Disabled adsense a/c

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  1. makusr profile image59
    makusrposted 12 years ago

    Google doesn't tell the reason for disabling ad-sense a/c. What kind of rule is this.

    1. Trsmd profile image58
      Trsmdposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      don't worry HP Ad programe will provide you better earning..

      1. WriteAngled profile image72
        WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You cannot be in the HP Ads programme if you do not have an Adsense account.

        1. Trsmd profile image58
          Trsmdposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          No.. adsense account is not required.. i think to join the HP Ad Programme..

          1. WriteAngled profile image72
            WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I suggest you read the Hubpages help section:

            "Why do I need to have an active Google AdSense account running in order to use the HubPages Earnings Program?
            The various earnings programs on HubPages are all meant to work in a complementary manner. The HubPages Earnings Program for your impressions on your Hubs will run only in conjunction with an existing AdSense account."

            1. Trsmd profile image58
              Trsmdposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              thanks for the clarification..

  2. ubanichijioke profile image75
    ubanichijiokeposted 12 years ago

    Sir, i hope you re ok. Did anything happen to your google account?

    1. makusr profile image59
      makusrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      yes it was disabled for no rhyme or reason

      1. psycheskinner profile image82
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        There will be a reason, it just sometimes takes a while to work out what it is if the notification goes astray.

  3. WriteAngled profile image72
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    A large number of accounts are currently being cancelled in countries where there has been a lot of Adsense-related fraud. Unfortunately, your country is one of them.

    1. makusr profile image59
      makusrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You mean to say that if a  fraud happens the whole country is penalized. Is this, what you say, based on heresy or based on fact. If based on fact please tell me the source or link so that I may also know it.

  4. WriteAngled profile image72
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    Hello Makusr,

    There has been talk about it on WebAnswers, where a number of people from Philippines, India and Pakistan, who were answering questions, have recently had their accounts disabled.

    You'll probably be able to find out more if you search Google Adsense help forums and any other forums for Adsense users in India.

    1. makusr profile image59
      makusrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the information. Google has penalized a country. Incidentally Google runs on an algorithm created by an Indian.

      1. SimeyC profile image88
        SimeyCposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I think Google are making a lot of huge mistakes at the moment. The Panda algorithm change has upset so many people, and now they've aliented a huge population - I hope this gets resolved and non-fraudulent adsense members like yourself get re-instated.

        1. makusr profile image59
          makusrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for the help. At least I owe an answer for being penalized. Hang me from the next tree you get. But at least tell me why you are doing so. Even worst criminals are told the cause of punishment. If this is not adamant then what is. What happened to the right to information and freedom!

  5. joseph merlin profile image39
    joseph merlinposted 12 years ago

    Yes I also have heard and seen in many other forums that top websites which are earning high revenue from last some years are hitted by Google Panda and many of the adsense publishers are complaining daily in hundreds about

    My account suspended / disabled ? without any reason.

    Let see where the game plays by Google ? lol

  6. SiddSingh profile image59
    SiddSinghposted 12 years ago

    Google is strict in approving new adsense accounts to the so called "high risk countries" - that is a fact. If they have now started cancelling existing accounts across the board in these countries -then it is news to me! In that case, I will "be afraid, very afraid"!


    Can you link to the source of what you posted?


    That is the way of Google - you will rarely get an explanation. The general experience is - it is fruitless to ask around. (That should not stop you, of course!). The chances of getting back your adsense accounts are slim.

    Move on.

    Do you write on Webanswers.com, by any chance?

    1. WriteAngled profile image72
      WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There are a number of threads on WebAnswers about the matter. Here is one:
      http://www.webanswers.com/webanswers-ch … unt-74f0a7

      and a hub:
      http://seriousnuts.hubpages.com/hub/Get … le-Adsense

    2. makusr profile image59
      makusrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No, I don't write on webanswers. I am hearing this word for the first time.

  7. profile image57
    laptop-coolerposted 12 years ago

    I haven't seen any official statement saying they are penalizing accounts based on country.  However I have seen plenty of people from these countries claim to have done nothing wrong and then later let slip that they had clicked on their own ads.

    1. profile image0
      Serena Gabrielposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mine was disabled and "click fraud" was not cited as a cause.  There are 2 different messages the crooks send out and I got the other one, which is even more vague. 

      I do not believe that these people were maliciously clicking their own ads.

      Research on Google.. they are very reckless with other people's lives.   Just because a company is big doesn't mean it's legit.  What do you think Occupy Wall Street is about???

  8. ubanichijioke profile image75
    ubanichijiokeposted 12 years ago

    Sir, i hope you get all the necessary help you can get. I hope google rectify this problem soonest. Thanks

    1. makusr profile image59
      makusrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks ubani for being there.

  9. profile image0
    Serena Gabrielposted 12 years ago

    Accounts in the U.S. are being disabled, too.  If you are earning money, they disable it right before they're supposed to send the check.  It happened to me at the end of September.  I have written about it here, as have others.  I don't buy "the risky country" theory.  They're just greedy.  Their earnings were reported up a few days ago in the news.  I believe it is because they have been robbing all of us and using us for slave labor.

    More info. at my article - check out the comments from people there.  Good info.  <link removed>

    1. jcmayer777 profile image64
      jcmayer777posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't feel robbed, nor do I feel I'm working online for slave labor wages.

      I hadn't heard of the big G banning groups of people because they are from a certain country.  I would guess those living in areas known to have a high fraud rate are put under a microscope. 

      I'm not saying this isn't happening, but I've read a million and one stories of people jumping up and down, stating they haven't done anything wrong.  I find most of it hard to believe. 

      I'm not saying the people on this thread did something wrong, but you can look at almost any forum on any rev sharing site and find posts from people that got banned and stated they did nothing wrong.  After further review, you find that most of them did something wrong, but didn't know it.  Unfortunate, but it's up to the author to know the rules.

      At any rate, I do sincerely hope everyone that had their account disabled is able to get them back.  I know how important this type of revenue can be to improve standard of living.....and if almighty G is really banning people based on where they live, that truly is one of the most crappy things I've ever heard.

      1. profile image0
        Serena Gabrielposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        "I don't feel robbed, nor do I feel I'm working online for slave labor wages."   Neither did I until they decide to stop paying me!  Wait 'til it happens to you and you'll be singing a different song.

        It is happening to people in the U.S. - and, yes, this is a big fraud country.  That is true.  But, Google is one of the big fraudsters here.  And, apparently, they are untouchable in terms of legal matters.  Info. about that is in the comments section of my article.

        Denial is not a river in Egypt!

        1. jcmayer777 profile image64
          jcmayer777posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Again....I'm not saying you or the other posters did something wrong.   A hub isn't "proof" to me. I can write a hub today on just just about anything, but that won't make it truly factual, nor will it make the comments people leave on it legit.

          I'm not in denial, I'm just stating what I've experienced and read in my time doing this.  I've seen almost countless statements made of no wrongdoing, only to find there was wrongdoing, often unkown to the author.  You'll find many forum threads of people being banned from HP, stating they've done nothing wrong, only to find that after they asked and asnwered questions, they had.

          And...again....I hope you and the others can get your accounts back.

  10. psycheskinner profile image82
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Google Adsense certainly does seem to require more from other countries (with reference to a "full access" country like the United States).  I can understand the frustration it causes someone on the wrong end of that policy through no fault of their own.

  11. psycheskinner profile image82
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Most of the Pakistani accounts disabled received this message:

        WEBMASTER GUIDELINES: Our program specialists regularly review sites in the AdSense program.

        It is important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value to the end user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place ads on sites with little to no original content. Additionally, Google ads may not be placed on non-content-based pages. Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through your pages and find the information they are seeking.

    1. profile image0
      Serena Gabrielposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What makes no sense to me - as in my case - I only had Adsense at what I thought were reputable web sites doing a good job.  Those sites are Triond, Bukisa and Hub Pages.  These three companies still have their Adsense accounts, apparently.  (Again, I was not accused of click fraud - they won't say what they're accusing me of only that they are not going to pay me - ever.  And, their timing is very suspicious... They waited until the very second they were supposed to be sending the next check.   This is theft by deceit or theft by fraud, by the way.   And, it is, in fact, a crime.)

      it is generally regarded as safer to use Adsense at these sites rather than at your own Blog or site where you might make some kind of content violation.  But, clearly, that is a fallacy.

      All I know is those criminals owe me money and I, for one, am sick and tired of being robbed by crooks!  I don't enjoy being victimized.  And, it is very frustrating when the perp is untouchable, in the dark, protected by anonymity and, apparently, the courts.

    2. joseph merlin profile image39
      joseph merlinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well you are speaking right but I when started my website I write unique content always for my site and add unique posts always. But  two or three months my website is on the top and after that Google Panda hit and now I have rarely visitors on my website.

  12. psycheskinner profile image82
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    The media seem to be finding Pakistani site in very good standing that lost Adsense this time round. They are certainly being scrutinized more closely than sites from other countries right now.

  13. makusr profile image59
    makusrposted 12 years ago

    Thanks to all of you. I have received my answer. Thanks for showing concern and solidarity.


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