Ebay has removed me from the Ebay partner network, saying that I was providing low quality traffic....What a load of steaming bullshite!!!
Now I've got to go through each hub page and remove them links....the barstewards!
This is just a temporary hiccup, I know there are alternatives, just thought I'd give a heads up, because you never no when and if you have an Ebay partner account that it can be taken from you at a moments notice.....
Earnings had dipped tremendously, but then I wasn't promoting it much anyway....
Right, it's time to up the anti and start to promote the shite out of my blog and hubpages and any other web pages I own and yes that means being ethical and all that rollocks!!
So it is best to have your own websites, your own blogs, hosted on your own sites and selling your own products. This small incident has re-enforced this concept and so expect some ebooks and DVDs and promotional videos from me.
Affiliate programs of all shape and size could remove you on a whim, a moment in time that is right for them and not the other way around. It happened to Dale, a great hubber here and I remember thinking, gutted to lose all that money each month, although I wasn't earning thousands, but it was a supplemental piece of income that added up to my other bits and pieces.
So you hubbers out there, yes write your hubpages, but always have an end goal in mind, don't just rely on a site that you don't own, by all means be a part of something, but don't committ your whole life to someone elses cause, look after number 1 and any that seem to be cool to begin with!
That's a kicker for sure Wayne, and I'm sorry to hear that they've found some extremely tenuous reason for dropping you like a hot brick
As for Ebay - how decent of them. You can't fault a good business ethic, now can you?
Very frustrating. I've been trying to get into Ebay's Affiliate program for a while, but get turned down. I wonder what they call "quality". They're always screwing over the sellers. Now it's the affiliates.
I hope Amazon doesn't try to pull that.
To get into the affiliate program is harder now than it has ever been, but if you bring them quality traffic as they say and be right up their botty then who knows, but I for one am not amused at their selfish corporate business tactics.
I've lost trust in a brand, a recognized brand and I don't even know if I'll use the ebay selling anymore, might do might not, I have other avenues open to me, at least that's what I've planned for.
I don't think the rewards with ebay are worth the hassle, at least for most (maybe still worth it for Nelle, she seems to do pretty well).
Trying to sell on ebay is just as much of a nightmare. We are currently trying to clear the flat of our junk that is too precious to go into the skip
It is an unclean feeling selling with ebay
*off to take 100 showers now, not likely to remove the ebay ickyness*
Even selling on Ebay, I don't think they'd ever get rid of sellers as they want the fees, the endless fees that they get after selling our own stuff is ridiculous.
Ebay I spit on your monkeys!!!
Thats what gets me, the fees! Like I am being robbed in my bloody living room! When I buy stuff now (sometimes I have to as its a lot cheaper, in some cases, not always) I actually don't mind double the shipping if the price is right, let the seller get a bit of profit for cripes sakes! Cor!
Thats the thing, as a seller its real easy to wind up out of pocket with their fees.
Good to have an ebay gripe with ya mate!
Seriously I hate em! Die Ebay die!
I'd like to start a campaign against the Ebay Partner Network because they really are a business that thinks they are it!
But since I'm a grown up with a family to feed I will just carry on with my plan of action and forget about Ebay ever existing!
One Door closes one opens Wayne...
I'm sure the next couple of years will be most interesting for coys like Ebay.
I'm also sure that collective site ownership and marketing will be the future!
Especially if we don't want to get screwed by Google TV and friends.
Keep in touch... I'm very interested in developing a new generation of marketing that leaves affiliate BS in the dust and I have nearly finished developig a very viable alternative. Don't have a problem throwing $s at it...
but it will require a team of 'Real' people with complimentary skills to collectively own and operate the sites. I wonder how many good writers we'll need?
One things for sure, Ebay will have to constantly change their agreements and policy structures to suit their own business ends and make sure that they don't get caught out in their business dealings.
The best way to earn any money online is to control 80% of everything yourself and leave the other 20% as a gamble, places like here and other web platforms are here now, but what about in the future? Nothings guaranteed in life, but the secret is in building up your own business, so yes you are right!
Ouch, thats horrible, sorry to hear about it Waynet.
After the ebay changes awhile back and logging in to see that I had to re-apply I just left it hanging. I'm beginning to feel that my bone idleness was a good move.
Thankfully as you say there are plenty of options when it comes to affiliate advertising anyway.
Boo to Ebay!
P.S: What do they mean by low quality traffic? Does that mean low conversion ratings?
It means what it means, low quality traffic is anything under $1500 a month, they want the larger marketers to bring in huge volumes of traffic and then come up with a reason to ditch them too....
You really have to extract the wording of the Ebay agreement to really see the pitfalls!
That's sad.
It always pains me to read when any source goes down no matter how small. these days word "ethics" is cracking me up..
Hey Wayne,
That sucks! EBay have doing this for quite some time, if that gives you some consolation.
Here is what happened to SunSeven - http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/49455
Hey Wayne T.
That sucks.Sorry to hear that at such a high monthly value. I could survive on that every month.
Let usknow if you come up with any decent alternatives.
We have a local site here, but it only seels second hand books at present.
One thing that I am going to do starting in a couple of weeks is sell my own ebooks, I have 8 in draft that all need the drawings with them and links adding and serving it as a pdf document would be the best and cheapest option to start.
And I intend to use Ejunkie to start with a view of using creataspace.com for further digital goodness.....Big arse bye bye to Ebay!!!!
I plan on promoting more Clickbank products as I get regular cheques from them and other affiliate networks, the key I think is to have lots of options all in place and chop and change then when something like this does happen.
The thing is, it is wise to keep abreast of all the available information about certain agreements you agree to follow, because there is always small print and legal mumbo jumbo that has to be deciphered by a well versed linguist to make any sense of it.
Ebay will always be around and will continue to make money for people, but I for one won't want to recommend them anymore and I will have to remove a lot of links, but I'll do this gladly as I can fill up the spaces with more relevant affiliate links or promotions.
Jeez, the internet is becoming one tough town!
I also read the SunSeven post.
Whoever is running ebay these days isn’t just stupid; they’re crazy.
Yes, it's all about business I'm afraid. Ebay know they are top dogs and can and will do whatever it takes to be ruthless and stay top dog.....only top internet marketers need apply and apply at their own risk, as their earnings could be stopped when they drive enough traffic to Ebay listings!
What was your average qcp/ePC? I have heard the danger zone is when you drop to around .05 - .06 on a consistent basis?
How about ACRU/CRU , did you have many credited new users?
That really sucks by the way!
That's my question too. I understood it was EPC that mattered, so I haven't been worried even though I don't earn a huge amount.
No, it was above that, but it did fluctuate, so who knows the minds of Ebay....good riddance is what I say....onwards and upwards!
All I say is I didn't promote it aswell as any other program...maybe that's why. Creating doubt in my mind is a good tactic that Ebay can use, because I never really dug deep in the stats there that much....and with them altering their user agreement, they can do whatever they want...huge business corporations suck big time. When I'm making my millions I'd never do shite like that, that's for sure!
Did you have other websites or were you only using eBay on HubPages?
Yes, a few blogger blogs and a few established websites that are a few years old now, but I still update them with new content....maybe my EPC was low, but then again it has always been around the 0.11 mark.
Oh, dear, maybe I should be bracing myself then - sounds like I'm in a similar situation. All my websites, bar one, depend on eBay so I'll really be stuffed if they drop me.
The trouble is that there are very few alternatives for me - there are very few good dance affiliates.
That sucks. But you seem to be well prepared for that - and now you don't have to worry about them booting you anymore
That does really suck. Good luck with your ebooks. And let me know when they are done. I may be able to promote them with all my art sites.
I would just love to know why companies do this stuff right before the holidays, and why having you send customers and sales to them is bad. Hmmmmm. . .
Never put your eggs in one bucket. Same goes with online income streams.
Cheers LakerEerie!
Yes, you was the first person I thought of to approach about selling these ebooks as an affiliate, especially through Ejunkie, although I have thought about Clickbank too, not decided yet.
Cheers now!
Oh, I have not heard of Ejunkie before, might have to check it out and learn more
Waynet - Sorry to hear that mate! Good thing all your eggs where not in that particular basket .
I gotta say the more I learn about ebay the more I think I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot barge pole!
I have not even tried to become an affiliate of theirs and doubt they would have me anyway pfft! on them!
You know I have been waiting for a major competitor to ebay to come along and put them in their place for some time now. They are way to big for their britches. I hope I don't have to wait to much longer
It is an ever changing world we live in, when one affiliate program goes rotten there are others that pop up. I don't think affiliate programs will ever go away so long as people find the internet a good place to sell their gear. Just have to be ready to switch to a seller that appreciates having an army of people promoting for em
Yep, Ebay affiliate program is a pile of pants, especially when you think you're gaining some ground with it and they knock you off.
There are some alternatives to ebay as auction sites that is and as you know there are tons of affiliate programs that we all can tap into so good job on that front or else I would have to go back to work cleaning stinking toilets for a living and I would rather die and be eaten by maggots first!
That's really crap Wayne, but we sjould expect no less from some of companies, they make there own rules. the internet is a frontier town. At least you were well aware you shouldn't have all you're eggs in one basket. A sobering lesson for newbies, some companies will bite the hand that feeds them, that means you.
Good luck with the books Wayne. "Nil carborundum!"
Cheers Kev!
Yeah, I pretty much have put in place a plan of action a few years ago, because I read an article that advised about this situation of affiliates being cut off, so I have accounts in all of the top affiliate networks and have begun implementing certain links into my vast library of webpages and email lists with quality content of course.
Good call, Kirsten - I used to buy a lot of stuff off eBay, but was stiffed one too many times.
Sorry to hear about that, Wayne - sadly, the short-sighted corporate business model rears its ugly head.
I wrote some business technical papers a while back, and EBay were given as a prime example of 'How not to run a business'! I suspect that, without Paypal, they would really struggle.
Only a matter of time, I think - I am sure that there must be some venture capital group thinking about pushing a rival business model.
Waynet--I'm so sorry to hear what happened, that just plain sucks all around... We were sellers on Ebay for many years, but haven't been selling for months now, due to many factors, but the fees were one of the major ones, ugh.
I was going to start a new thread about this, but maybe I could just ask you, if you don't mind?
I know nothing at all about blogging, other than what all of you mention from time to time. What is it exactly, and how does it benefit you?
I'm wanting to spread out more, and really get going on different areas, but the blogging thing has me a little confused...any advice? Thanks!
Good luck in all your endeavors--I've read your hubs, and am just floored that Ebay did that to you, wow. They have gotten way "too big for their britches", as my grandma used to say...
Cheers now!
Blogging is and has been the past time of many serious internet business folks for quite a while now, it is the preferred business website now, especially with Wordpress with all it's great plug ins that help get your blog noticed in the search engines.
Writing to a blog is great because you can write focused in an area you know well and build lots of useful content that ranks well in the search engines and you can sell lots of affiliate stuff spread out over your blog and sell your own products too, such as ebooks and other cool stuff.
I am selling stuff on Zazzle and Cafepress, but making some quite reasonable money with clickbank and ejunkie as an affiliate, but the future is good now because Ebay have made me act upon my plan of action that I created as a side note to my business plan.
Hi waynet, when one door closes, there is more opportunity. Good luck to your endeavor. Keep doing what you're doing best!
Cheers now!
Ebay has done one good thing, it's made me more determined that I am actually getting on with my own line of products, ebooks first and then DVD tutorials and then who knows what next?
Cheers Ebay!
Well, you have talked about this for a while. It's time to get off your butt and do it, I say. Looking forward to seeing what you have.
Thanks Waynet--I had always thought of blogging as sort of a personal online journal..I don't know why.
So the places you mentioned are where I probably need to go next, and check out.
You said you sell things on your blogs? See, I had NO idea. Maybe that's an avenue we should check out, and completely phase Ebay out now, even after all these years...wow, that'd be weird, lol.
Anyway, thanks again--I appreciate you taking the time to explain it!!!
Thanks for telling us Wayne - must get my arse in gear to diversify my income streams. Making enough money per month now but know it could so easily go so am adding more strings to my bow.
Yes....my ebooks are sailing along and all of the drawings that I'm currently adding make the books look quite cool if I say so myself.....I've got a how to draw fantasy creatures one in the works and because I know the market well and own lots of books on the subject I know how to make them more in depth and give people what they want, which is detailed instructions on how to draw some imaginative stuff.
That's what my husband is in to - he did some wicked paintings before we got together, but he is to shy and chucked loads of them. I'll show him your drawing hubs and see if that fires up his creative side.
I'm reading more and more about stuff like this occurring and finding that I'm being turned down for affiliate things for various reasons.
It boggles my mind that any affiliate product or service would not want their products being on as many pages as possible despite the traffic to that page unless of course it shows their product or service in a negative light.
Even if they only get a few clicks now and then it's still more potential business,what do they not like to make as many sales as humanly possible. Go figure!
I totally agree with you, especially if they only pay for actual sales. Being a store owner on the other side of the equation, I would love for people to link to my site.
Quality control, account management, link tracking and payment processing cost time and money also. So low performing affs are of little value.
eBay doesnt seem to be following any of those factors though, they just have reached a level where they can reasonably assume that many web users will end up to their website with or without affiliate involvement.
In the old ePn model it was very worthwhile for an affiliate to gain sign ups for new users that bid and buy, they were worth $25 a pop - Im willing to bet that factor still has a high importance in how worthwhile they consider your partnership to be. (not relevant to Waynet, just my impression of ePn as a network nowadays...there are other networks that wont keep you around for less than 10k in monthly sales!)
Relache, do I understand correctly - you're getting $25 a singup?
I certainly am not ! and I still get a few a month, would be nice. Maybe i should dig into my reports deeper - ACRU show up on my daily ePC but their value I guess would show up on Quality report?
but, nonetheless - they have not been worth a blanket $25 in a long time - now are worth $1-$50,would be odd if you consistently still got 25 a piece.
Well here's something interesting...
The eBay EPN User Manual contains the following question and answer as the very first entry in the EPC FAQ:
Waynet, you might consider referencing this bit and asking for clarification as to which of the three conditions did in your account.
I've emailed them and no reply.....seems like once cut off then that's it....my account definitely didn't fall under those 3 reference points!
Actually they replied, so they might give some clarification on my account!
wayne you mentioned blogger and epn together, which means you were sending traffic from "unconfirmed domains"?
I have a few domains that redirect through to the blogs and I've added the EPNtext file and them two were listed as confirmed.
I've asked for clarification and someone should be getting in touch to explain a bit more!
Mind you, you need to get an expert to decipher all of the agreement in full, so maybe that's not what I have done, but I'd rather they'd say exactly what instead of saying low quality traffic!
It makes me wonder if HubPages is looking beyond the big 4 right now. Amazon is losing more states, eBay is tough to get in, and Kontera is far from worthwhile (I just took it off all of my hubs and they started performing much better) but AdSense is stable (for now).
Adding other affiliate options seems to be needed.
Imagine what would happen if Adsense became in jeopardy?
Yeah, that is my worry too. You never if the big G will change their user agreements and alter the course of online earning with Adsense....nevertheless steps have been made to improve my earning situation because I depend like may others on online income.
I wanted to let you know that over the years we have been in touch with eBay, but it's the least close relationship we have. We want that to change.
Next week, I'm meeting with the person that runs the affiliate business. Our hope is that they see the value in a relationship with all the great writers on HubPages. Specifically, we'd like them to make the program accessible to our authors much like Google does.
I'll keep you posted on how the meeting goes and what the plan will be moving forward.
That's great!
And I'm sure the newer hubbers would very much like to get approved and earn some money with the Ebay partner network.
I just wish that it was a consistent program that all could benefit from....for me and a few others it's too late, but there is hope for others....so cheers for this Paul!
Well that's good to know. Look forward to the resulting outcome. Ebay do appear to have a rather shoddy ethic, and in view of the recent call for a better business ethic on line, isn't it about time the oligopolies got on board?
Good parenting makes a whole word of difference
Outstanding, thank you Paul. Could you also bring up whether or not they will allow people to sign up via Hubpages?
Hi Paul,
I wish you much luck trying to convince Ebay to change. However I will be praying that you can change their mind. I have also been turned down by Ebay even though I have been selling my goods on Ebay for over Ten years. I stand back and just say "What Gives" with them.
An update would be welcome and if I have not said so already that is sad news but at least it gave you a kick in the right direction!
Bump.. I'd like to know if there has been any update on this Paul?
Me too, as this is the first I have heard of this, and I am still adding ebay capsules to my hubs, which seldom return anything. I would hate the aggro of having to plough through all of my hubs one by one in order to delete ebay capsules if they dump me too.
Thanks for this thread. I am new here in Hubpages so I don't have an eBay account, so thanks for this thread I don't even bother.
by Jeffrey Tymczak 14 years ago
Ebay sent me an email today, if I dont remove the ebay ads from my lens, they will close my eBay Partner account????These are some examples, and not a complete list. We recommend you remove all your links from any site which you do not own. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, eBay Partner...
by seamist 15 years ago
Hi EveryoneOver the past six months, I've signed up as an Ebay affiliate at two different times. I never heard anything from them either time. Has anyone else here on Hubpages had that problem? If so, how did you resolve it?Thank you
by dawei888 15 years ago
Dear All,On May 3 EPN published a post on its blog saying that there will be changes to its accepted business models and that EPN affiliates must only link to eBay from sites that they own. So, if I understand this correctly we can no longer link to EPN from HubPages. Here's the...
by Writing Coach -- Rajinder Soni 15 years ago
I just received an email today from ebay stating that they are starting quality click pricing for new users from 1st of Septembers and for old users like me and you from 1st of October.Now we will earn some money when visitors on our hubs will click products on our ebay widgets. Please read this...
by Dale Mazurek 15 years ago
Well everyone here know that I am a marketer but many dont know what I do. Well I will not start telling you but I will tell you what I dont do anymore.Up until last month I was an eBay affiliate and had been for almost 17 months. Things started slow but in the last 6 or 8 months things...
by Fawntia Fowler 15 years ago
I am trying to update HubPages' step-by-step instructions for joining eBay, and I'm looking for some help from the community. Has anybody recently (within the last couple of weeks) applied to eBay and been accepted? If you have, and you'd be willing to help me and others Hubbers who will be...
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