Great performing hub, traffic, but not money wise

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  1. Sybille Yates profile image68
    Sybille Yatesposted 14 years ago

    Hi everybody, this hub: … ssive-dog_ is doing great traffic wise, PR2 and >11000 views so far, but my income from it is so far maximal $10 ;-( I have tried different ad-placements etc, but to no avail, anybody any idea? Thanks a lot, SY

    1. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      what is percentage clicks u r getting?

      1. profile image0
        Home Girlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        write more and be patient and ENJOY YOUR TIME ON HUBPAGES!!!

        1. Sybille Yates profile image68
          Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks, but this hub is online since two years and number one on Google for "food aggressive dog", I am simply looking for ideas how to monetize this hub better. And yes, i have a lot of fun here ;-) SY

      2. Sybille Yates profile image68
        Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        What do you mean with "percentage clicks"? In the two years this hub is online it has made less than 10$, a few clicks and a book sale ;-( SY

    2. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Combine the first 2 blocks of text in to one block.

      Add 5 more products to that Amazon capsule you have and move it up to the top of the page floated to the right of the text.

      Add 3 more capsules after this block of text - 2 ebay and 1 amazon and arrange them next to each other - all full with as many products as you can find that are appropriate.

      Do exactly the same at the bottom of the page - after the text, and before the comment box.

      Ditch all the one-word tags, add the tag "dog training" with a little text in there to cover, and add "How to train your dog" where you have "How do you deal with a food aggressive dog?" at the top of the text box.

      Good luck. big_smile

      1. Sybille Yates profile image68
        Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Wow Mark, excellent tips, will do so immediately and report back in a few weeks to tell you all how it worked out! Thanks a bunch, that was the kind of advice I was looking for! SY

        1. Mark Knowles profile image59
          Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          My pleasure - but need to heed what Relache said also.

          1. Sybille Yates profile image68
            Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I heard and understood what Relache said. Perhaps I just made this hub "too useful", just kidding ;-) BTW, I followed your advice (I don't have an Ebay account, so I left that one out). What do you think now? SY

    3. psycheskinner profile image83
      psycheskinnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Right now the ads seem really obtrusive.  Are there specific products you actually recommend?  If I liked your advice I would be more likely to follow your recommendation than pick from a big loosely related Amazon box.  Like," I use clicker training, this is the best clicker to use [link]."

  2. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    Have you ever considered that the people who come to that Hub are looking for advice for a problem, and don't need to buy anything to solve their issue once you've given them the answer?

    Traffic does not automatically equate to money.  There has to be a reason or desire for people to "go shopping."

    1. Sybille Yates profile image68
      Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, that was my suspicion also, I am giving them the answers they are looking for ;-) Nevertheless, I will try out Marks advice and see how it works out. Thanks for your input, SY

  3. liljen23 profile image76
    liljen23posted 14 years ago

    Hello Sybille, I took a look at your hub and found it great. The only I would suggest is to place pictures at the top of your hub right in the Intro and to place subtitles and bolded words with dog and training. This will alert Google and give you more rankings with Google to get people to visit your hub and for people to click on your ads. I would also suggest writing maybe 2 or 3 more hubs and articles on different sites to get more traffic related to this one and it will boost your hubscore so that it will rank highest in Hubpages and get you more visitors. This should increase your revenue but I would suggest to keep at it and it will pay off.

    Everything I said, I am trying to do on my hubs. I am experimenting with different things to see what to do to increase my revenue.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Liljen, the top of your Hub is the prime position for ads, especially the top right-hand corner.  So it's a bad idea to put photos there.  Google doesn't care where images appear.

      Subtitles are good, but bolding or italicizing words is no longer thought to be helpful.  Google has got wise to that!

      1. Sybille Yates profile image68
        Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your input, Marisa! SY

    2. Sybille Yates profile image68
      Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, but my traffic is great, I am number one on Google for the keywords and get the according traffic, my "problem" is to convert this traffic, SY

  4. Spacey Gracey profile image38
    Spacey Graceyposted 14 years ago

    I've just taken a look - I am quite new so feel free to ignore me. In the section titled 'So now the practical tips', there is a link 'food aggressive dog'. It opens in the same window, so unless you are getting a kick-back for taking people to this site, maybe you could set it to open in a new window like the link to your hubpage later on. It won't make a massive difference but I try to minimize the opportunities for people to escape my page without either making me money, or landing on another page that is mine.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would go further than that - delete the link.  Create a links capsule right down at the bottom of your Hub, below the comments.  Put all your reference links in there.

      If someone comes to your Hub for help on food aggressive dogs, then sees a link to "food aggressive dogs", they're bound to click on it.  Then there's a good chance they'll click on that site's ads instead of yours!

    2. Sybille Yates profile image68
      Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      @Spacey Gracey
      Thanks for the suggestion, I added a "open in new window" to it.

      I might do that also, thanks again! SY

  5. Spacey Gracey profile image38
    Spacey Graceyposted 14 years ago

    Very cute profile picture by the way - I really hope that's not a food aggressive dog.

    1. Sybille Yates profile image68
      Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No, that was a very cute, and non-aggressive puppy of our neighbours called "Honey" and as sweet as Honey she was ;-) SY

  6. earner profile image83
    earnerposted 14 years ago

    Don't forget - if it's making no money, but has big traffic, it's worth turning kontera on.

    Every hub, like every webpage and website, is different and some have great traffic, some have great clicks, some sell products, some won't.  You need to experiment with your hubs a bit and see what works better for you.

    Personally, I don't find Amazon/ebay are any good, but that's mainly because I write a lot about UK things and the Amazon and eBay modules are pulling US results.  I turned Kontera off by default in the early days, but had a couple of hubs with high traffic and no clicks, so turned it back on for those. 

    Try different layouts (as has been detailed above). 

    Good luck.

    1. Sybille Yates profile image68
      Sybille Yatesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Kontera is turned on, but for whatever reason doesn't want to deliver ads for this hub ;-( SY

  7. yoshi97 profile image56
    yoshi97posted 14 years ago

    The number one secret to conversion is to make it look like you're not looking for it. A contrived answer, I admit, but an honest one.

    You need to read through your hub and look at the ads. Ask yourself this ... if it was *you* reading the hub, would you click on the ads? Probably not. So, here's how you reframe your view and get those conversions! smile

    First off, ask yourself this ... how can I steer my customers toward the ads without actually driving them there?

    For example, I see an ad for making your dog stop barking. Could you add a section about controlling a dog that barks too much? Add it near where the ad shows up for Bark Off. This will quietly guide the reader to this ad.

    You place the problem in their mind, and then allow the ad to provide the solution.

    Another example, from a different hub. You're writing abut the evils of smoking and you finish your article. A few days later Google keeps hitting your page with an ad for electronic cigarettes. How can you use this to covert?

    Well ... you could mention in your article that many people are looking into electronic cigarettes as an option for quitting. Please note: You don't go into a long diatribe on how electronic cigarettes work and how they could prove useful. You just plant the thought and allow the reader's mind to wander on its own to the ad.

    Remember ... the secret to article marketing *is not* write it and forget it - it's write it and review it later. By going back through and looking for subtle cues you could be giving out you up your profits.

    A page view isn't a click until you give the reader something else to want for, and these subtle clues to the reader do just that. As for why you have so many clicks, it's because you have written an excellent article - now go back through and monetize it through your ads! smile


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