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  1. profile image0
    MP50posted 12 years ago

    I have been hit with four duplicate warnings.......I don't understand?? My hubs are my own work.......Every time I write a new hub I wait a few day's just to make sure everything is in order!! This is the truth.....I check my hubs over and over......I hate being made to look a fool in front of my follower's. An article on hub pages states in their own words...........They have robotic devices and manual human intervention to check up on a hub while it is being written??....so why no warning?... Please don't comment and tell me it is my own fault.....because I have not copied anything from anywhere.

    Thanks Hub Pages 4xDuplicate.

    1. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The duplicate filter does not kick in after AFTER you have published the hub. This is to stop people from knowing how much they can use from other sources and how much of the hub they have to re-write.

      Calm down.

      First thing to do is look at your own hub and see what you took from other sources, perhaps even quoted sources.

      If they are central to your hubs, either re-write them in your own words, or turn them into images that can be easily read by the reader.

      Then when you have made the necessary changes, simply re-submit for publication. Any backlinks you have created will still be in place.

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am calm....explain to me how I can use a photo from google........an ad from amazon with the product discription text details in a hub?..Is this not a source of copying...or taking from other sources as you put it? why does the duplicate filter kick in after a published hub......what is the point of that? Surely if people are copying text it should be picked up by the filter right away? read the rules and regs it does say hubs are checked while written!

        It seems to me some hubs are let through and some are not.......depending on which robot or member of staff is working on a particular day.....get your act together hub pages read my hub the ten principles of life for some guidance.

    2. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you haven't "copied anything from anywhere," then how come content from your Hub, http://mp50.hubpages.com/hub/Common-adu … cer-tumors

      is identical to content found on these pages? 

      http://www.daviespublishing.com/J-Willi … -C143.aspx

      http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookde … escription

      http://www.ubers.org/Thread-Two-Most-Im … -Radiology

      Clearly, you are just copying content from elsewhere and it's not even obscure copy, it's stuff that's been cut-n-pasted everywhere.  I'm sticking by my opinion that tripping the duplicate filters is your fault...

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You are Obviously part of the hub pages team......What you are saying is BS...I repeat I have not copied content from anywhere........I have researched content for my hubs and written them in my own words.......I have never heard of these websites.

        But today you have done me a big favour.....it is plain to see that you can access my personal information...so you must be working for hub pages or? You can stick to your wrong opinion.

        I almost forgot........I have checked the above links!! never seen them before.

        Also how can I copy my own personal life story......When only I know the truth!

        1. wilderness profile image96
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          No, Relache is not a member of HP team.  I found very similar information by searching for the very descriptions of the books from Amazon.  There is an awful lot of content in those huge descriptions that can be found all over the web, and it could very well be the source of your duplicate material.

          It is obviously copied from somewhere, whether from the sites she listed or from the dozen or more I found myself with the same description for the first book alone.

          Quotations in a hub, or even descriptions from Amazon or other sales sites, are fine but they must be minimal in size.  When they comprise nearly half a hub (in total words, not particularly in useful information from you) that causes a problem. 

          There are around 1000 words in those book descriptions and links, all of which are available in many different sites.  Your own work is around 2000 words, which makes the duplicate material at about 30%.  It is far too much, and will definitely result in a "duplicate" label.

          1. profile image0
            MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Of course it is copied material from the amazon site...........How am I going to write a product discription about a product I do not own? Does anyone on hubpages own all the products they advertise? In the amazon capsule you are given a choice to add a discription! So what should I do......Lie about the product or use amazon's discription about a product I am selling through them?

            1. melbel profile image95
              melbelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              You can't use Amazon's product information. Just don't describe the product. Alternatively, you could talk about what you DO know about the product. You don't have to be a super expert on a particular product, but if you don't even know what the product even is (and you really, really want to write something about the products you list) just don't use it in your hub.

              For example, I played with legos when I was a kid and I also had a advent calendar with chocolates. So the lego company has this lego advent calendar which I think is pretty sweet and awesome and I totally would have wanted one as a kid. I've never ever owned a lego advent calendar, but I know enough about legos and enough about advent calendars to have an idea what a lego advent calendar does... and so I included this in one of my hubs.

              Also, none of the staff, have commented in this thread thus far. That said, the staff are generally very friendly people. They would actually prefer helping you find the solution to your problem than to shut you down or say mean things.

              Here is some information from the Learning Center on duplicate content:
              http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/Mode … te-Content

              Also, if you want to check out the Learning Center as a whole, go here:

              I know it's a vague answer for me to say "go to the learning center" but seriously, I bet that everyone in this thread has spent some time there. I learned a TON there.

              I also recommend taking one of your hubs and asking for criticism in this forum:

              Mind you, that any advice from these forums is likely to be very objective. Users won't be leaving a ton of compliments (or really any at all.) The sole purpose of that forums is for people to find everything that's wrong with your hubs and is not really the place to get "nice feelings."

              However, you can learn a LOT from the advice you get and apply the advice to all your hubs. I was totally hurt when someone told me my hubs had too many giant blocks of boring text. But... they were right and I had to learn to not only take this as constructive criticism but to apply it to my hubs. I found that my following on HubPages increased a LOT when I started breaking my text up. So if it sounds like people are attacking you, don't take it that way... people just want to help. smile

              1. profile image0
                MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thank You........now that is what I call a good answer......constructive, polite, informative and useful.....some previous answer's could learn a lot from this Lady.

                Thanks Again MP50

            2. Pcunix profile image93
              Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              I don't write about anything that I haven't owned or used.  I think that's probably true for many of us.

              I'm not really interested in reading anything that doesn't have personal knowledge and experience in it.  The possible exception might be something that I want to buy that has a lot of confusing options.  Someone experiencing the same confusion can explain those options to me in an interesting and useful way if they have been doing deep research.

              You also might have owned something similar - an older model, say. You might talk about how the newer product has better or worse features than what you have.  For example, when I wrote about our Keurig coffee maker, I complained about the noise.  I later updated that hub to tell about a friends new, much quieter model - but noted that it delivered coffee much slower than ours.  That's a useful detail that you are not going to find on the manufacturers pages.

              There are people that write about things they know nothing about.  They copy information from the manufacturers site and they and their hubs are a waste of space.  If you can't tell me something that I cannot get from the product page, why on earth would I want to read you?   That's the kind of junk that Panda aims to kill.  Google doesn't want it and neither does anyone else.  The whole model of that kind of writing is predicated on fooling Google into giving your page better SERP than the pages you copied from.

              Add value with opinion, analysis, research.  Tell me something I can't find on the product page and I'll want to read you and will recommend you to my friends.  Otherwise, I'll ignore you.

              1. profile image0
                MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Now all the good answer's are coming out.....see it can be done.....instead of people jumping down my throat when I post a question in answer's or in the forums....just give me good constructive information.....I am not a bad guy really.....I am just trying to get through life just like everybody else....Yes I have learned a lot today! sometimes a person has to make a noise to get the correct answer's to their questions....The main reason I am writing about my personal health issues is to give people information of what can happen should you become ill.

                Believe me when I tell you all Cancer's are affecting people at an alarming rate!

                If I can make a living out of it then way not......The World population only has Money on their mind anyway.....Because unfortunatly not much can be done without it.

                I sincerley wish you all the best.

                1. Pcunix profile image93
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm sorry you thought I was jumping down your throat.  I wasn't - I was just honestly surprised.  I now understand your explanation and wish you nothing but good will.  Go get 'em!

            3. wilderness profile image96
              wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              You perhaps misunderstand.  The copied material in the smaller links was probably OK.  Those long, long paragraphs in the longer links was definitely not, nor did they come from Amazon.  I checked the Amazon product listing and there was nothing like that.

              Use of an Amazon capsule instead of links will provide a short descriptive paragraph and I've never had a problem, even when using near the maximum of one link per 50 words that HP allows.  I will generally try to provide a short paragraph of my own alongside the capsule, but not always; sometimes all that is needed is their blurb.

              It also just hit me; you have 4 links to Amazon in the hub on kidney cancer.  Sooner or later you will be unpublished for over-promotional; you are allowed only two links to any one outside domain.  The way to get around that is to use Amazon capsules for Amazon products; if that is done you are allowed 1 link for every 50 words in the hub.  In your case, somewhere around 40 or 50 amazon links (products), which would be insane.  Best dump those Amazon links in favor of capsules.  At least that one is a simple fix!

        2. thisisoli profile image76
          thisisoliposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Or maybe she just has access to google and can search for the text you 'wrote'.

      2. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I have checked all your links that you are accusing me of copying...........You are wrong....Yes the text is copied.......But from the amazon as a product discription....this text is not in my hub capsule!

        Besides all my hubs have beem posted to facebook.....freindsreunited....Twitter.......blogger and google plus...that's why they are an identical copy!

        Get your facts straight.....before accusing me in the future.

        For a person being on hubpages as long as you have.....I find you very unproffessional.

        1. psycheskinner profile image83
          psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Given that helping you only results in insults and paranoid accusations, I sure as hell won't be bothering anymore.

          1. profile image0
            MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            That's good Thanks..........you bore the hell out of me anyway.....Yawn Yawn

            1. IzzyM profile image87
              IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I'm another one you can yawn at then!

              There is simply no excuse for unwarranted rudeness such as you have show towards other respected hubbers here.

              1. brittanytodd profile image86
                brittanytoddposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              2. profile image0
                MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                What about the rudeness they have shown me?

                1. psycheskinner profile image83
                  psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  We pointed out the exact issues that were causing you hubs to be unpublished.  Any ill intent is entirely in your own head.

                2. brittanytodd profile image86
                  brittanytoddposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  You asked for advice and got it.  They weren't being rude at all.

                3. Pcunix profile image93
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Nobody was rude. 

                  Look, I understand that you were confused.  I hope that's all behind you.  You need to chill and realize that you screwed up and people are trying to help. 

                  Or were trying, anyway.  I'm not sure how much good will is left, but if you chill, people will get over pretty quickly.

                  1. profile image0
                    MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks Pcunix.

                    Sometimes I can't see the woods for the tree's

                    I will take your advice and chill out.

                    Hopefully people can forgive me in time.

        2. wilderness profile image96
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Interesting.  You say that "Yes the text is copied" but seem to believe that it is not a duplicate of something elsewhere on the web.

          Let me enlighten you: copied material is a duplicate of something somewhere on the web.  It may be an Amazon description, it may be a biblical quote, it may be the Declaration of Independence, but it is a duplicate of something else.  It doesn't matter where you got it, it is a duplicate and thus forbidden on HP in any but very small amounts.

          Nor does it matter where in the hub it is; if you put it there (as opposed to, say, an adsense ad) it counts against you.  In a link, as a photo caption, in the title, whatever, it is duplicate.  There are no excuses being accepted for duplicate content with the single exception that small percentages of the total hub are allowed.

          If you have posted your hubs on blogger or anywhere else, then the hub is a duplicate of something else.  That you own it, that you put it up, that it is intentional does not matter; it is a duplicate.  Eventually your hub will be unpublished - duplicate material is not allowed.

          Do you understand?  Duplication of other material is not allowed on HubPages.  They don't care why you did it, where the duplicate is, or where it is on the hub - it is not allowed

          I might add that it is highly "unprofessional" to make accusations and claims against those who would help you by posting simple facts.  Not opinions, facts which you agree are true.

      3. Richieb799 profile image75
        Richieb799posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Take the first paragraph of your hub and paste it into Google search engine, it will show you if someone else has copied your stuff...I found one of my best hubs was stolen the other day, had to take action and the thief then removed my work from their site

    3. psycheskinner profile image83
      psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

      So is there any text from the hub, your own or something you are quoting, that appears elsewhere online?

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No.....No and no........not only have hubpages made me look a fool here I also have other links which I post my Hubs to!

        1. psycheskinner profile image83
          psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          If they are seeing a duplicate and you are sure there is no duplicate, all you can do is email to ask what they are detecting.  I don't see what anyone here can do about it. 

          In the past people asserting they had no duplication have always turned out to be including extensive quotes or imperfectly spun content. But maybe it is just a glitch in the duplicate detection algorithm and they will fix it if you let them know.

      2. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your reply....I have deleted the hub what's the point?

    4. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 12 years ago

      As you are the creator of the content, so whatever is happening is "your own fault."  It's not due to any other person's actions, which also means it's going to be best fixed by your own investigations and corrections.

      Are you reusing any part of your own text on multiple Hubs?  Are you using the same words repeatedly across a group of related Hubs that happen to be on the same topic? 

      A duplicate warning is triggered by an automated filter, and can be triggered by similar text (using the same words over and over) as well as identical (word for word) copying.

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Did you read my forum post properly before answering?? I had no warning! It is not my own FAULT....

    5. 2uesday profile image65
      2uesdayposted 12 years ago

      I looked at one of your HubPage articles to see if I could get a clue to what might be a problem.

      OK (short straw really I am no expert) so this is just a guess. If you have not got any of the content from another source or have not posted it anywhere else; try checking to see if the part where you are posting the information about the books on the subject is being considered duplicate.

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It's ok.........thanks for your reply.

    6. psycheskinner profile image83
      psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

      She can access your hubs and Google, and is not staff.  The entire hub she mentions is here: http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk/blog/read/MSP50/112234

      That makes it duplicate.

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I have never seen these links that she is accusing of?

        Are you working for hub pages too?

        I do have a lot of psyche abilities myself......I am sure I know of you?

        Is somebody copying my work?

        1. psycheskinner profile image83
          psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          What are you talking about?  All we are doing is pasting your hubs into Google and finding duplicates.

          This is to try and help you see they *are* duplicates and so how to fix them. 

          And no, I don't know you.

          1. profile image0
            MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Fair Enough....still don't understand?

            1. psycheskinner profile image83
              psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              When some one else posts your work online that creates a duplicate.  You need to send them a DMCA notice to take it down and inform Hubpages.

              When you quote the entire abstracts of books this creates a duplicate--you need to quote less or paraphrase.

              1. ElizaDoole profile image84
                ElizaDooleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks for that tip, and the one about c and p a paragraph. Here's my  thief: http://ezinearticles.com/?Tips-on-How-t … id=6672428 Jill Magso, who stole my article, How to Improve Memory, and posted my original work on Ezine. My hub was labelled a duplicate. Now my question is, what is a DMCA notice?

          2. relache profile image68
            relacheposted 12 years agoin reply to this


            1. profile image0
              MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Yes ok I understand now but those are my Hubs Written by me.

              Thanks Anyway.

              1. Pcunix profile image93
                Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I am not sure that you do understand.

                HP does not want hubs that you have published elsewhere or hubs that you published here and then republished elsewhere,  either way, HP doesn't want it.

                If somebody has stolen your content, file a DMCA and let HP know.  Otherwise, you need to either remove the hub from here or the other places.

                1. profile image0
                  MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  But that does not make any sense.......why is there a facebook share button.....a twitter share button and a google plus share button on the published hub capsule? I thought the whole point of making any money was to get your name out there?

                  1. Uninvited Writer profile image79
                    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Sharing is only giving a link to your content. It's not reprinting the whole thing.

                    And, that share button is supposed to be for readers to use, not the writer.

                    1. profile image0
                      MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      LOL it gets worse...ah well I can't be good at everything...

                    2. profile image0
                      MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      Then why put the sharing button in the published capsule?

                  2. psycheskinner profile image83
                    psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    "Sharing" posts a two sentence summary (assuming you filled one out) that does not appear on the actual hub.  So = no duplicate.

                  3. Pcunix profile image93
                    Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    It is extraordinarily hard for me to believe that you have been here for two years and would ask that question.   It's hard for me to believe that you could have been publishing content anywhere for two years with that basic a misunderstanding.

                    Others have already answered it.  I hope you are learning something.

                    1. profile image0
                      MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      Read my profle before sending me a reply like that.......I have been a member of hub pages for 2 years.....I have only been writing for 6 weeks!....You see it is answers like these that I find upseting....People are accusing me of a lot of things without having the proper information.

                      Perhaps you have learned something?

    7. 2uesday profile image65
      2uesdayposted 12 years ago

      It is still considered duplicate content even if it is written by you - if the content is the same they will flag it as duplicate. It was not always so but that is how it is now.

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this


    8. habee profile image93
      habeeposted 12 years ago

      MP50, do you see now? When you get a "duplicate" here, you're not being accused of copying someone else's work. It just means that the hub/article/story/poem appears somewhere else. If I post one of MY hubs on a different site, I'll get the duplicate warning.

      1. relache profile image68
        relacheposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Except when the copied content is publisher's book descriptions and review blurbs that are plastered identically everywhere from Amazon to Google Books to multiple independent bookseller websites.. and then it's clear you are copying someone else's work.

    9. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 12 years ago

      It takes two minutes to paraphrase a book's description. Even better, leave it out altogether as the hub in question seems to have plenty info for the reader to digest anyway.

      MP50, you have accused more than one hubber here of being a member of staff. What if they were anyway?

      Most hubs that have been published, then later unpublished, can be found in the Google cache, if it had been indexed.

      People that have been here a while know to look there when there is a problem with someone else's hub. That doesn't make them staff members!

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You are right I will look at many more hubs from now on.

    10. psycheskinner profile image83
      psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

      Although if Hubpages wanted to start paying me for forum posts, I wouldn't complain wink

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        LOL....that's 3.927 dollars and then some if i keep making all these mistakes.

    11. profile image0
      MP50posted 12 years ago

      No need to be sorry.....I am ok....Have a great christmas......All the best MP50.

    12. melbel profile image95
      melbelposted 12 years ago

      I have not detected any rudeness from the other Hubbers. However, I can detect frustration from some.

      The point is that copied content is copied content and it's not allowed regardless of the reasoning behind it. You cannot copy product descriptions from Amazon or anywhere else. Plain and simple.

      Users are only getting frustrated because they have told you this multiple times and you continue to argue it with "but they're just product descriptions." They may "just be product descriptions" but it's not allowed and that's why you've been modded.

    13. tajinerecipes profile image60
      tajinerecipesposted 12 years ago

      I had a problem with duplicate content too, or maybe it was just a popular topic I was writing about...I think it's in our interest to not write duplicate in order to have high rank by google and then better ads revenue

      1. profile image0
        MP50posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree thank you.


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