
Jump to Last Post 1-10 of 10 discussions (25 posts)
  1. sabrebIade profile image79
    sabrebIadeposted 13 years ago

    Sorry if this has already been discussed (I didn't see it in any forums when I searched) but what is this?
    Is that actually associated with HP at all?

  2. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 13 years ago

    I think I saw a mention of it somewhere here today. I seriously doubt it is associated with HP HQ in any way smile

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Trying to make good off HubPages good name?

  3. IzzyM profile image86
    IzzyMposted 13 years ago

    It was mentioned in the thread discussing what comes up in Google search if you type in Hubpages. is on page 2

  4. sabrebIade profile image79
    sabrebIadeposted 13 years ago

    HP should slap 'em with a cease and desist.

    1. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure it is possible - they are in India. Besides, how this is materially different from say "Hubpages Blueprint" ebook?

      1. sabrebIade profile image79
        sabrebIadeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well then they should just slap 'em...LOL

      2. IzzyM profile image86
        IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Who wrote that?

        1. Misha profile image64
          Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I don't remember Izzy. Just google it. Or may be yahooing it will work better nowadays big_smile

          1. IzzyM profile image86
            IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Think it was someone called Benjamin King? Anyway, all those hubs that were on #1 aren't anymore sad

            1. Misha profile image64
              Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              They may come back - or may be not. It's just a bit more than a week passed. In my experience it usually takes about a couple of weeks to settle, and this is talking about much lesser scale changes. We'll adapt either way smile

  5. IzzyM profile image86
    IzzyMposted 13 years ago

    That we will smile

  6. pertibha321 profile image38
    pertibha321posted 13 years ago

    Dear friends i am amazed after reading your replies about its not illegal thing.Any one can buy domain names like this like,, and can use it as you want to.i know that is not anyhow affiliated with HP its different ,its an Indian articles directory.Its not trying to make bad use of HP as you can sea its logo is Hubpages.In and its different then's logo.
      Also that site is not saying anywhere that it is affiliated with HP .So don't have any right to slap.I know all this because one of my relative own this site.
    But still feel some problem due to it can buy paying a good money and that's all.
    By the way if is available you should buy it .Its just business and nothing is illegal in it.

    1. waynet profile image67
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What a load of arse!

      When something is as established as well as Hubpages THAT is business, not a site that is effectively leeching off the main one like I see here. Hubpages is more than likely a trademark name and anything that is inferior that seeks to sponge off something better is distinctly average.

      And furthermore if it was supposed to be a separate business then why put up a Hubpages widget confusing others! that's not business it's just leeching!

      1. pertibha321 profile image38
        pertibha321posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Dear if you know i have had linked to hubpages related articles in my hubs to send traffic to them,and this hubpages widget on is sending traffic to
        If you know (you must have know as you are a good writer and may be senior them me) that you are free to put hubpages widget on any site or blog which you own or have right to put it there.Its not to confuse anyone.Also the good news is we are getting proposals from peoples and companies to buy and to make it more good.Just waiting for the right proposal.just have got upto 30,000 USD .

  7. SiddSingh profile image60
    SiddSinghposted 13 years ago

    There is a term for it - CYBERSQUATTING.

    1. pertibha321 profile image38
      pertibha321posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dear siddsingh its not CYBERSQUATTING to buy county domain names related to some big site and if it is all of the domain sellers should be punished as they are selling them.

      1. SiddSingh profile image60
        SiddSinghposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The HubPages lawyer (if they have one) would definitely disagree with you.

        By the way, I saw your profile on You look uncannily like Priyanka Chopra. Or is that you?

        1. pertibha321 profile image38
          pertibha321posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          dear if buying any country specific domain of any famous site is not illegal but if it is how companies are selling them.Can you tell me just one company who sells domains but just .com domains not country specific domains.
          And about photo on starshunt ,that's not my photo.

          1. pertibha321 profile image38
            pertibha321posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            domains is for sale on … erid=17505 .sedo must be an american company so why hubpages cant stop sedo from selling this domain name?

  8. Ultimate Hubber profile image71
    Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years ago

    Can't hubpages claim the domain name?
    Just like Google, Amazon etcetera get the domain names back.

    1. pertibha321 profile image38
      pertibha321posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dear can you give any example of such domain name?

  9. David 470 profile image81
    David 470posted 13 years ago

    Hubpages wannabe perhaps?

  10. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    You guys clearly do not understand the international agreements and associated laws relating to copyright, trademarks and branding. If HubPages OWNS the trademark, they can Legally have Every Flea Desist from using such domain names ANYWHERE in the world that provides internet services.

    Perhaps the Clue.. is that EVERY SITE and Domain must pay annual registration fees To...... ????
    Sheessssh... track the process, including what is involved in registrar and reseller agencies roll

    1. pertibha321 profile image38
      pertibha321posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I want to say one thing that trademark and domain name are two different is not using's trademark anywhere on the site also it is not saying that its affiliated with so its not illegal in anyway.


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