Tantrum, Your response cracked me up.
Shhhh....I don't like the weird, white, laying-down, face (the picture the OP has here) that looks like someone just drowned in the bathtub. My first reaction to that picture was, "Oh, a dead person."
In all seriousness, I don't think HubPages should have rules (beyond what they already do) about pictures. Our individual Hubs are found through searches. If we send anyone to our own profile it's up to us to decide if we want a business-like look, a "creative" look, etc. (In my case, a boring look). Although I see the forums (and the site) as a community; I have to say I don't see all of us Hubbers as "one, big, team". I see HubPages as a site that acts a vehicle for each individual's choice of writing/expression. Besides, if we all worked at, say, IBM or Microsoft, we'd all have our cubicles decorated differently, and we'd all have our own style.
Like Marissa, I understand the idea about a professional image; but as she said, not everyone here is a professional writer, and I'm not sure HubPages would offer the range of writing it does if everyone were a professional web-article writer and wrote nothing but "yet one more 400-word article about Mp3 players".
HubPages is doing pretty well, and a lot of people are earning pretty well on here; so they must be doing something right.