So far, (Saturday 16th December 2024), this month has brought the lowest earnings by a huge margin for many, many years on Hubpages.
Is anyone else experiencing something similar?
What on earth is going on with this site? It used to be a really good sideline, but now it's hopeless.
I think every writer is experiencing the pain but for those of us who have been contributing to HP for a decade or more the last two years+ have been a real challenge - the Google&TAG nightmare in which a once fruitful and dynamic site gradually withers away to nothing.
As for earnings, well, with 450 articles on Owlcation I'm still able to reach 3 figures a month but I'm expecting things to wind down given the state of HP. Last hope? For Owlcation and a select few other network sites to carry on if traffic persists, ring-fenced against closure?
Major decrease since I had to request the few articles I had on network sites be sent back to Discover, even though those articles were not my main traffic sources.
I've been averaging $1-$2/day all year, until about the past month or so. The past week has been $0.13 - $0.34/day, with one day hitting a massive $0.54...
I haven't done anything about new content in a couple of years because every time I attempt to update existing content to stay relevant, it seems they get less traffic or pay goes down. There is no motivation to spend hours writing new content at this point.
October and November, I've seen half of earnings value compared to previous months. The cut is severe. Not sure what's going on here, is this the impact of AI content flooding the internet I wonder?
Around a dollar a day. I won't make payout next month for the first time in maybe 8 or 9 years.
Wow, this forum post seems to be from the future (Saturday 16th December 2024) How exciting!
I'm making less than a dollar/day with this account. Though I do have other accounts too so I'm still getting paid something every month. I don't expect that to last, though.
To misquote Monty Python, this site's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!
GDPR Deleted
Writing content for/on X
Please enlighten me, if you don't mind.
GDPR Deleted
Thank you for your answer Tess, and for the link.
I’m checking it out.
I really don’t know what’s happening here anymore. It’s so distressing, plus uncertainty makes me nervous. And I hate that feeling.
I still wish to earn some better income online, not this four cents per day that I’m getting here.
I'm after requesting a move of five somewhat educational articles to Owlcation where they might earn more. For one of them, it'll be its fourth move between sites. They might earn a few cents more after the move.
0.73 so far this month, $2.43 last month….wow! This way it will take a year to make payout.
Going to be way short of payout this November for the first time in many years.
I made it across the $50 earning threshold last month by the skin of my teeth, so I will receive a payment at the end of this month.
However... based on my earnings so far this month, I estimate that it would take me another year and a half to reach payout again.
I am not optimistic about this site even still being here in a year and a half.
Therefore, I am seriously thinking about simply unpublishing all my stuff and putting it out of its misery. Clearly nobody is looking at any of it.
And if it is still here, I suspect that it will be unrecognizable, HP in name only. It's already largely gone.
Ten days into December and I have earned less than a dollar so far this month.
Y'know what? F*** this. I'm gonna start un-publishing my stuff today. It's not worth the effort anymore.
My earnings are very slightly up due to the season. January will be bleak, though. That said, the figures are so low that it's not worth worrying about.
I doubt we'll ever go back to earning dollars instead of cents.
I'm reconsidering my general earning plan and I see the new year as a fresh start.
Keith - It goes without saying that you'll be missed if you do go! Your witty remarks have long been a highlight of the forums!
I agree with Paul. Keith, you will be missed. Lately, HP forums have been eerily quiet, indicating the platform's deterioration.
I don't think there's much worth saying anymore. People are free to complain about the time when the comments disappeared and the changes to the layout and ad scheme, etc., but I don't see much point.
I still saw a glimmer of hope when a team of editors were employed to work on articles as it meant that TAG hadn't given up. I can't see any major new initiatives to resurrect the site happening now, though.
With only a handful of hubs I used to reach payout every two months, but that's history. Just like Jodah I'm earning cents now. Last month $3,70, this month sofar $2,59.
I still had some 'savings' from August, but at this rate my next payout will probably be somewhere in Spring. It was fun while it lasted, but I have little hope for the future.
I'm sure I'm gonna miss you all, when they'll finally pull the plug.
Hovering around $100, sometimes above, sometimes below. Traffic increasing slightly.
Traditionally, one would've expected a rise in traffic at this time of year. The run-up to Xmas was always the most lucrative.
I'm not seeing much sign of that so far. My traffic dropped significantly at the last update and has since stagnated.
Yeah, it's crapping out. Yesterday's news. This platform has been left behind.
Finally, after three months, I’ll receive one this month.
I haven’t had monthly payouts since about a year ago.
So disheartening!
According to Semrush, there has been a dramatic increase in organic traffic recently on HobbyLark, Owlcation, and Letterpile.
Good to hear, Gregory. I am noticing an influx.
Kenna, HobbyLark hit rock bottom around November 12 in terms of organic traffic. This marked increase in traffic is a very pleasant surprise. I have seen a huge increase in Google traffic as well since Thursday of last week. Hope it keeps up.
Glad to hear about your traffic increase too.
I just looked over the Semrush info again for HobbyLark. One rather disturbing matter about HobbyLark is a bounce rate of nearly 80%. Of course, most of us here know why that number is so high.
I don't even know if I will get any today. I've lost it, lol! Not paid every month for a few months. Terrible
I doubt that payouts will go out today anyway, because today (the 28th) is the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.
I imagine they'll be delayed till at least tomorrow.
I never thought of that. Being in England it's not a holiday. Hope you are having a great thanksgiving
There's a delay in processing stats for payments. Payments will be made ASAP. Apologies for the delay.
Payments should not be delayed. Paypal does not take a holiday, but it looks like we will not get paid, which is pure BS.
Hmmm, Gregory, I don't know what "bounce rate" means. Can you explain, please?
According to, a bounce rate is defined as “the percentage of visitors that leave a webpage without taking an action, such as clicking on a link, filling out a form, or making a purchase.”
A high bounce rate lets you know that there are inherent problems with your webpage, such as too many ads, mediocre or out-of-date content, a page that is slow loading, page layout issues, etc.
Google also uses a webpage’s bounce rate “as a ranking factor in its organic search results.” lists five ways that can identify a bounce on a webpage:
1. “Visitors click the browser back button
2. Visitors enter a new URL in the address bar
3. Visitors close the browser window or tab
4. Visitors stay inactive for more than 30 minutes and the session times out
5. Visitors click an outbound link”
Janda, I have hit the back button many times when a webpage is taking too long to load. I just go elsewhere to get my information.
HP’s niche sites have a high bounce rate because of a plethora of adverts throughout an article, slow-loading pages, and so forth. As I said above, Google uses a webpage’s bounce rate as a “ranking factor in its organic search results.”
Consequently, the positioning of our articles in Google’s organic search results for designated keywords and key phrases has been adversely affected over time because of a high bounce rate.
Please note that a multiplicity of other factors, such as page load speed or the quality of backlinks or keyword competition or even keyword optimization, can also influence a webpage’s ranking in the SERPs.
What is a good bounce rate? tells us that “As a general guideline, a bounce rate of 40% or lower is considered good, while a bounce rate of 55% or higher is considered high and may indicate that improvements are needed to engage visitors and encourage them to explore more of your website. But it’s important to keep in mind that every website is unique, and there may be other factors that influence bounce rate.”
If Hobbylark’s bounce is circa 70%, that tells us that readers are not spending more than a few seconds on an article. And that is not good.
I'm finding this site very discouraging. I used to write for another site (, and I made a little spending money on it, usally between $10 and $20 per month. But it shifted over to pop culture, so I found Hub Pages and rewrote a few of my articles for it. But I never have gotten much traffic, so I haven't added many, thinking I'd wait and see if readership increased. But it hasn't! I only have 7 articles, have been on here about 4 years, and I still haven't reached payout. Is it time to bail out or write more?
Traffic was increasing, but has dropped steeply again on Owlcation at least. CPM is up a bit.
My traffic on HobbyLark has dropped by about 15% over the past week primarily because of the American Thanksgiving holiday. It happens to me every year. People are traveling and shopping.
Yeah, traffic will likely pick up again and at least return to its previous (crappy) levels after the Thanksgiving dent. We will also get paid too, hopefully.
Historically, my traffic never starts to increase again until the Wednesday or Thursday after Thanksgiving.
Yes, it would be fantastic if we got paid ASAP. As I recollect, two or three years ago, the 28th fell on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and we did get paid on time. I think it was the same year that we weren't paid on December 28. We got paid soon after, and I forget what HP's reason was for the delayed payments.
I don't really worry about getting paid late. It's not worth worrying about.
Of course, if they ever didn't pay us at all that would be the end of the game. However, being a day or more late has happened on numerous occasions.
The traffic is a way more serious problem and has essentially killed the site for me.
The behavior of the traffic in specific instances really depends on the subject matter. When my product reviews actually got traffic, the views would explode on Black Friday and stay high until early January.
Most topic areas will drop for several days at Thanksgiving for four days or more, though, as you say. People are traveling, kids and students are off school, etc.
Paul, like I said to Janda above, the fact that many so-called readers are only spending a few seconds looking at our articles because of the ads, etc. is a very serious matter.
You and I both know that Google uses the bounce rate as a page ranking factor in the SERPs, and that a high bounce rate could have an adverse effect on a webpage's number of page views over the long-term.
Google might calculate the time someone spends on a webpage in microseconds too.
Yeah, I'm not going to get drawn into a discussion of the ads or comments, or whatever. That stuff happened ages ago and is unlikely to change.
I think the problems are deeper and more complicated than the ads, but there's no point arguing about it because it doesn't matter.
Gregory, I hear you. I hope that TAG will eventually realize that ads are not valuable when they prevent readers from getting the information they need.
In 2015 and 2019 Thanksgiving fell on the 28th, and we were paid that day.
Thanks to Gregory DeVictor for the comments about "bounce," etc. It's sad that we, the writers, don't seem to have any control over these aspects that are preventing our success! I'm trying to get motivated to post another article, but it doesn't look like many of our co-writers are! We enjoy sharing our products, but we should get paid for them! Thoughts, anyone?
Has anyone thought about compiling their articles into miscellany books on Amazon?
Yes Eugene. I thought about doing that. But Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing) won’t publish books with content that is published online. Besides, I already have five paperbacks out there and they don’t sell often. What are your thoughts (and/or experience) on that subject?
I don't have any experience. It's just something I've been thinking about over the years. I guess it would be a lot of tedious work and waste of time collating everything together if it wasn't worthwhile. At the moment, I'm nagging a local newspaper and trying to get them to setup a sort of a miscellany column for me where I could write random articles.
I toyed with the idea of ebooks about ten years ago and then again maybe five years ago when I went as far as compiling some books, but never went fully through with it. I don't really regret it.
My feeling is that you'd be lucky to make many sales just putting them on Amazon or wherever, you'd need a lot of publicity elsewhere to drive traffic. Like the web, you're competing with a flooded market in many instances.
If I were to do it, I would go for a very specific target rather than miscellany. I think people are more likely to pay for info they perceive as specialist.
Overall, though, I don't generally think it would be much of an earner, particularly if the same info is available for free online. AI has made things worse in my estimation.
You may be better off doing as you are and going for a section in a trad. local newspaper, although they're generally struggling financially nowadays.
I too think that ebook idea has sailed.
It is all available online now, and no one seems to want to read a whole book anymore.
The only future I see is using the info we have to make videos.
Video is certainly the fashion nowadays.
Although I’ve got a feeling that AI will get good at generating videos very quickly. It’s improving in leaps and bounds.
I find it difficult to guess where things are headed. Search engines were predictable by comparison.
Yes, I have seen some good AI videos already. Maybe we have a year or two before Google Ai starts ripping off our vídeos in the same way that they are stealing our written articles.
Yes, that was my thought exactly. It could take a couple of years to build a little video empire and by that point it might be worthless.
As far as search goes, I do see AI answering queries with AI-generated videos as well as text in the near future.
The speed of development is already rapid and will only accelerate.
True. It's already automatic with copyright infringements. Crazy.
Dr. Mark, I agree. Finding the proper platform is key.
Good luck with that newspaper column idea. It could be more worthwhile than writing a book.
I am really excited on my earnings. Haha I have 196 featured Articles and 1 not featured and I am earning... Wait for it. ... 1 cent per day
Oh Eileen, lol. Too bad we don't have penny candy anymore. Or maybe you do in your hometown?
I rarely check the HP forums and so don't know if I missed something concerning Amazon. When I checked for this profile, I found literally no sales for December. Based upon fairly decent traffic, that's close to impossible.
As for my traffic, it's been increasing, but my revenue has plunged beyond belief.
When checking the publicly traded parent company of HubPages, I didn't see anything in its quarterly report that mentioned the site. Why don't they just let us know there's really no support or interest in the platform, so we can take steps based upon that?
They used to include HubPages as one of their brands in the list on their site. But after reading your post, I rechecked it and saw they removed HubPages from the list. That’s very sad and indicates where we’re headed.
So, it looks like we do indeed need to take steps to find an alternative. I, for one, have been putting new content on my own website. I think that is something everyone should consider doing with their articles.
On another note, since you checked out their quarterly report, did you notice that The Arena Group stock has almost tripled in the past month? I’ve been wondering what’s going on behind the scenes that’s bringing that huge profit while we here on HubPages lost all the revenue we used to achieve before the takeover.
Glenn, this is sad. Deterioration is continuing.
I don't think that it's any great surprise that HP sites are no longer featured at TAG. I think the "reorganization" in October and the departure of many editors was essentially us being put out to pasture.
I'm still getting a trickle of earnings. However, once the 60/40 share guarantee was discontinued, it dented my confidence that we'd ever regain the previous high earning levels even if the site(s) were to recover (which is extremely unlikely).
As for TAG news, they've picked a new board and...
"In other recent news, Arena Group Holdings, Inc. has reported strong earnings and revenue results, a significant development for the company."
from 12/16/24
I don't think our problems are all related to TAG, though. I think Google plays a large part.
Plus the internet generally is now a very different place from what it was ten or fifteen years ago. I miss the halcyon days when there were lots of small-scale start-ups and it was far less corporate but I can't see those days returning. AI will likely consolidate money and power in even fewer hands.
I've thought about going that route but honestly ... I don't have the time or the patience to start over from scratch somewhere else.
I've been un-publishing my stuff bit by bit over the past week. I should be done with that chore by the end of this month. It's been fun, y'all. (tips hat)
Good luck Keith, whichever direction you decide to go! I appreciate all your witty comments over the years!
Good luck in your endeavours Keith. On a personally selfish note, I wonder where my inspiration is going to come from. Think rutabagas.
Patty Inglis no even those lilies have long gone. Cheers. Merry Xmas and safe new year everyone
GDPR Deleted
I think you're suffering from a humor deficit, Tess.
He's mocking the cesspit of misinformation that X/Twitter has become.
I always appreciate Rupert's wit. Others may not. Some might not even get the joke.
You're Irish. It's normal humour to you.
True, but I missed Rupert's wit and did a Sheldon on it.
True, but I missed Rupert's wit and did a Sheldon on it
I just assumed you were being sarcastic!
I thought you might. Sometimes one says what they mean.
And most times, people are not direct for fear of being discovered.
I read a post the other day that said that Trudeau was a good prime minister. I am glad there are still those positng fiction to that site.
Thanks Paul, but jokes don't really work well when they have to be explained.
For me, the joke works without explanation. But I was brought up with the dry humor of the British Isles where part of the fun is to never explain.
The rest of the world often has a more literal take on life.
For some, irony and satire are forms of witchcraft.
Rupert, jokes aren't explained. They are set up.
Tess, I consider your post a sneaky way to spam. That is why it confuses people.
It depends on what the intent is. There is nothing wrong with humor or wit as long as the purpose is good.
The main purpose should be to make people smile or laugh and the rich and powerful are always worthy targets.
It's always healthy to laugh. Orwell's Animal Farm may beg to differ.
For sure, Animal Farm is an allegory not satire, so you will be disappointed if you read it expecting laughs.
Orwell's friends said that he never smiled. When he is humorous, it's very dry and dark.
Boxer getting driven off to the knacker's yard when all the naive (and illiterate) animals have been told that he's being put out to pasture, could perhaps be described as an example of Orwell's dark humor in Animal Farm.
But, yes, generally speaking, it's a serious book about how revolutions are taken over by greedy individuals and cliques seeking wealth and power for themselves.
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often and for the same reason."
Mark Twain
Satire is often misunderstood. Animal Farm is both an allegory and satire. Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal and Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are examples of satire that highlight social issues with exaggeration and irony.
Voltaire was a master of satire. Candide, in 1759, “I think there is no life on Earth, because I don’t believe any intelligent people would ever consent to make their home there.”
There are also some excellent examples of satire in classic science fiction, which some historians say satire originated.
"Satire is often misunderstood"
That was exactly my point regarding Rupert's quip.
I'll concede that Orwell draws on the Swiftian tradition and could be said to have satirical elements, but Animal Farm's not intended to be humorous, like say Voltaire or Twain. That's why I didn't understand your criticism of Rupert.
This month, I've made a grand total of $0.07. Now, I have never had a lot of articles or made a lot of money, but to not even break $1 by this point in the month is... horrendous. I think I am officially calling it quits because it's just not worth having my articles published here at all. It's just a reminder of failure, honestly. I haven't written since my mom died in 2023. Not articles, not books. I'd rather my articles not be published at all than wasted here.
Hubpages was so promising. Then they changed. I weathered the changes, waiting for things to prove it was worth the time and it's just gotten worse. It makes me sad.
I started on hub pages way back in 2013. Earnings have constantly gone down. I track their organic terms that rank as well as their # of links(means # of articles published on site.) Their traffic has tripled as of dec 2024 from dec 2021. at the same time the # of pages has roughly doubled. My earnings keep going down also. Multiple reasons for this 1) increasing competition for attention of the readers 2)all articles have a shelf life. Some evergreen content will last longer but even that needs to be updated 3)or possibly they are just screwing up on the earnings. They could be taking a larger percentage and you wouldn't even know. this is the most likely scenario imo. So what can you do? Focus on easily monetizable topics that you can get more traffic to.Try and promote your articles offsite. Any socials that you have or websites(if you have them) Subdomains in HP haven't ranked well in the Google serps for about a decade now. Medium seems is doing the best in terms of rankings but youll need to pay for an account to do rev sharing with them. I used to have an adsense account but they banned me so i put my articles that only make money with adsense on here. There are other display ad programs but they pay 1/3 of adsense. The other monetizable articles i put on websites where i collect 100% of the aff income.
by Teresa Schultz 11 years ago
Anyone else seeing double earnings this month compared to last month?Halfway through this month I've made $3-something, compared to $3-something for the whole of last month - with the HubPages Ad Program. Although I'm not complaining of course, I do find it a little odd when so far this month I've...
by Bill Manning 14 years ago
So how is everyone's earnings from Amazon going for December? I'm up to $134.00 already and sold 16 items yesterday. I will beat last month no problem.I'm hoping the next few weeks has a lot of last minute shoppers, and I think that will happen. How about you?
by Holle Abee 13 years ago
My September earnings on HP amounted to more than $1,300. That includes Adsense, HPads, and Amazon sales. IF (notice - big if) this continues, hubby will be able to retire soon, which has been my goal all along. Last November and December, I think I made around $1,200 for each of those months, due...
by Nelle Hoxie 15 years ago
Prior to last month my idea of promoting Ebay was to stick an Ebay capsule at the end of my Amazon hubs, I made about $10 bucks a month doing that.So my first lesson was you want to make real money from any affiliate program - including Ebay - you have to design a hub to promote the products and...
by inaniLoquence 12 years ago
I have just received my first HP payout on PayPal late last month (USD$60-something)! It was a long journey since I was not very active and I wrote on and off (I only have 31/32 hubs at the moment). To all the hubbers who are wondering what I am earning monthly now, I average around USD20/mo, which...
by vector636 14 years ago
Hi friends I am quite new here on hubpages but i have written more than 100 articles on helium.I want to know that how much time it took you to reach 100$ a month mark. and how many hubbs have you written by now ?although it is quite a relative thing because it depends on topics choosen as well as...
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