Social Bookmarking Sites: To post or not to post

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  1. jcwin228 profile image59
    jcwin228posted 14 years ago

    I've been using a variety of social bookmarking sites to increase traffic and for the do-follow links, due to a great hub by Ryankett, thanks Ryan!! Recently though, on a few sites like Kirsty or Wagg, even after several months, my bookmarks are all marked as "submitted", but none of them are "published". They don't appear in searches on the site either. In these cases, is it worth the trouble to submit them, no one can see them?

    By the way, one site that has been good to me is I get quite a few referels from them.

    1. pisean282311 profile image61
      pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well i get around 35% of traffic from bookmarking i m fine with them...

      1. rmcrayne profile image94
        rmcrayneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I did a HP search for info on and found this old post.  I too chose this bookmarking site from ryankett's hub on dofollows. 

        I joined on 29 May 10 and posted 6 of my hubs.  Today when I signed on to post more of my hub links, I found my account, but no evidence that I had ever submitted anything.  I tried to contact someone from the site, but the "contact" link did nothing (stayed on the same page).

    2. Router Maniac profile image70
      Router Maniacposted 14 years ago

      I have started a bookmarking site for DIY type of sites only.  The idea is to be "digg-like" and I give do follow links.  I process all submissions quickly.  Please only Home improvement type of sites.

    3. profile image0
      ryankettposted 14 years ago

      I have a single hub which has had 6000+ hits from StumbleUpon, although I did not create the bookmark and have no idea how many of my other hubs are bookmarked there. I would suspect that I got lucky, I have to acknowledge that the hub was highly unique and one of my very best.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Did you get any clicks or sales out of the 6000 hits?

        1. profile image0
          ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I wouldn't know how to work that out Marisa to be honest... it also has substantial numbers of visitors from other sources..

          But it is getting me around 75-100 page views per day from the site, consistently for the last 2 months or so, I would expect at least some sort of earnings associated with that sort of traffic.

          The total page views for that hub are in seven figures, so I guess it is impossible for me to tell.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image84
            Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Well, if such a huge spike had made even a little difference, you'd expect to see a bit of a spike in your income for that day.  It was easy for me to see, because my pointe shoe site is fairly new and not getting a lot of traffic yet.

            I'm going by comments from people like Mark Knowles and Misha, who say it doesn't convert. No harm in having your site on SU, but it's one of those sites where you also need to spend time interacting, and that's time that could be better used elsewhere.

            1. profile image0
              ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Marisa, the hub in question did not get 6000 page views in one day from StumbleUpon (and I just checked, it is over 9000 now).... it gets around 75-100 per day and has been for months.

              That his the equivalent of 0.51% of that hubs total page views since publication, and about 0.75% - 1% of that hubs average daily page views this month.

              Like I said, impossible for me to analyse. I cannot ascertain in any way whether a hubpage with nearly 2 million page views has benefited from 9000 of those page views.... I wish that I could, but I just cant. All traffic is good in my eyes though, one of those people may have shared it elsewhere, with people who may have shared it elsewhere, etc etc etc. It has dozens of organic backlinks and only a couple created by me.

              It is a beast which I cannot contain or understand. I just wanted to point out that I have had traffic from that site... I have never even visited it for more than a minute or so and haven't used it myself.

            2. profile image0
              ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              According to 'AdSense Referrers' on Analytics, the CTR for traffic from StumbleUpon to that particular hubpage is approximately one third of the total CTR for that page. So yes, a relatively low CTR, but any CTR is good enough for me when it is effortless and consistent....

              1. Marisa Wright profile image84
                Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Ryan, I don't think your experience is terribly relevant anyway, because you're getting the benefit of someone else Stumbling your Hub.

                The "Stumbleupon is a waste of time" statement comes from the fact that SU is like every other bookmarking site - if you just bookmark your own sites, you'll get banned.  So you have to invest time to stumble and favorite several other sites for every one of your own.

                When you add up all that time, and look at the conversion rate of the occasional traffic spike it creates, it's not worth it.  But if someone is getting SU traffic without any effort, like you, it's a bonus!

    4. TerryGl profile image60
      TerryGlposted 14 years ago

      Hi Ryan, if you have the SU toolbar installed you press Info and it will show you how many actual visitors you had to the page and people who gave it a thumb. That may help you narrowing down your actual SU visitors.

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        The StumbledUpon toolbar? I don't use that site TerriGI, think I have an account, but I didn't actually submit the link. As per above, that hub gets so many hits from so many sources that it doesn't really interest me too much... I personally only use DoFollow sites, and I believe that StumbleUpon is nofollow?

    5. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago

      Its pretty accepted theory that tons of non converting viewers leads to adsense smart pricing.

      Non-targetted, non-converting viewers can lead to loss of earnings.

      With ePn for example - you are likely to social traffic yourself into being booted from the program - lots of clicks , little conversion - means your not valuable real estate to the advertiser and your sending non-desirable traffic.

      Adsense is more forgiving - but Ive found that when I removed my adsense id or deleted hubs and articles that had high traffic, low conversion - my overall price per click jumped and my overall earnings jumped also.

      For example with Ryans reported traffic, i would easily expect close to $150-200 day in AdS with my current averages per 1000 viewers.

      For every type of traffic there is an approach that can be used to convert monetize and funnel - but each rev model isnt always best approached the same.

      I would try and funnel those hundreds of viewers to an impression based article site the conversion rate wasnt my problem

    6. brettb profile image61
      brettbposted 14 years ago

      I've tried shetold me and all the others and they seemed a waste of time. Tweeting seemed to be rubbish as well.

      The best links are those that other people randomly make to your hubs. Write good hubs and they will come. My best hub had a few new links just randomly put in from blogs and other places and Google must have liked that as the traffic has gone to the moon!

      I've never built links to some of my pets pages on my own site yet I in the top 10 for a load of good pets keywords.

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