Weekly Contest to Showcase new Hubbers - HubNugget Nation

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  1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

    The US mid-term elections are over, but still controverisal. That fits our 3 Topics this week very well:

    Politics and Social Issues, Personal Finance, and Fashion and Beauty in


    We hope you have a good time reading and voting for your favorite HubNuggets Wannabes candidates in an election process without annoying campaign ads smile

    It's an outstanding selection of Hubs this week!

    Wannabes - Don't forget to promote your nominated Hub. Alert your friends and families to vote and Tweet, Digg, Reddit, Facebook it, and share it wherever you can. Just kindly refrain from posting your link in the HP comment thread or HP forum. Thanks! And success to each one of you!

    1. RedElf profile image89
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Off to read and vote!

    2. RedElf profile image89
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Great hub, Miss PI! big_smilebig_smilebig_smile  Another mighty fine crop this week! Read, rated up, and posted to Facebook!

      Congratulations to all the nominees!

    3. Cagsil profile image72
      Cagsilposted 13 years ago

      Okay, voted and shared. smile big_smile

      1. RedElf profile image89
        RedElfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Love the pussy cat (avatar), Cags big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

        Chancellor PI, does that mean I must have my visa stamped every time I cross the border, or will the Empress of HubNuggets Nation abolish all this foolishness once she's elected/crowned?

        Zsuzsy Bee for Empress - no more unfair taxes...actually, no taxes at all!! Yay, Zsuzsy.

        Long live Empress Zsusy! Long live Chancellor Patty. Long live the HubNuggets Nation!

        Long live the HubNuggets nominees - now go read and vote, all of you!

        1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
          Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I think no visa-stamping -- just donate a can of food for the hungry on each crossing.

    4. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 13 years ago

      Great hub once again SciPI... read and voted for my favorite hubs (to decide just on one hub in each of the categories wasn't easy but I did it) I was also able to put together my campaign... not bad for an early morning job...
      Empress Zsuzsy Bee has a nice ring to it, doesn't it... (hahaha)

      Congratulations Hubnuggeteers for the nominations... don't forget to promote your hubs...

      1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        An excellent campaign! What will be the official Colors of the kingdom?

    5. ripplemaker profile image75
      ripplemakerposted 13 years ago

      Hi Patty..loved your slogan!

      Hubnugget Nation...no taxes just a lot of Community.

      All the more reason we need to vote and support our new hubbers!  Everyone...remember


      1. Daniela Daljac profile image61
        Daniela Daljacposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Once more thank you for nominating my hub "Feed Your Skin" good luck hubers!!!!
        Great Hubs!!

        1. ripplemaker profile image75
          ripplemakerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Best of luck Daniela...now go and invite your family and friends to vote for your hub...even non hubbers can vote!  Best of luck to you smile

      2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Great badge for the community!

    6. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

      To Empress Zsuzsy Bee and Chancellorees -

      Thanks for reading and voting, and ruling the writing craft with justice!

      Let's have some new holidays now. Any ideas?

      Continue to read and vote, HubNugget Nation -- You're the best!

      1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
        Zsuzsy Beeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Patty, new holidays... HubDay comes to mind...

        1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
          Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    7. Tony DeLorger profile image62
      Tony DeLorgerposted 13 years ago

      Thanks for my nomination guys! 'Ten the new Fifteen' Good luck everyone.

      1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks so much!

    8. profile image57
      jackman001posted 13 years ago

      hello friends i m new hubber at hubpage.com

      1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome! we hope you like it here - glad to have you!

    9. Denise Handlon profile image86
      Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

      I voted...on Tuesday and today!  smile  Great newbie work.

    10. Treasuresofheaven profile image80
      Treasuresofheavenposted 13 years ago

      I have voted and look forward to voting in future HubNugget Nation forums.  This is cool!

    11. RedElf profile image89
      RedElfposted 13 years ago

      Excellent suggestion - note to self: always have cans of food in backpack big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile

    12. Kotori profile image67
      Kotoriposted 13 years ago

      Thanks for the nomination on my fragrance hub, Hubnugget team!  This is very exciting.

    13. sandun81 profile image59
      sandun81posted 13 years ago

      Thanks for nominating my Simple and Effective Tips To Cut Your Budget and Save Some Money hub. I'm so happy and motivated to do more hubbing smile

    14. profile image54
      mingmbtposted 13 years ago

      I think I have to try to do it all.

    15. Jeremey profile image59
      Jeremeyposted 13 years ago

      Thank you for the nomination, I feel honored and priveledged. It feels good to be noticed, thanks again! See you all around the hubworld!

    16. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

      Congratulations! We still have a couple of days for voting, so promote your Wannabe Hubs, and good luck!

    17. Money Glitch profile image60
      Money Glitchposted 13 years ago

      I voted! Good luck to all the contenders! big_smile

    18. prettydarkhorse profile image65
      prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

      Voted, Nice hubs! Good presentation.

    19. IvoryMelodies profile image64
      IvoryMelodiesposted 13 years ago

      So many great hubs! My votes are in! Good luck to all!


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