express love in a few words

Jump to Last Post 1-45 of 45 discussions (65 posts)
  1. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    LOVE IS :

    A desire?

    An Emotion?

    An Act?

    A group of feelings?

    A secretion of few hormones?

    A faithful duty?

    A mental clouding?


    1. TheRaptorClaw profile image62
      TheRaptorClawposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Love is a feeling.

  2. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 14 years ago

    Love is ..A Multitude of Emotions and Events

  3. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    Love is an action word.

  4. Greek One profile image65
    Greek Oneposted 14 years ago

    ...something that costs $100 an hour down by the docks

  5. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 14 years ago

    Ohhh thats a whole lotta love or a whole lotta sumptin else

  6. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Love is an art...that men forget after getting married smile

  7. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 14 years ago

    love is everything,

  8. Greek One profile image65
    Greek Oneposted 14 years ago

    love is using a feather.... lust the whole chicken

  9. b. Malin profile image67
    b. Malinposted 14 years ago

    Love is enjoying life with someone you LOVE!  HOWEVER, it is always being the best lover, a man, or woman could ask for...growing old together and not noticing the changes...or enjoying them!

  10. saleheensblog profile image60
    saleheensblogposted 14 years ago

    love is a date expired candy. lol

  11. Hotplate profile image60
    Hotplateposted 14 years ago

    Love is the one thing that you always wanted but never had. You didn't know what it was, or where to find it. Then when you finally find it, it's too late.  You've been completely consumed by it without even realizing it.  Love is the greatest and the worst thing you will ever experince in your life.  Nothing is greater than being in love, but there is absolutly nothing worst than the pain of losing the on you love.

  12. saleheensblog profile image60
    saleheensblogposted 14 years ago

    love is a vacuum, you can't define it.

    1. Greek One profile image65
      Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      love can be  a vacuum...

      but be VERY careful what attachments you use because it can really damage the skin around those areas

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        1. Greek One profile image65
          Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Myyyy first love...

          There's only you in my liiiife...

          The only thing that's bright....

          1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
            prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            suction LOL

            1. Greek One profile image65
              Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              why must you pervert my beautiful memory Pretty?

          2. Hotplate profile image60
            Hotplateposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Ah yes, you never forget your first.  I still have fond memories of that old Electrolux canister vac.  It only had enough suction for one thing, but it was the most important thing ever.

            1. Greek One profile image65
              Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              i never date anything with a bigger bag than me

              1. Hotplate profile image60
                Hotplateposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Date huh, we were both free to see other people.

                1. Greek One profile image65
                  Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  i hate those type of ho(se)


          3. Daniel Carter profile image64
            Daniel Carterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            That sucks.

      2. saleheensblog profile image60
        saleheensblogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I have good skin care products coming free with the attachments lol

  13. Jaggedfrost profile image62
    Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

    Living without regret
    Onerous or divine
    Vivid imagination and visualization of possibilities
    Ever forgiving of faults

    hmm me things I feel hubolicious again.

  14. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    The ups and downs of life are miserable without love!

  15. profile image0
    L a d y f a c eposted 14 years ago

    Love is not blind. Love is when all the cards are on the table and you still want to keep playing.

  16. shimmering Dawn profile image70
    shimmering Dawnposted 14 years ago

    Love being able to be yourself
    do the things you want and
    speak the way you want
    without worrying what your love has to say!

    Love is being yourself with another!

  17. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years ago be...

    ...the end! big_smile

    1. Pearldiver profile image69
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile ..... Pink Spurs!!

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ....mornin' ...vvvvrrroooommmm....vvvvrrrrooooommmm...big_smile

  18. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Love is dream....which opens its eyes after  marriage.

    1. Joy56 profile image67
      Joy56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      then closes them real tight lol

    2. Pearldiver profile image69
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Does Your Better Half Know You Are Saying Such Things on the Net hmm

      You can always BUY a New Toothbrush! big_smile

      1. profile image60
        BestConcernsposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  19. profile image0
    rx4uposted 14 years ago

    Simply put- love is sacrifice.....................

  20. L.C. Smith profile image61
    L.C. Smithposted 14 years ago


  21. DREAM ON profile image85
    DREAM ONposted 14 years ago

    Love is understanding you can always make room for more...

  22. xixi12 profile image68
    xixi12posted 14 years ago

    Love is living life to its fullest

  23. pisean282311 profile image62
    pisean282311posted 14 years ago


  24. know one profile image60
    know oneposted 14 years ago

    Love is like extreme sports.

  25. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Love is unconditional.

  26. richtwf profile image59
    richtwfposted 14 years ago

    Love is life. Life is time. So love is time!

  27. couturepopcafe profile image60
    couturepopcafeposted 14 years ago

    There are four questions to life:
    What is sacred?
    What is beautiful?
    What is worth living for?
    What is worth dying for?
    The answer to all of these is love.

    1. profile image0
      jerrylposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      couturepopcafe,  You must have watched the movie (Don Juan Demarco).

      Great movie.

  28. heart4theword profile image60
    heart4thewordposted 14 years ago

    At time Love is a Vapor:(  The loss of love...that leaves a void, we constantly try to fill with our own endeavors!

  29. richtwf profile image59
    richtwfposted 14 years ago

    Love is our children and they're our future. Without love there is no future to live for!

  30. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 14 years ago


  31. Rochelle Frank profile image91
    Rochelle Frankposted 14 years ago

    Love is giving without expectation of anything in return (even gratefulness or recognition).

    Love is surrender to goodness, with gratitude.

    Love is doing something "nice" (beneficial, enlightening or engendering thankfulness) for someone, especially when it is done secretly.

  32. shogan profile image73
    shoganposted 14 years ago

    Love is losing the sense that you've lost yourself.

  33. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Love knows no rules of trade.Its just giving and giving and giving.....

  34. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 14 years ago

    Love is (just) a feeling. It is ALL about how that person makes you feel...

  35. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Can an 80 year old man or woman love....what could be the feeling?

  36. Rafini profile image82
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    Love is tender
    Love is Kind
    Love is forgiving
    Love is blind
    Love is acceptance

    Love is what one human being gives themselves and another

  37. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Love drives without logic !

  38. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 14 years ago

    Love is slow to anger

  39. Joy56 profile image67
    Joy56posted 14 years ago

    Yep it sure does.

  40. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    Well....can we imagine that one day love would get extinct and eventually forgotten from in this world?

    1. Joy56 profile image67
      Joy56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      never may that happen.  it is good for a health

    2. Extinct Soul profile image61
      Extinct Soulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well, that was not impossible anymore...specially today that everyone is craving for "instant" and "disposable" things...

  41. arb profile image75
    arbposted 14 years ago

    the surrender of me for thee.

  42. ediggity profile image60
    ediggityposted 14 years ago

    Love is a battle field.

  43. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years ago

    black pearls


  44. jantamaya profile image61
    jantamayaposted 14 years ago

    Love is just love.

  45. profile image60
    BestConcernsposted 14 years ago

    love is the communication of souls.


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