Do you think it is important to add follow-up comments when people answer your q

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  1. btrbell profile image86
    btrbellposted 11 years ago

    Do you think it is important to add follow-up comments when people answer your questions?

    When I answer a question or leave a comment  on someone's hub, I appreciate some awknowledgement. I feel surprised (and a bit "cheated" when there is no response) Am I setting my expectations too high or are people submitting questions simply to raise their hubscores?

  2. Millionaire Tips profile image87
    Millionaire Tipsposted 11 years ago

    I try to respond to all of my comments, but I know I tend to fall behind frequently.

    As to my comments on other hubs, I think it would depend on my comment.  If it was  small comment - a "nice hub", I wouldn't care if it wasn't answered, but if it was particularly insightful or asked a question, I would be disappointed to not receive a response.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you! I do agree that the content of the comment/question makes a difference as far as the expectation goes.

  3. sallybea profile image83
    sallybeaposted 11 years ago

    I will always try to respond to a question - I think it only polite to do so.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image82
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    I respond to all comments on my hubs, but when it's a question, I only respond to the ones where I feel the need for clarification or counter-points. While it's nice to have someone acknowledge my answers, thank-yous don't add much to the dialogue.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      True. But most of the time, I think we pose the question in order to open up dialog.

  5. Faith Reaper profile image85
    Faith Reaperposted 11 years ago

    I always try to leave a follow-up comment when someone leaves a comment or even an additional comment on a question I have asked. I figure if they go to the trouble to comment, I want to make sure to comment back. The other day someone commented on one of my questions, and I could not go to the end of my comment for some reason to finish it via my phone so I had no choice but to get on my computer to delete my comment as it went through before I could get on my computer and the comment was not finished. Once on my computer I deleted my part of the comment and it would not allow me to comment back again! Thankfully someone else commented and I had to comment back to back on the other person's comments.They need to fix that, as I hope the other person realized I had to comment in that way. To me, it is always important to comment back, but sometimes I do not always see the notification until a lot later.  Then there are those times when someone puts a link in a comment not realizing they should not do that, so I comment, and thank them, but explain that HP does not want links in comments as they think they are same or promoting one's work, so I tell them I have no choice but to delete the comment, and that is not a good feeling to have to do such.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, you are the best at leaving comments, adding personal anecdotes, etc! I know that our system for commenting can be tricky and suffer from that also! Thank you!

    2. Faith Reaper profile image85
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Meant to say, they think they are spam, the links.  I wish they would allow more room to comment, as I always run out of room ... LOL.

  6. profile image0
    Alen Ostovicposted 11 years ago

    Well it all depends on what you wrote, sometimes people really have nothing to reply, so they don't. Sometimes people are suspicious if someone who commented on their hub actually read it, or just flicked through it. If your comments are interesting and not the generated type, than it would be rather rude not to answer them.

    Normally I don't pay much attention if someone is grateful for my answer or comment, I'm just glad if I could've helped in any way.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure if gratitude is the right emotion I am struggling for, here. At least not in the question section. I guess, after seeing some strange questions, I wondered at the motive and point of the "q&a" section here. Another whole topic!

  7. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image95
    Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years ago

    Like Millionaire Tips, I try to respond to every answer/comment, but I definitely fall behind.  In fact I had to chuckle when I saw this question because I saw it just after I had finished answering a bunch of answers to a question I asked a few days ago.

    I usually set aside a time to catch up on answering my comments/questions. 

    As for comments/answers I leave on other questions/hubs, I don't really think about it too much.  Some people do, some people don't, although it is nice when they do.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I know what you mean. Sometimes, I post a question or a hub, then run to work. I always feel a little bad when I see prople have responded immediately and I haven't even awknowledged them!

  8. profile image0
    Adityapullagurlaposted 11 years ago

    Well i think it depends on your questions, if its interesting enough i guess people will stop by to acknowledge it with answers

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      True and if the comment is pertinent, why not acknowledge it, too?

  9. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 11 years ago

    I try to ensure that respond in some way to any comments or questions left at my hubs. If for no other reason, it lets the people who take the time to write things know I'm actually paying attention. If I thought it was too much of a hassle (which I don't), I'd delete the comments section so I wouldn't have to worry about it. If I leave a question or comment at someone else's hub, I don't get upset if they don't respond although I do think they should answer questions about their hub if someone asks.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. I think the comment section is there for that purpose. I don't know if I necessarily feel bad if someone doesn't reason. I think it's more that I hope they v saw my comment. Like you, I feel if someone has taken the time and trouble to comment o

  10. Jackie Lynnley profile image85
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 11 years ago

    Sure, if you ask something then you should. Why would you ask and make someone believe you didn't even look at their suggestion? I will admit though I do not always get notice when someone does and I sometimes will get a notice weeks later seeing several more had made comments I did not see. Probably we should close it if we have picked a best answer but I rarely do that if I plan to leave the question running for how do you know it was the best answer?

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That  was my original thought about the question section. I'd you are seeking answers, whatever they may be, it  is  polite to respond.

  11. sprickita profile image60
    sprickitaposted 11 years ago

    Yes, or yes mostly- it is the polite action to take. Seems fair to respond to an answer/commit given to your inquiry. Someone took the time to read and leave a reply to you. Also if you are just a random body who enjoys nosing through the Q&A  pages ,it totally helps to paint a better picture of whats going on. But at the same time sometimes its not an option to keep up on it all. What do u say?

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm nit she went out wouldn't be an option to keep up with it. I think my feeling is to acknowledge answers and comments but asking this question has helped me to better understand why not everyone does

  12. Bills Place profile image74
    Bills Placeposted 11 years ago

    I try to respond to all comments on hubs as well, even if it is just a thank you. However , if there's more to say to engage conversation I reply with more than thank you.

    Sort of the same with Q&A , but I do fall behind so it may not be right away. There have been a few comments that got overlooked and took weeks before I replied.  Usually see these when I review an old hub or revise it.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That has happened to me before as well, especially when I was in a hurry to publish!

    2. Away24 profile image53
      Away24posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's almost a matter of manners, in a And that's also how you get to "know" your followers and feel more of a kinship with them.
      Travel Pulau harapan

    3. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed, Away24! That really is how we all get to know one another.

  13. Imogen French profile image87
    Imogen Frenchposted 11 years ago

    I don't always expect a response when I leave a comment or an answer, and am probably more disappointed by a pointless response such as "thank you for commenting" than I would be if there was no response at all.
    I do try to respond to answers and comments in order to acknowledge the trouble people have gone to, and especially if they are interesting, but like to say something meaningful if at all possible, rather than just giving some generic automatic acknowledgement.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do understand what you are saying but then I think it might make me a bit uncomfortable when commenting just in case my comments are not in depth our v interesting enough.

  14. catgypsy profile image71
    catgypsyposted 11 years ago

    I feel the same way! I always respond to my comments because if someone can take the time to leave one, then I can take the time to acknowledge it. I think it's almost a matter of manners, in a And that's also how you get to "know" your followers and feel more of a  kinship with them.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I doh think it is mainly about politeness but live that you brought up the hat last. It is a great way to get to know people!

  15. Zeeshan Amin profile image61
    Zeeshan Aminposted 11 years ago

    Yes. It is absolutely neccessary to ensure that the speaker/writer gets the desired response from listener/reader.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I dont think there is any guaranty that it will be the desired response....just that a response is desired.

  16. profile image0
    Lybrahposted 11 years ago

    Absolutely.  It is important to let the reader know you have read their answer, and are thinking about it.

    1. btrbell profile image86
      btrbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I feel the same way. Otherwise, I'm nit sure what the point of a Q&A section would be.


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