crediting photos??

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  1. mary615 profile image94
    mary615posted 13 years ago

    If I can't do my own photography, I go to great lenths to credit the source I've used, but I have noticed that some of best Hubbers use a photograph with no credit, then there are others who go to a lot of trouble and time to make sure their photos are credited.  Is there something I don't know?

    1. Hyphenbird profile image82
      Hyphenbirdposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Mary. Anyone using an image other than their own should Attribute it to the owner and have permission to use it. I don't think I can post a link here but this is the trail to use for HP stand on this important issue. I hope this helps you.
          All Topics
          HubPages Tutorials and Community
          Learning Center
          Getting Started
          How to LEGALLY Use Others' Images on HubPages

      The Hub states:
      There are three primary ways to obtain images that you legally have the right to use:

          Use your own images
          Purchase images
          Use images that are Attribution Only, Attribution, No Derivatives, or Attribution, Share-Alike so long as you conform with the stipulations set out in those licenses

      1. mary615 profile image94
        mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Hyphenbird.  I have looked at the links you mention, and I thought I was pretty familiar with HP's rules.  The Hubs I'm talking about will have a beautiful photo, but there won't be any mention of where it came from. I have discovered free photos sites and I can usually find a good one to use.

        1. Hyphenbird profile image82
          Hyphenbirdposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I see that also Mary. I must assume they belong to the Hubber if nothing is noted. That is often not the case though. Many people don't realize they are stealing when they do that.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I was just at another thread on this same subject.  I was looking for something new, or additional, on public domain images and only found the following in the HP help section:

    "When you sign up for HubPages, you agree to use only content to which you hold the necessary rights. Basically, this means that if you did not create the content yourself (write the text or take the picture), you must have permission to use it from the person or organization that did. There are many Hubs about where you can find photos that are free to legally use in your Hubs." 

    If anyone else has a link (or a quote) from something from HubPages that specifically states citing the source in the case of public domain images, that would be good.  I've never seen that anywhere.  My question is primarily about the type of license-for-use that essentially says, "Public domain.  Use it any way you want in any site you want, including commercial purposes."

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Public domain pics I usually indicate in the "source" simply that it is public domain.  Don't know if that is correct or not, though.

  3. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    Along these lines, I've wondered about my own photos.  I understand that I should provide an attribute for other people's work, but should I also indicate that a photo is my own?  Just to claim that it belongs to me and I haven't stolen it?

    I always attribute photo's I grab on the net, but haven't bothered to do my own.  Should I?

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I've never known is "public domain" is really enough (at least for all PD photos) or if we're supposed to include stuff like the individual creator's URL (which often shows up), the name of PD site, and/or the URL of the PD site.

      I do put my own name on my own photos and "artwork" (such as any of them are), mainly because I don't want anyone else claiming that my stuff is something they created.  I'm not as worried about it being stolen (if anyone would ever want it anyway) as I am about me being accused of maybe stealing someone else's similar photo.

      I may wrong, but I interpret this:

      "  Use images that are Attribution Only, Attribution, No Derivatives, or Attribution, Share-Alike so long as you conform with the stipulations set out in those licenses"

      ....  I'd think that public domain images with a license that essentially says, " use it however you want, wherever you want - no strings attached; and, in fact, feel free to alter it too or use it on a commercial site" means nobody (on the creating/providing end of things) expects anything in return for use.

      Maybe I'm wrong about that, though.  That goes back to the thing that there's  "legal use" and that HP doesn't want people doing "illegal use" - but the question is whether it's "legal" AND also in compliance with HP terms.  I've always just assumed that not seeing anything in HP help about attributions being required would mean attributions are required for some things to be legally used but not necessarily for other things (like PD with the right license) to be used legally.

      From what I've seen, something like "morgue file dot com" doesn't even require credit to the photographer, as one example of legal use that doesn't require it.  Some US government sites I've seen offer "no-strings" public domain stuff while some photos (at least with some agencies) require credit/source/agency  (that type of thing).

    2. Hyphenbird profile image82
      Hyphenbirdposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I credit my own so others know it is privately owned. That SHOULD let them know it is not for their use unless I give them permission. Some people just don't care though.

    3. capricornrising profile image60
      capricornrisingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I absolutely credit my own images, and I just went through and added "all rights reserved," since HubPages does not allow us to protect our images with watermarks or signatures.

      1. mary615 profile image94
        mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I credit my own too, but anyone looking at mine would know my photos come from my cheapie digital camera, no doubt!

    4. wheelinallover profile image77
      wheelinalloverposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Being the owner of a corporation it is easy for me. I cite the corporation as my source. This does two things. There is no question who the photo's belong to and it helps get the corporation ranked on search engines. I took it as far as creating a website with pictures which anyone can use. Actually it was started because it was taking longer to find a picture than it took to write a hub. I knew I was not alone in this so the site helps others who want pictures for their hubs. One of the hubbers here who is a professional photographer added some of his pictures to the site so there are quality pictures to choose from.

  4. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    This is the most helpful article I found here on HP on this subject. I should also add I now obtain most of my photos from Morguefile free photos as they usually have something I can use with proper attribution.

  5. rebekahELLE profile image81
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    Citing the image was put into the terms of use within the past year, I believe. I know it wasn't there when I signed up two years ago. I don't have all of my images cited, but most came from public domain or free sites. I simply haven't taken the time to go back and cite each image. I don't sit all day at this computer, my time online is limited. I try to go back and cite them as I have time..

  6. Evilangel363 profile image58
    Evilangel363posted 13 years ago

    Google Images .... yay smile lol

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      For anyone who doesn't know the difference between some images that are OK and "any old Google images", reading that link posted by mistyhorizon2003 and any other links offered here would be a good idea.

      Not that anyone will particularly read this whole thing, but here's an outside link about the whole public-domain thing (and how all public domain is not equal): … 8/8-a.html

      1. Evilangel363 profile image58
        Evilangel363posted 13 years agoin reply to this


    2. capricornrising profile image60
      capricornrisingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Evilangel - just a heads up: much of what shows up on Google images is copyrighted work that you may not just download and use. You're better off using,, (read the licensing rules for each photo before downloading), or one of the free photo sites missolive lists here: … s-and-Hubs

      1. mary615 profile image94
        mary615posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, has some good freebies.  Some are not.  As you said, we should check to see if it is free.  Some people don't mind sharing their photos, some do, I guess.  Thanks for this link.

      2. Evilangel363 profile image58
        Evilangel363posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yay ........ Thank You capricornrising! wink

  7. profile image0
    The Writers Dogposted 13 years ago

    I am new here, and so far the photos in Hubs that I have published or am working on are out of my own photo album. The pictures that I have got from elsewhere have been (I hope) properly credited, at least as far as the site they came from.

    If not, and I get any please removes, I will simply remove them.

  8. whoisbid profile image61
    whoisbidposted 13 years ago

    No-one is ever going to sue someone else for a few copied images. People copy my original photos all the time and there is no way to stop them unless I want to completely waste my time

    1. Hyphenbird profile image82
      Hyphenbirdposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would file a DMCA. I agree that anything on the internet is vulnerable to theft and people don't think twice about copying the hard work of other people. If necessary I certainly would sue anyone if possible to find out their information. I think thieves depend on the anonymity of the internet and the helplessness of the copyright owner.

      1. capricornrising profile image60
        capricornrisingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I completely agree. The more folks take the extra step, at least to contact the offender, the more we are able to encourage honesty on the web. It's good for us all.

  9. mary615 profile image94
    mary615posted 12 years ago

    I'm still so confused by this subject.  I don't want to stir up a hornet's nest, lord knows....but I read from HP (unless I dreamed it, and I don't think I did) that to be Hub of the day, photos have to be credited to the source, even if they are your own.?????

  10. capricornrising profile image60
    capricornrisingposted 12 years ago

    Yep. I guess unless it's really obvious it's your own photo. Like today's Hub of the Day features a photo of the finished project.

    But I hear you: if they don't start strictly enforcing their own rules, and people start using their awarded hubs as examples of how to write a hub, they're encouraging violations.

    1. mary615 profile image94
      mary615posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have to agree.  I study the Hub of the Day because I try to get better at Hubbing.  I guess I'll just take care of Mary615, and keep my nose where it belongs!   Shame on me!  sad

      1. capricornrising profile image60
        capricornrisingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think you should "keep your nose where it belongs." Your point is an excellent one, and I think we all need to keep making noise about it, so the Hub staffers start listening. I suppose I've always been something of a squeaky wheel!


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