Lost Hubbers

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  1. Craig Suits profile image63
    Craig Suitsposted 12 years ago

    Does anyone know what happened to Tatjana? She hasn't posted anything in quite a while. The last I heard she was getting involved trying to clean up her corrupt government. I'm a little worried about her, that can be a dangerous endevor. If you have heard anything new in the last 6 months I would appreciate an update. Tatjana's one of Hubpages most loved members,,,

    1. lobobrandon profile image90
      lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm new here - a link to her profile would help. Atleast the exact name

      1. lobobrandon profile image90
        lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Are you talking about this person?
        From Zadar, CROATIA
        142 Hubs
        Joined 3 years ago

        1. lobobrandon profile image90
          lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          if that's her - go to her profile and go to the blog dreams materilization - you'll see on it a few links that she +1'd on google. The latest one there is

          TIBET- The Land of Snows and Sorrow

          That's just 15 days ago..

          1. Craig Suits profile image63
            Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I never was very good with math but I believe it's 2011

        2. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes. That's her. Any news?

      2. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's her below...

        1. lobobrandon profile image90
          lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Oh I didn't notice the year - sorry about that..

    2. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ok...It's been about one month now and still no news about Tatjana. It's time to get off the pot as it were.

      I'm told the last she posted anything on Facebook was July so that kind of seals my case. There's no way in hell she would just shut down especially without saying goodby to her thousands of friends. It looks to me she's in serious trouble.

      At the bottom of this post you'll find a hub address explaning her story (with pictures) from her last Hub. I just posted it a few days ago and so far only 40 people have read it and only one person commented let along offered any assistance or advice. That's pathetic you guys.

      I'm going to find her one way or the other but it would be a damn site easier if you Hubbers got on the band wagon. I'll be activly persuing her whereabouts and I will keep any information I come up with posted on that Hubpage until she's found and freed if she has been arrested.

      I'll be in contact with the Croation Government shortly but it would be nice to know you Hubbers are willing to help with the enourmous power of the pen.
      Don't just go there, read it and leave. I know thousands of you know and love Tatjana and her work and I also know that she's helped many of you with her medical knowledge and holistic teachings. It's payback time. She's one of us that could be in a lot of trouble and collectivly, we hubbers may be able to help. Please, let's at least find out if she's ok and then take it from there...Go there now and leave a comment so I know to contact you in the event we need a petition or something we can do collectivly. Any idea's you may have will help enormously. Thank you...

      <link snipped>

      1. VioletSun profile image81
        VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am friends with Tatjana in Facebook and her account is still up but does not post much. She has never been active in Facebook anyway. I pray she is safe, can't stand the idea of something happening to another dear Hubber friend. As many of us  just lost a hubber, Cris who passed away on Jan 17. Will drop her a note.

        1. AEvans profile image74
          AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I have written several times and there isn't any response. sad

          1. VioletSun profile image81
            VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            And it's no like her to be quiet like this. Many hubbers leave, but with Tatjana she made a good income online offering her health services and she depended on this income so disappearing from all her sites is unusual.

    3. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know who she is and I haven't seen her on for sometime either. sad Maybe all of us should send out e-mails to her to see if she is okay?

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hiya Evans...
        All of our info will be organized here:


        You can keep track on our daily progress and/or contribute ideas there.
        Everyone Emailing her is a great way to.get anyone's attention but she's not answering anyones attempts on several different venues. That's not at all like her and that's mainly why we think she may be in trouble. When we find her, and if she has been arrested, mass emails and petitions will defenatly be a part of trying to free her.
        Tnx mam and keep up the interest. We've got a ways to go but we'll find her, one way or the other....

        1. BakingBread-101 profile image61
          BakingBread-101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Do you have any access to her address?  Is there a way to send the local police to check her home?  Where I work, if you are a reliable employee and don't show up and don't call, they will call to see if you are okay.  If there is no response, they will send the police.  Sadly, work did this twice with tragic results, but better to find out sooner than later.  She might be ill rather than arrested or dead.  Perhaps HubPages could contact her if they won't give personal information to you?

          1. VioletSun profile image81
            VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            You are right that she could be ill.  Craig contacted Hubpages management and they will see what they can do, though they didn't make any promises but will think of something.

            My s/o's brother who never missed a day of work with his engineering company in Texas, almost had his door knocked down by the police as his employers where deeply concerned he didn't show up or answered the phone. Turns out he had a day off and his boss forgot to write it down. smile By the way, Tatjana is self-employed,  makes a good income and depends on her income from her online health websites, reason why there is concern she does not even reply from there.

            1. Craig Suits profile image63
              Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for answering hun...
              I'm booked for the next three days...
              Got lots of new news, phone numbers and leads that I will post tonight assumming my fingers live through it. LOL OUCH!!!

              1. VioletSun profile image81
                VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Whoo hooo, this sounds promising! Soak those typing fingers in hot water. By the time you are finished with Tatjana you may be a 100 WPM typist. LOL.

                1. Craig Suits profile image63
                  Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I wouldn't put any money on that Kiddo. I can pick guitar that fast and play the hell out of a set of drums but typing..... Grrrrrrrrrr.

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    I've not ever heard of this individual. I certainly hope everything is okay with her, because as you said such endeavor can be dangerous.

    1. lobobrandon profile image90
      lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I just got her FB profile and sent a message to check it out.

  3. whoisbid profile image61
    whoisbidposted 12 years ago

    One of my friends just pulled all their Hubs off Hubpages and I don't know why.

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    2. WryLilt profile image86
      WryLiltposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Did they pull them, or were they unpublished for rule breaking?

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Wrylilt...I'm not sure who your question is directed to here, but as far as our work is concerned, everything is running smoothly.

        1. WryLilt profile image86
          WryLiltposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          WhoIsBid commented that a friend had all his hubs pulled, I was replying to that. smile

  4. Dame Scribe profile image55
    Dame Scribeposted 12 years ago

    I think a lot of gov'ts are cracking down on any form of 'activism' tongue Canada is labelling 'protests' for Indigenous peoples as 'terrorism' hmm and the only thing wanted is - being allowed to speak.

  5. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 12 years ago


  6. Randy Godwin profile image58
    Randy Godwinposted 12 years ago


    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      Any of you Hubbers out there with former FBI, CIA, Interpol, Red Cross, KGB, Croatian, or any kind of international experience dealing with other countries, please respond here and guide, or help us to find Tatjana. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you...

      1. profile image0
        jenuboukaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        What are you trying to look for exactly Craig?  If there is some kind of background of her, she can be located.  Let me know if you want some help.  I am checking her hubpage profile etc..

  7. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 12 years ago

    I think of her frequently and wonder how she is. Anyone that follows her knows it is unusual for her not to pop in and say everything's fine. I know that she has been quite involved with protests of her government. She's a strong human being, and hopefully wherever she is, she's ok.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's the way I see it rebekah. It's just not like her to dissapear that long and leave all her internet works and emails abandoned. I don't even want to think of her in some filthy prison somewhere. Then again, if she is, she's probably got everyone patched up and teaching them all how to flirt with girls on the internet or how to cure breat cancer in 4 hours flat. LOL

      If we don't get results, advice, or any kind of lead here very soon I'll be contacting as many world leaders and organizations as I can think of. The big problem will be the Croation government. I don't suspect they're going to be too cooperative under the circumstances...
      Thanks for caring...
      We'll find her I'm sure. In the meantime, pass the word as much as you can. Someone may pop up with some information or even a solution.

      1. WriteAngled profile image72
        WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I'm not so sure about that. Croatia has just signed the accession treaty for entering the EU, and would not want to jeopardise that going through.

        There is nothing relevant on the UK site of Amnesty. The last notice is from April 2011 and relates to war crimes issues. I would have expected to find some indication there if anti-government protesters were getting into serious situations.

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thats good news WriteAngled. I'll be talking to Amnesty Internation tororrow if thats possible to se what they can do.

      2. Reality Bytes profile image74
        Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I will do anything I can to assist.  Just let me know what actions I can take to help?

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          For now Reality, just spread the word around Hubpages hoping to find people with experience in matters like this. Stay tuned here as we.already have  a lot going that should show results good or bad each day. We're going to take this right to the top until we find her.

  8. 2uesday profile image67
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    If it turns out to be a human rights issue Amnesty International might be able to help. http://www.amnesty.org.uk/content.asp?CategoryID=10213

    I hope all is OK, even though I did not know of her or her work.

    1. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Very good suggestion!

    2. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great suggestion 2uesday. We'll be contacting them in the morning...

  9. WriteAngled profile image72
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    I could translate material out of Croatian if required: I lived in Zagreb for five years, and Croatian is one of the languages out of which I currently translate for a living.

    At a pinch, I could translate into Croatian, but probably not very elegantly.

    1. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is good to know, thank you. I was just thinking today that if a Facebook friend of hers who lives in Croatia does not reply to my inquiry regarding Tatjana, I will contact her other FB friends in Croatia, but not all seem to speak English, so can use help in sending a short email in their language.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sounds like a plan Marie. Go for it....

    2. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      WriteAbgled,,,,Now fot the first time in 70 years, I believe in Santa Clause. I'm sure before this is over, your linguistic abilities will be put to,use.
      Here's something you can check out if your familure with them. www.Croatia.org....
      I wrote the editor and chief a note 5 days ago and haven't heard from him as yet. If these guys are on the side of the current government, it could be they just don't want to cooperate. Have you heard of them before and do you know if they are on the side of the government or not?
      You might also know who to contact in the government (friend or foe) to see if Tatjana has or has not been jailed. Att that would help a lot.

      1. WriteAngled profile image72
        WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Craig, I'm afraid I have no current knowledge of Croatian politics or personalities. I lived there during the previous regime, in the period 1979-1984. I have not maintained any links whatsoever, as the people I knew were mainly associated with an ex of mine.

        The web site you cited includes at least one article that is critical of the current government, and in fact concerns the EU accession. If you want to check it, it is presented bilingually, and the English translation accurately reflects the Croatian text:
        http://www.croatia.org/crown/articles/1 … ERALS.html

        Do you know from which side our missing hubber was critical of the government? The article is written from a nationalist side, but I believe there are also critics who would like to return to a more Titoist perspective. Obviously there would be little love lost between the two.

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Go to Tatjana's last post below. She explains all about the corruption in the current government in great detail. I suppose I should have expected it but I was not aware of more than one political movement in Croatia. You'll know a lot more that I do after you read it.

          http://tatjana-mihaela.hubpages.com/hub … ts-Croatia

    3. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi WriteAngled,

      I used an online translator for the email below: Could you let me know if makes sense? Don't want to inadvertently insult someone. LOL. The priest I contacted inquiring about her responded with a Facebook friend request but didn't reply to my email. I suspect he may not speak English as I thought. If he doesn't respond this time, then there is not an interest in replying and will not contact him again but will try other friends.

      Here is the email:

      "Hello, Please excuse the intrusion, but I am a friend of Tatjana in the United States  and was wondering if you have heard from her.  Would appreciate if you would let me know how our friend is as I am concerned that she has not been in touch in months with anyone.  If she needs help, please let me know as to how we can help.

      I have used an online Croatian translator, so please excuse any language mistakes.  Any responses in your language I can translate into English  with help. smile Thank you."

      And got this:

      "Pozdrav, Molim izgovor upada, ali ja sam prijatelj Tatjana u SAD-u i bio zadivljen, ako ste čuli od nje. Bih zahvalan ako bi me obavijestili kako je naš prijatelj je mene tiče da nije u kontaktu u mjesecima s drugima. Ako je potrebna pomoć, javite mi znati kako možemo pomoći.

      Koristio sam online hrvatskih prevoditelja, pa vas molimo izgovor bilo kojeg jezika pogreške. Bilo odgovore na vašem jeziku mogu prevesti na engleski, uz pomoć. smile Hvala."

  10. IzzyM profile image87
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    098 1358 374 This phone number appeared on a Croatian site linked to her, but I do not know how old the site was.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great research Izzy, I'll call that number first thing in the morning. It may pan out who knows. We have to follow every possible lead we get. Thanks

  11. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 12 years ago

    How about sixtyorso or Michael Willis? Eddie Perkins?

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hiya Aevans!
      Hmmmm... Althought I have no formal education, I still kind of take pride in my general IQ or intellect as it were, but I must reluctantly admit, I have no idea what your talking about above. Then again, at 70 years old, my life has been loaded with pretty girls I had no idea what they were talking about either. LOL
      Please elaborate. I visited your Hubpage and was very impressed. If you can help with our Tatjana plight, all of us would surely appreciate it, Especially Tatjana...

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        There is a copy of the email sent to Amnesty International on our co-ordination page if your interested in reading it.
        If we don't hear from them within one day, I will call them and begin letters to our president, The Red Cross and whom ever else (WE) can think of.

        I'm a little hesident about contacting the Croatian government right at this time until we hear from some knowing authority that would assure us that we would not get her into more trouble than she's possibly already in.
        Any ideas guys....Cry havoc and let fly the dogs of war....

  12. 2uesday profile image67
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    Craig can I suggest that you make and keep a copy of her hubs in case you need them for reference in the future and a s a back up for her. Just thinking if they got unpublished then the information in them would be lost/unacessible and I think it is important someone keeps back ups of them for her.

    Pleased you thought the other idea was of use, she is a beautiful and brave young woman and I hope you can sort this out for her.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A-hem...Lets hope (WE) can sort this out for her. "It takes a village to raise a child" and it's probably going to take the CIA, The Red Cross, The KGB, Nasa, Interpol, and the Dinsey Imagineers to find Tatjana let alone release her if she is in prison. LOL

      WE kiddo....WE!  I'm just one guy but I won't quit and I got a feeling you guys won't either...
      There's some current news on our "Where are you" page....
      Seeya..and tnx...

      Oh.....Damn! arent there any ugly girls out there? Scheesch! Made me forgot what I was writing about....
      Your idea about backing up her works is a brilliant, except I'll need a couple of terrabytes to copy everything. I don't even know if I can. I will certainly look into it first thing. There are programs that will download entire sites that have been around for quite a while. Great idea!!!

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Go to our "Tatjana, Where Are You" hub for more updates...We're getting closer folks...

  13. VioletSun profile image81
    VioletSunposted 12 years ago

    I sent an email message again in Croatian last night with the help of the online translator (I checked his FB page again, and yes, he does speak English as he made a new post in English), and he did not reply. Even if my second message in his language may sound strange, he received the first one in English so he clearly knows I just want to know if she is okay and what can we do to help, if she is not.  Will leave him alone as he does not seem to want to give information.

    1. WriteAngled profile image72
      WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, I've been away all day at a meeting. Only just saw your previous message. The translation is definitely odd!

      Is the person you contacted otherwise a friend of Tatjana's? If not, it could be that his politics tend in quite a different direction from hers. Politics used to be a desperately complicated matter over there, and I'm guessing nothing much has changed in that sense!

      Do you still want me to try and tweak the message?

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Back to work finally. Had to clear 6 inches of butt freezing snow with an 11 degree wind chill.

        Hey Marie...You still got a great idea for getting doors opened we otherwise couldn't. There's got to be a ton of priests and other clergy that would be glad to help. Let me know if you want to look them up and persue it further or if you wish, I'll get you some contacts and/or write them myself. Which ever way we do it, it's a great idea. My hands are still frozen, now I'm down to ten words per minute. LOL Let me know...

        WriteAngled...You've already become a key player in our quest to find Tatjana so keep in touch ya hea? (as they say in sunny Florida).
        I want to know one thing: How did you manage to get a PHD at 21 or 22 years old (you can't be much older than that)  :>)

        1. WriteAngled profile image72
          WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Read my comment on the hub!!!

        2. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          By the way White Angled...
          I don't recall if you knew Tatjana or not but if you didn't, and we do find her, You two guys working together could cure every desiese on the planet in a month. She's a holistic healer with ten year of training and fifteen years of practical experience. Her convertional medical knowledge is astounding and her holistic knowledge fills in where medical knowledge leaves off or the other way around.  I would love to see you two guys together just to see what you would come up with.

          1. Craig Suits profile image63
            Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I can't find the comment your talking about unless it's the one above where your talking to VioletSun. If it is, I'm sure she'll contact you shortly...

            1. WriteAngled profile image72
              WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              No, I commented on the hub you set up.

              I said that I have asked my daughter to pass on a message to my ex. He is originally from Croatia and has family and friends there. I asked for some background on the situation there and, if possible, ideas for whom to contact.

              I also gave a loud SNORT to your comment re my age. I will turn 58 in three weeks time!

              1. Craig Suits profile image63
                Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Well I'll tell ya. I've been around the block a couple times and I'm not much of a gambling  man but I'd bet a couple of big ones you were somewhere betwee 16 and 30 (just to be on the safe side). Wow! It must be the home cooking in Whales or something... LOL

      2. VioletSun profile image81
        VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, please do translate. I already sent it to the guy that looks like a priest at least that is my perception. No wonder he didn't reply. LOL! If I have a tweaked message, I can use it to email her friends who may not speak English. Thank you so much!

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Marie: Did you want me to dig up up some more Croatian clergy contacts.
          If we put together a form letter, and send it out to a dozen or so, someone would surely jump on the band wagon don't you think. More bang for the buck you know.

          I believe Tatjana or anyone else for that matter would urge us to use any means possible and as soon as possible. Being in prison, if indeed that's where she is has to be a living hell for someone like Tatjana. Let me know what you want me to Doo...

        2. WriteAngled profile image72
          WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          OK, I'm not guaranteeing this is perfect, because I last used Croatian actively in 1984! There are hubbers here from Croatia and Serbia. If they see this and can correct it that would be great. Incidentally, the letter is written as coming from a woman. Some changes would be needed if a man wanted to send it.

          Oprostite što Vas smetam, ali sam američka prijateljica Tatjane-Mihaele Pribič. Htjela bi saznati da li ste čuli nešto od nje. Bum zahvalna ako možete meni reči kako je s njom. Zabrinuta sam, jer niko nije čuo ništa od nje preko mnogo mjeseca. Ako je Tatjani potrebna pomoć, molim Vam da rečite šta možemo uraditi.

          1. VioletSun profile image81
            VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you! Even if it may not be perfect, I am sure it's a huge improvement from the online translation version. LOL. I tested the translator by translating my email into Spanish as I am fluent in Spanish and it did look a little weird.

            1. WriteAngled profile image72
              WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I fight a losing battle with people who think Google Translate does a good job.

              One more than one occasion I have seen it give the exact opposite of what is being said, i.e. the original says something does not happen, and Google translates that it does happen!

              In the hands of a translator, it can on occasion be used to save on a bit of work and typing, however, every word needs to be checked by someone who knows both languages.

              If you really, really need to use it because there is no other recourse, it is best to divide up each sentence into constituent clauses and feed it one clause at a time.

              1. VioletSun profile image81
                VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Good tips on the use of the online translator. I hardly ever use it, except last year when one of our customers from France wanted our Master Cleanse instructions translated into French(we own an online health business based on the late Naturopath Stanley Burrough's detox cleanse) I told him in broken French we did not speak the language but the guy insisted and knew I was going to use the translator. We corresponded back and forth in French. He seemed happy and I admit I had fun giving him out of the ordinary customer service. LOL

  14. IntroduceCroatia profile image58
    IntroduceCroatiaposted 12 years ago

    I'm from Croatia and logically I speak croatian the best wink. If you need my assistance I'd love to help.

    1. WriteAngled profile image72
      WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      See my attempt just below your message and correct it please! I translate a lot _out_ of Croatian for my living, but have not used it actively for decades after leaving Zagreb at the start of 1984.

      Also, it would be useful for us to know whether there is a possibiity someone could be being held as a political prisoner in the current situation. If so, is there any useful route of enquiry within Croatia that could be followed?

    2. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you! Craig is going to be very happy there is another volunteer. smile

    3. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We would love you help IntroduceCroatia. This is a very difficult problem for many of us but we will never quit until we find her and get her freed if that's what has happened to her...


      Go to that huh page and get familure with her plight and what we are doing so far. Also, there is Tatjana's hub address there as well where you can read her last post about the corruption in her government and how the average person is struggling to survive..

      Get back to one of us after you've become familure and thanks for you offer and concern....

  15. IntroduceCroatia profile image58
    IntroduceCroatiaposted 12 years ago

    I read it and it's mainly truth (her hub about Corruption) but the state isn't in the chaos the way she described it. There are a few hundred people who protest (I'm among them)and we don't have problem with law. Police maybe beats someone who's ''aggressive'' protester but among 500 people ''police'' beat 5 (minimum wounds). As of jail I can assure you that she isn't there because the word in Croatia about her disappearance would be in the all news and magazines. The protest are normal and fair. Yes, we live in corruption but as any other country in the world. There's no perfect country. We're not at war with anyone ( 20 years now since the depart of Yugoslavia). Tomorrow we have a Referendum about entering the EU. I will vote no  but that's the other story.
    Hope I've helped.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You may have a great we don't know for sure as yet.

      First, Tatjana would never just abandon her thousands of friends and network interests without at least answering someones email. No one has heard from her in many many months. She IS missing that's for sure.
      Secondly, at the moment, we are only concerned with finding her and perhaps helping her no matter what predicament she may be in.

      That is our only concern and not butting into someone elses government. We all have our own political situations to deal with from just about all the countries we represent her at Hubpages.

      As far as her not being is jail is concerned, I sure hope so but is it a coincidence she dissapeared jast as she got involved protesting a Mafia style, corrupt government. Afterakk, she wasn't simple walking down the street with 500 other people, she was the one upfront with the megaphone.

      Lacking any other credible information at this point I still must believe more than anything else she's been singled out and picked off the street as a potential dissident leader. Not a unique tactic for Mafia type polititians.

      I truly hope I'm wrong and suggest you help us find her as fast as you can. You do have a lot of the right kind of experience it would seem.
      Thanks for your concern and honest opinion...

  16. 2uesday profile image67
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    There is a church in one of her hubs that she says her boyfriend helped to restore would it be possible to contact the church and get them to pass on a message?

    The other thought I had about this is if some one could try to contact the Reiki healers she must know in Croatia. I think you have a person who is like your trainer, who I think you keep in touch with.

    Not sure if this is it - http://www.reiki.org/KarunaReiki/Countr … osnia.html

    looks like they register their students so they may know if she is still working.

    Also found this - not sure if anyone there will be able to help but maybe they have heard something if someone can contact them.

    If this is all useless to what needs to be done then please ignore it, you feel you almost know her after seeing that smile.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, great work 2uesday.
      I will persue all of your suggestions first thing in the morning...(as soon as my eyesight returns) Just kidding, I hate sitting on one of these damn puters all day and night. I have two monitors side by side which is very very handy but twice the eye strain.
      Yeah, I know what you mean. One contact and she's your lifelong friend.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        I spent a half hour going through the Reiki site you provided and got sooooo close, but no cigar. They have member lists that are posted but their forgian country tab doesn't work.
        However, I'll look up Reiki in Croatia and take it from there.
        Great idea!

        Do you remember which one of Tatjana's hubs spoke of the Church? That sound like a good lead too.

        I don't think I ever said this to a women in my whole life but....Keep Thinking!!! LOL

  17. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years ago

    This is the first I have read of this. I am now very worried about Tatjana, she is a lovely lady. I do so hope she is okay!

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hiya Cindy and welcome aboard...

      First, I check out all our helpers  hub sites just so I know what talents they have that may help our cause of Finding Tatjana and I'll be dipped if you don't sound like it was me.
      I Love to fish, I always have a garden going even indoors, I played guitar and sang in a fifties Rock and Roll band for 15 years, and me and a co-author are currently writing a scifi book/screenplay we hope will make it to the big screen. I even went to a Star Trek convention at the Americana Hotel in NYC. Walked around like an idiot with antennas on my head all night but I got to meet Captn Kirk, Sulu and Spock. Small world isn't it?

      Anyway, we set up a hub page to coordinate our efforts finding Tatjana. We can use all the help we can get if your interested.
      Here is the address:


      Hope to see you there. we won't rest until we find her....

      1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
        mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Don't worry, I will be checking it out Craig, and I so hope we can find Tatjana, she has always been so lovely when I interacted with her, either on hubs or on forums.

        Nice to know you and I have so much in common, be it Star Trek, rock 'n' roll, gardening or fishing!! I don't know if I will be able to offer much that will help in the search for Tatjana, but do let me know if I can help, and meanwhile I will follow the hub.

        Let us pray she is found safe and well.

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You already have, just by being here...
          There's a lot of good, caring people in this world...

  18. WriteAngled profile image72
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    Trouble is, I think there are a number of different streams of reiki.

    I've found:
    Croatian Reiki Society
    Centar za poboljšanje kvalitete života [Centre for improving the quality of life]
    Veslaeka 27, Zagreb, Croatia
    Tel. (385)-1-619-00-99 or 619-22-99
    E-mail: verica.aleksander@zg.tel.hr
    Vera Alexander, Reiki Master

  19. 2uesday profile image67
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    I found it here, it has a great photo of her at the top and then above the picture of the church is says about the restoration work by her B/F.


    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great work you guys. This looks very promising.....Do either of you want me to follow up or are you doing it? Lets me know ASAP...

      1. 2uesday profile image67
        2uesdayposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I did not say, can you do it I am better at digging to find things than contacting people.

      2. VioletSun profile image81
        VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am following up on this good lead... I contacted someone in Croatia that I found online and asked for the contact information on the two churches as he is in a photographic competition of the churches in Karin and surrounding areas. I was unable to locate the church's address online reason for my email. The town is very small only has 1500 residents, so they should be able to remember Tatjana and her boyfriend who did the renovations.

        1. WriteAngled profile image72
          WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          There is an address and telephone number for the church/monastery in Karin
          at http://www.franjevci-split.hr/index.php … p;Itemid=6

          On the same page, there is also an email address at the top for the provincial office of the Franciscans in Split.

          This dates from 2009, but I guess they would have updated it if there had been changes...

          Let me know if you will follow this up or if I should, similarly with the reiki organisation in Zagreb. We should try to avoid loads of messages from different people, as this will be annoying to the recipients.

          I'm doing an overnighter to finish a job by tomorrow's deadline (it's 1.40 am here), so might not check in again until sometime tomorrow evening.

          1. VioletSun profile image81
            VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Please follow up on both as it would be easier for you since you speak the language. This is great!

            1. Craig Suits profile image63
              Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              See the new updates WriteAngled. I'll be calling them tomorrow. If they don't speak English, we have one other person that if fluent Croatian. Perhaps we'll do a conference call.
              By the way, your almost talking to a colleague here. I happen to be the proud possesor of a high school GED. smile

  20. Dorsi profile image84
    Dorsiposted 12 years ago

    I'm just reading this about Tatiana - I had thought it odd she stopped posting. She came by my hubs often. Seeing this really has me concerned. Let me know what I can do to help.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Will do Dorsi...
      I responed to your message on her "Where are You" hub

  21. VioletSun profile image81
    VioletSunposted 12 years ago

    I wrote a Hub about Tatjana so it reaches my followers:

    http://violetsun.hubpages.com/hub/When- … na-Mihaela

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Gees...We're going to have to hire a temp agency here soon. LOL

  22. WriteAngled profile image72
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    Craig, I have sent you a message via your HP profile, with some potentially useful information.

    1. Craig Suits profile image63
      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Got it all Write Angled...I'll be calling overthere shortly...

  23. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 12 years ago

    Went to her FB and submitted e-mails with members who had the same last name she had that were on her FB. I used my google translator to write in Croatian. I have been tweeting her too. Something isn't right, in fact it is odd.

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 12 years ago

      Marko Clyde Pribić

      I'm sorry, but I am not Tatjana's husband.
      We know each other only by Facebook.



      Thank you.

      Here is one response but not what I wanted to hear.

    2. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Got a response from one of her male friends from Croatia. At least one person responded. Cool.

      Hello Marie !!
      Do you actually speak Croatian or do you use FB-translator?
      Please, let me know if you prefer messages in Croatian.
      Tatiana-Mihaela is a very dear FB-friend of mine, although we never met in person. I consider her a very intelligent and patriotic person and I cherish our friendship.
      We've had the "European Union YES-or-NO" referendum yesterday here in Croatia. I noticed Tatiana being very involved into NO-to-EU campaign as well as the referendum-monitoring initiative. But I had no direct communication with her.
      I'll try to get in touch with her today and I'll tell her to get back to you ASAP.
      Greetings from Croatia!

    3. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Got another response and from the priest friend! Oh,dear...  The online translator did not translate his text into English. We need help from our resident PHD. smile

      He also sent this link in a second email:

      Ja isto koristim on line prevod ali sada ne radi . Pa cu odgovoriti cim budem mogao .

      tenk you wery mac frends
      ( to je moj maksimum znanja engleskog )
      Internet poznajem iako ne znam engleski bez obzira na text .

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Lookin good Marie, I just email 3 very close contacts in Croatia WriteAngled dug up. I tried calling the numbers she provided as well but had no luck getting through. I waiting for her to respond with dialing suggestions perhaps. This would have been a piece of cake if Tatjana lived in Pittsberg. Gees....Going to email or call T's Reiki group 2uesday came up with yesterday. I'll post the address when I find it. You gotta see this. It's like Tatjana owned the place. I'm still hoping for some major info today
        Seeya later alligator...I can't help it I'm a fifties dude. LOL

      2. WriteAngled profile image72
        WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well, it sounds good. I started thinking last night that she might have got very involved in the referendum activities and thus dropped everything else.

        Anyway, for info, the above message says:
        I also use an online translator, but it's not working at the moment. I will reply as soon as I can. Thank you very much, friends (my maximum knowledge of English). I'm familiar with the Net although I don't know English, regardless of the text.

        1. VioletSun profile image81
          VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks! I am curious to read what he comes up with regarding Tatjana and would like to respond to him.

          How do I say in Croatian:

          Thank you for your reply! Any information you have regarding Tatjana is appreciated as we are concerned about her. Language will not be a barrier when it comes to knowing about the well being of a mutual friend, so we will find the way to communicate.

          1. WriteAngled profile image72
            WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry, I'm in the UK so there will be a lag to my responses, especially since I'm also struggling to finish a big work project.

            I repeat, if anyone with better Croatian than mine can correct grammar/style, I'll be grateful. I am extremely rusty in using it actively now for the first time in about 30 years!

            My translation of your desired message:

            Hvala Vam na odgovor!  Biti ćemo zahvalni za sve informacije u vezi sa Tatjanom, jer smo zabrinuti. Jezik neće biti nikakva prepreka kada je u pitanju dobrobit naše uzajamne prijateljici. Naći ćemo put za komunikaciju.

            1. Craig Suits profile image63
              Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              There is one other person who speaks fluent Croation somewhere in this list of volunteers. I'll see if I can find them just in case...

              1. WriteAngled profile image72
                WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                It's not totally incorrect or incomprehensible, BTW and is OK to be sent! It's just that I wonder whether it sounds clumsy to a native ear.

            2. VioletSun profile image81
              VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you!

    4. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Got another email just a few minutes ago, looks like Tatjana is fine! smile I am waiting for her to get in touch.

      HEY MARIE !!
      As promised, I sent Tatiana a private message with a note to get in touch with you, I believe she received it. I'll remind her once again right away.
      Tatiana and I, like many other Croats, are disappointed with the referendum outcome, as we believe Croatia would be better off independent from the EU, and we are convinced that both the EU and Croatian politicians manipulated the whole nation into joining the EU.

      That's why I guess Tatiana is preoccupied with commenting this current issue (we exchanged a couple of comments earlier today), and perhaps even planning a follow-up.

      BTW, I lived in Oklahoma for a year as a foreign exchange student, but never visited Oregon.
      Say HELLO to the US for me, will you?
      Best wishes & regards, Goran.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        On Tatjana's "where are you" page, VioletSun reported that this guy Gorgon, a co-worker of tatjana's, has emailed her to contact Marie ASAP.
        Marie will be watching carefully for an answer so in the meantime, you might want to put a hold on whatever research your doing as this looks to me like we may have found her alive and well but still, I for one want to see it first. Keep your fingers crossed, it shouldn't be long...

        1. VioletSun profile image81
          VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I am waiting for an email from her and we have to keep in mind the time zone and the fact that she is super involved with her activities, so we may not hear as fast as we would like.  I do anticipate hearing from her soon. I gained two new online friends from Croaita, how cool is that? smile

        2. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          Well it's 1am in Croatia now and it doesn't look like we're going to hear anything today. Something still smells fishy to me. Why didn't she get back to you hours ago. Nobody is that busy. Besides her work with the EU thing is over I would think and she dropped out way before the EU thing that would have demanded 24/7 dedication assumming at one time it did.
          If you don't mind, get back with this Gorgon guy and get his phone numberl.along with Tatjana's phone number and new email as well
          If she has one.
          If you dont hear from her by say 4pm their time, I'll call them both.
          WriteAngled instructed me on the calling proceedure over there but just in case, see if you can get the exact proceedure from Gorgon as well...
          Thanks lady, If this turns out to be a dead end, I'd hate to see our momentum cut short.
          Damnit! No wonder I was making so many mistakes writing this, my fingers were still crossed...

          1. VioletSun profile image81
            VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Craig, as mentioned in your hub, I am going to wait this week and see if she contacts me, if she does not respond by Thursday then I will contact her friend again and ask for her email. I don't like to be pushy, and he is one of the few who bothered to respond and don't want to push him away. He doesn't look suspicious to me in Facebook, he is just a young hippiesh looking guy with long hair. LOL.  I don't think he has her phone number though as they are online friends even if they live in the same country. I will be on top of this though. wink

            1. BakingBread-101 profile image61
              BakingBread-101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I don't have a FB account, but I'm sure it is possible to post almost any pic you want to represent yourself.  Look at my icon -- it's loaves of bread I've baked.  I realize I am suspicious by nature, but then this is a serious situation.  It just doesn't make sense to me that Tatiana would hear people are worried about her and she doesn't at least drop a one-liner that she is okay.

              1. VioletSun profile image81
                VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Okay, I will contact the Goran guy tomorrow by 4 PM as Craig suggested. In the meantime, I am waiting for a reply from the man that seems to be a priest.

                1. Craig Suits profile image63
                  Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Good decision Marie. If she is in trouble we shouldn't wait around because of politica politeness. Well at least I wouldn't. I'd get the damn president out of bed at 3 in the morning if I had a mind too. LOL

    5. BakingBread-101 profile image61
      BakingBread-101posted 12 years ago

      I must agree that this Gorgon response sounds VERY fishy to me.  It is a stalling technique.  Tatiana would have replied almost immediately UNLESS she is in hiding or has been removed (for lack of a better word) from the situation there. 

      This is a very long shot, but I will see if I can find someone at my casino who is Croatian (there are many Serbian) who might be able to tell me if there is an Underground newspaper and how to contact it.

      Give me some time on this.  But I do not have a good feeling about this Gorgon's reply.  It is too strangely almost flippant.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Right on BakeingBread, I'm a little suspicious myself.
        You did however come up with a very very credible possible solution here.
        If Tatjana was in hideing from government thugs, that would account for her not wanting too but not being able to communicate with anyone at all. She's no dummy and she would know any communication at all might reviel her whereabouts.
        A classic piece of thinking I must say. We'll see soon...

        I'm a single parent of four rug rats myself. Love your story about your little girl and what you have going for you now. You sound like a great mom..

        I got nothing else to do right now so I just came by this little family story in my own world a few day ago you may appreciate.

        All my kids are in their late thirties now and when my first born, Bobby, was about seven, he really loved trains like most little boys do so when we noticed a lone train engine parked all by it self here in our home town, I took him over to it to check it out. While we were looking all around it, the engineer who was still aboard saw us goggling his engine, he asked Bobby if he would like to come aboard in the engine room and check it out. We went up into the cab and wow, it was even impressive for me. Bobby talked about it for months. Just three days ago, now in his late thirties, Bobby was awarded his very own federal engineering train license,
        Who knew, that day thirty or so years ago would lead to this. He couldn't be more proud of himself...

        Anyway, thanks for the comment BB, I hope your wrong but I wouldn't be suprised if you were right on the money. That would explain everything but open up another can of worms for us. How could we help her? Hey T, if your reading this, you always got a place to crash right her in ass freezing New jersey...

    6. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Craig, Cindy placed the link to your Hub in Tatjanas's Facebook page in order to bring attention to the search for her, so whatever comments we make about Goran or any of her Croatian FB friends will be read by Goran and her friends; best to keep them in this forum. Just a thought.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Gotcha Kiddo....uh....our hub?

    7. BakingBread-101 profile image61
      BakingBread-101posted 12 years ago

      I was correct and the person in the casino I work at is Croatian.  This person is currently on medical leave, but I will be able to get a phone number or something tomorrow.  While it was many years ago, this person did escape Croatia and possibly might know of underground means that still exist...Or might be able to get word out through contacts for us.  Again, I will work on contacting this person sometime tomorrow.

    8. 2uesday profile image67
      2uesdayposted 12 years ago

      I think we have to be a bit cautious about who we trust, the war in the former Yugoslavia set neighbor against neighbor where once they had lived side by side.

      If she has gone into hiding, (just a chance of that I suppose) we need to be cautious and not put her at risk by our efforts to help.

      This does make you see how people reach out to help others and it is good to know they will. I hope we get good news soon.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Morning there 2uesday....
        Your 100% correct. I left my address and phone number on her Facebook page so she has a way to contact us other than the net if she wishes.

    9. BakingBread-101 profile image61
      BakingBread-101posted 12 years ago

      I agree that caution must be taken, however, I trust this person at my work completely.  I've known him for 17 years. We have many mutual friends.  I just don't have his new phone number and he is on medical leave.  He will, if he can, give me good advice to share with you.

      I had a thought while I was at work. What if we contact some Croatian churches here in the United States and where ever Hubbers in this hub live and ask the Pastor to contact the head of the church that was renovated and inquire about her that way?

      I would think that would be safe.  When I talk with my coworker friend I will ask if it is a good idea.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hiya BB...

        VioletSun is already working with a priest in Croatia via email, I don't know how far along it's come to date but contacting a dozen or so clergy in Croatia may be very helpful as they could open  doors regular people would need a pound of C-4 to get through. I just haven't had time to look some up.

        I'm hoping we get good news today from Marie's and Gorgan's efforts. And some other things we got going. If not, then we just gotta get bigger and better and if anyone can do it, it's the Hubsters. To date, our "where are you" hub has had about 450 viewers and lots of them volunteered to help. Like I said, I'm thinking, maybe we should try to find Jimmy Hoffa while we're at it. LOL

        Hmmmm I just re-read you post here and I missed your suggestion about contacting Croatian clergy HERE in the US. That may be a great help with the language AND the contacts over there. Another great idea. Keep-coming Kiddo. Lets see what happens today first, then we'll bring out the BIG guns.

    10. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      I haven't received a response from Tatjana and still waiting for the priest to contact me.

      I am emailing her friend Goran today and inquire again, and tell him to also contact Craig. By the way, I personally don't find him suspicious, he has plenty of photos along with his girlfriend and friends, so I don't think it's a phony avatar. I tend to believe Tatjana may be okay. If this young man had something to hide, he could have replied he has not been in touch with her. I don't want to create a situation and drama for her even with the best of intentions, so will proceed with caution and hopefully wisdom.

      Our best confirmation, will come from the priest if he gets in touch with her or Tatjana dropping us a note!

    11. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Just emailed Goran and asked for Tatjana's email address and phone number and mentioned that I will be sending him Craig's email so she can also contact him, so this means he will be receiving a second email from me. I mentioned we have a community concerned about her and are waiting to hear from her.

      1. BakingBread-101 profile image61
        BakingBread-101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Great going!  My thoughts are perhaps jumping the gun, but obtaining as much info as possible in case we need to do something.  With Tatjana so involved with HP, to know the HP community is concerned and not drop at least one quick line, well, it just seemed strange to me.  There is no intent to create drama where it doesn't exist.  But for Craig to be this worried, there is purpose to being prepared.  If we have the info at hand, we can move faster if needs be.

    12. BakingBread-101 profile image61
      BakingBread-101posted 12 years ago

      Before I forget, I did get my Croatian's friend's new phone number and left word for him to call me.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It's not just a matter  of an email or two, she's dropped off the planet. No one so far (confirmed) has heard a word including her business interests which are fairly extensive in close to a year. It's simply impossible she's done this willingly. Just be careful who you trust and what you say. War has been a way of life in the Balkins on and off since 1942 that I know of and some of the things that went on in Croatiaeven horrified the Nazi's. Read up on the Ustasha who are still considered patriots by many.
        Then again, just a few years before 9/!! in Central Africa, 2.2 million men, women, and children were hacked to death in their sleep that no-one did or said  a damn thing about about.

        I've even tried to convince Tatjana that she belongs in a big chair at the United Nation where she and her kind could help turn this most dispicable race of butchers around into decent, non-violent beings. If anyone could, I'd vote for her in a flash and so would thousands of others I would bet. Unfortunatly, great people don't usually think of themselves as being much more the common. Tatjana is anything but...

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          New updates on our "where are you" page....

          1. Craig Suits profile image63
            Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Marie.....What's your take on the current Gogan situation. Your the leader, I'm just the side man. (Learned that about women when I was 16) LOL

            1. VioletSun profile image81
              VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I am not the leader here. LOL. smile I think he hopefully will reply today and by tomorrow due to time zones, I will have an answer. My feeling is he many not give me her phone number as he doesn't know me, and it's understandable, but he might give me her email. I took the chance in asking for both phone number and email as I have nothing to lose!

              1. Craig Suits profile image63
                Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry, I didn't see this post and respomded on the T page.
                OK, I'll wait for your input tomorrow. Damn, I wish I could figure out why she hasn't responded to anything for so long. I just don't know.
                I was writing a little in my scifi book and it dawned on me, maybe she's been abducted by aliens. Biggest mistake they ever made if that's the case. By now, Tatjana's probably got all their skinny little asses doing sit-ups  and eating tofu and mung beans. LOL Seeya.

                1. Craig Suits profile image63
                  Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I want Gorgan's phone number if you can get it. That would end all this waiting in a flash. See what you can do.

    13. BakingBread-101 profile image61
      BakingBread-101posted 12 years ago

      I've reached my friend Max. He is up-to-date with Croatian politics. He says it is reasonably peaceful with no major problems.  Anyone can leave Croatia easily to get to the USA.  If you would like him to, he will contact his friends in the area and see if they know of Tatjana or her whereabouts.  He will also find out information on a private detective over there, if you wish.  I am going to email him some links to this site.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Tnx BB...We'll find her sooner or later. I jusy very much wish it was sooner.
        Call me about that computer thing,. No problem...

    14. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Good morning,

      Goran did not reply, neither did the priest. However I have good news. A hubber who does want to get publicly involved was kind enough to email me. She checked  Goran's Facebook friends and Tatjana apparently has another Facebook account under the name of Tatjana Vucica, and posts regularly there. It's the same avatar she uses under her Tatjana Mihaela FB account. Her last post was five hours ago.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is great news Marie. I went to her page and it looks like her's all right,
        Fortunatly, if she doesn't respond herself, her friends are listed and at least one of them speaks English. I'll be contacting them within the hour. It's already 9pm in Croatia. I just wanted to clue you in first.

        1. VioletSun profile image81
          VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          As soon as you hear from Tatjana let us know. I hope she gives you a good reason for her lack of responsiveness in the midst of genuine concern.

          1. Craig Suits profile image63
            Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Marie, need your expertise. See the last note on the where are you page.

            1. VioletSun profile image81
              VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I sent the email for you with a little note from me.

              1. Craig Suits profile image63
                Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I love you!
                Christ, I found the character map and the two little dots but could not for the life of me get the dots on top of the damn C.
                How did you do that or what did you put in the name or email box. Nothing I tried worked.
                TNX Lady

                1. Craig Suits profile image63
                  Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  If that doesn't get a responce from her, then I'll email her contacts on that new FB page.
                  You know, with that new name, Maybe she did get married.

                  1. VioletSun profile image81
                    VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Craig, She may not want to respond as she is aware we are looking for her. Hopefully she does to your email.

                    1. rebekahELLE profile image84
                      rebekahELLEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      With all respect towards your efforts, does it appear that maybe she wants to be left alone? Perhaps she has a new life now and wants to move in a new direction.

                2. VioletSun profile image81
                  VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  You are welcome! I went to her page, and clicked on "Send Message" and Facebook automatically picked her name with the little dots... You don't need to type the recipient's name when emailing.

                  1. Craig Suits profile image63
                    Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    WriteAngled...... My favorite bio-medical scientist...

                    Might you be so kind as to go here:

                    http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php? … 2136932271

                    And read some of the communications Tatjana has recently posted, and  see if you can come up with anything significant to us.

                    It seems she has another last name at least on Facebook and has been merrilly communicating away for some time now.

                    We have messages out for her but it would be nice to know what the hell's going on. It looks like it's her all right but I can't read a word. A lot of people need to know why she dropped out of their lives without a word.

                    Thanks much doc and speaking for myself, I've met some really great people in the last two weeks so it shouldn't be a total loss on my end.

                    Tnx much...

                    1. Craig Suits profile image63
                      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      I tried using a translator on her new FB page and it wasn't very accurate but it did look like all political discusions over the recent EU referendum. But that's her damnit. No doubt she's alive and kicking.
                      Just one question to go. Why hasn't she contacted any of us in almost a year?

    15. WriteAngled profile image72
      WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

      My credentials are not so exclusive, you know!

      And when I get mad and let rip with choice words (specially at my computer), some would say I'm common as muck lol

      Chess I've never got on with. Far too lazy to try and memorise all the openings and closings.

      Scrabble depends.

      Texas Hold-em?????

      Anyway, sure I'll see you round the forums, now we've been introduced

      1. BakingBread-101 profile image61
        BakingBread-101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It is a poker game in which all the players get two of their own cards and have five common cards.  The best five card hand wins.  There is betting before the flop (first 3 common cards), after the flop, after the turn (4th common card is on the table), and at the river (5th common card on the table).  It can be quite high stakes (lots of money wagered) or a little game (that being $1 US before the flop and $2 US on the other bets).

        I hope this explains it.

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          So ya play hold-em Doo ya...Interesting.

          Dload this Texas Hold-em ,it's the best I've seen anywhere. I play every morning while I'm shaving. You play people from around the world. Really well done. You also get rated from 0-40, beginner to top pro. I'm a 37 so far so if you come up against the ol Dooman oneday at a table, be very careful or I'll steal all your chips before you know whats happening.  :>)

          1. Craig Suits profile image63
            Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


            The address helps too...

    16. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      Hi Craig,

      Didn't get a response but in a way I didn't expect one. Made a comment in your hub, but you seem to have the settings to moderate comments because my comment disappeared.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Good point, how does that moderate thing work. Every time I click one, and I click them all several time, it comes right back the next time I sign on. Vas is los?

        1. VioletSun profile image81
          VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Once you approve a comment (mine showed up in your hub now), the option to deny it still remains... it's a permanent Hubpages setting.

          1. Craig Suits profile image63
            Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            OK guys...Last attempt and next to last update (I think)..

            I just left this following message on Tatjana's new Facebook page and that's about all I can do at this point. I don't want to believe she's ignored all of us just because she doesn't care anymore. That's not even close to the Tatjana I knew. So here it is and lets all hope she has the ability to respond and does. I'll let you all know tomorrow if I hear anything and I would appreciate it if you would do the same.....

            Hi Tatjana.

            Well by now I’m sure you've heard of all of us looking for you for two weeks now and even seen the“Tatjana, Where Are You” Hub we set up to coordinate all our efforts. Now that we have found you and almost believe you are safe and free, we will close down your special hub and leave you alone if you wish.

            Before I go, I strongly suggest you contact one or two Hubbers from your past and explain why you have left them without any knowledge of your safety or whereabouts for such a long time.

            Take it from and old man and one of your "old” friends, you owe them that much. There has been over 1000 posts in just two weeks from people that loved you like you were some kind of saint, me included, on facebook, Twitter, the forum, Hubpages, hundreds of emails, other Hubs, and organizations around the world too numerous to count including the American Embassy in Croatia.

            I don’t want anyone to think of you in a bad way. Please, do the right thing and contact someone so we can all continue to love our incredible little Croatian friend and know that she is really safe, sound, and free…


            1. VioletSun profile image81
              VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Good post and a fair request. There is a difference between wanting to be left alone, which is anyone's right, and not saying anything while strangers and friends  dedicated time and effort on a needless search out of concern and she let it happen. It's out of character for her as she is very gracious and spiritual.

              You are relentless! Never encountered anyone as relentless as you. LOL.

              1. Craig Suits profile image63
                Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Marie,

                in my book "Up One Level", I mentioned the fact that I'm a chess player since I was seven and that chess is a series of little wars with each one having infinate possibilities that demand total consentration and the ability to think ahead many moves. it is true that if you loose most of little wars, or quit difficult thinking anywhere along the way,  your going to loose the game.
                That scenerio applies to every aspect of life as well. Simplified, "If you quit, you loose".
                "When do you give up on a loved one or a friend?
                You know the answer to that as well as I do.

                1. VioletSun profile image81
                  VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  One of these days, I may order your book, but not right now, as I am about to publish mine, which is a compilation of affirmative prayers and spiritual musings,  and starting on a brain training program to help me hear better as I have difficulty hearing. I am looking forward to this experiment. smile

                  BTW, I checked her new FB page and I don't see your post. Did she remove it? Can you check and see if you can still see it from your end? Could be because I am not friends with her in her alternate FB page. However, I do see other postings from her friends.

                  1. Craig Suits profile image63
                    Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I figured it was kind of private and possibly imbarrassing for her so I sent it as a message. I don't think other people can read them can they?

                    Considering what you say your book is all about, I don't think you would want to read mine. You should, but even if you did, it wouldn't change much. I'll send you a freebee if you want. Autographed and all.. Whoopie!

                    1. VioletSun profile image81
                      VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      Oh, I see it was a message - in this case it's then private. I thought about our focus being different and I know you wouldn't want to read mine. LOL. At this point, even with the lure of an autographed book, (thank you!) I prefer to wait as I have a lot going on and more coming up (but good things), reason why I was rather inactive from Hubpages. The only reason I am back is because of a fellow hubber's passing away and coming across your forum.

                    2. Craig Suits profile image63
                      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      It's there Marie, in her message section. While I was there I clicked on one of the pictures on her wall and was treated to at least 300 propaganda signs and pictures. Many very professional, many very amatueristic, anti police, anti USA, anti capitolism, and just about everything else on the planet. The one thing that stood out is incredible violence, shown and urged by practically every sign and photograph. Wow!

                      If your reading this Tatjana, your headed down the worst path you could possibly take. Instigating the very thing you've spent many years trying to prevent.  I don't know but it looks that way, it is your site this garbage is on. Forgive me if I'm wrong.

                      You want change in this world, so do I, you'll  never get it with guns, fire, bombs, hate, and violence. You may achieve change for a while after you've buried your dead, but I gaurantee you, you'll only enjoy your change until some other group of violent idiots comes along with bigger guns, more fire, better bombs, and a lot more hate.
                      Education, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Ghandi and Tatjana Mihaela could get us all the change we wish, provide we could finally learn to beat our weapons into plows.

    17. VioletSun profile image81
      VioletSunposted 12 years ago

      This is from Tatjana, and I told her I would share this email and she added a little heart icon at the end... It is Tatjana alright, she always calls me Mary instead of Marie. smile I admit, I have little tears.

      Dear Mary, so nice to see you here...
      Last months I was very much involved in political happenings here, so I did not have nor time neither energy for the other contacts ....(I am not getting younger) ....
      As soon as I come home (I am now in hurry) I will contact you and the others.
      Thank you so much for your love and kindness....I really did not excpect someting like that.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well I'll be dipped. hot damn!
        Stop that,  your gonna get me misty too and 50 dudes don't aint supposed to get misty.

        SEE! My chess medifore has always been right on the money. "If you quit, you loose."..........Checkmate!

        I don't know which I'm happier to hear. her being safe and sound, or you, finally hearing from her.

        Finally, now I can go to sleep dreaming about naked chicks again...LOL

        1. VioletSun profile image81
          VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          A good lesson for us all to persist till the end with whatever we do in life. smile

    18. BakingBread-101 profile image61
      BakingBread-101posted 12 years ago

      You have to "live your dash".

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Workin on it Mam, workin on it!

        1. Craig Suits profile image63
          Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          There's some new communications from Tatjana on the Where are You page....

          1. VioletSun profile image81
            VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Craig, The guy that looks like a priest to me, (at least in one Facebook photo, but I could be wrong), has shared the link tonight to your hub twice in his wall. It's getting around our Croatian friends. It made me smile because he seems nice and we sorta communicate by clicking "like" on each other's posts now and then (since we have the language barrier)  We like the posts that are inspiring photos and speak for themselves. I clicked "like" on his link  and left him a little heart so he understands what I am saying. LOL.

            BTW, regarding your wanting to create a group to assist children and the needy, why not start a discussion in the forums, maybe this one?

            It's late, 3 a.m., finished editing my manuscript for the fourth time, even after professional editing, but I am officially done. Yay. smile

            Talk to ya all later...

            1. BakingBread-101 profile image61
              BakingBread-101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Congratulations of finishing editing your manuscript!  Just getting it written is a HUGE accomplishment.  Much success to you!

              1. Craig Suits profile image63
                Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hiya jill...
                Writing a book is only 1/3rd of the process, then you have to get it published, and then you have to market it which you are ablidged to participate in like it or not if you have sold it to a major publisher. I self publish everything mostly because it's a hell of a lot faster and the royalties are 10 or 15 times higher than if a publisher owned it. I get $8.34 for every book "Up One Level" sold through Author House, that's a lot.  If you're into marketing, there's no end to what you can do yourself. I built this page for Up One Level that takes perspective buyers directly to the Authorhouse book store. Easy to do. Check it out...


                Looks like a "go" on the Hubhelp thing, so far everyone likes the idea. I'll get on it shortly. We're re-building a room in the house and between that and the scifi book me and Desi are working on, I only have snippets of time left. It will be in the works by tomorrow...

                1. VioletSun profile image81
                  VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, the marketing is the next step and at the moment I am at the moment building a website where I will blog and will market my book there. We have a health website with good traffic as the site has been in bussiness for 8 years, so will link my new site to our health site.

                2. BakingBread-101 profile image61
                  BakingBread-101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Dooah -- I get it that writing is only 1/3, but I still think it is a fabulous accomplishment.  So don't diminish my sincere congratulations just because it is only 1/3 of the job.  I still think it is fabulous!  You may be 20 years my senior, but you can still be corrected!  So there.

                  VioletSun, please keep me posted on your website.  I would love to visit it. Not only that, my website has one page on nutritional information.  Please visit it and let me know if you would like a reciprocal link to your site.

                  1. VioletSun profile image81
                    VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Sure thing, will let you know when my site is completed and link to you. smile

              2. VioletSun profile image81
                VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thank you! My eyes were getting blurry from reading and it reading it. smile

            2. Craig Suits profile image63
              Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              There's a lot to talk about Marie, can you use the phone?

              1. VioletSun profile image81
                VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                No Craig, I can't use the phone at the moment, but will in the future. See how optimistic I am! smile

                1. Craig Suits profile image63
                  Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Hi Marie...
                  Woman that can't talk on the phone! Wow! What a great idea. Think of all the things we could accomplish in this world. :>)

                  Optimism is a pipe dream. KNOWING what your subconcious mind can do in sync with your bodies incredible abilaties under the COMMAND of your concious mind is everything. If you have that knowledge and the will, I really believe that no pathogen on the planet could take you down.

                  1. VioletSun profile image81
                    VioletSunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, I am aware of the power of the subconcious mind, have read stories of amazing healing and shifts. In one book I read of a psychiatrist who healed himself of over 22 diseases, even corrected his vision to 20-20 after wearing bifocals for decades. In another a professor healed herself from blindness and paralyzes after a stroke- all with the power of the subconcious. She was profiled in Times Magazine about 20 years ago and went on to teach paranormal courses at a university.

                    1. Craig Suits profile image63
                      Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                      That's why I wanted to talk to you. I've had several "chance" experiences myself and given a little thought, there is no doubt why they happened.

                      One most profound example is in 1980, I took all four of my kids to live in Florida. My wife didn't go. I had 400 dollars for the trip, a 7vyear old station wagon, no credit, no place to go to and no friends or family down there to help. Talk about stupid but I pulled it off and they went on to grow up to be great kids.

                      Growing up and living in Ney Jersey for 40 years, I got 2 bad colds a year just like everyone else and you could set your clock by them. Every one did. Everyone gets colds in Florida too no different from New Jersey.
                      Since the day in 1980 when we got there, I haven't had one cold. Nothing, zip, nada, and I still haven't even being back in New jersey for a couple years. That's 32 years and impossible but it's true...WHY?

                      I didn't do anything to make anything like that happen....but my subconcious mind and body did without me even knowing it then.
                      Being totally alone, having to take care of four kids under ten and provide them with everything they needed for a good life was a pretty daunting tast at first. It seems, I flat out couldn't afford to get sick with anything and for any reason. I had to stay healthy to do the 24/7 job of taking care of my children and I'll be damned, it's still working today and they're in their thirties and out on they're own, several other events over the years happened that has proved to me that you can beat anything that's not a pure physical impossibility such as growing back a new hand or something.

                      Sooner or later probably all of us would get some kind of cancer or life threatening disease if we lived long enough. I don't believe there is anything that can take me out unless I'm ready. The reverse of what happened to me is possible I guess and I'm getting close to it now with all this damned typing... :>)

                      One more thing, I just set up a private chat room so we can discuss tons of things to get this new deal going. Way to slow and hard one message at a time doing it here. We will still be based here on a new hub one of you guys can set up if you wish but when we need to discuss things quickly, we can all meet there. I will email you the address and password tomorrow as well as the others. It's pretty cool. It's open all the time to registered members so I don't even have to be there. Up to ten of you at a time can go there and discuss anything and make decisions right then and there where normally it could take days or more.

                      Hey!....If I type with a larger font wil that help you to hea ....Nah! I don't think so.... :>)

    19. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

      New start. Sorry. Who has gone and am still gone? I've noted a few, but I am interested.

    20. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

      Actually, whimsically, who significantly is gone now?

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        A hubber called Tatjana had been out of contact in Hubpages, Facebook and Email. Some members here began to worry about her disappearance, as she is a political activist. She has made contact, however. smile

        1. paradigmsearch profile image61
          paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          We have truly become world-wide.

    21. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

      I remember <deleted by paradigmsearch>.

      1. Craig Suits profile image63
        Craig Suitsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hey guys....Go to the where are you page and read some new news about Tatjana


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