Has Hubpages been harrassing anyone

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  1. Brian Gosur profile image61
    Brian Gosurposted 13 years ago

    I have been harassed by hubpages for quite awhile. Some of my Hubs have been controversial and I think they are trying to get me kicked out, but they are accusing me of duplicate copy, which is totally untrue. I write all my own articles. I do research but never ever do I copy and paste in my articles. I have a very good alexa ranking, 305, but I'm getting really tired of all the harassment that they are giving me over every single thing that I write.
    I have also been harassed by others who don't take my point of view on some of my hubs and maybe they've complained to Hubpages about me, but it will not stop me from writing the way I do and saying what I have to say. As far as I stil know, we do live in a free country.
    Has anyone else been experiencing any of this on their Hubs? Please let me know.

    Brian Gosur

    1. earnestshub profile image72
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's automated as psycheskinner pointed out.

      You wrote:
      "I have a very good alexa ranking, 305"

      No you don't, that is hubpages ranking, not yours.

      1. Brian Gosur profile image61
        Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        When you go to your Hubpages account what does your alexa ranking show?

        1. earnestshub profile image72
          earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The same as yours, although it is currently 304 the same as yours will be. smile

        2. QuestionMaster profile image74
          QuestionMasterposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          See above link. The entire site is ranked 304 currently on Alexa. That's HUBPAGES not you personally. You don't own the site. smile

        3. waynet profile image70
          waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          LOL..... smile

    2. jcmayer777 profile image64
      jcmayer777posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What do you mean, HP is harrassing you to  try to get you kicked out?  If HP thought you needed to be out, you'd be out.  It's their site and company, so they make the rules. 

      It's almost like a big conspiracy theory or something you have going on here.  Get over yourself.  I highly doubt you are that important in the big scheme of things, just like the rest of us.

      1. Brian Gosur profile image61
        Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for bringing me back to my senses. I am forever grateful.

    3. profile image0
      SmartyPensposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Brian, keep writing your points of view and publishing regardless of how anyone here chides you. You expressed something that concerned you in your question and I hope it gets resolved. You have a two-year history here, so keep going. Good luck to you!

  2. QuestionMaster profile image74
    QuestionMasterposted 13 years ago

    Have you posted the articles on your own blog or another site? If so, even if it's your original content, it's still considered duplicate content.


  3. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    You think you are being harassed by the completely automated software that detects duplicates?  (Also I think you will find part of living in a free country is being able to run your private business however you want.)

    1. kmackey32 profile image52
      kmackey32posted 13 years agoin reply to this


  4. profile image0
    Marye Audetposted 13 years ago

    I took one of your articles, Is Your Marriage Fireproof, and ran it through the same stuff I do when I edit articles for clients. At least 8 articles came up with exact matches and several came up with just a few words changed.

    I see your conspiracy theory and raise you a bucket of truth and a carton of facts.

    1. zanaworld profile image58
      zanaworldposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If HP is saying duplicate, then it means it is duplicate.

      You need to resolve the issue.  And I don't think it is right to say harassing when they reject or flag your hubpages.

      You need to check emails from them.  When they mark duplicate or flag your hub for violation, then you must address their objections.

      @Marye Audet:  Great job, Marye Audet that you took upon yourself to do some research to prove that his article is indeed DUPLICATE.

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image78
      Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. agvulpes profile image84
        agvulpesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I see your lol and raise it two lol lol

        1. profile image0
          Marye Audetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I fold... Y'all are too happy for me this early in the morning

          1. Brian Gosur profile image61
            Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I always speak the truth and in my own words Marye. My life is too busy with other more important things than to just sit on this computer listening to your accusations about my writing.

            1. psycheskinner profile image76
              psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              If you are too important to listen and learn how Hubpages works, that is probably for the best.

    3. Brian Gosur profile image61
      Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's my article in my own words Zanaworld! I don't copy anything! How do you write without duplicates Marye? I think I will just stay on my blogs and close my Hub account. There's no winning with these people and it's just a waste of my time.

      1. Anna Marie Bowman profile image69
        Anna Marie Bowmanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If the work is your own, as you claim, and not copied content.  You have to find out what sites have copied your work, file a claim, and prove that it is your own original work.  At the top of the article, it will tell you the date you originally published it.  If someone did steal your work, instead of blaming HP for conspiring against you, maybe you should go after the sites and the people that are copying your work.

      2. Uninvited Writer profile image78
        Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        They don't want the same content to appear on more than one site. End of story. It doesn't matter if you wrote it. It is in your best interest if you don't put the same article on different sites.

      3. psycheskinner profile image76
        psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I write without duplicates by using my own words....

      4. profile image0
        Chasukposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If your work involves many quotations, it will sometimes be flagged as duplicate. If you publish the same work on your blog, then it is also considered duplication.

        1. Brian Gosur profile image61
          Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you Chasuk.

      5. AEvans profile image73
        AEvansposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        It may not be you that has duplicated your content. HP just warns you that the duplicate information is out there. I know it can be grueling but start checking to see if someone has stolen your work. It will come up duplicate content, if someone has snatched it. If they have begin to file DMCA complaints. Placing our work on the Internet is a breeding place for thieves. Although protected on HP, you should also copyright your work. Don't leave just start checking where the issue lies. By the way my ALEXA score is 305 too. smile

    4. Camping with Kids profile image70
      Camping with Kidsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ...I see your conspiracy theory and raise you a bucket of truth and a carton of facts.

      Now that's original content! well said.


  5. Dolores Monet profile image91
    Dolores Monetposted 13 years ago

    have your articles been copied by someone else?

    1. Brian Gosur profile image61
      Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I've had that happen in the past Dolores

  6. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    You do understand that "duplicate" does not mean "duplicate, except those you put up yourself"?  Duplicate means just what it says; that your hub is a duplicate of something else out there.

  7. Greekgeek profile image78
    Greekgeekposted 13 years ago

    A lot of people think freedom of speech means "I am free to post what I want on someone else's website / newspaper / door / notebook /etc."  They don't seem to realize that while you are free to publish on your own blog, or march along the sidewalk carrying a big sign, or otherwise self-publish, that does not obligate any particular newspaper, publisher, or website to publish your words.

    It's like walking up to Oxford University Press and demanding they run off 500 copies of your book. It's their printing press, and they're paying for the paper, the press, the ink, and the work needed to produce a book. Similarly, a website is not free to run. It requires employees, code, and really big, expensive servers. It has to make money to pay for all that, and most websites are built for profit, not just to break even.

    Why is this relevant to your case? Bear with me here and understand the context.

    Google took a HUGE chunk out of Hubpages earlier this year due to the fact that it had too much duplicate content. So Hubpages installed new filters to detect duplicate content. Otherwise, Hubpage's traffic would continue to flatline, making it difficult to earn the advertising or sales revenue which sustains the site.

    I had a series of educational Hubs unpublished as "overly promotional" because I linked to my site as a signature and/or to prove my photos were my own. I didn't understand why Hubpages' automatic filters were unpublishing my hubs -- which had over 10,000 visitors -- and didn't have time to figure it out, so I deleted them and republished the material elsewhere. I was certainly annoyed. But I knew Hubpages wasn't trying to target me. It was just some kind of filter I was hitting.

    I chose to leave. It's a vast web out there, and there's plenty of places to publish. Eventually I decided it was worth giving Hubpages another try, so I came back, educated myself on what nitpicky filter I'd tripped, and learned (I hope) to avoid it.

    Learn the house rules for a particular site. Maybe they're too restrictive, and you don't want to publish there. Or maybe you can work with them if you alter your approach slightly. Either way, it's not harassment...it's just business.

    1. Brian Gosur profile image61
      Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're absolutely right Greekgeek. Hubpages has just become more work than their worth.

      1. Rebecca E. profile image79
        Rebecca E.posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Brian-- again, like Greekgeek said, and what most people have said is that if you folow teh rules you'll be find, but most website-- writing websites are VERY strict about duplicate content, which means post it on your blog, it being your content, and it is duplicate.  NO MATTER WHAT.

        from what i understand teh smae holds true on hubpages, exceptz, wizley, and many others who don't want to get stepped on by google.  In fact your site can get "sandboxed" if you have too much of your content as duplicate.

        1. Brian Gosur profile image61
          Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I appreciate that Rebecca.

  8. premsingh profile image61
    premsinghposted 13 years ago

    It is not necessary that any content that is labeled as duplicate by hubpages automated software has been copied from somewhere else or published by the same author at other sites or blogs. When you look for hubpages policy of duplicate content, you will be provided a link "substantial similarity" that explains about the nature of duplicate content. Hubpages wants only original content for publication as hub that means similar content should not appear anywhere on the net. In practice, such content is difficult to generate though not impossible. Professional hubbers and bloggers may find it difficult to digest since many of them write content of hub after collecting information from the net and from hundreds of sources and giving it their own words. However, it qualifies to be labeled as "duplicate' content if you go by explanation of "substantial similarity". I don't expect a hubber with hubber score of 91 as the initiator of this thread to publish duplicate content I have published one hub warning fellow hubbers to not waste their energies on preparing articles that run the risk of being labeled "duplicate'.

    1. Brian Gosur profile image61
      Brian Gosurposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Premsingh for that information.

      1. psycheskinner profile image76
        psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Didn't you leave?

        But seriously, get rid of the duplicates and everything works fine.

  9. MelissaBarrett profile image60
    MelissaBarrettposted 13 years ago

    I am currently being harassed by an ATM, three parking meters, and the Aisle 7 checkout register at the Kroger down the road.

    I hope one day to be important enough to be stalked by the Dewey decimal system...

    (and a good stalking by Google would really amuse the hell out of me)

    1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
      Hollie Thomasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wish Google would stalk my hubs.

  10. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 13 years ago

    Sometimes we need to stand back and admit we made a mistake, I don't think HP ever harassing anyone. We owe it to them to play by the rules. I'm having great traffic at the moment and have to respect that is because of HP, I had one hub unpublished today and I must admit I didn't think when I entered the tags, I was think SEO but I immediately realized when I  looked again that the tags were a bit deceiving. Hopefully it'll get republished now because it was an informative hub.

  11. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    The "chiding" is because his problem has nothing to do with his point of view, but an automated bot.

  12. profile image0
    SmartyPensposted 13 years ago

    I don't really care.  Thanks.

    1. psycheskinner profile image76
      psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You cared enough to write something about it, and apparently so did I.


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