Hi Cardelean,
Don't worry, there are a lot of parts to this contest, but luckily with that, there are a lot of winners and money to be won!! The HubPages Staff selects the top 14 Hubs of the week to be in the Fan Faves contest; we will announce the Fan Faves Hubs around 4:00pm PST on Tuesdays (starting next Tuesday, July 12th). The Fan Faves contest runs until Friday. On Friday, we will announce the Tug of War contest between the two Hubs that have the most likes/shares from the Fan Faves contest. The Tug of War will run until Monday at noon PST. There are two prizes from the Tug of War Contest: The Socially Savvy Prize of $50, which is the Tug of War runner up, and a Social Champion Prize of $100, which is the Hub with the most likes/shares of the Tug of War contest. The Social Champion (winner of Tug of War) will be entered into the Final Fan Fave contest and eligible for the $500 Grand Prize. Also, all 14 entrants in the weekly Fan Faves contests that receive at least 25 votes will win $25!
I hope I didn't just confuse you more! I'll keep my eye on this thread if you have any other questions!