To those of you who have had trouble voting / whose Friends/Family have been unable to vote: The way the voting page works is this: either votes are tracked through Assured Voting, which is contingent on Facebook ID, or they're tracked through your IP address.
Early in the contest, some Hubbers had complained about the Assured Voting feature, so I switched the contest pages to work only by IP address, which means that only one vote from each IP address may be cast to prevent cheating.
To solve the problem with friends/family members or coworkers from one office not being able to vote for the nominees, I've turned on Assured Voting again, so have a go! You can read more about Assured Voting here. When you vote, we will be asking to confirm your Facebook Identity. Please note that we won't use this information for any other purpose.
The Fan Faves round closes today at 4:00pm, so there should be plenty of time to notify those who were having trouble that the problem should be fixed.
Hope that helps!