I will give you some step by step examples of what you can do to feel happier, more peaceful, and grateful. It's very simple!
As a Christian, I worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I've learned that God uses His faithful to help spread His word. The Apostles did and anyone can. We are all called to be evangelists. I have recently learned of the GREAT intercession of St. Joseph.
Rosemary has suffered with bipolar depression for over 30 years. Her faith has been her number 1 coping skill. Without it, she would not be alive today. Here is some of her coping skills and what she has learned through experience and research that has made a huge impact in her mental health!
A well thought out article on the HOPE that Christianity brings to the world and the obvious benefits in THIS LIFE, and the NEXT!
Let's focus on Heaven our eternal reward for choosing Jesus. Concluding with a beautiful video on St. Faustina's vision of heaven. Stunningly beautiful description that is biblically correct.
Life is full of ups and downs for everyone. No one will go through life with perfection. We are all sinners and all need a Savior. My Savior Is Jesus and He's been guiding my steps during my life, particularly since 12/26/09 when I got saved. My life made an amazing turn around since that day.
Life is full of trials. It's great then difficult. Repeat. We get breaks and times of joy, times of sorrow. The most important thing, is what are our coping skills? Are we using the faith and love and hope Jesus freely offers us?
Each human being has the capacity for love. To love and be loved.
Theology is the study of the nature of God and religious belief. The Resurrection of Jesus is mind boggling really to the human mind. How and Why would a supreme being love so much that this Creator would gladly lay down his life for his Creation? If you have never felt loved, well here you go!
It sounds like a contradiction, no? Or is it not?
Just brainstorming of how to have stuff to do. When you're not employed or in school, life can be dull without hobbies or something. I never feel like I'm ever busy enough!
One of the miracles of the Eucharist on video inspected and tested by scientists, and some discussion about what makes a "good" person.
My relationship with my creator. Cheers everyone!
A brief article touching on some poignant memories of growing up in a family of ten children
Written purely from a spiritual perspective on depression, please understand I do not judge or tell people what to do, only merely share what helps me. Please feel free to share you negative or positive experience with spirituality and depression. Thanks!
A letter to my friend
Eric T., you are with God now. You are a wonderful creation of God, and you knew Him, and you loved Him, and now He has taken you to Heaven.
I wanted to discuss this often debated topic because it's partly why I avoided the Mass and Catholic church and "missed out" for awhile on the sacraments. And, I feel I am using very good logic, so you may just want to read and weigh in...Thanks!
Longing for what was.
What do you think this is about?!
Poem about true love.
What a horrible place to go. I pray No one would go there. Watch and learn from a man who witnessed hell in an out of body experience!
So many things you were to me So many things I wanted you to be But I never saw the forest through the trees Or what a gift I had here already You cooked for me, cleaned the house, and even sewed your clothes Now I'm surrounded by boys...
Learning more about PMDD.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is very similar to bipolar in its symptoms.
I would like to speak about Our Blessed Mother today. She has a special role in our salvation. She was and is God's masterpiece. She is the only human He found acceptable to place his divine son in her womb. She is "The temple of the Most High." ...
Let's talk about the importance of character education for one. Here is my interview with the well known Cagsil.
I could love you for a million years Without any fear You come to me in my dreams Not sure who you are Just a mixture of past scars I long to love and touch you Fill up my soul Not eat or sleep until ...
Hello readers, I'd like to say to you today that when you hear the word "Christian", please don not automatically think "bible thumper" or "gay hater" or any of those terms people mistakenly use... What I've learned over the years, as an...
i Know it's Going to happen Soon... Love is on the horizon Deserving is not nearly the word to describe Every human needs to be treated with pride in stride My mind is tired I'm Just typing here But I know that tenderness and love are coming to...
This hub is not against Christians, it's rather a firm reminder that we are not to judge, as Jesus told us, this is something I think we all need to work on!
I don't know how many hubs there are dedicated to Our Lady, but I wanted to take a little time out to thank her for being the mother of the church, and the mother of Jesus. After all, who was closer to Jesus, except Mary, who bore him in her womb,...
you played your role as an actor in a play but the things you said had some truth so I stayed An empty mask shadows behind evil lurking seeping into my mind... a phantom tale of murder and greed oozing self pity and you...
Let's face it. Human beings were not meant to be islands. We procreate and provide for children by being a family in which the child(ren) learn and grow unless they are faced with dysfunctionality. So, what do we do? It's human to want to love and...
Yes I am going to talk about mental illness Again! I've gotten complaints from family whenever I complain they call it, or seek support, I guess they are just too tired to listen, too busy, sick of it, don't care, but they shouldn't insult me. They...
The correlation between mental illness and creativity by the evolutionary process is a very interesting piece of information that explains how mental illness goes hand in hand with high intelligence and creativity. Just read my hub on Famous People...
Using God and Spirituality to Help Cope With Mental Illness is very wise. There's no way hardly you are going to survive the various attacks of this illness unless you arm yourself with the truth and light and hope. Jesus conquered the world, He...
A short testimony of what it felt like to get off very sedating meds, which was very difficult temporarily, but led to where I am TODAY....a place of serenity. So, remember the valleys are not forever!
"For by grace are ye saved, not by works, lest any man should boast." I know it's good to be a Catholic and to have guidelines to follow. I have been a firm believer since a very young age; it has gotten me thru my toughest trials in life; I would...
How many of us try to forget our pain and hide Is it really wise to do so when the pain comes back in a twosome? and meanwhile you find a way to let your body tense up perhaps smoking too much or overfilling up your gut?! ...
Advice to the mentally ill or those with depression, anxiety or feel they suffer a stigma. How to handle unsupportive family or friends.
A fun selection of 5 uplifting songs and videos you would enjoy taking a look at. Tell us what your favorites are!
A poem about how it feels to have your heart broken in two and why I have two seperate accounts.
It's not easy to just accept suffering just like it's not easy always to forgive. But to let things go, and accept, can take alot of burden off you.
A short description of 5 romantic movies with videos as well. You may want to check out some you may not have heard of!
Do you like to write how you feel when your heart is singing? An inspirational and uplifting poem you can share with your friends.
A darling and fond letter written to encourage you this Christmas or anytime of the year. What would Jesus say to you this Christmas?
This is actually about a loved one who was thrown in jail for something they didn't do. They passed on in 2016. I really had a lot of pain in my heart over it during that time. I did my best to help them out during that tough time.
An interesting perspective about the moment you die and what it will be like: the grim reaper!
A poem about stress and how it can affect people and rising above it.
Are you a night owl? Why do people stay up all night? Is it because they have creative ideas?
What was the Johnny Carson show like? How did it impact future late night shows? It gives great insight into that era.
A short poem to my mother, talking about mother's day and the meanings of different colored roses.
Why is it okay to pray to the Virgin Mary. After all, it's not like we worship her.
Cats are theraputic animals and small enough to afford to feed and big enough to hug. How my cat is special.
It doesn't take a mental health condition to hurt anyone. In fact, from my research I've found that more "normal" people are more dangerous than those who suffer with a mental health condition. This article celebrates the talents of many who suffered with mental health conditions.