Whats your thoughts on HubKarma?

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  1. katiem2 profile image61
    katiem2posted 14 years ago

    I don't work on my HubKarma much.  I have used the linking tool but just don't think about doing it much.  My HubKarma score is low.  What do you do about it or do you even consider it.

    What's your experience with the linking recommendations regarding HubKarma?

    Thanks all for your help! smile

    1. Cyber Lawyer profile image60
      Cyber Lawyerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      As I have said on the thread I started, I find it an unwelcome distraction. The fact that you feel the urge to discuss it further could indicate that it has been distracting you as well?


      1. katiem2 profile image61
        katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I missed that thread, must be lazy and looking for some quick feed back.  It's something I've not considered much, checked it out and did it once but was left with the feeling "what for".

        Thanks for the link gone to check it out.  smile

        1. Roy McDonald profile image60
          Roy McDonaldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I think it helps other hubs get traffic and helps hub pages with seo as that article links to other articles. the internet is built on links so if we don't make them know one will be found..

    2. profile image0
      Twenty One Daysposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Katie, using it this week by looping the links to other hubs of mine and some other hubs I liked. Went from 40 to 58 in 5 days.
      So, I suppose that helped. It is a nifty quick linking tool.

    3. mailxpress profile image50
      mailxpressposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed the new HubKarma section but never looked into it.  I am a Hubpage member and when I have the time to write and want to write, I write.  It makes no difference to me what the Hubkarma is.

    4. profile image60
      logic,commonsenseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If it will help get traffic, it will be a good thing, otherwise it's just an ego thing.  Don't need any help with that! smile

    5. Abwaan profile image61
      Abwaanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      My thought of Hubkarma is that the more Hubkarma you have the better, because when you have a high Hubkarma, it means you are supporting you hubs with all relevant links verifying the crediblty of your hubs. So, the more you have high Hubkarma, the better it shines on Hubpages’s Statement below:

      What is HubKarma?

      HubKarma is a score that reflects the degree to which you link to others' Hubs and to Topic pages in your own Hubs. Hubs that point to other relevant, high quality Hubs enhance readers' experience on HubPages and improve HubPages credibility as a trusted resource. HubKarma has a small influence on your Hubber Score and is on a 0-100 scale. The link suggestion tool makes linking to other Hubs and Topic pages easier.

    6. aksana777 profile image60
      aksana777posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think linking to other hubs is always useful for you and your HubKarma

  2. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    I think there's enough threads on it already,


    1. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      OK thanks relache

  3. Polly C profile image86
    Polly Cposted 14 years ago

    I don't work on mine, it's not very high but I don't really care - I don't think it matters, does it?

    1. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly what I was wondering, is it worth the bother?  Lets hope we get some helpful and honest updated feedback Polly.... smile

      1. Polly C profile image86
        Polly Cposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I haven't really bothered with the link tool much either - I only want to link to hubs that are actually relevant, not just for the sake of improving my hubkarma....oh well, it's just another thing to think about - perhaps we're not feeling the hub love enough!! smile

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Well, that's the idea of the link suggestion tool - if it's suggesting Hubs that aren't relevant, something isn't working right! 

          My HubKarma is already high, probably because I interlink my own Hubs a lot. So I'm not feeling any pressure to do more.

          1. Polly C profile image86
            Polly Cposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I have already linked several of my hubs that are based on the same topic, but I only have one link to someone else's. I have written quite a bit about some places in the area I live (North Norfolk in the UK). However, the link suggestions are a little random - links to hubs about New Zealand, for example.

          2. Polly C profile image86
            Polly Cposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I have already linked several of my hubs that are based on the same topic, but I only have one link to someone else's. I have written quite a bit about some places in the area I live (North Norfolk in the UK). However, the link suggestions are a little random - links to hubs about New Zealand, for example.

          3. katiem2 profile image61
            katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Good answer Marissa, link your own hubs, now that makes sense to me.  Thanks smile

      2. Money Glitch profile image60
        Money Glitchposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Katiem2
        SunForged is doing an experiment, I'm sure he will post his findings and or write a hub.  Here's the posting:


        1. katiem2 profile image61
          katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Glitch, appreciate it smile

      3. Lifeallstar1 profile image61
        Lifeallstar1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I did it to help other people's hubs and the readers.  My HubKarma went to 100 because I'm so kind :-) HA! I felt like a sucker because the theory behind it sounds great to help others and link to other hubs that are beneficial to what you have in yours. All it did was take people away from my hub and my hub score went down although my HubKarma went to 100 which means nothing because they said it doesn't do much for your score but it did in the opposite direction with my hub scores since people would click on it and go to someone else's page and then they don't come back or get aggravated. I clicked on it and found it annoying because now i am on someone else's page (they don't even know that you linked it to them) and the person stays there. I found that it only hurt me, instead of helped me and others. That is my finding on it. Someone brought up to Paul Deeds to have a window pop up but still be on your page so you do not lose the person but he said he doesn't care for windows popping up, only the window to link it pops up and like someone said, it doesn't always have a good enough article to link to that would make sense. So it's still new but they need to do something if they want us to help link others which i was totally up for and happy to do but it turned out not being fair for us and the system doesn't say if anyone has done it for us and doesn't tell the other person we did it for them. The worst is the reader has no clue what it will take them to until they click on it. That's not fair to the reader either. So the entire theory behind it needs to be worked on.

  4. Derek D profile image61
    Derek Dposted 14 years ago

    I'm new to the Hubpage community so all of this is new to me. However, I think it's going to take some time before the jury's in on HubKarma !!!!!  I don't think it's going to be something at this time I focus much attention on. cool

  5. Michael Willis profile image68
    Michael Willisposted 14 years ago

    I like the link suggestion, but the Karma...I do not pay attention that that. I signed up to write and maybe meet people with same interest in writing, not to work on social skills.
    It will become another issue to some just as the hubscore is.

  6. Lisa HW profile image64
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    I'm another one who likes the link-suggestion feature but doesn't plan to pay much attention to the Karma score.  Originally, I started out with a 47 score, but over the last few days (before writing a Hub I just wrote, but after adding a few links when trying the feature) it gradually climbed to (now) 82.  So, it looks to me as if a "normal amount" of links to other Hubs probably amounts to good-enough Karma score that nobody has to worry much about.  (When I started with that 47 score I just figured I should accept that I must have been being a "Karma flunkee" over the years.  Now, I feel a little better.  lol  lol  )

  7. Michael Willis profile image68
    Michael Willisposted 14 years ago

    IMO...it seems the site is becoming more focused on being a Social Network with the Karma score than just about writing.
    I have made hub-friends and those who I share posts with on occasion and that is great. But if I was to become more concerned about my social status, then I am not doing what I came here for.

    1. Cyber Lawyer profile image60
      Cyber Lawyerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I too am concerned about more and more interactivity, with accolades being another example.

    2. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I really have no concern regarding social status I personally am here to serve my original purpose, had a question and asked.  nothing more nothing less.

      Other peoples opinions of me are none of my business...

      It's good advice to just ignore it if you will... smile thanks smile

  8. Rafini profile image83
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    My thoughts on HubKarma have changed since the first day it appeared. 

    I like the link suggestion tool - it introduces me to Hubbers I may not meet otherwise and I hope other hubbers are finding me as easily as I'm finding them.  I can pick and choose which hubs to link to and can skip linking if I don't want to (I don't like all the links suggested)

    So far I've only added links as I get comments to my existing hubs (after the first day when I added links to about 3 hubs) - any new hubs will be linked as I write them.  So, my HubKarma score has gone up (almost double what it was the first day) but my Hubber Score has still fluctuated between 5 points. 

    Will the HubKarma score really make that much of a difference?  I don't think so...maybe for some hubbers but I doubt for all.  I also think that once I've used the link suggestion tool on all my hubs the HubKarma score will be meaningless - because there wont be anything else I can do to increase my hubber score, and the hubber score doesn't matter anyway, right?  Not to me - I'm just here to write.  The hubber score only serves me by giving me a pat on the back every time the score reaches a little higher towards 100.  When it slips downward, I just frown and go about my business for the day.

    1. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Very GOOD points and helpful information.  Thanks smile

  9. Michael Willis profile image68
    Michael Willisposted 14 years ago

    I have tried to link to other Hubs that add to my hubs or to help share similar information from Hubbers on my hubs. I have especially done that in the Sports hubs.
    I do like the link suggestion better than the link in the capsule we have had. It seems to bring up more relevant hubs in the link suggestion. And I look forward to linking with the sports writers again this year again.

    1. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Good point, that's what I'm asking how it helps your overall quality, and not take away from the visitors experience in terms of good content and presentation.  THANKS ALL smile

      1. Michael Willis profile image68
        Michael Willisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hello Katiem. You have the right to ask this question. I hope you get the responses and make the decision you are looking for with the information. 
        We all have to decide what we want to make of Hubpages and how we interact.
        I am one who chooses to ignore the "scoring system" as it has No relevance to writing. If you make good hubs, get traffic and make money....who cares about the karma score anyways. lol
        My tribute to and opinion on the subject. Good luck!!!

  10. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    I don't have any thoughts about hubkarma tongue

  11. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    I think it has already become a worn out subject, even though it a very young feature. lol

    1. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Cagsil I still have so much to learn.... smile Hey friend...

    2. katiem2 profile image61
      katiem2posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Cagsil I still have so much to learn.... smile Hey friend...

  12. Christopher Floyd profile image60
    Christopher Floydposted 14 years ago

    I could care less about HubKarma. I'm not going to worry about it or try to increase it. I'm here to have my writing read and hopefully commented on. That is enough for me.

  13. profile image0
    eternaltreasuresposted 14 years ago

    hubkarma can be a good tool to gain traffic, to link to your hubs and others' hubs and make hubpages an informative source of info

  14. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    So, after a week, starting at 40 HKarma, I intergated links to both my own hubs & other hubs. Today my HKarma is at 77.

  15. Len Cannon profile image84
    Len Cannonposted 14 years ago

    I plan to ignore it.  I already link to my own hubs. No offense to ya'll, but I'm not in the business of giving other people sales.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's my view too, but my HubKarma is 80.  So you see it is possible to get a good Karma score without giving away links. smile

  16. thisisoli profile image81
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    My hubkarma seems stuck at 35 sad

  17. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 14 years ago

    Meh.  I like it because it is way easier to link so I will be using in future hubs.  I especially like that I can read other hubs or links without having to leave my page. 

    As far as my overall score, it has seemed to drop but then again I haven't been very active lately either.  I like it.

  18. hypnodude profile image60
    hypnodudeposted 14 years ago

    I don't care about it at all, but I wonder how many hubbers link to other hubs not written by them.

  19. SunSeven profile image58
    SunSevenposted 14 years ago

    Hubbers+hubkarma+quality=Wikipediaish strength in SE eyes(G)

  20. profile image0
    philip carey 61posted 14 years ago

    I'm out of the loop on all the HubKarma, HubScore, HubWhatever stuff. This site is fun, and I've enjoyed it a lot, but it's clearly designed to keep aspiring writers hooked by feeding their ego and sense of vanity (My HubScore is falling! Oh, my!). To display a 'score' next to someone's picture seems unnecessary, but that's just me. It's a commercial enterprise after all, and quite a profitable one, I'm guessing.

    1. mailxpress profile image50
      mailxpressposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What a great point of view.  Yes, it's all about ego and yes placing the score onto someone photo is a joke.  I never understood why Hubpages feels the need to do that.  Anyway, I enjoy Hubpages when I'm in the mood but I don't care about scores.  Keeping score does not make me want to write any more or any less.

  21. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    now my HubKarma is nearly identical to me HubScore. Is this good or bad. smile

  22. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    I think people are worrying too much about HubKarma.

    It debuted 11 days ago.  My own Karma score is pretty low (below 50) and has only gone up one point.

    My overall author score has fluctuated between 98-100 during that time, with a really decent amount of 100s.  I think the effect is has on high-scoring authors is extremely minimal compared to all the other factors.

  23. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years ago


    I see no benefit in it or how it helps anything

    report on profile pages is cool

    but HubKarma

    come on?

    1. ParadiseForever profile image60
      ParadiseForeverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It's a great tool for having more links to your hubs. If you get more traffic, it is beneficial. Otherwise, no use of it.

  24. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    My hub karma started out at 60 and presently is 83. smile

  25. salt profile image60
    saltposted 14 years ago

    I quite like it, my hub karma is quite high, so that makes me feel good.

    Some of the other new hubtools are great. What I would love is to learn how to move photos around more (as I think there is already a way to do this, yet I havent learnt as yet.) And to be able to move capsules more easily from the side, or arrows, it seems that this can be slow and cumbersome sometimes.

  26. viryabo profile image97
    viryaboposted 14 years ago

    Has anyone noticed the hubkarma opens another link in the same window? Or am i missing something?

    I prefer it opens in a new window, so readers still stay on my page.

  27. lender3212000 profile image61
    lender3212000posted 14 years ago

    So far I'm not a big fan. I've experimented to with doing quite a bit of linking on a few hubs and haven't seen much increase in my score to make it seem worthwhile. As an author, If I'm going to put a bunch of work into creating a hub that is worth reading, I want my readers to see all of it and not bounce out to another hub before they get through my content. I'd much rather link to quality hubs at the end of my hub. That way I am providing my users with optional additional resources instead of essentially suggesting that they go elsewhere. Another factor to be considered is that the amount of time visitors spend on a page is a ranking element in the Google algo so shortening the amount of time a reader spends on my page could potentially be damaging to search rankings as well. Probably not a major factor but something to be mindful of for sure.

    1. Lifeallstar1 profile image61
      Lifeallstar1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree with you. I found that it only hurt me even though the Hub Karma score went to 100, my hubs went down since others are leaving the page and do not even know where they are going since you have to fully click and leave then you've lost the person. It showed that people were not on the page as long and it hurt rather than help all, which is why I tried it in the first place. I was up for helping everyone... myself, the other hubbers, and the readers but it took the readers away from me, and I do not even know if they stayed where they were sent, and the other hubbers do not even know you are doing it for them and the readers. It just doesn't work out. I think it's a bad idea now that I have tried it. The only way I would consider it again is if a window popped up so they do not have to leave your page at all.


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