First of, I don't really know what I'm talking about, or to be more specific, I don't know the name of what I am talking about.
But thanks to a few hubbers on here, I have taken to backlinking the easy way. You backlink a hub to...for example...shetoldme...or of them anyway.
Then you hit the share button and loads of options open. You can then backlink the link to delicious, Facebook, or a thousand other previously unheard of sites that sometimes you need an account for, and sometimes you don't.
Bu it is so easy - because for the most part your url and hub title is already filled in, so all you need to input is a bit of text to say what the hub is about, and your tags.
Why doesn't Hubpages incorporate the same function here?
And, on the same vein, why is it impossible to directly link with many of these sites, that tell you Hubpages is banned if you try, but you can do with the link from the backlink from another, lesser, site?
Because people like you have gone click-happy backlinking their own Hubs, that's why!
Not having a go - I understand why it happens! There's so much advice about using this method, it's not surprising people overdo it.
The thing is, all social bookmarking sites were created as a way of collecting "the cream of the internet" in the days when search engines weren't as good. Their purpose was for members to highlight the highest quality sites on any topic, and share them with each other.
Unfortunately people quickly cottoned on to the idea of promoting their OWN sites, regardless of quality, which destroyed the purpose of the bookmarking site. So they had to make rules prohibiting members from bookmarking their own stuff.
In practice, provided you bookmark around 10 other sites for every one of your own, you won't get caught and banned. Unfortunately when it comes to shared sites like HubPages, it only takes 40 or 50 members each backlinking 2 or 3 Hubs for it to become bleeding obvious, and the bookmarking site reacts by banning the whole domain. Sometimes forever, sometimes temporarily.
Right I can understand that Marisa. But it's easy for someone with just a couple or a handful (or even just one) actual website to backlink loads of others too. It's much more difficult for the the likes of us who churn out hundreds of articles! My internet is really slow these days, sometimes I can go and make a up of tea waiting for a page to load. How much more time consuming would it be to go find another 10 pages of good content to link when I only wanted to link mine. That's OK for folks on high speed access, its only a few more seconds.
Actually I did the bare minimum backlinking all along, but it sickens me to go to google and see loads of pages ranked higher than mine, not for better content, but because they have loads of backlinks that I don't.
Since I have started backlinking seriously, many of my pages are on the first page of google, and that is why I continue doing it.
....that must be frustrating, Izzy, but if you keep bookmarking just your own Hubs and nothing else, you will get banned from a lot of these sites - then you won't be able to add any more, ever. And you may get the whole of HubPages banned, too. That's why I'm trying to explain it's an irresponsible thing to do.
Yes well I avoid Digg, Reddit and Stumbleupon for this reason. I don't want to be banned and I don't want others to be banned. And there are so many of the smaller sites that come and go. I didn't mind pressing the Random button on these sites until they started sending me an inordinate amount of videos and other heavy loading things.
I'm maybe not understanding things fully although. What is the point in all the smaller sites that are there for backlinking if they don't want your backlinks? What do they want? Don't they make their money from the likes of us putting article up?
It depends on what sites you mean. Some, like SheToldMe, state upfront that they're for webmasters to create backlinks. They're OK - but at the same time, they're so full of spam, the backlink probably isn't worth having anyway.
The backlinks you need are by commenting on forums on your topic, on other people's blogs and websites, and by writing linked articles on other revenue sharing sites. Have you read Sunforged's Hub: … -earn-from
There's a piece of software called Comment Kahuna that finds do follow blogs on your topic. … n-Software
And if you use my Ten Thousand Monkey approach, you will always have something to link back to :-)
Seriously, I've done some of that. It's like having a full time job. Again, just plain old writing and letting the seeds grow if they can may be inefficient and no way to run a railroad, but it is a lot more fun. I haven't bothered with any of that in years.
I don't do any of that for my Hubs, either. I do for my dancing websites, because I find that being an active member of dance forums attracts real live customers - so while I'm doing that, I may as well be getting a backlink at the same time.
Like Izzy says, getting backlinks on individual Hubs is a huge job and I honestly can't see how it's really practical. I like Sunforged's idea, which is basically to spread your articles across several revenue-sharing sites instead of concentrating on one - which is a good idea anyway, and then you may as well create a link wheel from them.
I downloaded it weeks ago and forgot to look it for the reminder!
As a lot of my hubs are gardening related, I have actually joined a few forums recently and its been great fun answering gardening problems, but that feels to me like I'm time wasting because I'm enjoying it so much!
My traffic is going steadily up, likewise my adsense, but its so slow compared to what others say they are earning here.
My latest kick is trying to get to google #1. I currently have about 20 hubs on the first page. Not forgetting my garden blog which is currently sitting at #8 but could go to #1 if I got my finger out and updated it. My other bog is at #5 and is worth a small fortune if it got to #1!
Just so many thing to do and so little time. I also have another 50 or so hubs 'in the making'. I need to take a vacation and chill out!
It's funny. Everybody wants to earn money so that they can have fun, but if you have fun and earn a little money, that gets seen as a little bit wrong :-)
Can still laugh though!
Everyone here thinks I'm a hotshot internet writer because a few of them have read my blog which basically just slags the Spanish off something terrible, but they do not realise how little money I'm actually making.
My partner insisted on buying me a Spanish hand-held fan the other day. It cost 1 euro.
That was a day's wages gone!
Well, if you NEED more money, you have to change your game plan. If you don't, what's wrong with having fun and earning some money?
I am getting very close to full retirement. When I do that, I'll need about $1,000 a month from writing, which I have now. I sure don't intend to work my butt off to earn any more! I'll do just enough to keep it coming.
Life is too short to live without loving it.
I NEED more money.
I've always been trying to take this writing stuff seriously, and I know from reading another thread you are not much into SEO but it was an important thing for me to learn, and I am still learning. This is my full time job. I need to make it pay.
I've enjoyed what I've done so far, but I really cannot say I've made money.
Amazon is picking up, adsense is picking up, traffic is picking up but there are loads on here do so much better than me with fewer hubs.
I wrote well over 100 hubs before I really got a grip of SEO. In fact, I probably wrote about 180 hubs. It's just beginning to sink home now.
But some of those earlier hubs are doing well, despite the lack of SEO, so it it is not everything. It would have helped if I'd checked first before I wrote them, because there are certain things I would have done differently.
So go back to fix them.
And read Sunforged, Misha and Peter Hoggan. Read the SEO forums here and elswehere. Read Matt Cutts. Do what they all say. Make it your JOB and be the worst boss you ever had.
I mean the most demanding boss, not the worst :-)
Be the boss who expects RESULTS. Be the boss who accepts no excuses. WHY NOT THE BEST, IZZY, WHY NOT THE BEST?
Ooops. Got carried away there. :-)
I've been doing that. That's almost all I've done for the past two weeks. I downloaded Market Samurai and I've gone through simply everything. I've changed loads of things, and I am seeing results. I've seen hubs jump from page 5 to page 1 with a resultant increase in traffic.
I have several hubs vying for #1 and several more that should be there already according to Market Samurai in terms of PR/backlinks, on-page optimization etc.
That's a full time job in itself, getting 180 hubs into shape, and checking results when my internet connection is iffy at best. (I'm told its because there are loads of Madrid people holidaying here just now and hogging the bandwidth - its not normally this bad).Maybe I've been daft trying to match the backlinks of some of these sites, but sometimes its only the number of backlinks they beat me on.
There have been days recently where I wished I had an office full of staff to help me.
Then Hubpages went and implemented that new feature in the hub metrics, and that required yet more changes! (all to the good I might add).
But...tomorrow, I'm going to do what Marisa suggested weeks ago, and get to work on my blogs, which thanks to Market Samurai I already know have great potential, perhaps even more than my hubs.
Not perhaps - definitely. Remember Market Samurai is written for people promoting websites, not individual webpages like Hubs. And hint - checking results won't make them happen any faster!
I have the same approach. I enjoy writing on all sorts of subjects, and never worry about the money side of it.
Having said that, I don't mind it either!
So long as you've got a backlink to a Hub or your blog in your signature on every post, it will pay off.
Has it ever occurred to you that if you stopped faffing around trying to promote individual Hubs, you'd have time to work on the blogs?
Hubs will do well eventually, even without promotion. True, they'll do better with promotion, but they'll do pretty well without, too. Your blogs are a different matter. So assuming you're happy with your niches, it's a no-brainer which you should be investing time in improving and promoting.
If you take a clear look at successful promoters like Mark Knowles, Misha etc, most of their effort goes into promoting their websites, not their Hubs. It's just not time-efficient.
I'm hoping you have a link to your blogs in every related Hub. Remove your HubPages widget from your blogs - reciprocal links have less value. Write more articles on other revenue-sharing sites, all with links back to your blogs and links to each other using Sunforged's system.
There is some benefit in backlinking your backlinks, which is why it's good to have some backlinks to your Hubs - but it's not worth knocking yourself out for.
By the way, your sidebar ads on your garden blog are overlapping the text in my browser, and your font looks way too big.
I know
I saw they had that new thingie you could pay around with and added it, and it looked terrible and knocked everything out of line. I just need to go back and put it back the way it was.
Plus a certain person sent me a theme and a lot of great information to fix things and I'm so sorry but I haven't got round to it yet - too busy backlinking and writing new hubs.
Tomorrow, I'll sort it, and add new content.
Been there, done that. I added a "new thingy" to one of my blogs last week and IT BROKE THE WHOLE $$%^^*%^ SITE!!!!
Sorry, but you'll understand I did feel like screaming when I went to check the new look and got a white page with "error on line..." instead of my blog! I had a nervous half hour before I got it back online.
That's what I mean, Izzy - priorities! STOP backlinking to your Hubs. STOP writing new ones. Add more links to your blogs in the old ones (I left you a couple of comments). And get your blogs to the point where they're looking professional and are worthy of the effort of writing Hubs and other articles to promote them. You can do it!
BTW the new theme you've already got looks good, too.
Thankyou. I just saw everything out of line and thought...oh no I can't be dealing with this just now...and shut it off. But it needs fixed and as I've just posted, I'm setting the priority for tomorrow. Thanks, I needed a kick up the rear end to get me moving.
I should preface the SEO tips link above by pointing out that I did write a revised version of that process for the original 60Dc
in short - those sites are good if you can be in and out - if you find yourself writing forum posts - then you have expended too much time and effort … ring-Sites
how the hell am i gonna backlink (pardon my french!) if this is the case?
I hate ezines, should I blog and blog and blog and create websites? and then what if they are not popular??
I just don't understand all of this. :[
Did you read the links in my post, schoolgirl?
I didn't realize people use Digg and similar sites for their own hubs? I thought they are for readers to promote on these sites.
I can understand how some of these sites would not like HP if a lot of hubbers are promoting their own hubs.
Oh, they do. Boy do they ever. And they engage in trading schemes and voting up your buddy schemes and all the rest of the dumb social games that make it all very distasteful. I detest people who do that and have no interest in the sites for exactly that reason.
really?? I know nothing about that. it seems like a huge waste of time if everyone going there goes for similar reasons.. I prefer google and the search engines bringing in traffic specifically for the content.
Do a Google search for "swap stumbles" and then "swap diggs" (put 'em in quotes just as I did here).
You will be Enlightened :-)
Personally, I think Google should track those folks down and give them a big Google Slap (you can Google "google slap" too).
Izzy, here is the rub - the more sites Hubpages add to the "share" button, the more sites will ban hubpages because of overuse.
Guess this is because we are not web sites, we are pages, but each page gets treated like a web site and we are pretty unique out there on the web. The solution then is maybe for several sites to be set up purely for backlinking to, with rules that you can't post more than one a day or whatever?
I dunno. Glad of the answers on this thread so thanks everyone for contributing:)
IzzyM could you clarify some things - what do you mean by "Why doesn't Hubpages incorporate the same function here?"
Do you mean the forums? Because at the base of hubs there is already a "Share" button that allows all that...
I believe that because lots of "newbies" are told to backlink and they do so with zeal - and because they only digg or stumble their own hubs, instead of throwing in some other sites as well, the whole of the hubpages domain gets blocked as spam. (This is a rephrase of an answer given by Marisa Wright but I can't find the original thread!)
Hi IzzyM, I tried backlinking when I first started (with zeal as Wrylit said) and all that seemed to happen is I received more spam from Nigeria. My clicks went up slightly but the spam overtook that quickly.
I have found that writing useful articles has given me more clicks than backlinking. I use what hubpages provide + shetoldme and find that is working ok.
You could spend lots of time backlinking and really only achieve a little. That's my experience anyway, maybe I did something wrong initially.
Really? Your spam went up? I can't say I've had that problem, even though I have given my email address out to a lot of unknown sites. Maybe gmail's spam filter is good, I don't know!
As for shetoldme, I wonder at the usefulness of that particular site. They have never sent a visitor or registered a backlink for me. All my content there is either archived, or queued. But I do use their link to link to other sites that won't accept a Hubpages URL.
Yep spam went up and I wasn't used to it as I use a mac at home. I'm used to spam on my work PC though so I know what it looks like. It doesn't affect the mac, I just delete it.
Now that I concentrate more on writing good hubs the spam is becoming less of a problem.
Just so you know over 20% of viruses out there can infect macs. They are usually the most invasive ones as well, so you really should be careful! The Mac OS is in some part open source, and Mac users are used to saying that Macs's dont get viruses, which makes life a lot easier for those trying to rip you off or turn your Mac in to a spam terminal!
Thanks for the heads up. I'll check with my Mac store how to get rid of them or I might reformat and see what happens. Appreciate the help.
Heh their sales guys are pretty arrogant. Instead search for free mac antivirus or somehing, should be enough to protect you from becoming one of the ever increasing Zombie Macs.
Note that Apple has been quietly adding a/v and spamware scanning right into the OS, which has not pleased the a/v vendors. Microsoft has their very nice Security Essentials d/l, which probably doesn't overjoy them either.
The guys where I go are ok, been a customer of theirs for years. What do you mean by "Zombie Macs"
Bot net
But..your still a zillion times less likely to be a "zombie" on your mac
Have firewall , good Av, and stay out of freeky porn and warez sites w/ russian hosts and you have very little to worry about
thanks sunforged, will do. Appreciate all this help guys.
To be honest I don't really visit those sites too often anymore. They simply give me too little benefit for too little in return. I have found much more successful ways of generating do follow backlinks.
I'm generally too lazy to backlink. I might have 30 backlinks on all my hubs... I find if it's good enough visitors will link back to it themselves.
And google picks up most of my stuff anyway so I just write more instead of spending time on promotion. I'd rather have to wait an extra three months for 30 hubs to mature than be too busy promoting and have one hub mature (traffic wise) in three weeks.
Years ago, I used to do a lot of linking from forums. The purpose wasn't actually for promotion (there was no Adsense then), I got tired of answering the same questions over and over so I wrote articles and linked to them out of laziness.
That had the side affect of getting me a lot of traffic and other people linking to the same articles because THEY were tired of answering the same questions, so when Adsense came around, I was sitting in a good position.
But - I sopped doing that long ago - stopped linking on forums, that is, not stopped writing. I found that Google happily picked up my content and people found it anyway.
Once in a while somebody would Digg or Stumble or Slashdot something. I hated those days. Thousands of useless visitors interfering with the rest of us. I put up a "Please do not Digg etc." notice some years back just because of that.
I have been tweeting and FBing the stuff I have done here, but the more I think about it, why bother? Google finds the stuff anyway and it just makes it harder for me to find something I really wanted to tweet or FB if I want it later.
As of today, I am not going to bother with any outside promotion. As WryLit notes, if it is good enough, people will promote it for you and if it is not it really doesn't matter what you do: sows ear, silk purse, all that.
I've got some hubs with loads of backlinks that just appeared themselves. Unfortunately, I still haven't written a hub that's went even a bit viral. The only hubs I have doing well are those that are vying for first place in google without a huge volume of searches.
There are two ways to approach that.
One is niche and keyword research. You can find plenty of good advice on that from Misha, Sunforged, Peter Hoggan and others. It doesn't interest me because it is work and then it is being forced into writing about something you don't care a twit about.
My way is called the "ten thousand monkey" approach. Write like mad about whatever you like. Write as much as you can as often as you can. Some of it will become wildly popular for reasons you and I don't understand (but those other guys could probably explain to you if they looked at it).
I suspect the first method might get you more money, at least until Google figures out how to stop it. My way is definitely a lot more fun, though :-)
I love this reply. Although I have been writing for Hub Pages for about 20 months, I know absolutely nothing about promoting, backlinking, or other internet based terms such as these.I still am unaware of how to effectively build a Hub Page, except to write the articiles I love and move them to other places for more people to read(Right or wrong, that's what I do.) It has not caused me to make money, but I am passionate about the esoteric subjects I tackle. Therefore, I happily achieve my primary objective. I really like what you have written regarding this paricualar topic. "Write like crazy." Sounds like great advice to me!
"Best to you" Pcunix,
I do very little backlinking and am quite happy with the way some of my hubs are continually gaining traffic. One has over 1500 links according to a Yahoo link check. I don't know if this is a lot of links or not but I make a few bucks and sales from it.
Like Pcunix, I had rather spend the time writing. I feel that if the content is good enough, there's no need for all of the backlinking. But to each his/her own!
IzzyM the best advice I have ever been given to make money online, is to write alot EVERY day - every day. It's your job. Find what you can do a lot of easily - and do it. If I couldn't hub easily, I wouldn't be doing it - because I know that there's so many ways to make money online, I keep looking for things that work for me.
So if it's blogging, then just simply blog a lot and keep finding out how to blog to make money - or do both. But again do a lot of it.
All good advice - but I can see why folks start just sharing their hubs and don't give a second thought to the repercussions. It is because (in my very humble opinion) the share button is there and people think that that is what they are supposed to do. There is no disclaimer that says 'if you share this and don't participate in the sites listed, you may be banned forever - and by the way - so will everyone on Hubpages'.
Something needs to be done about making that clearer to folks - especially new people who are struggling to just learn the mechanics perhaps. I know we are all supposed to 'know everything' but I've found that gee, gosh and darn - I don't! It is refreshing to find out that other folks don't as well though it is very frustrating to figure out what you 'should do' to get the best returns.
When I was embroiled in the cooking hubs contest and did not have time to promote my hubs so to speak and backlink except to maybe my facebook account, I did not notice any increase in anything so that did kind of tell me something important and I don't worry about all the rest anymore. I am concentrating on key words and trying to just write well and on a variety of subjects to see what works for me.
Bottom line though - I think we need more direction or less choices maybe on that share button! It's not as 'innocent' as it looks!
I didn't even find the share button until bout 3/4 months ago, and when I did I was thinking "how come I never noticed this before? I did share for a while my new hubs till I got banned by both Reddit and Digg, because neither made it clear you couldn't post your own stuff. I learned my lesson, made new accounts with both of them (I have a dynamic IP address) and rarely use them.
It's the new crowd of backlinking sites I am interested in now - Mixx, Blurbalicious, Bukmar, PostOnFire etc - these are all high PR sites that give out dofollow backlinks through the share button on many sites including shetoldme. There are so many of them it wouldn't matter if one or two banned you.
Why does Hubpages not reach an agreement with them to let you post all your own stuff?
If they're inviting you to post your own links then you won't get banned. However, some people think Google will get wise to those kinds of sites - they're only one step up from traffic exchanges, after all - and slap them hard, so your efforts will eventually not be worth it. In fact I'm kind of surprised Google hasn't slapped them already, they're so blatant.
BTW I thought I'd try the "share" button on SheToldMe for some of the stuff I'd already put on there (I posted all my 60 Day Challenge Hubs as part of the Challenge). The ones I tried shared a link to the She Told Me post, not directly to my Hub. That's what I would expect, and I'm not sure I see the point?
I too am surprised that Google hasn't whacked all of 'em up the side of the head. I am sure they will get to it.
Why? They are a legitimate source of traffic outside of search engine traffic. Some of them send huge amounts of traffic and Big Daddy G respects that.
Because linking back to yourself (which is most of what goes on there) is not a "quality signal". You may very well be linking to quality, of course, but a link you made should be suspect. As most of this stuff is just people promoting their own links or trading two, three or four way links with others, it is all suspect and Google really should ignore them all.
But you are ignoring the legitimate use of these sites. I tend not to submit my own work, but I have had other people do so and gotten as much as 250,000 views in a day from a couple of them. One of my posts got almost a million views from a mixture of these sites. Why on earth should Google ignore that?
Google doesn't care about views. They care about providing the best answer to a search.
If they are NOT providing the best search results and someone else is, Google will lose market share.
Rubbish. Google does indeed care about views and it is one of the metrics they use to determine what is the best answer to a search.
What does that have to do with this?
Fine. Google doesn't care if they provide bad results and lose their entire search business to someone who WILL provide good results.
And the brilliant linkmeisters will go on fooling Google forever. You just keep believing that.
I get so sick of this nonsense. yes, it works - NOW. Yes, it can be very difficult for Google to see through all the schemes in use today. But to say that they don't care, that as long as gets traffic that's all that matters, is a basic failure to understand Google.
But of course you will say I'm a fool and I'm sure a certain other 5 letter name will soon rush into to join you. That doesn't change the truth. Google cares about quality. Period. That you and other gamesters can manipulate that is undeniable - you can and you will continue to do it right up to the day that Google figures you out and stops it.
At that moment, if the ultimate destination of your games was, in fact, quality, you'll be fine. If not, you won't be.
I'm not blaming you for playing games. You are competing against everyone else who is playing the same games, so you probably have to. I'll give you that, too. What I will not give you is that Google doesn't care whether that result is the best result. They may NEVER be able to figure out the worst (or best, depending on your view), but they sure are going to try,
Now some other linkmeister is going to chime in about fantasy worlds or some other load of nonsense. Fine. Have your fun. It doesn't change reality.
What are you? Blind? I never said any such thing.
Clearly you are too lazy to read what I wrote, so I am not sure this is worth a response.
What schemes? I get rather sick of people spouting BS about something they obviously do not know anything about.
Dear me. Google care about making money. Period. Figures what out? Obviously you did not read what I wrote so yet another meaningless comment.
I don't think you are a fool. I think you are misinformed and too damn lazy to read what I wrote.
I am not playing games - nor cheating. In fact - I am offended at your implication that I do not provide quality content.
Sorry you seem to be angry about something - but I don't know what that is?
If you can be bothered to read what I wrote you would discover that what I said was - google - does now and always will - take into consideration pages that attract large volumes of traffic from sources other than themselves, and uses that as one of the ways they measure the quality of the page. They are not going to stop doing that because it is a perfectly valid and useful metric.
No matter how hard you pray they will - still not sure why.
Once more and then I have no interest in trying to get through to you.
Links YOU create to your own content are not signals of quality. Period. Understand that or not, I do not care.
Please read what I wrote. Dear me. What I said has absolutely nothing to do with the link. A link from a social networking site is all but worthless.
ANY link you create to your own content SHOULD not have value. That it does now is a given. That Google doesn't care about it is nonsense.
By the way, I made no implication at all about your quality. Read more carefully.
"At that moment, if the ultimate destination of your games was, in fact, quality, you'll be fine. If not, you won't be."
That is unclear? From that you assume I am casting aspersions at you? I apologize - from now on, I will try to find one syllable words instead.
What is unclear is that it is lost in the morass of your rants against "linkmeisters," playing games and your naive assertion that google just cares about quality not making money. Period.
Still could not be bothered to read what I wrote huh?
I guess I am done here in that case.
Google cares about quality PRECISELY because of the money at risk if they do not. Your inability to understand that doesn't change the reality.
At this moment, it is relatively easy to fool Google with links you create yourself. As I said before, it may even be necessary for you to do that because everyone else is. But you linking to yourself is not a quality signal even if Google presently sees it as such.
If a competitor can return the BEST content (which might or might not be yours), searchers will leave Google. Advertisers will follow.
If a then b then c. Is that so hard to follow?
Please dispense with any more childish responses. If you disagree, explain where the fault in logic exists.
You're absolutely right! I don't blame newbies for misunderstanding, because you see the advice handed out all over the place with no qualification.
There are only three sites on the Share button on HubPages that could be a problem - Reddit, Digg and Stumbleupon. They need to be there so ordinary readers who like your Hub can bookmark them.
It's been a problem on every site I've been a member of, I dont know what the solution is really.
Thanks Nelle
I wrote a huge amount of hubs during June and July and my traffic dropped. Probably seasonal. I love writing, but the guys who are serious on here (and yeah that includes you) already knew about keyword research and SEO. I've been trying to find niches that pay well without realising that the niche I was writing in paid well, if I'd optimized the pages properly.
It's all a huge learning curve, but I'm getting there.
I was going to post my stats for the last few months to show a steady rise in income but decided the better of it.
Tomorrow I'm, going to fix my blogs, write some new content for them, then start working on the hubs I've already started and not look any more at my google rankings, and get back to writing.
Well, I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but if your link to Hubpages is in the shetoldme post, the google spiders will pick it up no matter where else you post it. And you can still get an actual backlink through it.
It's just so much easier, click a button (the 'share' button), and your url and hub title gets displayed. All you add is your description, tags and subject heading, and even they come up in memory after the first one.
If it's not doing any harm and its not spamming, then why not make it easier from here instead of being limited to only Digg, Stumble etc who don't like spam.
That's what I'm saying - it was the SheToldMe URL, not my Hub's URL, that got displayed. So that would count as a backlink to my SheToldMe entry, not to my Hub. That does help, because it will raise SheToldMe's page rank, which will make my backlink on SheToldMe more valuable - but it's not a backlink to my Hub.
Unfortunately,(and it had nothing to do with me) many of these places you can't post your links to directly because Hubpages is banned. I know because I tried.
Through Shetoldme or any other site offering this service is fine. If its not a backlink, its something better than nothing.
....but since it's not a real backlink, only a backlink to a site that contains a backlink, it comes down to priorities again, doesn't it?
I'd love to see what Sunforged, Misha or some of the other gurus think about whether it's worth the effort.
SheToldMe seemed good when it first started, but now there is so much spam, and so many legit users getting archived because of overspamming and self promoting articles to front page through multiple accounts, that I really don't see it as being worthwhile at all.
You just have to take one look at other articles appearing on there now to see that the site has failed, when there is a lack of interesting stories in the top ten articles, you know things are going wrong.
*Edit* I think this may have been a little harsh, have developed a killer headache which has put me in a bit of a bad mood!
I think my point stands though, if you can look at a site and see it is low quality, then Google can do the same. The spam filling She Told Me is one of the reasons I have avoided implementing a referal scheme to my article directory.
Digg, stumble, etc use no follow links, which are not registered by Google. At one point I did look in to those who say that a proportion of no follow links help make a site look more natural, but I am still trying to figure out whether this is true or not!
It is not uncommon for bookmarks at Shetoldme and Xomba to rank higher than your actual hubpage, but that is temporary. Once your page is indexed and settled, it will automatically show before your bookmarks at shetoldme and xomba. Infact you will hardly see any bookmarks in the top 5 pages. And yea, even if the shetoldme link is placed higher or indexed before your hub, the link would always be a backlink to your hub. At shetoldme, it occurs as the links are promoted and make it to the front page, which gives them the benefit of PR5 link and so temporary google places them higher than the hub.
I hope I have got the question correct.
Not quite!
Izzy is using the Share button on SheToldMe to post on other backlinking sites.
She thinks that's helping get a backlink to her Hub. I'm saying it's not a backlink to her Hub, it's a backlink to SheToldMe.
I'm sure it has some value because it's a backlink to her backlink - but this is in the context of making best use of your time, and I'm not sure that creating backlinks to SheToldMe is a good use of time.
I am sorry and I get it now. And you are right it would be a backlink to backlink, but personally I don't think it is best use of time. The links from shetoldme are PR5 only when they are on the front page and they don't last there long and all the pages within the site are PR0 or PR n/a. Though it still has value but most of the successful hubbers here automate it and I also sometimes use Imautomator to backlink my backlinks. see that thread. I posted a free automatic backlinker "bookmarking" site. I'm just trying it out.. seems promising from what a few webmasters have told me.
The saga continues with back linking strategies. What works and what doesn't. Allot of this is trial and error. The key in my opinion is to this kind of stuff responsibly. Don't spam and respect the blogs you post on. If you contribute and provide useful information your Hubpage, website or any other blog will rank higher.
We all want others to see our posts and our blogs. Linking strategies are just one part of the SEO equation. Don't over do it. Like most things in life use moderation.
I have clicked awesome for this blog voted it up and followed you. Thanks so much.
Hiya, BlackHatWorld! Good to see you on Hubpages . It's kind of like seeing a celebrity, haha
If gardening is one of your niches, that's good, especially if you're a forum participant. I do a few gardening hubs. My experience is that gardening forums are kind of laid back, and don't mind links in either the signature or the body of the post, as long as you don't spam. So I'd encourage you to continue to place them.
I have another niche. The subject area has one of the best forums out there. Highly ranked by Google, and all. And I participate there. But putting in links is not tolerated. Too bad. So I backlink those articles elsewhere.
I used to post on gardening forums all the time,before I found Hubpages and started writing, and yes you are right, a lot of them allow links in signature etc, it's just that's its very time consuming when I should be writing
Yes, it is, especially if you are an honest person who only leaves honest, useful comments. It is easy to say "Great Post!" but it takes much more time to leave a thoughtful response.
And yet the thoughtful response is the one most likely to attract real visitors. And although the linkmeisters will tell you that all that matters is the Google love, that isn't all of it. Those real visitors are the ones who can cause you to go viral.
Moreover, I constantly delete comments like the first at my site. They never get seen by Google. Only the honest ones end up getting any kind of love.
You are absolutely right, Pcunix. That's why I continue to post on the belly dance forum. I have no idea whether my signature link on the forum is "do follow" or not, but I've gained many natural backlinks there, from other dancers who have mentioned my site on their blog. I've also been asked to write guest articles on other blogs (more backlinks). Not to mention the direct visitors who have clicked on my link, whom I see on Analytics all the time.
uh oh , can I get in trouble for listing my faves on my profile? I'm learning alot from this thread - Thanks guys - but really , can I get in trouble , cause if so I'll take em down
Well, I do not see anything wrong with dealing with "what is". Nothing wrong with using existing knowledge to help us market our writing in niches that we developed. Some of us are present-oriented.
But some of us are more future-oriented. We're always looking around the bend, and trying to forecast the next wave. We're impatient with the status quo, and can't wait to see what will develop.
Either personality can adapt, and they will if they are serious about their web publishing efforts. I'm confident that they will be facile and nimble enough to change when it's time.
I don't worry about either of those types. The kind who worry me are those people who constantly dwell in the past and beat themselves up about every prior mistake.
By the way, I'm a long-range planner to a degree, and in some very important areas like finances and health. But I'm probably a little more comfortable in the present.
by Kate Swanson 14 years ago
IzzyM and I have been chatting about backlinking, and disagreeing on what's the best way to go about it. She's been spending hours backlinking her Hubs on social bookmarking and backlinking sites, because she feels that's been recommended on the forums by Hub gurus. I'm not at all sure that's...
by Mike's Corner 13 years ago
I started about 7 weeks ago and have been publicizing/backlinking most of my hubs through the bookmarking sites SheToldMe, Snipsley, Xomba and Redgage.Does anyone think (or know) whether Google, as part of its new ranking system, will now be penalizing pages linked to from sites such as these...
by Ben Zoltak 14 years ago
Well, I hope I am posting this in the right spot. I've been on Hubpages now a little over 3 months, and am enjoying it thoroughly, all the writers here have been great. I have done a lot of research on increasing traffic to my hubs, and mostly people seem to collectively agree that to really boost...
by LarasMama 14 years ago
I continually see two types of groups on the forums/HP. They are the following:1. If you backlink in social bookmarking sites and spend lots of time going over your hub, working hard at getting them out there, you'll make money.2. If you leave a hub alone for a while, even without a lot of work,...
by mike-tells-all 13 years ago
Last week I found out about this site called SocialMonkee. If you are looking for more backlinks for your HubPages this is a good place to get them. You can get 25 of them a day so you can use a different hub each day.This is the first time I have posted in any of the forums here, but I thought...
by sid_candid 13 years ago
My aim at hubpages is to earn an average of $500 or more per month in a years time. Right now I have 165 hubs and earn between $20-$30. I wanted to know if I can achieve my goal in a years time or less if I concentrate on keyword and good topic selection and don't do any backlinking.
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