Tell me your opinion on this Hub, please

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  1. mary615 profile image94
    mary615posted 13 years ago … tic-Cancer

    I'm not getting many views or comments on this one.  Thought I'd get a better response.

  2. Rising Caren profile image77
    Rising Carenposted 13 years ago

    Well personally I don't like when people repeat the same words in quick succession so seeing "blessings" appear 3 times in the introduction really bothers me. (It's a pet peeve).

    Also you include a lot of trivia about famous people, yet I don't see any link section somewhere to credit your sources. Unless you're an avid tabloid reader, surely you couldn't remember all of those off the top of your head.

    Other than that, it's a very sweet hub.

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks!  I got the info from  I'll go back in and edit and indicate that.  Will also check for "too many blessings"

  3. mary615 profile image94
    mary615posted 13 years ago

    I reread the Hub, and you are so right:  I had written blessings 3 times.  I took out two of those.  Funny, you can read something over and over and not see something like that.  I also referenced as my information source.  Thanks again.

  4. thooghun profile image89
    thooghunposted 13 years ago

    Hi mary, there is an aweful lot of white space at the top due to the picture being longer than the introductory paragraph. I would either lengthen the intro (which is usually a good rule of thumb so prime ads appear at the top instead of below), and move the picture further down to breakup the long text capsules below.

    Secondly, always try and anchor text (the words in a link) your links because Google will scan them in order to decide what your hub is about. I.E in this case, health would be better than

    Nice hub!

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks!  I'll work on your advice.  I thought I should reference the source for my facts on P. cancer.  I'm not sure how to take your advice on "health would be better........"

      1. thooghun profile image89
        thooghunposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What I mean is that if you hyperlink "Health" it is implied that it is, which makes it a little redundant. It is also a little detrimental to search engine optimization, but I wouldn't worry about it -- just a small point! smile

      2. rmcrayne profile image95
        rmcrayneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think the advice was to just type a normal sentence, and highlight a word or phrase, such as "pancreatic cancer", then highlight that, and link to that phrase.  This is better than saying "for more information on pancreatic cancer, go to www dot some website dot com."

        I do this, but also sometimes use a link capsule to list "Helpful Links", or "Sources Used in this Hub".

  5. ikechiawazie profile image61
    ikechiawazieposted 13 years ago

    The hub is beautiful. However did you do keyword research? Maybe if you checked the keyword, you could see how many people are searching for the phrase of your title. Also like thooghun said, there are a lot of white space at the top

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A lot of people search P. Cancer now.

      1. barryrutherford profile image75
        barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What we are not allowed to do in forums?

        A: Promoting Hubs or other sites: This includes linking to your Hubs or any site that you have a vested interest in promoting. To be on safe side, we recommend that you establish a presence in the HubPages community before you post any links in the Forums. The only Forum you’re allowed to post links to a Hub in are the Weekly Topic Inspiration thread, and the Extreme Hub Makeover Forum, and only a few times for the latter if you’re a new user in order to solicit feedback.

  6. barryrutherford profile image75
    barryrutherfordposted 13 years ago

    Despite the hub this is quite promotional and is against TOS

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      what am I promoting?

      1. barryrutherford profile image75
        barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Promoting the viewing of your own hub

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
          MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          barryrutherford, that's actually the purpose of the extreme hub makeover section.  You are allowed to post the links of hubs in this section for critique.

          1. barryrutherford profile image75
            barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Clearly Mary is not a new Hubber she has 55 hubs.  The Hub is a very good quality hub and I believe she was promoting the hub rather than asking for tips to improve it

            1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
              MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I didn't see it that way, I thought she was honestly asking for help on a non-performing hub.  I came in here a couple months ago after writing my first sales hub.  I wasn't a new hubber then either, but it was something I hadn't done before so I asked for feedback from others who had.  I think that's what Mary was doing.

            2. mary615 profile image94
              mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              No way, I asked for advice, and I got good advice which I appreciate very much!

              1. barryrutherford profile image75
                barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I quote "I'm not getting many views or comments on this one.  Thought I'd get a better response."

                1. Rising Caren profile image77
                  Rising Carenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  By that, I don't think she meant she'd get a better response by promoting it here. I think she just wanted to know what about her hub made it that she didn't get comments and how she could fix it to "get a better response".

                  1. barryrutherford profile image75
                    barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    same thing

                  2. mary615 profile image94
                    mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm glad you understand my motive.

            3. mary615 profile image94
              mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Do you have to be new to ask for advice?  I don't think so.  Thanks for the compliment of the Hub, though.

              1. barryrutherford profile image75
                barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Even though the Hub is good I have report this 'forum thread' Post .  If all did what you did the whole forum would be covered in posts for Hubs we are wanting help with...

                1. mary615 profile image94
                  mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  ask, and you shall receive, right??  Not every Hubber would ask for help in this forum.  I was insecure about this one because I wasn't getting views or comments like I expected.  Today is much better.  If you feel a Hubber is asking just to promote their Hub, just don't offer any advice. Bye for now....

                  1. barryrutherford profile image75
                    barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    MMM... It is quite easy for your to slap down my criticism/warning of your forum post.  But let me say if all Hubber's were posting their hub  on the forums because they were not getting much comments the forums would be a nightmare.  Think about it!

                2. Uninvited Writer profile image77
                  Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Barry...this forum is for people to post their hubs and get help with them...she wanted reasons why it was not doing well. It's not allowed anywhere else on the forums but this one.

                  I've pretty sure reporting it will not result in anything happening.

                  1. mary615 profile image94
                    mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I do understand his concern.  He just misunderstood my motive.  It's OK, I offered him peace.

                  2. barryrutherford profile image75
                    barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Well if you correct Univited Writer the policy has changed since I last saw this done   I think I might start doing the same asking each and ever one of my hubs how I might improve them one by one...

        2. mary615 profile image94
          mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I thought it was acceptable to link back to a previous hub if it relates to the present hub, and this one does.  This one is really a followup to the first.

        3. Reality Bytes profile image72
          Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The Extreme Hub Makeover thread is in place for the purpose of getting feedback.  I do not think there are any TOS violations here.  IMO?

          Very heartbreaking story yet it shows human compassion on your part Mary.  I enjoyed the hub  smile

          1. mary615 profile image94
            mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Oh dear, now that you're read it, I'll be accused of promoting my Hub.  I am glad you enjoyed it, though.

            1. barryrutherford profile image75
              barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              i have just posted a thread using your words; Inviting you and other hubbers to find fault with it because it has not been getting many views or comments

              1. mary615 profile image94
                mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You are a riot!  You made your point....

              2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
                MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah, how'd that work out for you?

                1. barryrutherford profile image75
                  barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Melissa Barrett

                  In the past before you were a member of the Hubpages community you would have been flagged and your link snipped if the post had been made this way.  Obviously the staff have changed and the policies relaxed on this issue thats all !

                  1. Reality Bytes profile image72
                    Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    This forum extreme hub makover has had the same TOS since I signed up to the site.  As you have been here longer perhaps it was different in the past.  That would be almost 2 years ago though?

  7. Rising Caren profile image77
    Rising Carenposted 13 years ago

    It's not overly promotional or even remotely near that.

    Most of the hub links are for other people's hubs. She only links to one hub of her own, the thanksgiving one. There is nothing wrong with that.

    And hubbers are allowed to "promote" their hubs in this part of the forum if it's to genuinely ask for advice. So that's not promotional either.

    I concur with thoogun about the white space. Making the intro longer or resizing the picture are two ways to do that.

    I might also add that since the story is after the information about pancreatic cancer, a reader might stop reading before getting to the story. That's just a possibility, hence why I'm not offer a suggestion on how to "fix" it as it might or might not be a 'problem'.

  8. ikechiawazie profile image61
    ikechiawazieposted 13 years ago

    I think she is seeking for advice and not trying to promote her hubs. Although i will like to appreciate barryrutherford for his input. Sometimes we need to be reminded the rules and without rules, things could be chaotic

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You are absolutely correct!  I just wanted advice, and I got it.  I accepted the advice, took the necessary  measures advised to correct, and I thank you all.  Going to get busy on my next Hub now!  Have a great day.

  9. mary615 profile image94
    mary615posted 13 years ago

    I checked the rules for this forum before I asked for advice.  This is what I saw:

    Maddie Ruudposted 3 years ago
    This forum is a place you can ask for feedback... and, wonder of wonders, include a link to the hub in question without fear of snipping!

    All links in this forum are nofollowed.  Spam and affiliate links are obviously still no-go.

    Have fun, and be constructive...

    1. barryrutherford profile image75
      barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      i will do the same then

  10. WriteAngled profile image82
    WriteAngledposted 13 years ago

    Hello Mary,

    Just a few thoughts. I am not being rude in my initial comments. I tend to have a fairly direct style of delivery and hope you will not take offence.

    Firstly, "pancreatic cancer" as a search term is going to be dominated by authority sites such as NIH, hospitals, cancer charities, etc. I doubt you will get many people coming in through that term.

    Secondly, I feel that you are being misleading using the names of those celebrities in your tags. If I was searching for information about them, I would feel cheated if I landed on your hub, because it is not about them at all. Thus I would back out very rapidly, and that is not a good thing with respect to how Google will index the hub.

    Thirdly, and similarly to point 2, your hub is not actually about pancreatic cancer. Again, if I did stumble on it while searching on that topic, I would consider it irrelevant to my search and leave very rapidly. To be honest, I consider the second capsule in this hub irrelevant padding.

    As far as I can see, you are not actually promoting what your hub IS about. Now, I'm useless at SEO myself, so I cannot give you fantastic key words, so I'm mentioning topics without any attempt to optimise them.

    I think your hub would be very welcomed by people looking for information on philosophical/religious/spiritual matters such as: facing death, coping with imminent death, how to be with a dying person, coming to terms with death, can one be thankful in adversity, the deeper meaning of Thanksgiving, etc. etc.

    If this was my hub, I might think about chucking out that second capsule and replacing it with content that includes discussion of some these topics.

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are right.  I almost didn't include these celebreties because they really don't have anything to do with John in my Hub.  I'm going to edit this Hub now.  Many thanks for your input.

      1. mary615 profile image94
        mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I appreciate people who are direct, so offence taken!  I appreciate all of you you taking the time to give me advice  I took out that second capsule.  Now I'm stumped for a good title.  I took out the P Cancer in the title just saying he knew he was going to die soon.  When you can spare a moment, tell me what you think for a title.  Then I won't bother you nice folks any more today, I promise.

        1. mary615 profile image94
          mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I meant NO offence taken, of course.

        2. Reality Bytes profile image72
          Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          When typing in to the Google search bar it autofills suggestions.  I find those suggestions make good keywords.

          1. mary615 profile image94
            mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks I'll go and do that.

      2. rmcrayne profile image95
        rmcrayneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Mary I think it is fine, and relevant to list the celebrities in your hub.  WriteAngled was saying not to list the celebrities as tags, which is misleading, as the hub is not about the celebrities.

  11. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 13 years ago

    Mary, you were within TOS to post a link to your hub in this forum. Glad you got some good feedback! And I don't believe you were just trying to get more views. I know you better than that!

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I checked the forum rules before I even asked for advice.  The Hubber who said I was trying to get more views threw up a Hub that was copied/pasted.  It got flagged.  If you're following the other forum threads, you'll see how lively it got in here yesterday!
      I did a lot of "soul searching" before I even wrote that Hub.  I have been a wreck ever since it all happened.   
      I'm sure the Hubbers who gave me advice realized that I truly just wanted their opinion on it.   Glad you understood my motive.


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