You not only publicly represent HubPages with disrespect, and display ant lack of compassion for people with disabilities, have really angered me and baffle me as to why you would laugh at the deaf but just made my buddy Frank who cannot hear feel that one a little bit less than others from before because there are many things still to be heard here not yet converted for the deaf, I opened this to show him, as any friend would that I posted his language.
I wish you saw his face as you laughed, hope you feel better, so sad.
I'm sorry to you and HubPages but in my year and a half here, I've been banned for things I needed to be banned for. But this needed to be said, and I will not return nor can I associate with this person whom the only thing, never mind
I'll shut off with letting you know I have made huge mistakes, that I am ashamed of, and learnt from, I cannot sat those mistakes ever came from laughing at an others shortcomings, ever, ever.