Earning question on HubPages vs Squidoo

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  1. nicregi profile image67
    nicregiposted 14 years ago

    I been searching on both yahoo and google but yet able to find the answer. I know most of you write for Squidoo and other blogs too, and i see many, many experience veteran writer here. Therefore i hope to hear some advises here.

    1. Frankly speaking, where do you earn more? Comparing HP and Squidoo?

    2. Up to date, I have 19 hubs and joined roughly 4 weeks now. I have earned about $0.50. It is real low right?

    3. Do you make HP your main site for earning or just a secondary site to promote your other site?

    4. I have my own blog and I read many people said they use HP to promote their sites etc. Is this true?

    Sorry I dont mean to bring down any sites but just want to know the point of view from you guys to ensure I am at the right track.

    Thank you for your time and much help!

    1. thisisoli profile image80
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      1) I earn more at hubpages, however I did not like teh layot.

      2) It usually takes a while for Hubpages to start earning, but it really does snowball.

      3) I have a whole load of websites supporting each other.

      4) Yes it is.

  2. relache profile image65
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    A simple site search reveals there are about 1000 Hubs that talk about these two...

    http://hubpages.com/search/include:hubs … es+squidoo

  3. Spider Girl profile image54
    Spider Girlposted 14 years ago

    I earn better at Hubpages than at Squidoo!

  4. nicregi profile image67
    nicregiposted 14 years ago

    Thank you all for explaination.

    The reason i ask is because i really having a hard time at squidoo. At there, i get so less traffic i wonder what is wrong.

    Squidoo is now my less favorite choice for writing. Hubpages is my main while my personal hub is under blogger.

    I have to add that, is blogger good blog site to write and ean money (after sometime) or should I look for other place?

    Actually i have read tons of hubs about HP, Squidoo etc but i really wish to hear from comments itself smile

    1. thisisoli profile image80
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Blogger is a good way to make money, but you need to spend a lot of time promoting. Squidoo is just really spam filled, although it is apparently getting a little better.

      Hubpages is by far the best return for investment that I have found online.

      1. nicregi profile image67
        nicregiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi thisisoli.

        I know! I have blogger but I seriously having hard time trying to promote it (due to my busy life and trying to get a hub a day published!).

        Trying to backlink my blog by putting links in my hubs. Hopefully this way work smile

        I love Hubpages too. I started with HP, then moved over to Squidoo but felt there is just a little dull (very nice templates and modules thou).

        Still feel Hubpages is the best smile

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, linking to your blog from HubPages will work - but only if (a) the Hubs are on the same subject as your blog and (b) your blog is on a good niche subject.  If you've picked a very competitive niche, you're unlikely to have much success at all.

          I don't know why I'm offering you advice, though, since I see you've already written a Hub on the "ultimate" backlinking guide - why write that if you're not an expert yet?

  5. jasoncox83 profile image60
    jasoncox83posted 14 years ago

    I tried Squidoo, however I do not like how their payment system is set up. I have stopped writing over there until they expand the tiers. Yeah it's nice when you hit that top tier and make like 25.00 that month from one article. But from 10,000-85,000 made like .16...Anything not in the top 85,000 don't get a penny. With all the new len's being created I know many writers whom have stopped until they change things.

    1. nicregi profile image67
      nicregiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oic. Hmm thanks for the head up.

      *heading to change my hubs lolz..

      Back to my main questions, earning like less than 1 buck with bout 20 hubs now in 4 weeks is kinda low for adsense right?
      *not complaining but just wondering smile

      1. Traqqer profile image66
        Traqqerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        No, not at all. You could have 100 hubs/articles, and you could very well make less than a dollar or even zilch. It all depends on what kinds of topics you have, what SEO you are looking into, etc.

      2. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It starts slow, nicregi!  Most don't make the first payout from Adsense for six months or more.  But also, some don't make it for years, despite writing many articles.  We each have different experiences here.  This depends on your ability to produce well written hubs which folks are looking for.  I have almost made this months payout already on Adsense.  So, I can vouch for being patient!

        1. nicregi profile image67
          nicregiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Traqqer and Randy!

          Thank you for your reply! I know I am new to this but hoping to improve more each day!

          I know it is always tough to write but hey, I am loving it (thinking of McDonald)!

          U said what SEO i am looking for? Do you mean what topic I want to write about or...? Sorry i dont really understand that phrase.

          Really appreciated for all replies..

  6. brettb profile image62
    brettbposted 14 years ago

    Hi all,

    I tried Squidoo but it's so hard for a newbie to get a successful Squid lens. By contrast anyone can get instant success here - my brother has only 9 hubs but one of his is getting 80 visits a day!

    He's not made money yet though. And this is the tough part - making money online IS DIFFICULT! If it were easy, everyone would quit their jobs and write Hubs and blogs and stuff.

    There is only one quality needed to make money online - perserverance. I bumbled along with my first 100 Hubs, then I found an uberprofitable niche and milked it for all it's worth. Actually I now have about half a dozen very good niches. I'm now making an average of $4.50 a day from AdSense alone here.

    1. thisisoli profile image80
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What is the topic which gets 80 visitors a day?

      In my experience that should be bringing in at least a few sales every week.

  7. PurpleOne profile image78
    PurpleOneposted 14 years ago

    I have been writing for about 10 months, I have 9 hubs and have made around $40. This is not easy! I work at it off and on, try to learn a few things here and there. I need to find a niche, figure out how to do keyword research and get better at backlinking and I guess just hope for some luck too.

    1. nicregi profile image67
      nicregiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! $4.50 per day? tht's insane! Sell me your ideas! smile

      Squidoo is very hard. True! I wrote about 10 lens there and with full promotion and backlinks, i get less than 10 visitors now.

      Sad but true.

      1. brettb profile image62
        brettbposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        $4.50. Pah. Yesterday was $9.

        There's really no secret - just write top notch original content based on keyword research in topics you know a lot about, targetting people looking for information or want to buy stuff.


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