, but eventually you'll meet up with them.
    Happy cruising!

    1. TToombs08 profile image78
      TToombs08posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOVE YOU, EFFER!!!! smile

    2. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @fpherj48 of course your opinion are the bomb diggity. Thanks for the information and if you'll now please excuse me, I have some hubs (and hubbers) to search out.

    3. fpherj48 profile image59
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If you're going to see Thomas or Mark.......go potty first.   I'm in process of suing Thomas (thoughtsandwiches) for the hernia I developed, reading 3 of his hubs in a row.......His hub on"orphan hubs" should be labeled "Dangerous."

    4. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @fpherj48 I'm all set...I got my Depends on nice and tight.

  6. M. T. Dremer profile image83
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    Honestly, humor is one of the best things you can have here. The internet is flooded with content. There is virtually nothing you can write about that hasn't already been covered elsewhere. That's why it's so important to establish your voice. Give people a reason to come back to your articles, even if you're not providing any new information. Humor is the quickest way to do that, if you can do it well. My only advice is to not restrict yourself; write the kind of stuff that you think would be funny and the rest will just fall into place.

    1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome advice...thank you so much. I am trying...but I don't know if my idea of humor is really funny...or if it just make me look like a screwball.

  7. nanderson500 profile image77
    nanderson500posted 11 years ago

    It's definitely okay to be humorous on Hubpages. I've read some very funny satirical hubs since I've been here. Having a sense of humor will help you gain followers and views.

    1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I'm hoping for...but only time will tell.

  8. JimTxMiller profile image77
    JimTxMillerposted 11 years ago

    Oh, Michael, don't you know? This IS the asylum (of course, I read your profile; surprised?)!! EFFER certainly knows whereof she speaks. The humor abounds here.

    1. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
      MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You actually read my stuff...I am one has ever done that before...I'm not sure what to say.

    2. fpherj48 profile image59
      fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Michael...Really?  Get a grip!


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