I have a lot to learn...please help!!!

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  1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
    Theblackorean2010posted 14 years ago

    So, I get on here everyday reading about ways to make your hubs better, how to build your fan list, how to increase traffic, how to make money etc.  And, one thing I keep hearing is "It takes time" and I am cool with that but in the mean time I want to make sure I am giving my all to produce the best possible hubs I can.  I would love constructive criticism that can make my hubs better.  I am moving slow and only have four hubs but I am in the process of having at least 10 by the weekend.  Thank you so much for any advice you can offer.

    1. TerryGl profile image57
      TerryGlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Not for me, I want it now. It doesn't take time, it takes a little effort.

      You have to make it happen. Promote your Hubs wherever, whenever and however you can. Start with pingler dot com to submit your hubpage url's to, submit your rss feeds to rss sites, write articles directed at your hubpages and build links. Social bookmark and anything else you can think of.

      Remember traffic equals eyeballs and that's what we want to our hubpages and lots of them.

      Good luck and welcome to Hubpages, every one is very helpful here.

      1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
        Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks a bunch for the tips smile  I will definitely check out pringler

      2. awmoney profile image61
        awmoneyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        i totally agree, content networking for the win! You can also make video's, write on other article sites. make blogs etc etc link them together !

        1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
          Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you.  I am glad you said that because I do have a video I recently made when we ate Galbi in Itaewon that I can add smile

  2. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    Firstly please allow me to welcome you to hubpages.
    For a very concise and easy to follow method I suggest you read what BlondePoet, a very talented hubber, and darkside likewise have to say on the forum thread "Are my hubs that aweful?"

    1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
      Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much easnestshub and for becoming my third fan smile  I will read what she has to say and will also be posting more info on teaching in Korea soon.  Have a wonderful day!

      1. earnestshub profile image73
        earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! We have a wonderful community here who will nurture you. smile

  3. Ohma profile image60
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    I read your being single hub. I love the message you are trying to convey but you might want to consider breaking it up into two hubs. It reads sort of like an essay instead of an info article.
    Welcome to Hubpages. As Earnest said it is a great community.

    1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
      Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Ohma.  I think I understand what you are saying.  So, instead of bunching it all together make the bold parts their own hub?

      1. hubranger profile image60
        hubrangerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'm in pretty much the same boat as you I think. Just joined yesterday, got my third hub up and looking at a piddly low number next to my name, lol. Still, one day - I might sneak above 50 smile

        1. WriteAngled profile image72
          WriteAngledposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Not to worry. Your hubscore climbs up quicker when you participate in forums. I'm now experimenting with another ID, which does not participate socially. It took almost a week for the hubscore to climb on the basis of two hubs, now it's decreasing again due to lack of page views and no new hub input.

        2. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
          Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Lol at hubranger...so I'm not alone!!!  We will get our numbers up!!!  Thanks WriteAngled smile

      2. Ohma profile image60
        Ohmaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Either that or at least in thier own section with a new capsul.

  4. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    I've already Welcomed you to HubPages, but I would also like to let you know....if there is a particular HUB you want reviewed, then come to this forum like you have, but post your links to whichever you want reviewed/critiqued.

    This way, people do not have to go through every hub you have. Usually, there are only a few hubs links allowed here, that I know of...

    Example: if you have 20 hubs, you cannot post all the links, but you would be able to post like three or four. When the critiquing is done with those, then pipe up with more later on.

    Try to let the Veterans, like Earnest, Darkside, Relache, Marisa Wright, Nelle Hoxie and Sunforged to help out with reviews. There are some of us, meaning non-veterans(professionals) always give input, but usually they are more specific and valued.

    So, I am posting a few of your hub links, so you don't have to.


    I'm off to check them out for you and will be back shortly. smile

    1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
      Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      WOW....THANKS SO MUCH big_smile

  5. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    The below hub could use another capsule, to break up your text and allow for more adsense ads to be placed on your hub.

    Next hub- This will be an updated hub on a regular basis. It's good as it is for now. smile

    Next hub- This hub needs to be broken down into more text capsules also. You could use at least 3 more capsules. Plus, at the bottom, you have an amazon capsule and a picture capsule side by side, but there is a white spot, which seems to stand out, underneath your picture. I would suggest shortening your amazon list of products, so that white spot is diminished or made smaller.

    Next hub- Again, I would suggest more text capsules. Plus, a few more keywords/tags. Not too many more, just a few(2 or 3).

    Otherwise, for the most part, you did a lot better of job, than most first starting out.

    I look forward to more Hubs from you. Enjoy your time here at HubPages. smile

    1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
      Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I greatly appreciate all the advice you have given and will definitely make some corrections to the articles.  You noticed things I would have never noticed smile

      1. Cagsil profile image72
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You're welcome. Anytime if I can help. smile

  6. yenajeon profile image56
    yenajeonposted 14 years ago

    Welcome! I always love to meet fellow Korean hubbers smile

    1. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
      Theblackorean2010posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much....nice to meet you!!!  GO KOREA big_smile

  7. Theblackorean2010 profile image60
    Theblackorean2010posted 14 years ago

    Hey everyone...thank you so much for all the advice you are giving I truly appreciate it and I am taking it all in.  I have made some adjustments to my hubs.  Thanks to Cagsil the hubs are listed below.  Please take a look and let me know what you think.  Have a groovy day big_smile


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