What is your most popular article ever published?

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  1. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
    Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years ago

    What is your most popular article ever published?

    I wanted to see trends in topics that received favorable out of random curiousity, so I was wondering what topic you covered for the hub that has received the most traffic since you joined HP; as well as when it spiked, whether it continually, gradually grows, etc. Thanks! Ill post trends and/or patterns I notice after looking at the info, I studied this kind of stuff in school and love analyzing social behavior .

  2. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago


    My most popular article is THE DARKEST SIGN OF THE ZODIAC-SCORPIO.  This article has 61,594 views.  I am very fascinated by the sign Scorpio.  Scorpio is an extremely dark sign in many ways.  It is dark physically, emotionally, psychologically, even can be dark psychically.  I thoroughly enjoyed writing the article.  Scorpio is a sign of quite unfathomable mystery to say the least.  There is no other sign as dark as Scorpio.  Many readers, especially those interested in astrology, were immediately drawn into the article.   So far I have received 85 comments on the article.

    1. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, what a comprhensive hub it is! Very informative. Does it tend to go up during the time of year designated to the scorpio sign?

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Really don't know but the article has an INTENSE following.  BTW,  THANK YOU for commenting!

  3. Ericdierker profile image49
    Ericdierkerposted 10 years ago

    I am so not a popular writer. But mine is and was a How To. Crazy I know.

    How to safely spank a child..... http://ericdierker.hubpages.com/hub/How … -Your-Knee

    Perhaps that will help you to scratch your head.

  4. blueheron profile image91
    blueheronposted 10 years ago

    I've been here for about a year, and my top performer is "How to Remove Warts, Moles, and Skin Tags." My first runner-up is "How to Remove Plantar Warts." A more recent hub on "How to Install and Outdoor Spigot to Water Your Garden" is now second in line on a daily basis--after a slow start. I thought that hub was a loser, at first. (Probably just seasonal.) I guess all this stuff is, in its own way, a bit "dark."

  5. The Examiner-1 profile image60
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    Since it is the one that has the most views ever, so far in my list, then I would have to say, "How do birds make songs and calls?".

    1. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      that is a great hub Kevin! does it still get good traffic? does it tend to lag during the winter?

    2. The Examiner-1 profile image60
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No, Kathleen. It has the most views but it has low comments and I was surprised one day when it was selected as EC.

    3. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ah! The mysterious EC award. I remember being just as shocked when I saw which one of mine was picked. It is curious the algorithm they use

  6. liesl5858 profile image82
    liesl5858posted 10 years ago

    My hub that receive the most traffic is "Basic Kuwaiti Arabic language"(words and phrases) with meanings in the English Language. I have translated some words and phrases from Arabic to English. I have been with Hubpages for over fourteen months and I am happy with my hubs. Some of them are not performing well but I am quite happy with some of them. I hope to get some more traffic.

  7. zacharybrown profile image59
    zacharybrownposted 10 years ago

    I am a newbie here at HP, but I will share mine. My most viewed Hub to date in titled "Knowledge is Power: 3 Great Ways to Take Online Classes For Free." It explored the differences between Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), OpenCourseWare (OCW), and other platforms that offer users a chance to access some pretty awesome classes and educational materials. Here is the link: http://zacharybrown.hubpages.com/hub/Kn … e-for-Free

  8. brutishspoon profile image65
    brutishspoonposted 10 years ago

    If only been on here under this user name for a short time and so far my best preforming article is:

    http://brutishspoon.hubpages.com/hub/Da … ultiverse.

    On my old profile that was band thanks to another writing site not deleting my articles It was another Science related one on Time Travel.

    On the other site (Triond) at the moment my RuneScape articles are doing well but my best overall are all science related.

    On Helium before they messed up it was a one on Trade Unions and why they are important.

  9. bravewarrior profile image87
    bravewarriorposted 10 years ago

    "Serta Rest 3" Gel Memory Foam Mattress - a consumer review" has 19,402 page views (posted 5/30/13) and increases daily. Next in line is "Green Tip #1 - Maintaining Your Septic Tank Without Chemicals" at 13,270 views (posted 10/14/11), which also increases daily. Top 3rd is "A Father's Love - Poem for My Dad" at 5,021 views (posted 4/18/12). It gets okay traffic but seems to spike around Fathers Day

    1. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      wow! didnt expect to see a mattress article make the list, but i do know from experience that writing great septic tank articles doesnt stink the way one might think!!! smile

    2. bravewarrior profile image87
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Too funny, Kathleen. I think the mattress topper article does so well because it's a product review. I know I always look at reviews before I buy something I'm not familiar with.

    3. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I never even thought of doing product reviews but that is a great idea! Especially with my shopping habits!

    4. bravewarrior profile image87
      bravewarriorposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There ya go. You have a built-in niche. Just make sure you put "product review" or "consumer review" in the titles. When I search for a review, I type blah-blah-blah consumer reviews into the search engine.

  10. Bob Go profile image59
    Bob Goposted 10 years ago

    It wasn't here, but the most popular thing I ever wrote was on Global Warming basics. The second was on physical security for laptops (they get stolen a lot), and the third of "Top Signs Your Dog is Dying."

    On HP, where I'm just getting started, it is "What Women Find Attractive In Men"

  11. profile image0
    RIT NGOposted 10 years ago

    http://ritngo.hubpages.com/hub/Releif-I … ganization
    This one is my favorite hub which is published. Please visit this hub and comment to a noble work by relief India trust, it is a social welfare organization in India.

    1. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You arent supposed to ask for views and comments, it is against hubpages rules.

  12. WryLilt profile image87
    WryLiltposted 10 years ago

    My 40 ways to induce labor hub.

    It had about 10 views a day for the first six months.

    Now it averages around 1,500 views per day.

    1. kalinin1158 profile image89
      kalinin1158posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow. So would you say that it takes about 6 months for a new hub to gain the audience?

    2. WryLilt profile image87
      WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It depends on your topic and what competition you have.

    3. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
      Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      WryLit I feel like you have so much wisdom and knowledge to share with others.

  13. Kathleen Odenthal profile image88
    Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years ago

    WOW! WryLit that is nuts! Did it get reposted somewhere or something? What caused the surge?

    1. WryLilt profile image87
      WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's not a surge. It's been averaging that or more for at least two years. It ranks high in Google plus gets lots of Pinterest pins.

  14. kalinin1158 profile image89
    kalinin1158posted 10 years ago


    Ironically (and a little sadly for me as a writer) my most popular hub wasn't written by me. It's a collection of funny quotes about the Universe: "Hilarious Universe: Collection of Funny Quotes". I'm actually quite devastated by the fact, but what can you do? I can't compete with the likes of Einstein and Woody Allen.

    But my second most popular article is all me: "Inside the Inipi: Sweat Lodge of the Lakota People". It's a personal account of my first sweat lodge experience.

    And the third place goes to "Healing Chakras With Crystals" - a handy guide to crystal healing. That's the only "how-to" of the three.

    In terms of comments, "Pineal Gland Activation" blew the competition away.

    Thanks for an interesting question!


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