Google Taking Longer To Pick Up New Hubs?

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  1. andyoz profile image88
    andyozposted 12 years ago

    Usually when I publish a new Hub I find that Google picks it up within 24hours.  I've even seen it happen it in less than 2 hours on an odd occasion.  This past week though I have published 5 Hubs.  Each one has taken at least 3 days to get found by Google, two of them still have not been picked up at all.

    Has anyone else had this issue just recently?

    1. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Those of us plungers are ignored worse than that.  We are getting the Google cold shoulder on formerly well trafficked hubs as well as new ones.  Feel lucky to be noticed by them at all.  smile

    2. QuestionMaster profile image77
      QuestionMasterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Have you tried using Pingler? It's free and only takes a minute. And always gets my articles on my own sites indexed in an hour (last time I did an article it took five minutes.)

      If that doesn't work I'd definitely think there was something wrong.

    3. Jacob_Jube profile image59
      Jacob_Jubeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Use twitter or other social media or social bookmarking sites, such as Digg or Stumbleupon and I am sure you will see the result.

      Pingler or Pingomatic is also good option for you.

  2. IzzyM profile image88
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    Yes I've noticed this issue too. I've published quite a few hubs recently and last night checked and found that none of them have been indexed that have been written since the 20th.
    It is the same on the new account I opened in another name to try and get round the sandbox, though I am pleased to note this morning that one of those hubs is getting yahoo traffic. Well 1 visitor from yahoo lol - better than none.

    1. andyoz profile image88
      andyozposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One of my Hubs that hasn't hit Google yet has had 2 visits from Bing.  So at least the other search engines are picking them up.  Seems odd though.

  3. IzzyM profile image88
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    I'm thinking today I might just go back to backlinking - just drop a few links round the usual sites like redgage, tipdrop etc.
    It gets the hubs indexed quicker.
    Odd that I have to do that all the same.

  4. Michael Willis profile image68
    Michael Willisposted 12 years ago

    I have seen new hubs lower ranked after being indexed by Google. My older hubs went up after the sub-domain change.
    I went back and edited a sports hub from last year from the 2010 season to the 2011 season and it has blown up in views since then, where the new sports hub has done far less; maybe about 10% as many views as an older one I edited.

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The only difference between a new hub on a topic and an old hub on the same topic, is backlinks.

      1. Michael Willis profile image68
        Michael Willisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        True. I remember reading in a post a while back where someone had said to not do a lot of editing to a hub or it would lose its ranking.  Since a particular hub was not doing well this football season, I went ahead and edited it from 2010 to the 2011 season. It went up in views immediately afterwards.
        Now, I did not just do a clean sweep edit. I used my copy of the hub and changed words, sentences and pictures (where needed) and re-pasted into each text capsules the edited version. I also changed the tags to make it relevant to this season.
        And I did do this under one edit session, not spread out over a period of time.

  5. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 12 years ago

    Just a question, are you stumbling and digging them after publishing?

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know who you asked this question to, but I never use either Stumbleupon or Digg. I do use Facebook and Twitter using hash tags.

    2. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Like Izzy, not sure who this question is for, but...after a big edit, I will ping the hub and list on facebook. To use stumbleupon or digg might end up a duplicate on their sites.

    3. andyoz profile image88
      andyozposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      When I first started on Hubpages I used to do things like this, but have since found it makes no difference.  I have had Hubs published and picked up by Google with two hours, no linking, no pinging or anything.  Back when I used to use those methods they never seemed to get picked up any quicker.  So I just let Google do it;s thing and find them on it's own.

  6. iQwest profile image47
    iQwestposted 12 years ago

    I am among the "plungers", but I haven't had this problem with the most recent Hubs I've written (publishing dates - 5th, 6th, 21st, and 22nd of this month).  Before the subdomain change, there were a few times when it took a Hub a few days to get indexed after publishing.  It was certainly the exception, not the rule.

    With that said, there is a thread over on the Squidoo forums where writers are currently experiencing the same problem, me included!

    I've written two recent Squidoo lenses that are now going on over a week after having been published and they still haven't been picked up by Google.  This never happened with any of my previous lenses (26).

    Due to the chaos most of us are experiencing, I've written my first three articles over at Wizzley this past week and all three articles were indexed rather quickly.

    1. profile image0
      Multimanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What si the revenue share at Wizzley?

    2. Greekgeek profile image77
      Greekgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A few things will get your Squidoo lenses picked up quickly.

      1. Get the free Workshop Add-on at, created by an ordinary Squidoo member. Hundreds of us use Tim's tools. The Workshop Add-on adds several useful features to the basic Squidoo dashboard and workshop. Such as...
      2. Check your lens workshop. When adding  Squidoo tags, you should pick more general tags like "pet care" and "writing tips" and make sure several of them are color-coded green (thanks to the workshop add-on). This indicates that other articles on Squidoo use those tags. That establishes cross-links between existing, crawled Squidoo pages and yours. (Stay on-topic and relevant, but you should be able to find some relevant, popular Squidoo tags).
      3. When you publish or significantly update a lens, click the "Ping" link that SquidUtils adds to the publish pane. This alerts search engines that the page exists. The ping link also gets added to your workshop sidebar.
      4. Google does keep an eye on Tweets and other social media, not for SEO purposes (it won't boost your page's rankings in search results unless you're considered an "authority), but simply to find and crawl new content. So one Tweet or Facebook share can be useful as a way to "summon Googlebot". Twitter especially.
      5. Add your lensmaster profile to your Google profile's links section, designating it "related to me".  Then add a link TO your Google profile at the end of your lensmaster bio tagged with rel="me". For more info, see the "Google+ Profile" discussion thread in Squidoo's member forum.
      6. Cross-link your related content. Hubpages is paranoid about crosslinks, but on Squidoo and Wizzley, you may link to related articles if the readers of one might be interested in another. Google follows cross-links.

      I wish I knew Hubpages well enough to give more useful tips on how to summon Googlebot. My hubs seem to be getting Google traffic within a day, sometimes a few hours, but I tend to rely on on-page SEO plus a Tweet to "summon Googlebot."

      The most powerful way I know to get Google to index ANY content fast is to link to it from posts on your own blog. Google has an unhealthy fan obsession with blog content: it's all gooshy about clean hierarchical site structure, text-heavy content, frequent updates. But keep in mind that sites like Blogger and Wordpress may shut you down if all your blog posts are basically just links to hubs or any other article publishing site. Instead, establish a network of related content and posts -- stuff people might be interested in, not just search engines -- and when you refer to something you've written on in more depth elsewhere, link to it, naturally.

  7. ThomasE profile image68
    ThomasEposted 12 years ago

    Just after google has done a large crawl there has been a period of 'slow' indexing. Then they release the Panda iteration.

    Not that I as saying that we are about to have the next Panda iteration... but... we are a little overdue for it.

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hope they give me some Google love back if they release a Panda update - and you are right it is long overdue - last one 10th of August.

  8. TerryGl profile image57
    TerryGlposted 12 years ago

    I am not having this problem at all. I am using all of the sites Google loves and find indexing of my new hubs within hours.

    My trick has been putting up a YouTube video. I found this out by mistake. I wrote a hub on How To Check Your Hubpage Rankings On Search Engines and did a quick video showing the technique which I embedded in the hub so readers could see the technique in action.

    The YouTube video got indexed within minutes on page one at position five and within hours the hub itself hit position one and is still there.

    I also promoted the hub using Gmail Buzz at the same time. Next hub I will do the Buzz first to see if that was the immediate trigger or in fact it was the video that got the hub indexed so quickly.

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting hub you have there Terry, thanks1 I have downloaded the free version of Traffic Travis to check rankings. Even if they are around the 250 mark!!

    2. sofs profile image74
      sofsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is interesting indeed Terry.. And I am surprised that Squidoo is also facing similar issues.. So HP is not the only place to find included hmm

    3. Karen N profile image70
      Karen Nposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the tips, Terry.
      I'll check out your article just a little later.

  9. TerryGl profile image57
    TerryGlposted 12 years ago

    It does work and works well. What surprises me is the speed that they are indexed. It took six minutes for the YouTube video to get indexed.

    They were indexed on 10 September and still hold the same positions today.


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