this guy just totally chewed me out on my angel story hub , I know there are threads about comments being rudly made on hubs , but this one is ridiculous to me , its like 3 paragraphs long and makes no sense and gee wiz its an angel story for god sake , what the hell? Not self promoting but you guys gotta read the comment on my traveling angel hub and tell me if I'm over reacting -
Not such a big deal he has a different opinion than you..I got called a moron, a racist and a hater on one hub.(I am none of those things).so this is very mild..I see another guy got back in his face (so to speak) and said worse than the commenter you are so upset with..
sorry you had to deal with a jerk. It happens a lot.
I must have really thick skin or something because although I found the comment to be a tad on the rude side, it was also laugh-out-loud funny (I'm sure the humour was entirely unintentional though). His parting shot was basically "all the people who've commented so far have liked this hub, but what do you expect 'cos they're all women and blondes at that!!" LMAO.
I agree with BeiYin's first paragragh, in that this story has no practical moral. Why kill a poor person's cow? And the reason given for killing the cow is absurd. Furthermore, I think the rich man was still rich, even if he remained unaware of the hidden gold.
But his second paragragh sounded misogynistic, if not taken in jest.
no, starme, you are most certainly NOT overreacting. i don't get people who just have to leave mean comments on their fellow hubbers' hubs...if they don't like it, they should have ther decency to just walk away from it. we are all writing from our hearts and that hub meant a lot to you and people need to respect that and stop raggin' on each other. i rated it up. that guy just showed what a creep he is, that's all.
ha...Wow! I read the story (and I'm a guy) and I thought it was pretty good. It made me step back and think for a second.
I think the guy really was crazy!
I think you are over-reacting a wee bit, starme. Your commenter sounds like a real character!
Obviously you're meant to take the story at face value, not analyse it, but he's entitled to his view and he has a point. What the angels did was rather feeble - why not take the gold and give it to the farmer to buy a new cow, as there's not much point saving the farmer's wife if they're all going to die of starvation!
His crack about the female audience was going a bit far, but if you don't like the comment you can always delete it, you know.
well , I think the nothing is as it seems has lots of meanings , if the cow was taken they wont starve , I think it means there is something better in store for them , like maybe a big juicy steak
Yeah , on a normal day I may have deleted it but he caught me at a bad time
Just read it...Wow. I would've never expected to read that reaction to that story. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I suppose, but it is what it is. I've commented on it myself in response also to that negative comment. He took the time to write out a comment based on his thoughts, so therefore you got something in his brain ticking... I say take it as a compliment! LOL!
I'm a guy and I got the point. This fellow was way out of line.
i wouldn't take it too personally starme. although I can understand how it comes off as offensive...especially around the "p.s." part (which was uncalled for). However, i don't think the rest of the comment sounded vindictive or malicious. Besides, he's entitled to his own opinion. Not saying your wrong to be upset, but just telling you my opinion that's all.
however, if it's any consolation at all, not everyone agrees with my film reviews. In fact, i've gotten my fair share of e-mails and comments from people who claim my opinions on their favorite movies are wrong, and make accusations that I don't know what im talking about. lol. however, i never take it at all that seriously as i don't expect everyone to like what i write. thankfully, i've only had to deal with that like a few times, as most people like and/or agree with me on my reviews. however, as far as the bad comments go of people not agreeing with me, i never take it seriously. like one guy who called me on my "50 first dates" review, said I was just b.s. around in my review. saying that i was wasting my time reviewing older movies, and that people only cared about new ones being released. needless to say, he was right. people usually don't care about older films, so I decided to focus most of my reviews on current and new movies that come out.
the point im trying to make is fairly simple. it sounds like this guy is just offering you constructive criticism. you can either follow it or ignore it. it's up to you. anyway, i hope that helps and sorry if offends you in any way, as that's not my intention.
eta: i still review old movies every once in while for fun. just not as much.
Starme, I loved your hub (just got back from reading it and commenting). I don't really think the commenter who upset you was trying to be mean, though--just had a different viewpoint. I liked that he notes (at the end) the necessity to move along so you WON'T be upset.
True, he could've done that before commenting at all!!
Be that as it may, if I get a comment I really, really don't like--and it does happen--hey, that's what the "Deny" button is for. That page is your property, and you have not only the right but the ability to completely control what appears there.
Did I read the comment right? Did he say all women are "blonde"?? Meaning all females are dumb??
no, you read it right, as i read that part too. in fact, that was only part of his comment, I didn't agree with.
Let's all get our sticks and meet him outside...don't beat him in the head though..seems someone else already has..
You are my kind of woman!
You are right there is nothing there to hurt!
I have had a few people on my hubs write lengthy reviews of why I am wrong on particular points. Sometimes they are right (Often in an incredibly geeky way)
I tend not to mind these too much, even though the posters are writing in an insulting way, simply because it adds more content to my hubs, and provides more information to the users.
the last one I got provided me with about 700 words of free keyword rich content
I can't see why everybody's so angry with this guy's comment. I find it rather funny!
Being offended by it, that's what's childish !
Then again, the jury is still out on whether or not, you have any morals yourself Tantrum. So, I can see why you would agree.
If you think you're offending me, you're wasting your time !
you should know that by now !
I can't care less what you think! I'd rather not say what I think of you.
how kind of you! I'm sure I don't deserve it !
I have to thank you for bringing me back to my school years! I feel so young after posting on this thread !
Being offended isn't childish to me...I would be offended too if some jerk comments something rude on my hub. And that has happened. so no being offended is not childish
As I seet it is very childish.
Anyway !
Whatever !
Suit yourself
and thanks for the laughs !
Wow fine whateevr then I'm done with you too. thanks for pretending to be a friend.
I'm not pretending anything.
I have my own opinions.
If you don't like them, what can I do about it ?
So lets play, prep scholl, then.
Unfan me !
Tantrum..She got very angry with me for disagreeing with her a thread where she called me and everyone else out on conflicting thoughts..yet didn't allow us to do the same....
starme, don't let anyone tell you you are childish or thin-skinned by your reactions to someone leaving insensitive comments on your hubs. your feelings are your feelings, and you have every right to trust them. you wrote something important to you and someone just HAD to come in and leave negative commets about it and you're just supposed to laugh it off? this is why i have comments moderation turned on.
frankly i'm surprised at some people's comments on here, calling it "funny" and saying they are "just expressing" themselves, and calling her childish to boot! starme's hub did not invite debate - if it did, she would expect any and all comments and be prepared to respond to them. she just hubbed about something she found beautiful and someone had to come along and upset her enough to where she was compelled to talk about it in the forums. why can't people just ignore stuff they don't like, HMMM?!
tend to agree. starme, cossette is right. acknowledging that somebody else is being nasty or rude isn't whining or weak, it's acknowledgement - and being unhappy about being the target of that rudeness is an appropriate feeling.
but too, don't take it to heart, you shouldn't care what one whacko said. there are a lot of whackos on the net, unfortunately.
now I do hub to a lot of debate and I reasonably expect debate on those things, but I would be surprised if I got debate on say, a love unpoem. really, socially adept people know what is appropriate or not both in real life and on the internet. but the net attracts a lot of social clumsies too.
i just think people write stuff out of the blue for their own ill humor. maybe they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. but once you cross that line with me, i'll ignore the bejeezus out of you. there's just no call for that.
p.s. some of the people here who say we shouldn't let idiots like this get under our skin are funny because they get upset if you just look cross-eyed at them
p.p.s. i get comments from all kinds of people, certainly not my "buddies" and many whom i don't know, so i assume their positive comments are genine and not just ego stroking. again...
yeah, go figure , thanks for the reply and thanks for reading it too
This is what was said about me and it goes beyond rude:(From a hub that says once a white woman is with a black man, all white men reject her, I made the comment that there are racist in every race)
He said to me:
Actually Deborah people like you parse out supposed truth and are so ridiculous and blind; answering your comments is tantamount sometimes to speaking logic to insanity. That's why I denied your previous post.
You're a moron Deborah. Any person who would begin to post some trivial truths that supposedly supports their racists beliefs deserves to be denied.
Any person who would try to erase 400 years of an absolute milicious treatment of black people is by definition a racists.
This movement on the part of whites to all of a sudden make black people racists is bullshi*.
Until then you are what you appear to be. A racists white woman part of a racist country.
OMG I'm so sorry some jerk said that to you , anyone who does something like that is just a Moron themselves
When people talk they say more about themselves than they know...He actually thinks I'm the moron and racist..yet he was actually having his own standards reflected back to him..
Thanks..I wasn't about to let that guy control my emotions. I had to consider how he must hate himself and therefore everyone else.
Wow, that was a really ignorant comment, he did comprehend one portion correct, a five year old could understand the moral of the story even though he couldn’t.
Must be a liberal, because all he wanted the angels to do was redistribute the wealth and didn’t really care who dies. Bet he supports the heath care bill.
It's one thing to have a dissenting opinion and post it as a comment on a's quite another to be an A***ole all over someone else's work. The problem with this guy's post is not how he feel about the hub, it is his comments that pertain to all women being stupid simply because a few women enjoyed a hub and found meaning in it that he did not.
I'm not a big fan of censorship, but I'm also not a big fan of insulting people maliciously or leaving unprofessional gunk on someone else's work. People with brains and a modicum of civility can express a differing opinion and give constructive criticism in a way that is not inflammatory.
Hey Deborah Sexton, who actually wrote that comment? Please email me with the answer, so as to not post it in the forum.
Hey Starme77, I wouldn't worry about the "moron" or "idiot", who apparently cannot read or write, even at it's supposed age. He talked about it being a children story without moral. However, what he failed to realize is that his own actions of posting a comment to your hub was moral wrong.
So, that shows you the hypocrite that he is and will remain to be.
Just keep writing.
Wow Starme...yea he's a jerk. And one who can't spell at that. He needs to get his arse back in school. Hey tell him if he needs it a PRESCHOOL TEACHER can teach him some manners I'll do it for free and him how 2-5 year olds are more mature and considerate than he is
and eh I say ignore him...others will come, see his comment and be like 'yep there's an idiot...ignore him or defan him now.'
And by the way love your story...I know i've heard that one too but can't for the life of me remember where
Thanks to all of you for the support and I appreciate the diverse opinons , taking into account everything everyone has said , Thanks for the support and encouragement Your all great people and I apprecieate the friendships I have made here at hubpages
I've had a few comments on hubs that really seemed like all-out attacks. I didn't allow them. I just don't see the sense of adding such negativity to hubs that I try to infuse with all things positive. There is enough negativity in the world, and we are neither asleep nor in denial of most of it. But I don't believe that allowing others to poison our positive energy and intent is doing anything constructive for ourselves or anyone else.
Keep toxins away from the body and spirit. People can be toxins.
Well said Daniel , maybe I should have just not allowed it , I'm just a bit emotional these days is all and felt like chewing him back
Of course you're emotional, star. OF COURSE!! You've been through/going through hell. So there's no fault in any of that. Just don't let this guy get to you. He is entitled to his opinion, but he's clearly in the minority. You have lots of supporters here.
If you want, I believe you could still deny his comment. But it may not be important to deny it. It's sort of integrated now, perhaps, and all you have to do is acknowledge what happened, and do your best to be unaffected.
You're cool, girl. You're doing FINE.
Thanks, Daniel , with my health taken for the moment, no income to speak of, my husband gone, my childrens mental stability trashed on, my mother in law , with her altzheimers, even more confused now , I take the story to heart, nothing is as it seems , all this is happening for a reason, for the better , I have to believe that now more than ever to keep going and get stronger every day ,
You're detoxing. I've been through it a few times. Detoxing from toxic people and relationships, and perhaps a lot of other things. It's very painful. But from my experience, it always pays off. Life gets better as we keep going. I think you're on to good things, even if you can't always see them right now. They're coming because you are empowered to bring them on.
@starme77, when you receive arrogant+ignorant replies, negative critic consider that you're doing good. Just keep writing irrespective of any replies. Offenders are like mud-pond in the road, you throw stone in it you'll get something in return.
Okay ... I read the angel hub. I read the comments.
Truly, I do not see "the jerk's" comments as an attack, either on you personally or on your hub. He stated his opinion of THE STORY (one which, frankly, I sort of agree with).
The example of Deborah's, in red, IS a personal attack. See the difference?
His comments about women -- blonde women, in particular -- did not offend me (a blonde woman) in the slightest because he qualified the comment. He said, "maybe because..." followed by "but I dont really believe that" (paraphrasing).
But Starme -- your follow up reply WAS an attack. It is at that point in the hub that the tone completely changes -- not before, in his comments.
Just my opinion. Not an attack...
my follow up was in defense to his rude comments - and you may agree because you dont get it either , but o.k - go counsel someone else cause frankly - when you offered to counsel me through private e-mail- I realized you cant even take care of yourself so how in the hell could you help me?
Wow. Now THAT'S an attack.
Btw, I DO get the meaning of your story. Getting it and agreeing with it are two separate things.
Beyond that, I won't respond to your attack. And I withdraw my offer of assistance.
Im not attacking you, its how I felt about the way you went about your counseling , it was abundantly clear ok, I have had counselers before, good ones, and not so good ones, you fit into the not so good ones catagory for me , it seems your kind of full of yourself in the way you come across , instead of counseling and helping you seem to have all of the answers of what one needs to do , when you e-mailed thats all you did was disagree with me and tell me what I "need" to do I'm sorry but that is not counseling thats dictating,
First of all, I am not a counselor. Nor have I ever held myself out to be a counselor. In fact, if you'd taken the time to visit the resources to which I referred you, you would have read the difference between a coach and a counselor.
Second, you DID attack. If you can't see that, then I'm sorry for you.
Thirdly, I find it very interesting that while you chose to include the comment on your hub which is the subject of this thread, you also chose to deny my comment which was positive and included a remark to you about how well you'd re-written the story, etc. Very fascinating choice you made.
If you want to start making private emails public, then, trust me, I will post the entire thread of our email exchanges. If you are going to attack my credibility --something that no one has EVER done -- then I will be forced to defend my reputation. So, I strongly advise you to tread carefully.
I walked away from a 6 figure income, dear, to dedicate myself to the welfare of others, to helping them and providing what assistance I can provide within my areas of expertise. This includes taking in many homeless people, inner-city youth who were on the verge of prison, and destitute mothers with children. I've never asked for a dime for my services, and I've NEVER been criticized or attacked -- especially by someone who doesn't know me. That you have the nerve to spout off like you've done on this thread about me shows your true colors -- and it's not attractive.
The accusations you've made in the above post are unfounded. If you continue, you'll force me to prove you wrong. It's time for you to bow out gracefully.
Anytime you write something that strikes opinion and/or emotion in the reader, you've done a great job of writing. I'd take it as a compliment and really pi$$ the guy off.
I read his opinion and it didn't appear to be condescending at all he was just stating his view on the hub. Don't take it to heart he was only expressing himself.
o.k I won't take it to heart anymore - the jerk just rubbed me wrong is all - sorry I had a bad week
I'm with those who say 'suck it up', what's the point in adding a comments box if all you really want is for your mates to come along and slap you on the back, when from what i've seen most of them wouldn't offer you an honest opinion anyway. They'll tell you how great it is even if it stinks, is that what you really want?
It sounds like you think your writing sucks and people lie to you - I dont think your writing sucks and if others thought that they wouldnt leave nice comments , they would just leave your hub , true there are some newbies trying to get followers that go around and just say nice things , but for the most part here on hub pages I have found the majority to be honest uplifting , friendly, and helpful people ,
but it wasn't about that at all , a lot of good has come out of it though, people who are reading it , like it, for many it has helped them to step back and think , (as per comments made) So if it helped people , the more that read it the better and that means the mean nasty dude lost to the good spirits of Angels
I tend to leave all of them unless it's spam (leaving unrelated links) or an attack on someone other than myself who isn't there to answer it.
I don't usually write anything controversial (like that Angel Story ), but I have a couple of Hubs that "really attract them" (and the killer is, they aren't even controversial Hubs either). Unless they're too crude, I leave them up to show everyone how crazy some people can be.
I figure it's all part of the Hub and whatever/whoever it attracted.
I think the guy on your Hub is the one who over-reacted; but I think sometimes people go looking for a fight just because they seem to be in a bad mood (maybe)..
It's funny, though, so I'd leave it up. Maybe some other readers will comment and get into it with him on your Hub.
I get almost no awful ones even though I can be very opinionated in my op-eds, although I do get a lot of diverse and opposite opinions. I don't think anyone is scared of disagreeing with me on my pol as I enjoy good debate and allow for difference of opinion.
However, recently I had some guy attack Ralph Deeds on one of my Hubs comments boxes and stuff like that, I delete.
by Christin Sander 12 years ago
Do you delete hub comments that are very generic if it appears the commenter hasn't read the hub?I notice my more popular hubs will get comments left that are just generic like "this was great thanks". I have started deleting these comments because they don't add anything meaningful...
by Jason Menayan 13 years ago
Hi everyone,In Hubs' Comment Capsules, we've made a few enhancements (coming very soon):- Comments left by the author of the Hub are reflected as "Hub Author" in a bubble next to the username.- Commenter level is indicated next to your username and when you left the comment.Note: If you...
by merseyblue 15 years ago
I recently read a hub about ouija boards. I would have liked to comment on the hub only it seemed I couldn't because I wasn't a fan of the author. I don't intend to become a fan - not being exceptionally choosy here - just didn't agree with the philosophy behind the hub - but I would...
by Valerie Washington 12 years ago
Does it bother you that people visit your hubs and don't leave comments?What's more important to you, getting tons of traffic with no comments or getting less traffic with comments?For me, I love to get comments because it lets me know if I have touched someone or given someone a new way of doing...
by Frank Atanacio 13 years ago
Just a thought.. why don't I ever read a bad reviews on here?Is it just considerate commenting or is the hubs really that good.. curious is all
by Kathleen Cochran 12 years ago
Just read a hub that said, if you read a hub you must comment. Do you always do that?Just read a hub that said, if you read a hub you must comment. Also said we should all put copyright notice on our hubs. Am I the only one just now learning these rules?
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