Hi seasoned Hubbers.
What does it mean when someone approves your comments on his/her hub, responds to them, then later removes your comments? It this acceptable behavior? It sure does make the string of comments that remain (only the hubber's own and those that agree with, them) read like a giant non sequitor.
I can understand (I think) a hubber denying a comment. But I'm a bit puzzled about approving a comment and later removing it from the string.
Maybe this is common (?) and I should get used to it.
From other posts it seems clear that the intent of HubPages is to encourage spirited debate. Not everyone has to agree with every commentor, right?
LOL It's common for certain people. Normal people don't post comments on their hubs
Thanks, Misha!
So, it's not just me, then:-)?
I notice there are about 8 more "not yet approved" comments for this particular hub. I'm dying to see if they get approved (and what they say). If any of them happens to be in response/support of some of my comments, it's really gonna look bizarro.
I guess you are talking about allshookup's hub, and it looks really funny this way.
I used to call on such hubbers on forums when they annoyed me, but you have to be prepared for a fight then. A good drama to watch and many get involved
Oh, and here is yet another puzzled hubber http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Perpetua … s-of-Stuff
Oh, I thought it was palpable in that hub. Perhaps I should go reread it.
..Oh, you mean, I should just laugh at the funny monkey hubs with their fingers in its ears. No, you're right. My bad. I must need a beer. BRB
I'm not sure if this would be helpful, but maybe HubPages could add another analytic for hubbers under Hubtivity that shows you "XYZHubber denied your previously posted comment from 3 hours ago." "XYZHubber denied your previously posted comment from 25 minutes ago" etc.
It is rude and anti-intellectual, Shadesbreath, and it is also funny, Misha.
But I guess each hubber gets to control the action on his/her own hubs...
Still, I'm a little bummed to be cut out of this anti-ACLU debate, as I found a really cool quote from Steven Spielburg about the Boy Scouts of America and their discriminatory practices (in answer to the question, "Why would anyone sue the Boy Scouts?").
Maybe I will become her fan and post fan mail on her profile. Tee hee.
LOL She can deny it, too
Write a hub instead, with your opinion on the topic
Oh, BTW, talking of fanmail - you still did not approve mine
Go read my hub, Might Mom, it will make you feel better, I promise.
Wow...I had to go and look just because of Shade's hub...and then this, to see what all the fuss is about.
I have to admit the hub looks rather silly with all the opposing arguments taken out. Is it my imagination or are there a lot of people getting supersensitive on here lately?
I think I've only ever denied a few comments...one was spam and the others were "oops...I hit enter twice" occurrences. But I certainly wouldn't deny a comment simply because it took an opposing view to mine. Where's the fun in that?
Anyway...I'm not sure what was said since I'm missing half the conversation, so I'll leave it at that.
Spryte, you don't delete comments because your brain works and you have enough self esteem to allow others their beliefs without it somehow threatening to unravel your world.
In fact, your brain actually has the capacity to enjoy new ideas and toy with them out of curiosity and a desire to discover your world. A novel approach for sure.
LOL! Thanks for saying that Shade. Although now I have this goofy image of me going through the world with an "Ooooh look a shiny!" mentality. Heheh!
Personally, if I had been in your shoes I'd be pissed off too. I get the feeling you put a lot of thought into your replies and comments. Seeing them erased out of spite, fear, close-mindedness would probably have me spitting mad as well.
I'm back from "attempting" to post a comment on Shadesbreath's hub. Fingers x'd I make the cut(LOL).
Also grateful to you all for your help and support.
Misha, forgive me. I am truly just feeling my way through this marvelous playground. I only just discovered within the last couple of days you have to approve people's comments on your hubs! And until you mentioned it, I had no idea you also control your fan mail.
You're now an official member of Hubaholics Anonymous! Welcome, and keep coming back!
I decided to read the hub in question and couldn't even understand the comments because they are all one sided. You can't even understand what she is trying to argue against. Sorry Mighty Mom that someone would want to censor someone else's opinion. I agree that it is just stupidity.
The irony is I'm not even a huge ACLU fan. But when I saw ASU arguing with all fury and no facts, I felt compelled to correct the misstatements, point by point (and thought I had done a reasonably good job:-). Maybe I better go back and reread Shadesbreath's hub on rhetoric and try again witha different approach...
Hah, don't bother. While I appreciate another page view, all the "honorable and praisworthy" rehtoric in the world won't help you against someone like that. Closed minds are not susceptible to new information via argument. Just doesn't work like that. (Which is why I made the choices I did in the new one, heh).
Well...I don't believe in censorship and I can't remain the fan of somebody that thinks it is okay to behave this way. I removed myself from that particular fan club.
Can someone please tell me what hub we're talking about?
I did that once, because I didn't realize that the unapproved comments were showing on the hub. If you don't check off that they won't appear until they're approved, you might delete them without knowing how it looks.
Hey daf - No it wasn't like that at all. These were previously approved comments that were removed afterward by the hubber.
roflmao!!! I just read the hub that all this is about (search for "allshookup"), and I started giggling! What a ******!
You might want to wander down to the religion and politics forum and see how many of these people believe Jesus carried an assault rifle and an American flag
You say that like as if it weren't true, Mark.
Yeah, and camos and night vision goggles.
Hey Spryte! Whatcha doin' up so late? Yeah, I found it. Funny, because they obviously do not believe in freedom of speech! LOL I grew up around this type of ignorance, being from the south. I heard it all, and it makes me sick to my stomach. To make it political...since they criticized Obama ... this is the hardcore religious right Republican base. Same people who voted for racist George Wallace in 1968. I can smell these people coming a mile away. My one prejudice is that I'm prejudiced against people like this.
Karma's a b***h. It all comes back to you when you do stuff like that.
It's not even midnight yet and my hubby said I was reeeeeallly good this week and could stay up a little bit later
I'm so confused these days...
I thought I was a Democrat.
I didn't vote for Bush...both times.
I was raised Catholic...experimented with the Unitarian Universalist Church and finally decided that God and I were getting along just fine without anyone interfering in our relationship.
I hate guns...but I'm not about to tell people they can't have them.
I'm not a big fan of Obama.
I actually like Sarah Palin's attitude.
My husband recently slapped me on the back and said that he was proud to see me "going red"
And I can't wait until November 4th arrives so that hopefully all the anti-this and anti-that hubs will reach a more sane level...
So what does that make me?
I think I'm a disenfranchised voter...and I may just vote for the candidate with the least offensive supporters
There's a guy in my office that reminds me of you Shade. The other day he declared that when he is 35, he's going to run for president and do it solely on the internet. I told him he would have my vote...but only if I could be ambassador to a cool country. He gave me Australia...and tossed in New Zealand since I was down there.
Of course I have to wait until 2020....but I'm nothing if not patient.
Sorry Shades, she sounds an awful lot like a Republicrat. That's my party!
Well, I thought I was running for like Emperor of the Universe or something. You already have my vote for President of this little nation. I'm into global domination. Like Uninvited Writer suggested (and due-ly noted and incorporated into my plan), I'm going to impregnate all the hawt chicks in England and Sweden and in a matter of decades lots of little smarmy mouthed, balding know-it-alls are going to be sloshing beer all over Europe as I infect... er, impose... instill my genes and genius upon you all. Eventually everyone on the planet will look just like me (except the hawt foreign chicks, obviously, who must continue to work out and to maintain their accents in service to the, uh, crown).
Oh, is that all? I thought you were threatening my position of power, or something. Sounds to me like you'll be far too busy to do any actual "Ruling with an iron fist". There's a lot of work in all that impregnating. Be sure to drink lots of fluids!
Well, if he beats me, ask him if I can have Britain and Sweden. They have so many hawt chicks, I could make due with them.
I'll give him your request. He really is a rather generous guy and if I tell him how cool you are...how can he resist? I'm sure that should you beat him, he'll have some requests as well. Knowing Matt it would be something along the lines of "FFS...just don't do anything retarded!!!"
Make due with them makes it sound like you want to get them pregnant
I can't wait to see how many of the posts y'all have put onto those hubs make it by tomorrow.
I am absolutely lost. Is this hub bub, no pun intended about creation being taught in school issue?
This forum is about censorship of comments on HubPages, and why someone would write an evocative, one-sided hub (thus inviting comments, for, against, and random/not quite related but funny anyhow), then engage in a discussion with an opposing commentor. After 3-4 back and forths, said hubber deleted said commentors comments (but then, bowing to public pressure, reinstated them).
Now a subtheme has emerged (one of several, actually). Two potential presidential candidates have presented themselves. On one side we have Spryte's coworker. Don't know anything about his platform except that he's i generous -- using bribes of ambassadorships to cool countries to win votes.
On the other side we have Shadesbreath, our resident rhetoric master. He promises to "fix that trainwreck" but has not thusfar told us how he would do it.
As one who will absolutely go into withdrawal on November 5th, I would not mind seeing a hub on this imaginary race. Gotta keep that partisan "spirit" alive!!!
No more presidential candidates are needed.
Just vote for our existing one - BT Evilpants.
He'll fix this mess!
Spryte - If you did become boss of Australia, you'd love it.
There are lots of wonderful animals here that you could put into your apron.
A couple of years ago, our governor's wife was cuddling a small furry animal. which liked her so much that it burrowed down a long way into her cleavage.
It was a wondrous sight!
(Err, not her cleavage - but the sight of her frantically trying to extract the baby possum, as well as all the associated minders wondering how to help, and how far they could go with handling the vice-regal bodice and underlying protrusions. Obviously this situation was not written up in the protocol manual )
End of distraction.
You can all go back to debating the follies of people with closed minds.
(But personally, I think you're all too intelligent to be doing that.)
Cheers, Eric G.
Well, I don't really want to be the "boss" of Australia. I figured I'd just come down and be shown around...cuddle the animals...watch them fall through my absent cleavage (at least the handlers wouldn't have a problem there) and promote good will and uh all that.
wow!!! what a frickin nightmare!!!... being nothing more than a poor fisherman...i find meself intellectually challenged and waaay outa me league. gotta rabbit outa here and bury them pitiable hub scribblings i had published.
No Pylos26, stick around.
What you wrote about in your "Chinese Boots" hub is right on target. Exactly the same thing is happening here in Australia.
I'd much rather pay a bit more to support a business that cares, instead of paying a bit less and supporting a corporation that doesn't.
Eric G.
Nah man, Eric is right about your Boots hub. You're on to something there. In fact (and I mentioned it on the hub) but you could write some hubs targeting these boots, about specific companies, their history, product quality, give them like your personal critique. Like one hub for each manufacturer. Probably actually make you some money over time (ok, not much, but you could by some gum. I can almost afford coffee now after writing my hubs for three or four months lol). Could do the same about the stores, like a boot shop review for individual shops and stuff.
Just tossing it out there. Hate to see you go, you just got here to hubpages. As a fisherman you must have some great stories to share and a very real and grounded (oceaned?) view of life. Stick around a bit more, give us time to grow on you.
Outa your league? Hell, I barely made it out of high school. I hang on by a thread, here. Fortunately, the people here are good about pointing you in the right direction, without making you feel stupid.
hey thanks guys...i guess i won't run and bury my sciblings after all then...maybe i'll actually get responses of comments...thanks again for your support...pylos26
Wow a whole thread dedicated to me. I'm honored. If you people would just take a chill pill and go look at what really happened, maybe you could cool off a little. I took the advice of another hubber whos' been here a lot longer than I have. She suggested that I put my posts on the option to read before they posted, she does this. So, I took her advice. After I published the hub, I went back and changed it to where they had to be approved before they posted. I never dreamed it would get everyone panties in a wad like it did. Since a seasoned hubber did it, it felt she was more knowledgeable than I am about how things work on here. I wonder if you have done the same to her as you are to me in this thread. Anyway, I approved each and every one of the posts that were put on the hub. And I turned off the option to approve them first. That way all of you can find something else to trash me for. Once again, so you get it straight in your minds, I didn't delete one single post. Each and every post that was written is on the hub. You people judge me guilty of something without even asking me about it. I was away from the computer for a good while, so you did this? Nice. Go look, they are all there. I see now why you'd be supportive of the ACLU, they do the same thing. I guess this is exactly what I should expect of an ACLU supporter. You prove my point about how their members are. Thanks for bringing that out so everyone could see it as proof. They don't have to take my word for it, they can see it on this thead. Good job.
Way to totally misrepresent the facts. Your post had THREE long responses to Mighty Mom's first three posts, meaning you READ THEM, processed them, and replied to them and yet did not include them. The glaring absence of her posts made it look like you were having long conversations with Harvey or some other invisible friend, which is what I and other's commented on.
While I am glad to see you fixed it, I am so not going to buy the "poor me" act and comments about "oh, I hope you don't treat poor innocent other hubbers who don't understand how comments work" line. Sorry. Nice try.
asu - Don't flatter yourself - the conversation had moved on quite considerably.
I notice you have still deleted my comment on your homeschooling hub though
Do your kid a favor......
Wow, I didn't know that believing in civil liberties was a terrible thing.
Oh, and I didn't know who they were talking about until you told us it was you.
And, the other hubber you speak of deleted personal attacks, not disagreements.
I honestly don't care if you 'buy' anything or not. I was just letting people who have questioned what happened know what happened. What you think of me is the least of my concerns.
Mark, you have no class. You trashed my family. (It was nothing about homeschooling, you attacked me personally. You just used that as a guise or should I say lie, to do it.) I don't see that anyone who cares for their family would let a post like yours stay, that is a personal attack. Which you so often claim you don't do. I've seen you do it time and time again on here to many people. Anyone who believes the Bible, you trash and attack. Seems you are intimidated by people who believe in the Bible, so you attack. I don't know if you realize this is how you look, but it is. An intimidated person who is the playground bully. You only attack things you can't understand.
I'm though posting on this thread. It a complete a waste of my time. I only did it so people could go to the hub and see what really happened.
You seem to think my point (or anyone's) is to "trash you" or about what I "think of you." Nobody is out to get you or trash you. The reason this heated up was that people don't like having their voices stepped on, squashed, held in contempt and ignored.
I realize you "honestly don't care" if I buy anything or not; you've made your disregard for my opinions and thoughts clear enough. I just thought, because I do actually care about your feelings, I should tell you it's not about YOU, it's about something you did. There is, believe it or not, a difference.
I did not attack you personally. I said you were irreparably harming your child by choosing to home school him because god convicted you to do so and you believe evolution is a lie.
Do your kid a favor.......
It's still a sin to tell a lie.
And I think I liked this thread better when it deviated toward qualifications/plans for being president of the universe. Maybe we should follow the lead of that delightful political group and MOVE ON!
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