Google drop or google slap big time

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  1. vietnamese profile image65
    vietnameseposted 16 years ago

    Could any SEO expert here in hubpages let me know why my webpage was on google first page now ended up in page 20? There is not a change that I thought would impact this, but I found this happened couple times before where my pages going from 1st in google ended up not found on top 5 pages.

    1. spuds profile image60
      spudsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That is the nature of Google and not much you can do about it. Keep getting good backlinks and see if it improves. Google do this sort of thing all the time. Like I always say, no one but Google really knows how Google works.

      1. vietnamese profile image65
        vietnameseposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I got it back to google first page already. It just dropped out for couple days and it was back up again. I was panic because I spent a lot of time promoting my website and for a minute, I thought my effort was wasted.

  2. shanel profile image61
    shanelposted 16 years ago

    Hi Vietnamese,
    I can not say I am a SEO Expert but Google did an update of its index a week ago and now the results fluctuate a bit depending on the backlinks to your page and authority of the other sites on first page. Hope that helps.


  3. johnr54 profile image46
    johnr54posted 16 years ago

    Most hubs will start out ranking pretty well, because a fresh hub is crawled and found on the "latest Hubs" pages, which have a pretty good Page Rank.

    As they age they drift off that page, and then Hubpages in general doesn't give it a lot of "link love" but your profile page will. However, you've only published 2 hubs and your profile Page Rank is only 2, so the ranking will sag considerably unless you send it some links from somewhere else.

    Build up your profile rank by publishing more, and publish in niches that aren't as competitive, and send more links to your hubs and you will see less of that over time.

    This is not just a Hubpages effect, I see the same thing on my blog as well.  Google seems to prefer very fresh information, and will give is a preference in the search results for a lttile while.

    1. belief713 profile image59
      belief713posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I'm still in the dark about the importance of a profile page - I haven't really set one up because I don't have anything to link to right now. Is it important to have a profile page? How can it work for you?
      If anyone has a decent length answer, I just made a request, so feel free to create a hub answer

      My score is already doing ok but I've also noticed some of my pages slipping and don't have the time to be constantly updating and revising, etc. So, I'm looking for anything to help keep them on the top pages.

  4. vietnamese profile image65
    vietnameseposted 16 years ago

    Thanks for all your responses. This thing is not related to hubpages but rather my our website. It was on Google first page for a targeted keyword for awhile and now it is no longer there. I also noticed that at the beginning when it was not on google first page for this keyword, it fluctuated a few times then it finally settled for the first page. We still be able to get first page for other keywords, and of course, we have no problem with Yahoo, just only Google acting up. It did this before, so I hope it will be back up there again soon, because I noticed this also happened to one of our competitor website also.

    johnr54, you're right about the fresh hubs, they were on google first page starting out and then it faded off gradually. I hope when I get up tomorrow, it will be back to normal again.

  5. vietnamese profile image65
    vietnameseposted 16 years ago

    I also just discovered that googlebot just visited my site on the same day that I checked (which is today). I think that has something to do with it also. Am I right? I guess I find out about that when I get up tomorrow.

  6. vietnamese profile image65
    vietnameseposted 16 years ago

    This is just great, I checked again today and it was nowhere to be found. I guess I have to spend some times trying to boost it back up again. Darn it!

  7. shanel profile image61
    shanelposted 16 years ago

    That's the way how search engine ranking works. You stop promoting your content or stop writing and your rankings will start falling. You need to constantly promote whatever you are doing online if you want to stay on first page or have some decent positions.

    1. vietnamese profile image65
      vietnameseposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks! It is finally back on google 1st page again....Whew! Google made an interesting ride for me!

  8. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    quick reply  because i m supposed to be going to work - Fill in the profile - even if u dont have your own linksits nice to know something about the person- its an intro really. Link to a hub u are proud of if nothing else!
    I use RSS and/or ebay for no hassel updates or news - depends on the topic

  9. PeterFry profile image61
    PeterFryposted 16 years ago

    I'd recommend forgetting about Google and look to Yahoo and MSN

    Best wishes,

    Peter Fry

    1. vietnamese profile image65
      vietnameseposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I already conquered Y and MSN. It is the Google wild beast that is still untamed.

    2. vietnamese profile image65
      vietnameseposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I think I will take your advise. The google beast is out on a loose again. Somebody hand me a gun so I can shoot down this beast.

  10. qatarvisitor profile image60
    qatarvisitorposted 16 years ago

    A few months after we set up our blog it disappeared of the search engine. Only a direct search for the namw would produce any results. This was despite the fact that some of the topics we had blogged about had no information on them anywhere else in the world.

    Looking closely we found that we had links that weren't pointing anywhere. In the pre-formatting box I had placed url tags to be used when I wanted - they looked like this:

    <a href="" rel="tag"></a>

    If I didn't want to use the tag I would leave it blank. Unfortunately, Google interprets this as hidden links - i.e. spam.

    It took my partner and I about a week to go through the blog removing all these links. I think I also sent an email to Google explaining what had happened. I also emailed Problogger, who said that he, as well as many other bloggers, had experienced the same thing, and advised me to be patient.

    We worked hard at building up our links and on and off page SEO, and after a month things suddenly bounced back - and our traffic was almost double what it had been before.

    Just out of interest, what is the url of the page that dropped off the rankings?

    1. vietnamese profile image65
      vietnameseposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I know your feeling because I also worked hard building up links and on and off-page SEO also. It is back up to Google first page now. I realize that this is a common problem and it could happen to any website. I saw that it happped to one of our competitor sites also. Back then I thought it was something that I did....heheheehee.... and for couple days I thought I was  a genius or something.....hehehehehe.... Well, couple days of illusion I guess..... :-)

  11. bloggerdollar profile image75
    bloggerdollarposted 16 years ago

    Google spent sometime to slap the link sellers so some of the innocent bloggers have been affected as well. My blog hardly receives any Google traffic and there may be a similar problem.

    1. belief713 profile image59
      belief713posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      What do you mean by the "link sellers?"

      1. vietnamese profile image65
        vietnameseposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Link sellers are the one put up your URL or web address after you paid them.... I just don't know how Google know which sites are link sellers unless they have a human visited those sites (and those sites put some kind of ads on their sites I guess).... I just don't see the point of link buying anymore because of websites such as hubages, etc.


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