Hey Staff,
Please get your moderation team on the same page. I am beginning to get PISSED OFF at their incompetence.
Last time I checked, RSS Feeds are allowed to be ON hubs and must be relevant to the HUB.
I am getting sick and tired of moderators telling me to DELETE specific links inside RSS Feeds, which are tied to specific keywords.
Are these people naturally stupid or just not trained properly? If either case applies, then again it is just another action by HP that proves staff is having more problems than they apparently can handle.
The only other remote possibility is that the RSS Feeds have a glitch in them. I only say that, because if the moderation team is telling me to delete links that come up from inserting specific keywords which ARE RELATED to the hub content, then that is also concerning.
So, what is going on?
I'd email the moderation team. They do not regularly patrol the forums, but they do respond to emails (it looks like an email was sent to you 41 hours ago regarding the ad disabling).
If you want clarification on moderation decisions, your best option is always to email team@.
It's crazy, Cags. I have friends here on HP who haven't written in a while, so they've been out of touch (they're not marketers). They ask what's going on, what's allowed, what isn't. Obviously the answer to them is to weed through blog posts, forum threads, help and learning center entries...none of which are consistent.
I haven't published here since March, even though none of my published Hubs was ever flagged post-Panda for any kind of violation (I removed all RSS and news feeds as soon as HP said to, and I never did write sales Hubs, except for two or three). But what I'm left with here is a lack of powerful tools, such as those feeds, which enriched whatever I wrote.
I think the days of using powerful HP tools to interlink within HP or to link outside of HP are over. HP needs time to find its way, but in the meantime I do wish it wouldn't be so inconsistent. I don't know if that's a problem with moderators or a problem with HP not knowing how it should proceed into the future.
Thank you Sally's Trove. Much appreciated. Like I said in my OP, I am beginning to get pissed off, because of the inconsistency.
I don't understand how I can have a hub about a person and that person's name is not a relevant keyword for an RSS feed?
It makes no sense.
Interestingly, that person's name would likely be highlighted in the Suggest Links Tool, but with no destination link. I noticed that oddity several times when HP first introduced that feature.
So, it was OK then for the Suggest Links Tool to highlight a proper name, but not OK now to use a proper name as a tag.
Crazy making.
Wow, sorry to hear about this Ray. This is another blunder that just makes me Not want to publish here anymore.
Hey Michael, the RSS Feed wasn't the only reason for my hub to be unpublished, however, it was a factor for being unpublished.
Moderator unpublished my hub on Pamela Anderson and I used her full name, to pull up links to related to the keywords "Pamela+Anderson".
I was told that I had to delete an individual link from the RSS Feed, because it wasn't related to my hub?
How pathetic is that?
Again, there is a remote possibility that the RSS Feeds are screwed up?
Now...if the RSS Feed is being fed from the Google search engine in some way, then, of course there would irrelevant links inside the RSS Feed. (lol)
It is what you get with any Google search result. The "New" Google Algorithm Panda change in top form!
Maybe its time for them to upgrade to a new magic eight ball...
Should I unpublish? Signs Look Good
Should I provide a Reason? Try Again
http://animation.about.com/library/tuto … 8ball1.htm
Please put your moderation team on notice. They unpublished a hub of mine, requested I fix it and when I fixed it, they have continued to republish the hub, but left the ads disabled.
I'm sorry, but that is just utterly dumb.
Yeah, what's up with the disabling Ads on Hub that are moderated and fixed?
It is some type of HubPages punishment to the Hubber?
I don't know Michael, but this isn't the first time it's been done to me.
@ATTENTION STAFF are you people even paying attention to the forums anymore?
Ironic, staff members too afraid to approach members who are dissatisfied.
wow-maybe it's just me but I've never heard you so fired up Cags! I'm inspired by your voice (that will of course will be tuned out by the selective hearing of those who need to be in the first place)- but heck---Keep screaming Cags! I'm listening!
Nothing here makes any sense any more Ray.
But its interesting to drop in from time to time to check out the disaster du jour.
My thoughts are still that that they want to get rid of all links that do not make them money, and also make "rules on the run" that just alienate people - and have no effect on the problems that they are trying to solve.
I know Eric. I would still think that it is a business and if these people actually want HP to succeed, then it would be best if they finally got their s*!t together.
Moderators should be on the same page. If a hub is fixed and there are NO other violations, then ads should not be disabled on a hub.
If HP staff is not going to train their moderators properly on the wisest course of actions to take, then I will take my writing elsewhere.
Right now, everything I have done, is all about bring traffic to my hubs. I will remove my hubs, not that I have many, and I will no longer consider HP viable source for anything. It's pathetic that plenty of other people who were awesome for and to the community, not to mention, the growth of HP to the level it was at, are now gone or no longer publishing hubs.
It's pretty bad that long standing members have removed thousands of hubs, which were actually great pieces of writing(even the sales hubs could be learned from).
I mean, if HP plans on continuing it's path, then Staff should say so. If this is how they are going to conduct business? Then, it's time to move on.
LOL Its so funny to so many posts and not one word from any hub moderators.
I asked a direct question about Market Samurai about 5 days ago in a thread where Maddie was taking part.
No response.
Perhaps they've all left the building?
Or far too busy unpublishing hubs to answer posts in the forum.
I wonder if they understand the concept of leverage, where a little bit of time taken in one area could save hundreds of hours in another area.
Leverage? It's beyond the scope of most people. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from Staff than I do from the average person.
Still, I think it is a lousy way to conduct business....the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing and vice versa.
I believe the reason why no HP staff have responded to this incompetence is because they too have seen the light and are submitting their resumes elsewhere en mass.
If they are not doing so then someone needs to make it quite clear to them that this place is in its death throes.
Attacking the Staff with rude comments will get you nowhere and they shouldn't respond... You Should have realized this, with 38k posts you think you might have caught on by now and taken a different approach at wording your displeasure,
You can email them directly at team@hubpages
Rude is having your work unpublished, lost from the index and losing revenue without warning or explanation.
Responding as Cagsil has is only a normal response to the new rude face (lack of face?) of HP.
Disrespect in any case is really not a professional form of communication. Reading the OP you will see what I mean in regards to disrespect, although you Sir have also had your threads of disrespect to staff with ineffective communication too, I see how you agree with this type of conduct.
So no-response from STaff is appropaiate at this point. !!
My "rudeness" was exponential and retaliatory. In most cases it would have best been described as "challenging"
I prefer not to be rude, In many cases I was actually fuming mad so was a little less even tempered then I would normally hope to be.
Silence is rude also though. I took a peek at staff forum post history after Cagsil's OP - they seem to have abandoned the forum completely now.
Are we really expected to think the above is an example of a job well done ^
If those numbers are accurate (its the estimated data from their advertising profile) then my personal network gets more daily visitors
I wonder how much of that drop is due to the removal of so many spam hubs?
Could be.
But massive drops in traffic become exponential as the site loses the backlinks that went along with many of those hubs.
The SPAM hubs were a necessary loss, but the alienated commercial hubbers had lots of expertise and network power that was not wise to lose.
Hey Jason, I've emailed moderators.
I realize that you're not a moderator, but would it be too much for the moderation team to actually use a little common sense?
I mean, when they unpublished my hubs, asked me to fix them and I do fix them, then it makes absolutely no sense why the ads would be disabled on them, when republished by them.
Seriously, what part of my OP did you not understand?
Again, I implore you to get your moderation team on the same damn page. Again, I have another hub that has been unpublished for something completely stupid.
The email I just received and responded to, tells me that the hub that they just unpublished, has UNRELATED LINKS on the hub and that is completely FALSE.
It appears as if there is a problem with the RSS FEED pulling in unrelated links? It is impossible for any hubber to remove any sort of unrelated links that the RSS Feed is pulling.
If the moderation team doesn't know that, then please INFORM them.
This is getting to be absurd. Unpublishing Hubs for NO REASON makes absolutely NO SENSE!
@Jason, please DO INFORM others of this problem.
Cag, didn't you see Jason's response to me on another thread? He and Simone are not allowed to speak to the moderators. So none of the issues we raise in the forums gets to them.
Hey Marisa, I didn't want Jason to speak to moderators. I wanted Jason to speak to others, like Maddie who is moderator supervisor, among doing other jobs.
For Jason to sit by and do nothing, only shows that HP is definitely headed in the wrong direction, if he(Jason) says nothing to no one.
I think Maddie is included in those he's not allowed to speak to...
I was very clearly told that the forums are NOT the place to report problems and the ONLY way to address moderation concerns was to email the moderating team (or Maddie).
Which kind of makes the Report a Problem thread somewhat obsolete...
I'm allowed to speak to Maddie. But as a matter of protocol to make sure our work is as efficient as possible, this is the way we do things:
If it's a matter of how policy works, feel free to ask in the Need Help forum. I will try to clarify if I can.
If it's a very specific question about why one Hub was moderated, I would contact team@.
Here is a copy of my response to the email I received for the most recently unpublished hub.
To whom it may concern:
Your description of what is wrong with my hub is apparently lacking.
It claims to remove unrelated links, however there are NO unrelated links on the hub.
You people need to seriously get on the ball. You continue to make more out of what YOU don't understand to begin with.
All links on this hub are related to the topic of the hub(person who it is about).
The RSS Feed is using the keywords/tags of the name of the individual. If there is a problem with those links, then I would suggest YOU look at your RSS Feed and a possible glitch that needs to be fixed.
If the RSS Feed is pulling unrelated content, then that is YOUR FAULT, not mine. You people(HP) are the ones who allow RSS Feeds to be enabled on hubs, as long as they are related to the topic of the hub. The KEYWORD for my RSS Feed is the exact name of the person my hub is about. If YOU have to moderate the RSS Feed and want links eliminated, then I would suggest YOU fix the problem with the RSS Feed pulling unrelated links.
Now, that we are on the same page, please restore my hub and make sure that the ads are not disabled, unlike my other two hubs which have recently been moderated, but ads are still disabled for some UNKNOWN reason.
Please do try to do a better job.
Thank you for your time.
if a hub has a tag that isn't relevant to the topic, then the mis-tagged hub should be flagged, not yours.
Hey Mutiny,
My point is that keywords/tags, of the name of the person the hub is about, is relevant, whether it be on the right side or inside an RSS Feed.
My other point is that IF the RSS Feeds are pulling wrong, unrelated links, then there must be a problem or glitch with the RSS Feeds? Correct?
The fact that moderators are asking people to eliminate links contained in an RSS Feed(which isn't possible, except to delete the entire RSS Feed itself), then it tells me that moderators are not being trained properly.
I concur. The RSS feeds are taken from a hub's tags I think. So if another hub includes the name in their tag but the hub itself is not relevant, then that hub with the bad tag should be addressed.
So you are saying a tag like 60dc is a bad tag because it is irrelevant to the hub. Ok I agree, watch who chimes in next
Not at all. Those tags were not a problem. What I am saying is if Cags' rss feed for 'Pamela andersen' brings up a hub on some other topic then I suspect that the other hub listed Pamela andersen as a tag inappropriately. I suspect it is not a problem with the rss, it is a problem with a nonrelated tag and Cags' hub shoul not be the one penalized. He is listing the rss in good faith that other hubbers are following the rules.
Or, you can create an RSS feed to your own Hubs on the topic. That way, you have complete control over what shows up in the feed.
Or don't use the RSS Capsule with a HubPages RSS feed at all. I'm not a big fan of using it in your own Hubs at all. It should be used off-site to point links back to your Hubs, where it is probably a lot more useful.
If a group makes an association between their art. Whether its a site administration doing a contest, a loose collaborative group doing a hubmob or artists all considering themselves Post-modern. Who is to question their chosen associations?
Your tiny thinking is missing so many elements of online participation and promotion, its laughable. Taxonomy and categorization is many faceted.
Perhaps Cagsil has an rss feed (you know they work off of hubpages, right?) to a Pamela Anderson fan Site, i.e. ilovepam.com/rss - maybe that site does a few posts on movies that pam auditioned for but never got the part.
Is that random link within the feed grounds for unpublishing? Is the association apparent if you glance at the feed? Is a connection between "movies" and a known movie star enough? Would you recognize every movie on earth by the rss snippet?
Do you discount your own writing or efforts enough to allow some uninvolved party to dictate your reasoning? YOUR readers should be yours to suggest and navigate as you please, what service does Hubpages offer in offsite promotion to your efforts that should make you so quick to allow them to question yours or those of other writers?
An author will often point to other works they have done or to associations they trust or belong to. Its common internet practice and good promotion.
If you think their tag/rss witchhunt will have any positive effects on the site - I would love to hear what they could be.
Hubs is decimating their link profiles, baby with bathwater etc. They dont have the manpower to perform what they are trying to do and are just cutting themselves to shreds.
Hi Cags ltns. Wow, you are definitely annoyed maybe one the links is leading to a bad 'neighborhood' or part of another link breaking the 2 domains rule? jus a thought. Usually it gets republished for approval once corrected and resubmitted sorry to hear you're having such probs n tis the weekend now.
Aww thats a shame hope you contacted the stupid team you referred to
Is this guy on drugs?
by Mike Russo 12 years ago
I'm trying to understand RSS feeds. I think the capsule is a reader that aggreates feeds from other websites, but I'm not sure
by Sherri 13 years ago
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by Peter Dickinson 13 years ago
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by Lily Rose 13 years ago
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by jeffgilmore 13 years ago
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