Reason for increase in traffic

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  1. Michael Kismet profile image87
    Michael Kismetposted 6 years ago
    I just received a pleasant surprise while checking my stats, which I admit I do more often than I should. But one of my best performing hubs got 10 times the amount of traffic it usually receives, from 200-300 to over 3300. This has happened before but I figure it was a share that begot more shares, etc and so forth.

    Then I checked my traffic sources, and visitors via search engine increased 500% across the board, Bing, yahoo search and Google search and android search all question is does this mean my article went up in rank? Will this ride continue? Really anxious for some veteran to give me good news. Thanks.

    1. Susana S profile image94
      Susana Sposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Your page has been listed at the top of Google's results as the "featured snippet" smile

      Out of interest have editors worked on your page recently?

      1. Susana S profile image94
        Susana Sposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I have a few featured snippets and they've sustained high traffic volumes for many months. I hope you have the same experience for your page!

    2. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      As has been said on this thread, results get shuffled in the search engine and can place an article at the top for awhile, resulting in heavy traffic; and you can get placed for different keyphrases too, which will account for increases in traffic. However, it's possible for the placement to last a long time, I've had it happen.

      As a featured snippet though, my experience is that it stays there at the top for a long time.

    3. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      This could be the result of several things.  For example, your work may have been mentioned in a popular magazine outside of the hub and perked interest in it, someone on FB  could have shared your work and it went viral or even if you posted on Flipboard views could have risen  significantly.

      A year or so ago I posted an article in Flipboard and almost overnight got more than 16,000 views on it!

      The bottom line, though, is that the internet is fickle, so I wouldn't worry about it or count on it staying for long,  Just be happy this happened and enjoy the ride.

  2. EricFarmer8x profile image64
    EricFarmer8xposted 6 years ago

    I searched for top ten board games and your are the 6th result on page one for me. That would help get more traffic.

    1. Michael Kismet profile image87
      Michael Kismetposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for checking, but does anyone know if this traffic increase will persist? Also, it’s jumped to 4200!

      1. K S Lane profile image95
        K S Laneposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        On my old account I had a hub which was getting basically no views (1-2 a day) and then suddenly jumped to 700-800. The weird boost only lasted a few days and I couldn't figure out why it happened. That being said if you're ranking high on google then I guess your traffic should stay elevated for some time? I'm no veteran though, so it's only an educated guess. I hope it stays!

  3. lobobrandon profile image91
    lobobrandonposted 6 years ago

    If this is search engine traffic, it most likely is due to a rise in traffic. This is not a newsworthy traffic that would result in people searching for it because something happened somewhere. Unless all board game companies announced that they are having discounts smile

    Google does play around with rankings to see how some pages respond, the bounce rate etc. If people are happy with your result the ranking may stick, else it may drop back to where it was earlier (or improve a bit compared to the earlier position). This is called the Google dance, if you want to look it up.

  4. blueheron profile image89
    blueheronposted 6 years ago

    Sometimes someone will read your hub and decide to share it in a place that draws a lot of attention. For example, there are Facebook groups that have tens of thousands of members. If someone shared you hub with such a group--or maybe several of them--you would get quite a traffic boost. I once posted one of my hubs in one of these very large groups and got 3,000 views a day for about three days. These bursts of traffic don't last long, and you don't want to make a nuisance of yourself by posting your hubs to them overly frequently.

  5. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 6 years ago

    Hey Joker, this is great, but did you check the traffic sources under the stats for that page? I seriously doubt that those numbers are coming from Google, even with a featured snippet. That just seems like too much of an increase to me. (I could be wrong though, and hopefully for your sake I am. Anyone can tell you what might happen but no one can tell you for sure what IS going to happen.)
    If that huge rise is due to social media like FB or Flipboard, the numbers are going to drop after a few days. Check the stats on the page to be sure of the source for those numbers.
    Enjoy it while it lasts!

    1. Michael Kismet profile image87
      Michael Kismetposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Joker? I’ll take that as a compliment I’m in such a great mood! Can’t tell from this screenshot but my bing and yahoo have increased by a large margin, as well.

      1. DrMark1961 profile image99
        DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Didnt you use an avatar several years ago with Joker makeup?

        1. Michael Kismet profile image87
          Michael Kismetposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          oh!!! that was a Halloween picture of me and an ex girlfriend.

          1. Michael Kismet profile image87
            Michael Kismetposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I like taking fun pictures, here's me punking two Las Vegas Police Officers!

          2. DrMark1961 profile image99
            DrMark1961posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Cool photo. Photos of me are usually just with a dog or monkey.

            (This is a  moneky enjoying my soft pillow--stomach!)

  6. Lifefusion profile image78
    Lifefusionposted 6 years ago

    Seems like for the Key Praise "Best boardgames of all time" you are #3 in googles search. You can help your hub stay at the top by responding to comments and sending legit traffic from high page ranked relevant websites in the form of do follow links.

  7. Lifefusion profile image78
    Lifefusionposted 6 years ago

    I have similar traffic for a hub of mine and it has sustained for about 3 years. It has made me a good bit of money. Hopefully it keeps up for you as well. Attempt to replicate the process in which you wrote that hub for all future hubs and any content you may have elsewhere.

  8. Michael Kismet profile image87
    Michael Kismetposted 6 years ago

    I just checked my stats, it’s even higher today! I want to thank everyone for their input, I understand that the internet is fickle, so I’ll just enjoy this while it lasts.  Thanks for posting that Susanna, I had no idea, I’m super stoked.  The best part is that article is responsible for 90% of my amazon sales.  I had 120 items a month sold in one great month at 200-300 views daily, I can only hope amazon sales skyrocket to scale accordingly!

    1. incomeguru profile image82
      incomeguruposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      @Michael, can we see how traffic to this hub looks like now? Congrats!

  9. Michael Kismet profile image87
    Michael Kismetposted 6 years ago

    I just checked my earnings, instant increase in amazon sales, and you guys wouldn’t believe how much I earned with just my 2500 impression alone at super high CPM!

    Omfg!  I hope this lasts..thanks everyone for their support, now I have to go to work.

    1. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! Congratulations on that! That's going to be a hefty payday!

  10. Rock_nj profile image85
    Rock_njposted 6 years ago

    Congrats Michael!  With the CPM over $9 yesterday, you must have had an impressive earnings report from that surge in traffic. 

    I had something similar happen to one of my cryptocurrency articles a few weeks ago.  It was shared around Twitter and on a cryto forum.  I got around 15,000 views in 2 days.  That was nice!  Same thing happened with one of my relationship articles a few years ago.  Some relationship guru mentioned it and linked to on a popular site, and boom the traffic poured in!

    It's good to hear success stories at HubPages.  Thanks for sharing!

  11. profile image0
    Timothy Andersonposted 6 years ago

    Kudos Michael!  Very impressive.  When I read your article, the little red Amazon symbols in each game section take the reader to Amazon.  Are these links or capsules?  I've always been confused about how to sell an Amazon product on one of my Hubpages. Any thought's you'd care to share would be VERY appreciated!

    1. Titia profile image91
      Titiaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      These are links which you get from highlighting a specific word, then click on adding a link (in edit mode) and there you can choose the Amazon product you want. Save it and it will look like the intext link with the a from Amazon.

      An Amazon capsule looks different and will be a capsule below the text.

  12. Titia profile image91
    Titiaposted 6 years ago

    Congrats, hope it will increase for a long long time

  13. profile image0
    Timothy Andersonposted 6 years ago

    Thank you Titia!  I have 20 published hubs and none are linked to Amazon.  I tried to place some Amazon capsules in the firs three or four I wrote, but Hub editors removed them without explanation.  So I haven't tried to add any since then.  I'll keep researching.  Again, mucho thanks!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like it would help you to read my Hub on The Basic Rules (it's on the slider on my profile).  There are specific rules that apply to Amazon capsules and links and they are very strict.

  14. profile image0
    Timothy Andersonposted 6 years ago

    Thank you Marisa!  I have read and printed your excellent article and will study it further this evening.  Loved your profile and dancing info; I was a BYU Folk Dancer in college and toured Europe and Japan, performing at folkfests. Nice to see you are still passionate about your dancing.  My thanks for your help!

  15. Emmy ali profile image61
    Emmy aliposted 6 years ago

    Congratulations, best wishes for your more traffic.

  16. Nell Rose profile image87
    Nell Roseposted 6 years ago

    Congrats! It did happen to me a while ago, but of course it soon goes back to normal, but its awesome while it lasts

  17. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 6 years ago

    O.M.Goodneeeessss! Congrats to you Michael. Chi-chinnnng!

  18. Michael Kismet profile image87
    Michael Kismetposted 6 years ago

    Wow, thanks everyone, there are really no words that can convey my gratitude! I am deeply humbled.

  19. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 6 years ago

    Hey I read you other post too. Sounds like things are going great. How is your traffic holding up for this page?


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