by devsir 10 years ago
Thanks to hubpages, all my friends and this beautiful world,I received my first google adsense cheque of 120$ on May 6 2011.Feeling Very GoodConfidence boosted 500%Wishing you all success at hubpages
by Super Chef 14 years ago
I finally did it I made my first $5 on Adsense today after 59 hubs and 3 months here. Their is hope for us all. thanks hubpages for the oppurtunity to make some cash no matter how small. I love it!!!!!
by Nelle Hoxie 13 years ago
I honestly can't believe it. But I've checked my spreadsheet half a dozen times. Yes, I just hit the $1,000 threshold for November. (There could be an Amazon return or two tommorrow which will ruin the fun, but for now I'm enjoying the digits.)I'm only running, Amazon, Ebay, and Adsense on hubs...
by tnvrstar 12 years ago
yay! I just received my first Hubpages Ad program payment and I am so happy Thanks to Hubpages for this wonderful platform
by Susan Ng-Yu 15 years ago
I'm so excited! My Adsense has finally reached $100 after two years! Yey! I better write more hubs if I want my next payout in less than two years, huh? Hehe!
by Victoria Van Ness 11 years ago
So for all of those interested, I have been with Google Adsense for a month, I have a total of 36 Hubs right now, and I have never gotten a single email from Adsense. I have reapplied 6 times now, have been very frustrated, but have finally gotten it!I thought this would be a great time to write an...