I am Brand New Here

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  1. FelineArtist profile image60
    FelineArtistposted 13 years ago

    Dear HUB friends..

    I just joined and I have NO idea how  orient  myself here  or to post, upload art etc..

    I am interested in ALL but especially The ART Pages as I am an  artist..

    If I want to upload my art,  do I do it on my profile or do I go to the ART Design  part etc..

    Please Help this  older  HUBER..

    Thank you all for reading this  request..

    Hugs from,
    Feline Artist and Cats.. xxxx

    1. Hollie Thomas profile image60
      Hollie Thomasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      On the top right hand side of any page you are on in Hubpages, you'll see start a new hub highlighted in yellow, click on that and it will take you to another screen, you'll be prompted through. Good luck and welcome:)

    2. Jacob_Jube profile image60
      Jacob_Jubeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Create a new hubpage - http://hubpages.com/hubtool/create/name/

      Select the right titles (which describe your work perfectly) ...

      Enrich your hub with different photos, poll and original contents.

      This is quite easy ... just go step by step.

  2. Cagsil profile image72
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Your art would be in form of photos, which can be uploaded.

    You would create a hub, insert content, such as words and photos. And, make sure that you put your hub in the category of art.

    Do check out the FAQ's page and visit the Learning Center for more information.



  3. Laura du Toit profile image69
    Laura du Toitposted 13 years ago

    Welcome! I would advise you to first look at the layout of other "older" Hubbers hubs on similar topics to get a general feel of the layout of Art Hubs. smile

  4. PaulaHenry1 profile image65
    PaulaHenry1posted 13 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages!!!! I hope you find it useful and well worth your efforts. Cant wait to see your art!

  5. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Ditto what's been said already.
    Read through FAQ.
    Browse through other "Art" related hubs to get a sense of what other people are doing with their artwork.
    Writing a "hub" is like writing an article. You can futz around with it until you get the hang of how all the "capsules" work.
    Publish when you're ready -- you can always edit later.
    Like the Nike slogan says: JUST DO IT!
    Good luck and welcome, welcome, welcome.
    Hub Pages rocks!

    1. FelineArtist profile image60
      FelineArtistposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      HUGE thank you to ALL here who so warmly replied to my questions etc..
      I think you are all so lovely and I am going to be happy here..

      HUGS to ALL here ..
      Lillyana and cats..
      (I am owned by two charming cats)..

  6. sofs profile image73
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    Welcome to hubpages Feline artist smile You have enough good advice there so I am not going to add on .. enjoy yourself here..you'll find this community awesome!!

  7. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    Curious, how am i doing?

    1. sofs profile image73
      sofsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      LOL  as good as always lol smile lol

  8. joseph merlin profile image38
    joseph merlinposted 13 years ago

    Welcome to HubPages we will waiting for your great arts.

    One more Art master joined us.

    Good Luck and Enjoy HP

  9. wheelinallover profile image75
    wheelinalloverposted 13 years ago

    A picture is worth a thousand words except to search engines. With them content is still king. I for one would be interested in finding out who you are as a person and why you choose the subject of your art.

    If you don't believe you are as good of a writer as an artist don't worry. When I first came here my hubs were garbage. Thanks to the people of hub pages, first not putting me down, then showing me how to do better I can now write an interesting hub.

    I was not raised speaking English. A nine year memory loss and retraining in only English in ways has caused many problems. When my memory partially returned the original two languages did not. The thought processes have returned to non English but I can no longer speak those languages. This makes me feel my English is backwards.

    In spite of this I write constantly. I am the CEO of a corporation and most of my writing now has to do with keeping it growing. I do take some time on the weekends to rebuild my strength for another week.

    Good luck to you and looking forward to seeing your hubs.

    1. FelineArtist profile image60
      FelineArtistposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Again HUGE thank you ALL..
      I feel wellcome now.. And as soon as I work out how to post art I will..

      I am just single  woman in my fifties, I am not famous  I am just an oridnary soul   living my life  in Melbourne in Australia , and I share my life  with two charming cats..

      I have been drawing and painting since I was a tiny girl, (so my mum told me),  I came from family of artists..

      My Aunty who is not 87 still paints her beloved landscapes..

      I can also do that but I LOVE Portraits  both human and animal kind..

      Sometimes I get small commissions otherwise, I paint for myself first and if my art is liked excellent if not no big deal..

      Thank you ALL for your kind warm words to this I am   not so good at internet ..

      I will learn fast,  thank god I have NO Technophobia..
      Cheers from,
      Feline artist and cats.. xxxxx

  10. wheelinallover profile image75
    wheelinalloverposted 13 years ago

    Feline artist, if you have photographs of your art on your computer my best advice is go to "start a new hub", and start pressing buttons. If you add something you don't need hit the "X" and it will go away. The easier way is hit the button on the right that says add photo's.

    This used to be real fast but no longer. If you wait a while the picture will upload. You can then choose your size in the box below where the photo thumbnail is. Google will pick up anything you write in the box next to the thumbnail which will go above and or below the photo.

    This is where you want to use your keywords. In case you don't know keywords are what others will use to find your work. Google Ad words is a good place to find out what words to use. Just type Google ad words in your search box. If something is searched a million or more times a month it's probably not a good idea to use it. My niche has over five million websites with similar information. Again not a good idea to use those words because people won't find you.

    If this happens keep changing words until you find something with less competition. People "who know" recommend no more than 40,000. Hopefully you will understand this once your on the site.

    I know it sounds daunting, but if I can do it anyone can. 

    I am an amateur photographer so have gone through this getting my photo's on my hubs and websites. I am in my late fifties and have learned most of what I know in one year and one month. I am earning a little on hub pages but much more from my corporation.


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