Where do you backlink?

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  1. AllanWrites profile image61
    AllanWritesposted 14 years ago

    Where do you normally post to establish backlinks?

    1. Anath profile image63
      Anathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I get bored backlinking so I don't really do much about it.  I usually only use twitter and facebook.  Yesterday I started with shetoldme.com and friendfeed.

      1. G Miah profile image68
        G Miahposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Are you still making money though?

        1. Anath profile image63
          Anathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I do.  I don't do much marketing at all.  At the start I only had internal views (hubpages only) now it seems to be picking up in search engines and external sites without me having to do much about it. 

          I only joined friendfeed this morning because I noticed yesterday that I had quite a number of incoming views from that site.

    2. TerryGl profile image58
      TerryGlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I use software for all of my backlinking campaigns. It saves a lot of time.

    3. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just published a hub on this today smile

  2. sunforged profile image77
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    some suggested sources

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Get-Website-Tra … -earn-from    places i backlink for increased revenue

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Increase-Your-T … follow-PR6 - a dofollow backlink list  ryankett

    http://hubpages.com/hub/backlinking   darkside on backlinking

    1. MyWebs profile image79
      MyWebsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks sunforged. Those links are great resources. Especially the first one which you wrote, not to take away from darkside's hub one bit.

      1. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        well  my hub doesnt speak much on the overall concept of backlinking...it just shows a quick method to get people started in the process

        Darksides is more informative in a holistic nature and a great resource for new users

        once one is indoctrinated into the BL purpose than Ryans hub has a bunch more sites you can use easily...make your decision about the worthiness of PR at bookmarking sites (your link willnever be more than a 1)

  3. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    There are a lot of people who have achieved some great success without worrying about backlinking.  Some of my most successful sites have been ones which I have done the least backlinking on!

    1. sunforged profile image77
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      either a fluke
      or well planned research
      or sites that would do better with a backlink campaign and could probably be easily conquered if anybody else ever challenges that niche.

      or you wrote so well other felt the desire to create natural backlinks for you

      Certainly, not a good strategy for long term success...there are a lot more people who dominate whatever niche they desire by well planned and thorough backlink promotion

      correlation does not imply causation

      1. Silver Rose profile image66
        Silver Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Kind of agree. You can get away with no external backlinking if there is a huge quantity of internal backlinks pointing to your hub.

        But you are vulnerable to someone coming along and beating that with a wide variety of external links.

    2. TerryGl profile image58
      TerryGlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So as your profile reads your into seo consultancy.

      Are we to assume that in your wisdom and thorough knowledge of seo that there is no need to for backlinking then?

      Is that one of your seo tips?

      I'd be interested to know if you have actually had any consultancy to do.

  4. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I am not saying that backlinking is not important, but sometimes success can sometimes come from unexpected angles!

    Backlinking does not guarentee Google placement, there are lots of aspects to consider, and Backlinks are merely part of that.

    1. TerryGl profile image58
      TerryGlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So what your saying is you build a site and put it on hosting and leave it then?

      Is that right, because I really cannot see any other way to promote that site without a backlink of some sorts.

  5. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    There's a huge indoor pool where I live I practice my laps there big_smile

    1. profile image0
      lyricsingrayposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hey oli what's up?

  6. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    hi Lyrics!


    No I didn't and I don't think you should put words in my mouth.

    Other things that influence serps include, but are not limited to

    Keyword density
    Keyword count
    Page quality (Outgoing links on page)
    Keyword in Domain
    Keyword in URL
    Domain Extension
    Meta Tags & Description
    Font Size and attributes
    Images & Alt text
    Internal links
    loading speed of page
    Frequency of Updates
    Age of site
    Spelling and Grammar

    and these are just some of the known factors that can affect serps, Google has stated that they use over 200 factors in their ranking formula, if backlinking was the only thing to affect pagerank, than PR1 websites would never see the light of day, and PR8 websites would have cornered even the most obscure of keywords.

    Only PR is directly linked to number of backlinks & their quality, but it is also well regarded that PR does not guarantee high search engine placements.

    And I am currently working for a London restaurant and a mens fashion magazine in my SEO capacity.

  7. TerryGl profile image58
    TerryGlposted 14 years ago

    Oh dear!!

  8. profile image56
    Siew Chengposted 14 years ago

    I dont usually put in effort to backlinks to hubpages. Once in a while, when I am the mood, I create a blog post to get links to a few hubs.  Other than that, the traffic comes in naturally.

  9. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    are xomba and she told me dofollow??

    1. Susana S profile image92
      Susana Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Shetoldme is - Xomba isn't.

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        thank you very much

      2. myownworld profile image69
        myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Just wanted to ask, when you post a link to she told me, do you copy/ paste your first paragraph in the 'scoop description' or do you write new original stuff to describe your hub? thanks in advance! smile

        1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          morning MOW< good day to you,

        2. skyfire profile image77
          skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Always write unique content on the sites where you create backlink, this is good practice. Much better way is to write 200-250 word article in short that is related to your hub or site and then slip the link inside it.

          1. myownworld profile image69
            myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            smile thanks for that! It's one of those things no one really explains when mentioning back links, so cheers!

  10. alexandriaruthk profile image62
    alexandriaruthkposted 14 years ago

    will somebody here share which sites are do follow while at the same time earning from them???

    1. Drwibble profile image59
      Drwibbleposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have a hub with a table of revenue sharing sites for backlinks with their affiliates, dofollow and what sort of links they accept. I won't post the link but it is called "Ultimate Collection of websites for backlinks and traffic"

      As I come across new revenue sharing website that I use for backlinking they will be added here.

    2. skyfire profile image77
      skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      - shetoldme(dofollow)
      - yousaytoo (nofollow)
      - webanswers(nofollow)
      - xomba (nofollow)
      - today.com(dofollow)

      all the above mentioned sites are adsense revenue sharing sites.

      1. alexandriaruthk profile image62
        alexandriaruthkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        THANKS SKYFIRE, much appreciated

  11. myownworld profile image69
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    I think it's good to 'back link' to this thread! wink


    (Misha, yours got a worthy mention in the other thread btw!) smile

  12. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    Thanks MOW, I am actually quite flattered with Peter's endorsement - must be I really managed something worthy. smile

  13. yenajeon profile image56
    yenajeonposted 14 years ago

    I've been trying
    fb, twitter, ff, reddit (good), xomba, digg and blogs smile
    But... I'm pretty lazy about it and most of my traffic is HP, Google and Yahoo!

  14. TerryGl profile image58
    TerryGlposted 14 years ago

    I have got so sick and tired of backlinking the manual way that I paid 147 for software that does it automatically. I have a lot more time now and see quicker results.

    1. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't have a spare 147 sad
      It's a vicious circle. You write to make money and you can get quicker returns if you pay out yet more money on software to promote your links, but until you get some return for your writing, you can't afford to pay out!
      I just spent two whole days backlinking and hardly got anything done. It's just so time consuming, and I am normally online for 12 hours a day.

      1. Misha profile image64
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You don't have to shell out $147 at once. You can start as low as $5 a month, and when you start making money add more expensive options. smile

        1. IzzyM profile image87
          IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          What companies start out at that price that are worth using?

          1. Misha profile image64
            Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Check my latest hub, if you have not already smile

  15. RKHenry profile image66
    RKHenryposted 14 years ago

    I backlink all the time.  I think it is valuable tool to obtaining more traffic.

  16. waynet profile image68
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    On the internet usually!


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