Last one to post is the Winner!

Jump to Last Post 501-550 of 3626 discussions (7371 posts)
  1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    now those songs won't get outta my head.....and i'm trying to write an article for a client....DJ!

  2. Zsuzsy Bee profile image84
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago

    I win I'm the last one posting

  3. DJ Funktual profile image65
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    It's actually one song done ina an ona mona pia  (I don't know how to spell that I just realized.  Anyone know?) style that just happens to reference three others songs in it.

    Chevy Chase & Goldie Hawn crash the Pope's performance in FOUL PLAY.

    "Kojak Bang Bang!!"

    Three little maids from....

  4. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    not anymore

  5. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years ago

    The Marx brothers - A Night at the Opera

  6. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    I'm sensing a theme, Patty.  There's always that old standby, The Phantom.

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      The Phantom of the Cookie Jar. It was a dark and stormy kitchen...

  7. William F. Torpey profile image73
    William F. Torpeyposted 16 years ago

    Everybody's so worn out that you're all just babling. I'm going to watch a Bing Crosby movie and come back when you guys give up the ghost. Then ....

    I Win.

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck.....I tried that a day or two ago.  Unfortunately, they all got their second wind and came back strong.

  8. akeejaho profile image60
    akeejahoposted 16 years ago

    Did I win?

  9. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    not yet

  10. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    10 seconds - is that good?

  11. akeejaho profile image60
    akeejahoposted 16 years ago

    How bout now?

  12. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    is it called rat race in english? wink

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      yes, it is Misha.  please keep asking questions so that i can answer them and always be the last one posting, and when the rest of you give up,  i can also be victorious.

  13. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago


  14. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    what we are doing here? trying to outdo one another for now apparent benefit? smile

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this


  15. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    It was a dark and stormy hubpages. I will be up again in a few hours......

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      How an elephant got in his pajamas, he'll never know...

      1. stephhicks68 profile image85
        stephhicks68posted 16 years agoin reply to this


        1. Mark Knowles profile image59
          Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this


          1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            ...Line from a Marx Brothers film.

  16. profile image0
    Zarm Nefilinposted 16 years ago

    There is a spammer in all of us!!

    I win!


  17. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    La la la.

  18. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Girls, girls girls, no chance. No. Not even a little big_smile

  19. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    not those girls maybe, but this one for sure

  20. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Which girls?

  21. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago


  22. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago


    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      Just realized I called you smarty-parts instead of smarty-pants.  Whoopsy-vous.

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        My parts are pretty smart actually. Just ask my wife big_smile

  23. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago


  24. LdsNana-AskMormon profile image82
    LdsNana-AskMormonposted 16 years ago

    You guys still at this?  LOL


    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You too huh?

  25. trish1048 profile image66
    trish1048posted 16 years ago

    an elephant??

  26. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    Oh, I knew what you meant, big boy!

    By the time I hit the submit button, there were a bunch more postings.

    Whoops yet again.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Do I know you?

      I mean in the biblical sense. smile

      1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
        Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        It was a drunk and stormy night....

        1. Mark Knowles profile image59
          Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this


          1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
            Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Obviousment, monseiur!

            1. Mark Knowles profile image59
              Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              I thought I recognized you. Was it good for you too? I forgot to ask.

              1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
                Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                I smoked afterwards.....and had a cigarette.  You ran out so fast, you missed it.

                1. Mark Knowles profile image59
                  Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  I remember the cigarette and falling asleep. Was there something else?

                  1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
                    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    If you don't remember, I'm not going to tell you - it's just not the same.

    2. compu-smart profile image83
      compu-smartposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Whats new !! lol

      I am off to lala land now and will try and win again tomorow!!
      nite nite;) Zzzzz

      1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
        Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Nighty-night, Tiger.

  27. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 16 years ago

    When I click "Hubtivity", all I see are entries upon entries to the forum "Last one to post is the Winner!"  I'm so glad you are having such fun.

    I'm last.  I win.

    Oops..since I haven't read through all 35 pages, is there a prize?

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this


  28. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 16 years ago


  29. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Tra le la.

  30. akeejaho profile image60
    akeejahoposted 16 years ago

    Wow, dosen't anyone sleep around here?

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That's funny, considering the post right above yours.

  31. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Good.  Everyone is slinking into the mud.  Soon I will be the only one left, posting.

  32. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    standing, posting, posing.... someone stop me here big_smile

  33. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago


  34. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago


  35. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 16 years ago

    I think there's a flirtation going on here.

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      1. Sally's Trove profile image79
        Sally's Troveposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Ha Ha Shirley!

        1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
          Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Call me cynical, but I think you did that just to jump ahead of me.

          1. Sally's Trove profile image79
            Sally's Troveposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Shirley, you are awesome.  I would never jump ahead of you.  smile

  36. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 16 years ago

    Maybe more than one.

  37. profile image0
    Zarm Nefilinposted 16 years ago

    wow is this contest over already?

    I win!


    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      No, I win!

  38. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    You all need to stop over-analyzing this whole thing.

  39. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 16 years ago

    I don't know if Patty's still counting bottles of beer, or who's having flirtations with whom.  This is fun.  And now I have to go take care of doggie vomit and kitty thyroid medication.

    See you next week!

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Talk about fun!

  40. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 16 years ago

    Maybe ahead of everyone else.

  41. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    You're sweet!

  42. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Excuse me, I have to go wash my hands.

  43. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    Why?  Did you go potty?

  44. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Nope.  They just felt dirty all of a sudden.

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Surely, it wasn't the conversation here.  Squeeky-clean.

  45. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago


    But I think it is more from working for a state agency.

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image70
      Shirley Andersonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, rough day?

  46. Bob Ewing profile image65
    Bob Ewingposted 16 years ago

    Just thought i'd drop by and see what's going on.

  47. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    It was pretty busy missed quite a bit of excitement.

  48. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago


  49. Bob Ewing profile image65
    Bob Ewingposted 16 years ago

    I really should be outside, first true spring day in a very long time.

  50. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Looks like it still is smile

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